Lillian Potter | Harry Potter...

Par ficsbygiastella

772K 20.2K 18.9K

Lillian Potter, a fiery, slightly crazy, brave girl, has lived most of her life so far in misery, raised by t... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors Note
Chapter 9
Deleted A/N
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Important A/N
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Sad Authors Note
Chapter 22
Deleted A/N
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
deleted a/n
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Deleted Authors Note
Chapter 32
Deleted Author's Note
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
The Chamber Of Secrets: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
The Prisoner of Azkaban: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
The Goblet of Fire: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
The Order of the Phoenix: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 13

2.8K 74 74
Par ficsbygiastella

It was Christmas Eve, and Ron, Harry, Hermione and I had spent days trying to help Hagrid's case. The fact that it was the holidays was one of the only things cheering me up. Ever since I had arrived at Hogwarts, Christmas was always my favorite holiday. I absolutely loved all the decorations put up around the castle.

There were Christmas trees, red and green decorations, holly, and so much more all around the castle. I'd decided to at least attempt to enjoy Christmas with my brother, Ron, and Hermione instead of moping about how sucky my life was before everyone arrived back from Christmas holidays.

"It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas," I sang, skipping through the hallway while dragging Hermione along behind me by the hand.

"Toys in every store," Hermione continued, a small smile spreading across her face.

"But the prettiest sight to see,"

"Is the holly that will be,"

"On your own front door," we finished together, bursting into giggles as we climbed through the portrait holes.

Harry and Ron glanced at each other with scared expressions.

"Alright then," Ron said, continuing his game of chess with Harry.

"You act as if we're singing about murdering someone rather than Christmas," I commented, making my way up the stairs. Hermione was behind me.

We got in our dorm, and an idea struck me.

"Hermione," I said, looking over to where she was stroking Crookshanks. "I want you to cut my hair."

"You want me to do what?" Hermione exclaimed, looking at me like I had three heads.

"I want you to come and chop it to just below shoulder length," I declared, picking up a pair of scissors from my sock drawer. Don't ask.

"Lily, are you sure you want to-"

"I can grow it back in seconds if I hate it, woman," I rolled my eyes. "Perks of being a Metamorphmagus. I'm sort of having a mental breakdown these past few weeks, and I feel like chopping off my hair will make me feel better. So take these scissors, and get your butt in the bathroom."

"I suppose it won't hurt," Hermione said, taking the scissors and following me to our bathroom. "It really is interesting, you being a metamorphmagus and all, I've read a lot about it. I wish I was one, I would be able to change the ugly poofball I call my hair."

I spun around, nearly taking my eye out with the scissors in the process. I'd never really heard Hermione talk about any insecurities before.

"Hermione, your hair is gorgeous the way it is," I said honestly. "It's different, but that doesn't make it ugly."

"Thanks, Lily," Hermione sighed as I turned back around, facing the mirror. "That makes me feel a bit better. I'm about to cut your hair, okay?"

Oh no, I could feel the regret coming! I took one last look at my waist-length red hair, which I could easily grow back, and squeezed my eyes shut, squealing.

"Okay, go!"

I heard the snipping noise, and I opened my eyes, to see that my hair was cut evenly to just below my shoulders. I stared at myself in the mirror for a second, an anxiously waiting Hermione behind me, before making my decision.

"I absolutely hate it," I cringed, running my hands through my hair.

We both burst into laughter.

"Let's go show Ron and Harry before you grow it back," Hermione said, laughing.

We went down to the common room, where the guys had just finished their game of chess (which Ron obviously won.)

"Look at this," I called.

They both turned around, their eyes widening at the sight of my hair.

"Why the bloody hell did you do that?" Ron asked, walking towards Hermione and I. Harry followed.

"Nice to know how you feel about it, Ronald," I snorted.

"No, it looks nice-"

"Mental breakdown?" Harry asked, eyebrows raised as he felt my hair.

"Shut up, both of you," I said, Hermione laughing hysterically behind me. "I'm growing it back now, let me focus."

I closed my eyes, picturing my hair being its old length. I wasn't too good at controlling my powers, but I knew I could do something easy like this.

I opened my eyes.

"Did it work?" I asked.

"That was brilliant," Ron grinned.

I took that as a yes.


"Wake up, Lily, it's Christmas!"

Before I even had the chance to sit up, I felt a pillow hit my head.

"Ow, Hermione," I groaned. Why did I have to influence her to be crazy?

"There's presents downstairs, Ron and Harry are already down there! Come on!" Hermione exclaimed.

I got up excitedly, and we scurried down the stairs to the common room in our pajamas, holding our gifts for the others in our hands.

"Merry Christmas!" Hermione said.

"Merry Christmas," Harry and Ron replied, as Hermione and I sat on the floor next to Ron and Harry in front of the Christmas tree. We placed our gifts under the tree.

Harry got me a really nice black and white windbreaker, and Ron, like always, got me sweets. Not that I was complaining, I had a serious sweet tooth. Hermione put together the sweetest photo album of Harry, Ron, her and I. The photos moved, and most of them she had gotten from Collin Creavy stalking Harry. Ginny sent me a hoodie of our favorite Quidditch team, the Hollyhead Harpies, through the mail. Mrs. Weasley sent me another sweater in Gryffindor colors, which I put on right away, along with a bunch of homemade sweets.

I had gotten Hermione some Muggle books, fiction ones, since she usually spent her time reading about facts and history, and I thought she would enjoy them. I got Ron candy, cause that's all he really ever asked for, and I got Harry a snitch that had our last name engraved into it, assuming he would probably never stop throwing it up in the air and then catching it. I sent Ginny a really pretty silver bracelet. Even though I was mad at Ava, I still sent her gift along with Ava's.

There were only a few parcels left under the tree. Two were addressed to me from Fred and Ava, but I pushed them to the side, deciding to open them in private. The last two were identical parcels, one with Harry's name on it and the other with mine.

"Open them, the curiosity is killing me," Ron said.

Harry and I both unwrapped them at the same time, and two brooms rolled out onto the floor.

"Oh my god," I mumbled, taking in the sight before me.

I blinked hard, wondering if this was just a dream. It was the Firebolt, the broom that Harry and I spent days in Diagon Alley staring at over the summer. It must have been the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

The handle was polished to the point where it was extremely shiny, and the twigs were all even and perfectly straight. It was practically glowing.

"I don't believe it," Ron gaped, staring between Harry and I's new brooms.

I exchanged a glance with Harry, our shocked, grinning expressions the exact same.

"Check who sent it," Ron said.

"Hold on a minute-" Hermione started, but nobody was paying attention.

"There's no tag or card at all," Harry said, after we had searched through all the wrappings.

"Who could've sent us this?" I asked, stroking my broom like it was my baby.

"Maybe it was Dumbledore," Ron said, staring at the brooms. "He sent you two the cloak anonymously..."

"He was just passing it on to us," Harry said.

"Do you know how much this thing costs? Especially two of them! He wouldn't go around giving students stuff like this," I continued.

"That's why it's anonymous, gits like Malfoy would complain about favoritism," Ron said. "Oh, I can't wait to see the look on Malfoy's face once he sees you two with these!"

Ron fell back laughing hysterically.

"It's not funny, Ronald," Hermione snapped out of nowhere. "Doesn't it seem a little fishy that-"

"Maybe it was Lupin," Ron interrupted. "He likes you, and he saw what happened to your old brooms."

I snorted.

"If Lupin had that type of money, he would buy himself some new robes."

I loved Professor Lupin, but it was true. Harry,
Ron and I were busy dying of laughter, while Hermione frowned.

"It is a bit weird, someone sending you two a broom without any name," Hermione said. "These brooms are really expensive, especially two of them. Aren't they supposed to be pretty good brooms?"

"It's the best broom there is," Ron said dreamily, making me snicker.

"I don't think either of the twins should ride that broom just yet!" Hermione said shrilly.

"Why not?" Harry and I exclaimed.

"Can I have a go on one, please?" Ron begged, disregarding Hermione.

"What are we gonna do with them, sweep the floor?" I said, shielding my broom from her with my life.

Suddenly, Crookshanks came out of nowhere, springing at Ron's pocket, where Scabbers must have been sleeping.

"GET THAT THING OUT OF HERE!" Ron shouted angrily, trying to get Crookshanks away.

I took the crazy fight happening as my chance to grab all of my gifts, especially my broom, and dart up the stairs. I could hear Ron and Hermione shouting at each other all the way up the stairs, while Harry tried desperately to pry Crookshanks off of Ron.

I entered my dorm, and admired the firebolt, still in awe, for a few more minutes before carefully placing it in my trunk, locking it afterwards. I placed the rest of my gifts on top of the trunk, and sat on my bed, deciding to open Ava and Fred's gifts.

Taking a deep breath in, and ignoring the argument happening downstairs, I ripped the wrapping paper off of Fred's gift. A small letter fell out.

I've missed you these past few days. It feels weird without you.
I fell for you, Lily. You bring out a side of me I'm almost certain nobody else has seen. It's just, you make me feel a way that nobody else can. Your smile makes me feel happier than any prank or joke ever could, and I fall for you all over again every time I look into those bright green eyes.
I've spent a lot of time thinking, and I realize that you think that you're putting me in danger by being with me. That it causes me too much worry and anxiety because of all of the crazy things that happen to you. But you can't let the fear of others getting hurt for you control your life, and who you want to be. Let that sink in.
Take what I sent in the package, so when we're apart, you'll never be alone.

I fought back the tears in my eyes, and tucked the note under my pillow.

I opened the small parcel, and found a silver, heart shaped locket. My hands shaking, I opened it up. There wasn't just one picture inside, it was enchanted to show a picture for a few seconds and then change to a new one. The pictures were moving ones, and I couldn't help but let a few tears fall out of my eyes.

I quickly wiped them. I'd been crying way too
much lately. I set the locket in its box on my bedside table, and started opening up the package from Ava.

There were two boxes inside, one from Ava, and one from Olivia. Olivia had sent some cute crewneck sweaters, which she knew I loved. There was a note attached to Ava's, which I didn't even want to read because of how upset I was with her. But I still did.

I know how angry you are with me, and you have every right to be. I should have told you, and I deserve everything that's happening to me.
But that doesn't change the fact that no matter how mad you are at me, I'll always see you as my best friend, and nothing can change that.
There's so much I want to say, but I'd rather say it in person when you're ready to talk to me.
What I sent may not seem like the best choice, considering it's why you're mad at me. But you already know, and I think it'll still make you smile.
I'm so sorry, again.
Lots of love,

She had sent a framed photo of her, Harry and I as babies, playing together in what seemed to be a backyard. I knew I was mad at her, but I couldn't help but smile. I placed the frame on my bedside table, sighing and laying back on my bed.

I wanted to hug her and tell her it was all okay, but I was still mad that she didn't tell me. I felt a little guilty about it, too.

I spent the next few hours organizing my dorm and putting away all my new things, while reciting Fred's letter over and over in my head. I was usually never like this, I didn't know what was happening to me.

Once it was finally time for the Christmas feast, I ran my brush through my hair quickly, threw on a forest-green sweater with some black ripped jeans, and ran down the stairs.

"Food is calling for us, Ron," I shouted, linking my arm with us and pulling him through the portrait hole. Harry and Hermione were behind us, and I assumed that Hermione and Ron were still mad at each other.

"Imagine the ham, and the potatoes, and the bread, and the-" Ron said.

"Desserts?" I finished, grinning.

The boy practically moaned. I wish I could unhear that.

When we got in the Great Hall, there was only one table in the center of the hall. There were a few professors around the table, two other students, and Professor Dumbledore.

"Merry Christmas," Professor Dumbledore said as Harry, Hermione, Ron and I sat at the table. "It seemed silly to keep the house tables when there are so few of us..."

"Are those crackers?" I exclaimed excitedly, grabbing one off the table in front of me. Dumbledore chuckled, nodding.

I pulled it back, and it popped open, a chocolate frog falling out. Wizarding crackers really had the most random stuff inside.

We were about halfway through eating when Trelawney walked into the Great Hall.

"What a pleasant surprise, Sybill!" Dumbledore exclaimed.

"Yes, I did plan on eating alone, but I had a vision of joining you all here," Trelawney said.

I snorted into my cup by accident, causing me to choke. All heads turned towards me as Ron aggressively hit my back, trying to help.

"Oh, I told you and your brother that you would suffer an awful fate!" Trelawney gasped, seeming almost excited.

"I-I'm fine," I coughed, catching the look of annoyance on Snape's face. "Just choking a bit, don't mind me."

I shot a subtle glare at him.

"Please, sit, Sybill," Dumbledore said politely, conjuring up a chair.

"Oh, no, Headmaster, I must not," Trelawney said. "If I join, it'll be thirteen, and when dining with thirteen the first to rise will die!"

"Don't choke this time," Harry whispered.

"I think we'll take that chance," McGonagall said impatiently. I caught her eye, smiling a bit. Trelawney reluctantly sat down.

The rest of the meal went by pretty peacefully, until Harry and Ron got up at the same time.

Trelawney gasped.

"Oh no, which one of you is going to die?" I laughed, earning a glare from her.

"This is a serious matter," she snapped. "Which one of you rose first?"

Harry and Ron exchanged a glance, before Ron shrugged and said, "Dunno."

After she finally calmed down, Harry, Ron, and I made our way back to Gryffindor Tower, because Hermione said she needed to talk to McGonagall about something.

"Wonder what Hermione needs to talk to her about," I said once we entered the common room.

"Probably to take more classes or something," Ron said.

We all resorted to admiring Harry and I's new Firebolts, which I was still in awe about. I couldn't wait to fly by Malfoy on it, it would shut him up real quick.

Harry and I even tried to clip the twigs that were sticking out or polish the handle, but there were none to clip, and the handle was perfectly polished already.

Harry and Ron had just finished convincing me that you couldn't fly a broomstick inside without damaging something when the portrait hole swung open. McGonagall marched through, a very flustered Hermione hiding behind her.

"What is this all about?" I asked, looking between Hermione and McGonagall.

"So, those are it?" McGonagall asked, looking at our new brooms and ignoring my comment.

Harry nodded, looking confused.

"Can I see these?" she asked, grabbing them both out of our hands without a response.

"Professor-" I started angrily, but she cut me off.

"And these were sent with no note?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Yes, but-" Harry said.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to take them."

"WHAT?" Harry and I shouted, both jumping to our feet. "Why?"

"It needs to be checked for jinxes," McGonagall said. "Stripped down-"

"Stripped down?" Ron gaped.

"B-but there's nothing wrong with them!" Harry said.

"Honestly, there isn't-" I continued.

"You can't know that. Not until you've flown it, at any rate, that is out of the question until we're certain it hasn't been tampered with. It'll only be a few weeks, Potters," McGonagall said sternly.

With that, she turned on her heel and marched out of the common room, holding the best thing I'd ever owned in her hands.

"What did you go running to McGonagall for?" Ron shouted angrily at Hermione. Harry was still staring at the portrait hole.

"Hermione!" I groaned. Really, Hermione? I couldn't believe she went running to McGonagall. "I only had it for a few hours and now it's gone!"

Hermione threw her book on the couch angrily.

"Because I thought- and Professor McGonagall agrees with me- that the broom was sent by Sirius Black!"

Hey loves! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, please vote if you did! Thanks for reading.
Question of the day: How tall are you?"
Have a great day!

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