Learn How To Love

By MoonGazer215

62.7K 3.7K 2K

He had to run away. They can't find him. They wont find him. Right? More

3- Virgil's POV
3- Virgil's POV
4- Roman's POV
5- Virgil's POV
6- Patton's POV
7- Roman's POV
7- Virgil's POV
8- Logan's POV
9- Roman's POV
12- Virgil's POV
13- Virgil's POV
13- Roman's POV
14- Virgil's POV
15- Patton's POV
17- Roman's POV
18- Virgil's POV
19- Roman's POV
20- Virgil's POV
21- Roman's POV
22- Virgil's POV
23- Virgil's POV
24- Roman's POV
25- Patton's POV
26- Roman's POV
27- Virgil's POV
28- Roman's POV
29- Virgil's POV
30- Roman's POV
30- Patton's POV
31- Virgil's POV
32- Roman's POV
33- Deceit's POV
34- Roman's POV

2- Roman's POV

2.8K 155 222
By MoonGazer215

T.W.: blood, vomit

I kicked open the door of the mind palace, the strange trait unconscious in my arms.

"Patton! Logan!" I yelled, rushing to put the trait on the couch.

I took a moment to look over the trait. He had dark bags under his eyes, almost unnoticeable through the blood and dirt on his face. The trait was wearing a simple, black t-shirt and black jeans. And he looked close to death.

"Whats- oh my gosh!" Patton rushed over, followed closely by Logan.

"What happened?" Logan asked, quickly summoning a first aid kit.

"I was fighting a Dragon-Witch in the imagination and all of a sudden this guy shows up, looking half dead!" I explained, "He freaked out when I tried to help him then just passed out!"

"Well it looks like he took quite the beating and- Patton could you get a damp cloth please?- and there's evidence that suggests he just reformed." Logan said as he cleaned and bandaged the traits wounds.

"Reformed?" I questioned.

Logan nodded, "Yes, did I stutter?"

"No," I sighed, "it's just, if he reformed then we would have known about him. Are you sure that he didn't just form?"

"If he had just formed he would look to be Thomas's age." Logan said, "if you recall from all the times you've reformed, we don't age as we reform."

I crossed my arms, "fine. Then why haven't we seen him before?"

"I-I think this might be why." Patton said, holding up the traits arm.

I didn't see it before, but there were bright red suction marks all over his skin.


"Yes and-" Logan was cut off by the trait jolting up, blood spewing from his mouth.

I quickly summoned a bucket as Logan turned the trait on his side.  The trait vomited blood into the bucket for a while. Way longer than anyone should vomit up blood, not that vomiting blood is good in any circumstance.

"What the hell was that!?" I yelled, feeling slighty more panicked than necessary.

"He had several broken ribs and bruising around his neck," Logan explained, "there was probably something that constricted his chest and neck, resulting in the swelling and laceration of the esophagus."

Patton blinked, fidgeting with his hands, "And that means..?"

"His throat is bleeding internally." Logan sighed.

"Is he going to survive?" I asked.

"Its still too early to tell." Logan said softly.

"I wonder who he is." Patton whispered, sitting next to him on the couch.

"We'll find out when he wakes up." I smiled, trying to cheer him up.

But of course, Logan has to bring the mood down, "If he wakes up."

"Whatever Calculator Watch." I rolled my eyes.

It fell silent. We were all watching the strange trait, waiting for something we didn't know would happen or not.

"Hey kiddos?" Patton spoke up after a while, "If he wakes up, he might be little freaked out if we're all staring at him. Why doesn't one of us watch him, so when he wakes up he won't be as scared?"

Logan nodded in agreement, "That sounds reasonable."

"I don't think he'd appreciate me watching him cause, you know, the whole twin thing?" I said, grimacing slightly at the thought of my brother.

"I'll watch him." Patton  let out a small giggle, "No offence Lo, but you're not the best at emotions."

"I have no emotions," Logan claimed, "therefore I cannot be offended."

Patton smiled, "Okay kiddo, whatever you say."

Logan sighed, "I will be in my room, alert me if you need to."

With that, the Bookworm sank out to his room.

"I suppose I shall retire too." I said, giving Patton a small bow before sinking out, "farewell for now."

I shook my head as I layed down. Why would my brother hide a trait? Something didn't add up. I sighed. A nap will do me good, I would try and piece it together when I wake up.

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