Time Change (bxb)

By ShardedGlass

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Time Locke is a mind-reading observer. He knows your secrets; he knows your lies; he could effortlessly ruin... More



4.8K 297 31
By ShardedGlass

Time P.O.V


Of all the stupid little pet names they could have called me, they have chosen twink and tiny. I have to be honest; it did bother me a little bit. Out of all my physical features, they decided to give me a nickname based on my height and physical build. It was annoying to know and hear, both mentally and verbally. The wolf is as guilty as Marcus.

Marcus looked startled by my sudden vocal expression. I was too, after ignoring and running away from Marcus, that was one of the first things I've ever said to him even if it was only calling him out on calling me a nickname that I didn't particularly like. A horrible nickname at that.

It only made me madder when I saw that Marcus was the only one who looked embarrassed about being called out. Was the wolf laughing? I can't actually describe what he was doing, but I like to think that if he were in a human form, it would be the equivalent of laughter. I personally don't see anything funny, and I think my facial expression expressed that.

Marcus looked away as if he found the woods more interesting. The wolf stopped making the noise. The woods got quiet, with none of us talking. It was borderline uncomfortable, or it was until the wolf transformed back into the huge guy from the day before; the only difference was that the guy was very naked.

My eyes widened as I glanced down the guy's chest and towards his . . . I had to look away before my glance turned into a staring match. I need to be courteous. I did not want to see his lower region! Marcus didn't seem to contain that polite nature that I was trying to portray. His eyes were locked on that general area, not roaming away. His eyes were definitely right on the wolf's wood.

My eyes widened at Marcus, who seemed transfixed on the wolf's genitals. He was just staring at it! Isn't that considered rude? Even if the guy is a werewolf and is likely used to public nudity if the werewolf novels I've ever read said anything, Marcus was not.

I slowly attempted to stand up. I once again had Marcus, and the wolf's eyes snapped towards me instantly. You'd think they were sensing my movements with how attentive they seemingly were. Marcus looked ready to protest me getting up but held his tongue when I sent a glare his way. I managed to stand on my own, but I knew that walking wouldn't be an option without causing myself immense pain. Maybe before the healing magic crap, I would have been able to walk slowly, but now it was definitely out of the picture. I let out a wince as I applied a little pressure on my ankle. The moment the wince left my lips, the naked wolf got closer, putting his arms around me to help me stand.

Then, I didn't have to look. I could feel.

I gasped, not only because I had a rather large feeling thing against my side but because I had an arm wrapped around my waist. I was thankful for the wolf catching me, but I would prefer it if he had been wearing some clothes, preferably pants.

I attempted to push him away, but that only caused a more unsteadiness in my stance. I pushed myself right into Marcus and the side of a tree. I was officially trapped between Marcus and Puppy.

This was only worse because Puppy was very, very naked.

"L-let go of me!" If I remained trapped between the two of them, an issue is going to form, and I will not be the one to take responsibility for it. I don't think either of them cared about that potential outcome either as Marcus joined in by wrapped an arm around my shoulders, a concerned look in his eyes. Still, I know that behind that innocent look that something more dangerous was hiding. I cannot be the only person who has their head half-way in the gutter.

"You sure?" Marcus teased, begging for me to send him one of my most hateful glares. "You don't seem that steady on your feet." There was a strong urge to smack him.

"Yes, I'm sure," I huffed out, praying that it sounded serious enough for the two of them to let me go. I had been hoping that they would let go after that; I was wrong.

Puppy only seemed to tighten his hold on me. Marcus had another one of those stupid smirks on his face. I was about to shove both of them off me, or attempt too anyway, but Marcus gently let go of my arm, sending me a small wink while doing so. Even though he released my arm, he didn't completely back away until he was sure that Puppy wouldn't let me fall.

Instead of both of them letting me go like I had hoped, Puppy seemed to have decided that I shouldn't be walking, let alone standing. The moment Marcus wasn't holding onto me, he lifted me off the ground and into his arms, bridal style. A very unmanly, startled squeak noise left me, much to my own embarrassment. Marcus seemingly found my startled noise hilarious, deeming it laugh-worthy. If I were close enough to him, I would have smacked his head.

I didn't like the silence that overtook the three of us. Some would say it was a peacefully quiet wood, that we were all lost in our thoughts. The two definitely were. Yeah, they were lost in their thoughts while I was lost in theirs. At first, I had been able to ignore the faint whispers of their thoughts in the back of my mind, distracted by everything else. Without anything to distract me, the two boys' thoughts quickly took over my virtually blank mind.

'I can't believe that I have him in my arms!'

'I hurt him.'

'How am I going to be able to sneak both of them in?'


I was baffled by the last thought. It wasn't even really a word, more like a feeling. It was definitely weird, but a nice weird. It was different compared to how I usually read minds, but a good different. It threw me off a little bit, though, as it was the first time I've read more of a feeling than a thought.

I wish I could just turn the mind-reading off, even if only for a minute. I wouldn't say I liked reading minds. It was convenient at times, but a burden others.

I hated to be the guy who roamed the hallways knowing things I should though means that shouldn't exist.

Sometimes, I wish that I would just mind my own business and keep whatever pops into my mind to myself. I couldn't, though. I can't explain it. The secrets would bottle up until I felt like I had to tell them. Call it going with the flow if you will. Maybe it was my inner nature coming out, the gossiping little-

"Hey, Tiny?" Marcus's voice called out, snapping me out of the mixture of my own thoughts and theirs, taking the silence out of the air. I glance over to him, finding it weird to be almost even in height with him. I wouldn't mind being carried around all of the time if it meant that I would be taller. "What is your real name?"

I looked at him, honing a hurt expression. It kind of hurt that he didn't know my name when I knew his. I didn't know Puppy's real name, either. I felt bad for that, but we didn't know each other. Considering Marcus doesn't even know my name, I doubt the werewolf I've met twice would know my name.

"Time," I told them both. Marcus could only look at me with a confused look on his face. Since it wasn't a common name, I don't doubt that he didn't expect that that was my name.

" . . . time?" Marcus asked as if he needed to verify that the word was my name.

"You asked my name, Time," I said slowly, hoping that speaking slower would make his brain comprehend the words I was saying. Marcus had an understanding look after I repeated it. Would I have to talk slower every time I talked to him? That is if I ever speak to him again after today.

I still have very mixed feelings towards the wizard boy. He chased me, something that usually would have knocked him out of any potential future relationship with me, but he has . . . surprised me. I don't understand him. Would he even want to have anything to do with me when he learns that I'm the reason the whole school knows his girlfriend cheated on him? He deserved to know about it, but did I go about it the right way? He would have probably found out about it eventually.


Yeah, I'm probably right.

Am I?

Anyway! I didn't know that much about either of them. Marcus has chased after me multiple times . . . kind of stalkerish, not going to lie. Puppy wasn't much better, although most of his problems were through association. He's a werewolf, and he was rather . . . well endowed. I can't believe I just thought that. But that was all that I knew about him. They seemed to know each other, even if only slightly. They didn't have that best friend vibe, but they clearly have had a couple of conversations.

"I'm Grayson," Puppy said, directing the words towards me, confirming that the two of them knew each other enough to trade names. I have Puppy a quick nod, so he'd know that I heard him. His name may be Grayson, but to me, he was Puppy.

I didn't realize they were walking somewhere until a huge looking house appeared through the thinning trees. I was shocked for multiple reasons. I've lived in this town since I was adopted and I didn't know that this place even existed. The house was huge! Could you even consider this place just a house? It was almost what I would consider a mansion. How in the world did I not know about the big mansion sitting in the middle of the woods? I didn't question it when I realized that the person leading us here was Grayson, not Marcus.

The house didn't fit what I had imagined Puppy's home to look like. His personality was one of the fluffiest I've ever seen. I guess that this mansion just didn't fit that mental image. Grayson just sounded so . . . business-man-ish? I don't know; the name Puppy just seemed more fitting.

I must have gasped in amazement because Marcus looked over at me with a small smile. It wasn't hard to notice the guilty look hidden whenever he glanced down towards my bruising ankle. If I don't think about it, it doesn't hurt as bad. Apart of me wanted to tell him that it was okay that it would be okay until I was forced to walk. With Grayson, Puppy, carrying me around, I wouldn't have to walk, avoiding the crisis that would occur when he puts me down.

I wouldn't worry about walking until I had to, which wouldn't be any time soon.

I could do nothing but let the werewolf hold me as the two of them hurried towards the mansion, entering from the back instead of the front.


Like before, a feeling passed through me that I knew wasn't my own. I couldn't even tell who was feeling it- or thinking it- if that's what the word/feeling was. It disappeared as quickly as it appeared, rushing out of my mind as I was shown the mansion. All I have to say is that the first fifteen seconds were amazing!

Everything went downhill from there, though. 

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