Spaces Between Us- Hold All O...

By LorelaiG2000

43K 2.5K 945

ZARRY AU COMPLETED Zayn: 21 years old Harry: 19 years old Starting university, Harry is faced with a lot... More

Leaving and being stuck (1)
Being free but feeling trapped(2)
Even if it's only for one night (3)
An unexpected encounter (4)
One minute you're there the next one you're gone (5)
Maybe I'm not smart (6)
I perfectly agree with you, Sir (7)
I think you should just accept that we kinda like each other (8)
So you like players Harry? (9)
The chapter starts now (11)
Until I forgive myself (12)
You are (so)beautiful to me (13)
Magical, bright, mesmerizing and full of life (14)
My only angel (15)
Any time you see the truth (16)
Press a button that will make me fall out of love with him(17)
I don't think there is anything left of me to be hurt (18)
You're too late (19)
So much that it hurts (20)
Sweet love (21)
I know that you're scared (22)
Be brave now (23)
Without any music? (24)
A place I have found in you (Epilogue)
Our love is my mixtape

Why do I feel like I know you, even though I don't (10)

1.3K 94 43
By LorelaiG2000

A/N: Totally failed my exam today and as a distraction from my bad mood, I already continued writing today...

Plus, I watched Harry's interviews and honestly they got me into a better mood! :)

Anyways, hope you guys like this chap!

Zayn's POV

"You know that this is absolutely the opposite of a normal date right?", Harry more declared rather than asking, his tone sounding like a mix in between being amused, happy and shy.

"How come?", I nervously questioned back.

Instead of answering me, Harry timidly started biting on his lower lip. That was a habit of him that I had already discovered.

"Well", he started, finally looking back at me, "Why do I feel like I know you, even though I don't?"

His voice was almost trembling, so much seriousness, curiosity and meaning, behind his question. I was honestly surprised to hear him giving this answer.

"Why do I feel like I know you, even though I don't?" That was indeed a good question. Because Harry and I obviously barely knew each other, or about the other one. Thank God for that. At least for him not knowing about me, I myself was rather keen on learning more about the curly haired lad. Not entirely sure what to reply I just stayed silent for a while. I kind of knew what he meant. I also felt like I had known him for a loner time, not just roughly a week. That thought didn't really scare me though. What bothered me more was the fact that I couldn't quite grasp what he implied by saying that we had been on a rather untypical first date. Was that a good thing or a bad thing?

"Zayn", Harry spoke again.

"Are you alright?", he then asked, resting his hand on my shoulder rubbing a few circles with it. Even if his hand wasn't directly making contact with my skin, did his touch feel extremely warm and comforting. The mere concern and his voice, sounded as if he really cared.

"I'm not normal", I simply retorted, referring to his first statement.

"I know", Harry softly replied, "I never said I want you to be normal."

"Oh, okay, I just didn't know what to make of your comment. I'm sorry if this date wasn't as you had expected it to be", I calmly responded, almost being certain that I had blown it.

"Why are you sorry? It was even better than I expected", he exclaimed, making me look back at him.

"It was?", I dumbly asked, needing assurance that he wasn't just saying that to make me feel better.

"I mean, except this long ride on the Tube, it was perfect", Harry assured and I sighed relieved, while slightly smiling to myself, since he was right. This goddamn tube took us ages to get from university to Notting Hill.

"Next time we'll take a cab", I laughingly replied, "if you want there to be a next time?"

"I'd love that Zayn. I mean the cab part too, but mostly the next date one."


The tube had finally had reached our stop and I held my hand out for Harry to grab it, which he luckily did.

For some reason, it felt really comforting and right, us walking with our hands intertwined, as if it was meant to be. When I had taken his hand earlier today, I hadn't even realized what I had done, but since he didn't seem to mind it, I saw no point in not doing it. I really should stop thinking right now. Meant to be? Get a grip Zayn!! You've just been on your first date.

Once we had made it out of the station, it was already dark outside. The first stars already shining through the blanket of clouds, lighting the gloomy sky. Okay the light of the street-lamps, restaurants and cars, was of course brightening up the night as well, but I just preferred to think more poetically and in my opinion the stars were definitely better to use for a poem than the lights of things that human had created. Stars were magical, mysterious and infinite. They were just floating through the sky? Floating was definitely the wrong word, maybe resting, or simply existing? If I wanted to write a poem about it, I should definitely have a better vocabulary than right now.

"Hey", Harry lightly nudged me from the sight, "why are you so deep in thought?"

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to", I hastily apologized.

"I don't mind."

"I was just thinking about the stars", I then replied.

"I like looking at the stars too. They seem so far away and close at the same time, as if you could reach for them, although they are millions of kilometers away", he spoke and I nodded along, agreeing with what he was saying.

"I wonder what lies up there?", Harry said, his head directed at the clouds, "I mean there are so many more galaxies, planets, that we haven't discovered yet, that we know nothing about. Imagine if there was another earth somewhere? Imagine people from that planet wondering about the exact same thing as we do. It's fascinating to think about."

"Sorry I didn't mean to bore you with my rambling", Harry apologized, probably because I hadn't said anything yet.

"I'm the opposite from bored", I clarified, and searching for his eyes to meet with mine, "In fact it's quite interesting to listen to what you're saying."

"Oh well. I'm sorry though I'm always talking to much bullshit. I just. Never mind. I should shut up", Harry stuttered, when we had just reached our dormitory.

"You don't. What you said were questions that I ask myself as well", I stated, "do you still wanna go to my room", I questioned, hoping he'd say yes.

"Yeah", his voice merely above a whisper.

I let the two of us to my room, closing the door behind and taking of my jacket, only to hang it over the only chair in this tiny room. Harry was standing a little helplessly in the middle of the room, not knowing what to do.

"Which one do you wanna listen to first?"

"What?", Harry replied dumb founded.

"Vinyl. Which vinyl would you like me to put on?", I amusingly replied.

"Oh, you really have a record player in your dorm", he blurted out, then covering his mouth with one hand, making me let out a light laugh.

"Yes I do. What did you think? That I would lie to you Curly?", I questioned, while quirking an eyebrow.

"No I. Forget it", he mumbled, "Fleetwood Mac." Harry shuffled through his back until he had found the right LP then handing it to me. I put the phonograph onto the right setting and the record started filling the silent room.

"Come here", I anticipated spoke, motioning with one hand for him to come closer, to what he slowly complied, until he was standing right in front of me, with only a few centimeters of space between us. Even though the music was rather loud, I could hear his rapid breathing, nervousness was written all over his face.

"You know what I wanted to do today?", I asked him, while placing each of my hands on his waist.

"What?", he whispered, his green orbs locking with mine.

I didn't even give him an answer anymore, but simply pressed my lips on his, feeling the rugged surface of his lips, that were a consequence from him biting it repeatedly, on my soft ones. Harry had unclenched his mouth in surprise, letting me enter it with my tongue. Our tongues dancing around each other, exploring and savoring every bit of the other one's taste. My mind had shut out everything else, but the feeling of our mouths melting together. Somewhere in the distance, I could hear The Chain playing, but it was barely audible.

When I noticed that Harry and I both needed air, I reluctantly pulled away. His eyes were shimmering, his hair looked a bit messy, since I had absentmindedly tugged a bit on it, but he looked absolutely beautiful.

"That's what I wanted to do all day", I smirked, giving him a short peck once more.

Harry's POV

"Me too", I nervously replied, but still did, because I wanted him to know, how I felt. Truthfully, I really had been waiting for him to kiss me. Almost as if I had craved his touch, needing to feel his soft lips on mine once more combined with the slightly rough stubble of his beard.

Zayn was still holding me close by my waist, his chest almost touching mine, his eyes intensely staring into mine. This time I didn't feel intimated nor shy, but held his gaze, nodding when I felt him staring at my lips, as if I wanted to give him my permission.

Not sooner, he had crashed his lips on mine again. This time the kiss was rougher, wilder, and hungrier so that I had to try to keep up. At some point I stopped trying and let him dominate the kiss, giving in to his irresistible touch.

Before I had noticed I was pushed up onto his duvet with him hovering above me.

"I really wish we could to more", he huskily whispered, pressing light kisses on my neck, my lips and one on the top of my nose.

"We could", I breathed heavenly, just realizing what I had insinuated by saying that.

"No we can't. You're special", he retorted and I had to blush, because of the sweet comment.

Zayn's POV

Harry wasn't just some random one night stand. Although I could already clearly picture myself, ravishing him, fucking him until we'd both see stars.

Not today though. Maybe someday. I wanted to take things slow. At least I wanted to try, so far that hadn't worked out that well. Nonetheless I decided to get up, needing the distance to restrain myself, to not accidentally take thing further. Harry let out a deep sigh, but sat up as well. I could see his gaze wandering through the room, until it landed on my most sacred piece.

"What is that?", he curiously asked, grabbing my lyric-book. I didn't wanna be rude and snatch it away from him, but I also certainly didn't want him to read through it.

"My lyric-book", I shortly replied, "it's where I write down all my thoughts." He nodded, his eyes sparkling in excitement.

"Are you gonna write something down today?"

"Probably", I shrugged.

"What are you thinking of?", he asked further, seeming to really interested in my writing, "you don't have to tell me. It's personal sorry."

"Sparkling stars shimmering in the dim night,

So far away, but still so bright,

Infinite options, infinite hope, infinite plans,

Lying up there, maybe there is a chance?

Wanna reach, wanna feel their warmness,

Never touching, the distance is too long,

Searching their comfort, searching their closeness,

But why? Am I not already strong?

New feelings, didn't know that I had,

Not scared, rather full with joy instead", I poetized, more like tried to. Harry was just staring at me, his jaw dropped.

"That bad?", I insecurely asked, scrubbing the back of my head. I really had made a fool out of myself. Why couldn't I just keep quiet? I was good at being quiet! But somehow Harry's mere presence made me speak up more than I usually did.

"That bad? You mean that good", Harry corrected, sounding very sincerely.

"Well thank you. It's not that good though. It's okay I guess", I tried to keep it rather modest, besides that really had been that good.

"Whatever you say Zayn, I could never phrase it that beautifully. I mean I do talk a lot, but it's difficult for me to get to the point you know. To really express myself through words. But you, you just say stuff like that without really realizing that it's good."

"I appreciate your compliment Curly."

"Maybe one day I'll let you read a bit through my stuff", I added, internally slapping myself for offering that. Harry couldn't possibly read through my first poems. I mean he would clearly figure out that I had been in prison and that was something he was meant to never find out about. I was already extremely relieved he hadn't asked me many personal questions about my past. Although he probably will and I already dreaded that moment to come and to lie to him. But that's what I had promised myself, since it was better that way and because I feared his resentment. But who in the world wanted to date a bloody murderer???

Shocker that Zayn murdered someone? Did you expect for something like that to happen?

Comment: Whose POV do you prefer?

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