Darkness's Daughter

By ElvenJediDemigod202

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Lila Black, is what she calls herself. The girl with no expressions, the one who stays in the shadows. The vi... More

Ninja?Not again.
Snakes and Visions
New Powers Old Friends
Snakes Don't Belong In Trees
Fangs and Venom
Let's.....Never Do That Again
That Could've Gone Better
Snake City
Ice Is Nice
Snake Got your Tongue?
Talent Shows? Not My Thing
The Destined Ones
Newby to the Rescue? .... Not Exactly
Summoning the Death Snake
Extreme Caution; Death Snake Does Bite!!!
Houses, Snakes, and Attempted Kidnapping.
ARGH! Pirates.
Double Drama
The Weirdest Race Ever
Blast to the Past
Stupid Statues
Stupid Statues, Part 2
Sailing With StarTeeth
The Temple of Light
The Helmet of Darkness
Balance Takes A Vacation
Author's Note; Sorry

Growing Up- The UnNatural Way

271 9 1
By ElvenJediDemigod202

Brought to you by- The Mega Weapon of youth, Garmadon's used it for centuries. Now he's finally sharing his secret.


   When The dojo is threatened by Garmadon's plot to destroy it, the ninja and Lila enter the most dangerous street race. Ninjaball run. Despite Lila's initial reluctance, they win by the skin of their teeth and save the dojo. Getting the bounty back in the process. Lila and Kai share some experience of loss.

After the ninja and Lloyd, Lila swirls in with her black spinjitzu with her hood on and jumps in the air, flapping her wings and hovering. She clenches and opens her hands, her arms swirled with black and purple magic, in her left hand are droplets of water, small stones and lighting. In her left are shards of ice, balls of fire, and swirls of wind. She grins and tosses off her hood, her purple eyes glowing. After Nya and Wu are finished and everyone is together Lila is sitting with Wu in the front, Lloyd behind her putting his hands on her head. She sticks her tongue out at the camera and winks, going back to smiling before it goes into the episode.

   I walk out onto the deck. It's been a few days since the race and getting back the ship from Garmadon. I felt bad for Lloyd, they've been training him hard and barely letting him rest or do things normal kids should.

I notice them in fighting positions but Lloyd looks out over the edge of the deck. I look over and see kids playing a game with a ball. I sigh and frown, Lloyd needs some time to be a kid. I'll take him out later, just us to do some stuff.

"Hey guy- ouch." I wince at they all attack Lloyd at once, most fail but then Cole knocks him into the air. I yelp and jump/ sprint, using my wings to boost myself up. I then grab Lloyd and land flawlessly, holding him in my arms safely. I glare.

"BE CAREFUL for the Overlord's sake! And you, don't be overconfident in your abilities." I yell angrily, placing Lloyd down and giving him a raised eyebrow. The blond gives me a sheepish look while the ninja take off their hoods and rub their necks.

"Sorry Lila." They all chorus and Lloyd brightens.

"That was fun! Are we done?" He bounces up and down on his feet and I place a hand on his shoulder to calm him.

"Oh come on. You're better than this. What's on your mind?" Jay walks up to the boy. Lloyd grins a little, embarrassed, and stutters a response.

"Well, ah, the latest issue if StarFarer just came in at Doomsday Comix and it's a limited run. So if I don't go out and get it, it's gonna sell out! Last they left off, intergalactic rogue Fritxz Donnegan was surrounded by the Imperial Sludge, and if I don't find out if he gets out all right... I'm gonna have my OWN doomsday!!" Lloyd explains to us and I smile fondly. I remember now, Doomsday Comix is where he gets all his comic books. The guy, Mother Doomsday, is nice. Lloyd's favorite was StarFarer.

"The fate of Ninjago rests on your shoulder. As the green ninja you have a giant responsibility to hold. I'm sorry, but you don't have time for such childish things." Kai tries to explain and I smack him on the back of his head as Lloyd walks away sadly.

"Other kids get to play and have fun. All I ever do is train." He laments, and watches the kids we pass sadly. I frown, upset.

"I agree. Not cool. Tell you what Lloyd, I feel like we need a break. So, we're gonna go out to the Comic store later and get you the comic, then we'll come back here and watch movies and play Monopoly or HeadBands." I put in my opinion and when the ninja turn to protest I give them a "shut your mouths" glare. They do just that and look down at their feet, ashamed.

"Really?? Awesome!" He shouts and sprints up to me, gripping me in his vicelike hug. I smile and hug him back, burying my face into his hair.

"Guys! There's been a break in at the Ninjago Museum of History. And the security cameras picked up you-know-who!" Nya shouts, running up the stairs and joining us on the deck. We all turn to her and my eyes crease in worry.

"Garmadon." Cole states, scowling along with the rest of them.

"What would Garmadon want with the museum? He was alive for half of it anyways!" I say in confusion and the ninjas give me a strange look. I blink owlishly at them.

"What? Some people DO have extended, or everlasting, life you know." I roll my eyes as that shakes them out of their trances.

"Well, whatever it is- we have to stop him before he uses the Mega-Weapon to start another one of his diabolical plots!" Jay shouts and I back up. Yeesh, violent child.

   "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can't go and it's safer if I stay here and train." Lloyd groans in disappointment. I grin and wrap an arm around his shoulders.

   "Don't worry. I'll keep you entertained. I don't feel like creeping through a museum in the dead of night. I've done enough of THAT for a lifetime. You should've seen your dad, uncle and I at Chen's...." I snickered a little at the memory and shook myself out of the reminiscent when the ninja agree with Lloyd and run away for more details.

   "As soon as their gone, we're going out." I whisper to the green ninja and wink as he jumps in excitement and pumps his fist.



   "We'll meet up at the Bounty as soon as we're done." Kai tells us, as they prepare to set off in the Radar. It was around an hour from sunset and I stand with an arm slung over Lloyd's shoulder. Nya was on his other side and leans down, her face in a slight grimace.

   "We'll be waiting for your safe return." With that, they drive off with a final wave to and from me. I watch them and let out a huff of air. As soon as we couldn't see them anymore we turn around, and I go for my satchel. Well, purse. I had changed it into a small purse.

   "Ugh. Too old for comic books and too young to fight. When are they gonna make up their minds?" Lloyd complains to Nya as I grab his black hoodie and walk up to them. Nya smirks.

   "Come on pint-size. Show me what you got." I grin at her statement and wink at Lloyd.

   "Sorry Nya. But when the cat's away, mice will play. Lloyd and I are going out, might be a little late so don't keep dinner out for us. We need some us time, and Lloyd needs to be a kid again." I shove his balled up hoodie into his stomach and he lets out a little- oof, HEY!- while Nya smiles.

   "Alright, but you two take care of yourselves. Not that I'm worried but just in case." I nod to her and swing my purse over my shoulder then put back on my cloak. Lloyd ties his hoodie around his waist and we jump off the Bounty, starting the long walk into town. 

   When we get there Lloyd looks in awe at the signs that were all lit up and the different shops.

    "So, where are we going first green bean?" I grin over at him and he rolls his eyes at the nickname, but brightens up when he realized he got to choose.

   "Can we go to Doomsday Comix first? Then we can get dinner then do whatever!" His smile is a mile wide and I grin back, linking our arms.

   "Of course. Lead the way boss!" I laugh as he drags me (I LET him drag me) down the streets and towards the comic store. We laugh and talk about everything that's happened so far as we trudge down the street, getting either smiles or strange looks from other people on the way.

   "Well, this is it! Come on!" He grins and yanks open the door. It was a smallish shop, nearly made entirely out of glass, and had a bell signaling we walked in on the door. I look around and see kids ranging from five to at least 16. Childish? Ha. If only the ninja could see this.

   Lloyd drags me all the way up to the front desk  and jumps, hitting the bell. A man comes up, whom I recognize as Mother Doomsday and smiles at us.

   "Well, if it isn't my favorite green goblin and his Raven caretaker! Didn't expect to see you two out this late, whatcha doin'?" He asks us, going through the comics on his desk and sorting them into two different piles. I smile and push Lloyd forward.

   "Do you have the latest issue of StarFarer!? Lila's taking me out tonight to have fun since I've been training almost constantly and if I don't find out what happens I'm gonna have my OWN Doomsday!" Mother Doomsday laughs and looks from him to me. I grin and wink at him, making him laugh harder.

   "Just so happens I've got one copy left! You're lucky. That'll be $7.48." He hands Lloyd the comic as I give him a ten. He gives me the change and I wave goodbye as Lloyd drags me out again and onto the street.

   "See you soon sir!" I shout back and he laughs again, shaking his head and waving knowing I call him sir on purpose. Lloyd bounds down the street with me in tow until we get to a street with about a dozen restaurants on it. I look around with wide eyes.

   "Okay. Where do you wanna go?" Even Lloyd looks overwhelmed. Then he seems to find one and grins, yanking me over to the red and yellow diner. It had a winking man with a long mustache holding a bowl over the sign.

   "Chen's noodle house? Huh. Okay, I remember he DID make good food. Let's go." I nod and we walk in, looking around for an empty booth. I see one right next to the conveyer belt and we slide in across from each other. I look up at the menu and turn to Lloyd.

   "Alright kiddo, what are you hungry for? This menu is pretty extensive. I'm just gonna get the sushi and some fried rice, I'll get some Puffy Potstickers too." I tell him, he hums and starts kicking his feet making me smile.

   "I think.... I think I'll get The Best Noodles in Ninjago. Can we get cake after?" He looks up at me with puppy eyes and I snicker.

   "Yeah, sure Lloyd. Can you get the chopsticks and a spoon? Thank you. Here you go." I grab his bowl of noodles and place it on his side of the table. I grab my own two plates, sushi and Egg Roll with friend rice, then grab the Puffy Potsticker plate. By then the green ninja had come back with chopsticks and a spoon for my rice and we started devouring our food.

   "So..." I finally spoke, breaking the period of silence. I trail off, playing with my rice.

   "How are we feeling about the whole, destined one thing? Gotta fight your father, you okay?" I ask and look up at him. Lloyd had slumped, about three fourths of his bowl eaten and two PotStickers gone.

   "I mean, I don't want too. But he's a really good friend of yours too, and we HAVE to. I mean, it's prophesied for bricks sake!" He replies and my mouth drops open. I flick my hand and a wave of purple magic tugs his hair.

   "Ow. What was that for?" He mutter, scowling.

   "First, language! Second, I know. It's going to be hard. Especially since I was a mother figure to him growing up. Then a best friend and sister. Hopefully by defeating him... well I'm not sure just,  everything will be okay in the end. If that's what I've learned from being alive through so many wars and battles. Everything will be okay." I explain to him and put another piece of sushi in my mouth.

   I had finished my egg roll, a Puffy Potsticker, and about half my rice. Lloyd had finished three Potstickers and all his noodles. I ended up giving him the last of my rice as I finished my sushi. When we went up to pay for the meal, we ordered a chocolate cake for the others.

   "That'll be $40.76 ma'am." The red head smiles at me from across the counter. I pull out the money and slide it across to her. Her nametag read; Skylor. She rings up the register and brings out the cake for us. I give it to Lloyd as she finishes the transaction and we walk out after saying goodbye.

   "Where do we wanna go next? It's getting pretty late and the ninja should be back soon." I glance up at the moon, which was nearly above our head. Lloyd yawns tiredly and points to a candy cart across the street.

   "Can we get some candy?" He asks. I look down at the cake in my hands then back at him. He grins innocently up at me, his comic in one hand. I groan and fight a smile off my face. I fail and nod.

   "Why not? They we go home though." The blond nods in agreement and runs across the street. After checking there were no cars I follow him and come up to the cart. Lloyd had already picked out what looked like cotton candy, a lollypop, and what looked like a string of licorice. I sighed and payed, munching on the licorice as we walked home.

   "Alright, you go up first then I'll hand you the cake and go up." I Say, using my powers to lift him onto the Bounty. He holds out his hands and I then float up the cake. After that was secure on the deck I flap my wings and land on the deck flawlessly, chomping the last of my licorice.

   "Alright let's head to the kitchen then it's off to a shower and bed for you." I tug the tired ninja into the kitchen to set the cake in the fridge, we had finished all the candy on the walk over, and was surprised to see Nya and Wu at the table with tea.

   "Why are you guys up?" I question, as Lloyd goes over and sits with them, on Nya's side. My eyes crease as I realize it's pretty quiet. And if they're up....

   "The ninja haven't come back yet." I state, frowning and putting the cake in the fridge before leaning on the counter with my arms crossed.

   "Lloyd. Shower, bed, now." I speak sternly and he nods, too sleepy to argue. When he's gone I place myself at the head of the table and shift my eyes between them. Wu pushes a teacup towards me and I take a sip.

   "I don't understand. It shouldn't have taken them this long. Why have they been this long?" Nya frets and gulps her tea. I rub her shoulder and she blinks back worried tears.

   "I'm being stupid. They probably just got a little held up.... right sensei? Lila?" My hand slides down into hers and I look at Wu, who nods at me. I know him enough to see the Veiled worry in his eyes, he was putting up a confident facade for Nya but he was extremely worried on the inside. So was I.

   "No Nya, you're not. It's okay to worry sometimes. But I agree, I think they just got held up. You know them, they'd get lost in a paper bag," She laughs a little at that," and I think you should head to bed. We'll get worried if they aren't back in the afternoon tomorrow. Come on." I coo to her and help her up, nodding to Wu and leading her into her room.

   She shuts the door and I head to Lloyd and I's shared room. I see him laying under the blankets, reading the comic and smile. I walk forward calling his name quietly but realize he's asleep. I kiss his forehead before taking his book away and shutting off the light, curling under the blanket as well and fluttering my eyes closed. I fell into dreams.


   "They aren't here yet." Was the first thing I heard when I walked into the kitchen, bleary eyed and rumpled clothing. I had forgotten to change last night in my exhaustion and my clothes were paying for it now.

   "Relax Nya. Afternoon, I said afternoon not morning. When it get's past one we can start worrying hard-core. It's only 11:30." I tell her, grabbing a muffin and tea and sitting beside Lloyd who was eating cereal. I ruffle his hair and he swats at me as Nya lets out a heavy sigh and walks out of the kitchen.

   "Morning Wu." I say and grab Lloyd's bowl from the table where he left it. Wu nods and sips his tea. I raise an eyebrow.

   "By your father you've been quiet. What's bothering you?" He hums as I start washing dishes, waiting for his answer.

   "Nya is right. The ninja have been gone longer than necessary. After lunch we will go out and search for them while you and Lloyd stay here. Thank you for taking him out last night, he was forgetting how it felt to be a child." He squeezes my hand affectionately as he places his cup into the sink.

   "Alright, I'll make a plan. And it was no trouble, Lloyd is amazing and I needed a break too. He deserved to have some fun after how hard he was being worked. I'll be out on the deck if you need me Wu." I finish the last dish and put it up to dry, draining the sink and drying my hands I walk out and to the shared room.

   I grabbed the first outfit I saw and took off my clothes I wore all the time, pitching them in the laundry basket. I slide on the outfit and head up to the deck with a book, planning on reading for the rest of the day. Nya and I had gone out on her insistence and gotten new clothes, hers having been destroyed by the Devourer and mine being.... nonexistent.

Her Outfit--

   I Had settled down against the mast and read for awhile, the light from the sun perfect for my book, when I heard arguing. I cocked my head and placed my bookmark in the pages, taking it with me downstairs. I check the time; 1:30. Ah. That's why. Nya's probably going ballistic.

   "HEY! I can here you all the way up on deck. You need to stop yelling, panicking isn't going to help anyone. I'm worried, Lloyd's worried, Wu's worried, we're ALL worried. But acting like a raving lunatic isn't going to help anyone. You and Wu are going out, I'll stay here with Lloyd and we'll call you if the ninja turn up or something." I rub my forehead and calm everyone down with my speech.

   "You're right. We're going, call us if ANYTHING happens." She is dragged out by a nearly chuckling Wu and I shake my head, letting out a breath. I look over at Lloyd, who seemed to be reading his lesson book.

   "How're you enjoying that comic Lloyd?" I inquire cheekily and he jumps up, his face going pink. I snicker and shake my head, opening up "The Lion and the Goat" and continuing to read. (Totally made up story, if it IS a story then wow. Didn't know that) We read for a while until Lloyd slams down the comic with a shocked look on his face.

   "That's how they end it?! But, but, he's STILL on the SHIP!!" He shouts in indignation and I laugh a little.

   "So, how did he escape?" I look over the top of my own book as Lloyd's eyes light up.

   "By reversing the polarity of the ship's gravity transducer!" He gushes and I blink widely. I have no idea what that means, but OKAY!

   "Alright, so do you wanna play video games now?" I toss him the controller and he whoops with joy, turning on the power and selecting a dragon game. I shake my head and bury my head into the book once more.

It was hours before the phone started to ring. Lloyd goes to answer it, but while trying to play the game at the same time he drops the phone, leaving it hanging. I facepalm.

   "Destiny's Bounty." He says while still playing the game. I roll my eyes and prepare to go back to my book, figuring it was a telemarketer, but rocket up when a familiar but higher voice sounds from the other side.

   "Lloyd! It's Jay! Let me talk to Sensei, or Lila, or whoever!" Jay nearly yells through the phone. I jump up, shoving my bookmark into the nearly finished book and scooping up the phone.

   "Jay?! Where are you guys?? Sensei and Nya are out looking for you, Nya was going crazy. Are you all okay?" I shoot the question rapid fire.

   "UGH! Apparently you need parental permission to take the bus and we can't seem to get out of the city." Jay gives me a weird explanation and Lloyd and I share a confused look.

   "Uhm... .what?" I inquire hesitantly. Jay sighs dramatically from the other end and I roll my eyes again.

   "Never mind, it's a bit complicated. Just meet us at Buddy's Pizza in ten minutes. And bring our weapons!" Jay says and the phone cuts off. Lloyd and I meet gazes, mine scrunched in a frown and his in confusion.

   "Weapons?" He asks, leaning over and falling out of the chair. I snort and shake my head, putting the phone back and lifting him up.

   "Alright, I'll get the weapons you clean up and call Sensei and Nya. Tell them we're going to a pizza parlor and the ninja told us to meet them there. But tell them to stand by and wait for further information, if they rush in something bad could happen. Ready? Break!" Lloyd nods and dials the phone, putting it to his ear as I race out of the room and to the training room.

   "Weapons... weapons... AHA! Come to mommy!" I nearly shout in glee and snap my fingers. A pair of shurikens, a scythe, a sword, and nunckucks float over to me and I grab them out of the air. They fill my hands as I race back on deck to find Lloyd waiting.

   "Hold these and let's go." I shove the two smaller weapons at him and we sprint into town, thankful for our stamina.

   "....Hey Lloyd? Do you know where Buddy's pizza is?"

   We walk into the parlor, hands full of very sharp objects, and gaze around. If I was a ninja where would I be? I follow Lloyd through the booths and we pass one with four boys.

   "Psst! Lloyd, Lila!" I whip my head and give a double take. I drop the weapons.

   "What. The. Fuck!" I screech and everyone stops, staring at me.  I glance around and glare.

   "HEY! Ninja business, go back to your activities." Everyone quickly whips back around and continues playing, eating, paying, or talking. Lloyd's jaw drops and he look around at all of them.

   "W-what happened to you? You're SMALL!" He whisper yells and the ninja roll their eyes. I shove Cole to the side and squish into the booth. Lloyd does the same to Kai and Jay on the other side and we put the weapons in the middle of their table.

   "Explain. Now." I growl, glaring at them. They all hesitate and my glare increases.

   "Okay, okay. So Garmadon was trying to raise a monster by turning back time and so when we tried to stop him his Mega Weapon not only turned us into kids, but also raised the creature who's sole purpose is to hunt down Ninja." Kai explains in a rush and I place my forehead into my hands.

   "So, just so we're being clear. You got turned into kids AND failed at stopping Garmadon from raising the GRUNDAL! LITERALLY the WORST monster for a ninja, when all you have to do was knock the weapon from his hands." I drag my hands down my face and they nod sheepishly. I groan and bang my head on the table.

   "And now, every time we try to tell someone, they won't believe us 'cause we're kids." Jay cries and I start to snicker. So does Lloyd. They look at us in confusion.

   "What's so funny?" Kai questions, making me snort and bang my head on the table again as Lloyd explains.

   "Whoa. I guess you now know what it feels like to be treated differently. At least Lila treats me like an adult most of the time." I lift up my head and give a weak smile.

   "Look, this is serious. If we don't turn big so we can use our spinjistu, we don't stand a chance against the Grundal." Zane interjects into the conversation. I let out a breath of air and nod my head.

   "Well, what about Lila and I? We know Spinjistu." Lloyd suggest and I shake my head, biting my lip.

   "My spinjistu is darker than yours, A) because it black and B) because its older. And Lloyd, I know you hate to hear this but on this I agree- you are WAY to important. Important to the prophecy, to us, to me. And trust me when I say, this things is NOT something you'd ever want to run into as a ninja. I spent a whole five years of my life hunting them down and killing them." I explain and Kai nods.

   "Yeah, and you don't know the Grundal. We all need to be at full strength. What we need to do first, is to find someone who might know more about how to defeat one of these things." Kai says and everyone automatically looks at me. I let out a breath and blow a strand of hair from my vision.

   "None of you know the Grundal. The thing is vicious, it spares nothing and no-one, it only hunts at night and it hates the sunlight. It went extinct so long ago I doubt I remember how to kill one. I do remember that it's hide is nearly impenetrable, so any weapons are out of the question. Lloyd.... what are you thinking?" I trail off from my explanation as Lloyd looks back at us and grins.

   "I think I know just the guy. Lila can tell us a lot, but if we want a modern expert... let's go." Lloyd smirks and I see where he's looking. I smile and slide out of the seat, taking the lead with Lloyd and heading to Doomsday Comix. 

   We get there rather quickly and I hold the door open for the tiny ninja as they walk in and glance around in confusion.

   "You two brought us to a comic book store?" Cole asks in shock. I roll my eyes and lead them through the isles.

   "Trust me. If there's anyone who knows how to defeat a Grundal better than Lila, or a monster that doesn't exist, I know JUST the person to talk to. Follow us." I hear Lloyd explain to the ninja as they follow behind me.

   "We're not gonna pick up your stupid comic Lloyd! This is serious business." Kai nearly yells and I turn around, glaring.

   "Excuse you, Lloyd already HAS the comic thanks to me. We went out and had fun yesterday, just the two of us. There even cake at home from the restraint we went to. Watch your mouth." I sneer and Kai shuts his mouth, embarrassed. I see Jay reach for a comic excitedly.

   "OOH LOOK! A first edition Daffy Dale! I used to love that nut growing up! Ha, ha... ha. Ehm. So juvenile." Jay attempts to regain his dignity as the ninja stare at him weirdly. I just smile and hold out my hand.

   "I'll buy it for you if you want." His face lights up and he shoves the comic into my hands.

   "Yes please!" I snicker a little and Lloyd yanks on my jacket, pushing me and the others to the front. Where Mother Doomsday sat on his chair.

   "Fellas, meet Rufas McCallister, AKA Mother Doomsday." He introduces the proudly and I grin, as I meet the guy's eyes again.

   "Well, if it isn't Lloyd "Hemorrhoid" Garmadon and his Raven. I thought I would've seen the last of you for a while, especially after yesterday. Finished the comic already huh? You're lucky you came yesterday, because I'm all sold out." I grin and fist bump him.

   "Nah, we're here for something.... a little different. Take it away Lloyd." I mock bow and move off to the side.

   "Yeah, actually Mother Doomsday, we need help." Lloyd stutters. The man raises his eyebrows and looks to me. I smirk and he grins a little more.

   "Well, color me intrigued. If there's something neither you nor Lila can answer it must be a big problem." He leans forward.

   "Well, she can answer it but not well. We have a problem. There's a Grundal on the loose, and we need to know how to deal with it. Lila's given us the basics, but we need something more in depth." Lloyd explains and I nod my head. The ninja look confused and I mouth "just wait".

   "Ah a theoretical question." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

   "Suuuureee. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Bottom line, can you help?" I mutter and he raises his eyebrows at me. Swirling around and down off his high chair he comes around the desk.

   "Dromaeosaurid Theropod Grundalychus. Whoo. Although extinct there have been a plethora of films and comics exploring the mythology around the primordial predator. Supposedly, they always get their prey." He starts to explain.

   "Yeah. And the only way to make sure they don't is to get them first. I learned that the hard way once." I add, subconsciously rubbing the back of my right thigh. Everyone gives me a curious look and I just shake my head, waving my hand for him to go on. 

   "First thing you need to know is it's thick, shell like, hide is invincible to swords, scythes, nunckucks, and throwing stars along with other weapons. So your cheep imitations will do nothing to slow it down." He explains further. I smirk and cross my arms as they all look at me.

   "Told ya. If I can just remember HOW I killed them...." I trailed off, going deeper into my memories. He nods, impressed.

   "Second of all, it's nocturnal and will only hunt at night. I know Lila told you this one." I mock salute him and Jay walks forward.

   "Oh, good. It's still daylight so we can relax for a bit." He blurts out. I facepalm and shake my head as Mother Doomsday looks at him strangely.

   "He meant theoretically." I interject and he nods.

   "And the only way to defeat it is with light." He finishes, just as my memories come rushing back-


   I creep along the forest floor, nearing the group of Grundals. I held the short swords confidently, both glowing with pure light. With a battle cry I leap out of the black, surprising them. I slash with the blades and the first one goes down easily.

   The second snarls and leaps at me, I throw a sword and it sticks in it's forehead, killing it instantly. The third is smart and runs, I chase after it. Drawing back my arm I lob the sword and it lands in the beast's leg, bringing it down.

   I jog up and pull out the sword, using it to chop the neck. Three down, hundreds more to go.


  "Of course! That's how I killed them. I had two short sword made purely of light, and that's how you can kill them. Or anything made of light really. They're like vampires, enough light and they go poof." I explain with a smile.

   "If I had my weapons of choice, may I recommend the Illumisword. These are authentic replicas that would come in handy were you to live long enough to actually face a Grundal. Lila is also correct, any weapon made of light would be handy." He opens the casing and I let out a puff of air, biting my lip and trying to figure out if I had enough magic to summon the swords.

   "And if swords are your thing, maybe I can interest you in an authentic Ninja Gi signed by the very ninja that saved the city. All except Lila and Lloyd here." He gestures to the Gis signed by the ninja in another casing. I roll my eyes and flex my fingers. Maybe...

   "Ah... we'll just take the light swords." Kai states, walking towards them and reaching out a hand. It's caught by Mother Doomsday however.

   "Not so fast. This StarFarer combo pack can only be won in the Fritz Donnegan trivia battle- royale. Do you have what it takes to be the best?" He questions as we all look ove to ehere the other competitors are. I look at Lloyd and grin.

   "I think we do. Right Lloyd?" He looks back at me and smirks.

   "Sign me up!"


   They stand in Mystake's tea shop as she looks for Tomorrow's tea, to grow up the others.

   "It should be here." She stand on the ladder and looks.

   "It's gone?!" Nya inquires in shock and Mystake waves her hand dismissively.

   "No, just misplaced. Now, tell me, how is Lila. I haven't seen her since forever. I f I didn't know any better I'd think she was avoiding me." The woman's eyes twinkled mischievously. Wu snorts and rolls his eyes.

   "Yes, well. She's fine. A little annoyed and as secretive as ever but fine. Please hurry Mistake, we need to find that tea before it is too late." He rushes out. Mistake shakes her head mumbling something about not rushing tea before continuing to look.


   I watched with baited breath, these should be the last two questions. I had tried to create the blades earlier but all there was were tiny sizzles, my true potential was needed to create them once more.

   "It's down to the final two. This question is for Lloyd. What is Fritz Donnegan's famous catchphrase?" Doomsday asks and Lloyd smirks confidently.

   "Fair? Fair is not a word from where I come from." He answers, Doomsday announcing it is correct. I cheer for him with a smile as we all go wild.

   "It's getting dark, the Grundal will be on the prowl soon." Zane observes and I glance outside to see that he is right.

   "Don't worry. I got faith Lloyd can win those Illumisword!" Kai replies and we all turn to Jay, who was licking cotton candy.

   "Is this really the best time to be eating cotton candy?" Kai inquires, not amused. Jay shrugs.

   "It makes me feel young, deal with it." The blue ninja replies and I nod my head, alrighty then. Cotton candy for Jay's next birthday present. Whenever that is....

   "Final question." We all go quiet.

   "The first person to answer this will win. In the latest issue of StarFarer, how did Fritz Donnegan escape the Imperial Sludge." We all hold our breath and I smile, good thing we went out yesterday.

   "By reversing the polarity of the ship's gravity transducer!" Lloyd spits out before the other kid could even blink.

   "WE HAVE A WINNER!" Doomsday shouts and I cheer, grabbing Lloyd and putting him on my shoulders. The ninja around me also cheer happily it all cuts short when the ground begins to shake and the lights flicker off. I set Lloyd down and shove the rest of them behind me.

   "Shit. It's here. Get behind me and STAY THERE!" I tell everyone sternly. They make to argue but my glare silences then and everyone cowers behind me.

   "What's here?" Doomsday mumbles in fear. I give him a troubled look.

   "The Grundal. See, our conversation earlier.... was NOT hypothetical. Everyone STAY behind me!" I shout as the glass shatters and the beast crashes down. Everyone screams and I create a glowing purple force field for it's first swipe. It snarls and locks its eyes onto mine. I freeze.

   "Crumples. Hiya buddy, good to see you? No hard feeling about that one time right? Heh heh, shit." I curse again, in the back of my mind realizing that children are here and cursing is a bad example, before sending two glowing purple bolts at the monster. He growls and snaps at me. I make my wings appear and flip over the jaws, slashing with two black knives I created.

   This did nothing except annoy the beast and as it turns towards me I brandish the knives, making the indentations glow purple. He lets something between a snarl and whimper out and shy's away for a few moments, allowing me to breathe. But as purple wasn't as potent as other colors he quickly comes back, swiping at me with his paw. I duck and slash out, distracting him again with turning the blade into a purple flash.

   "RWAAARRR!" He snarls and takes a huge chomp. I gasp and look where I had been moment before. That would have been very messy, and painful. I throwing the next blade and it flashes purple, causing him to stumble back.

   "Hey Mcnasty! I though ninja were on your menu!" I hear Cole shout and my eyes widen.

   "NO!" I see them with their Gis on and the light swords flashing. I groan before  shooting a ball of light, taking his attention back onto me.

   "Stay out of this you guys!" I shout as he snarls and swipes at me again, this time nearly catching my jacket. They don't listen and instead try to attack the Grundal, effectively breaking all but one toy. I groan as the Grundal turns it attention back to them. My chest squeezes in a panic as it snarls, swipes then to the side and advances again.

   "HEY! UGLY! Finish what you started! I know you want too! Come get me!" I scream and shoot another bolt of magic at him. He screeches and whips his tail, knocking my ribs and slamming me into the wall. I cough, trying to get air back into my lungs as he stalks towards me.

   Suddenly Lloyd rises up on the chair, which would have been funny if not for the deathly situation I was in, and scowls at the Grundal. I cough and shake my head. No no no no NO!

   "Not to worry! I'll take care of this." He uses his power and the light of it nearly blinds me. The Grundal snarls in pain and stumbles back from us. Everyone cheered until the Grundal uses its tail to swipe Lloyd off the chair and destroy another half of the comic book store. I, finally getting my breath back, yell in rage seeing them all laying helplessly.

   I launch myself and my fist glow, my eyes flash with purple, and I punch the Grundal straight in the jaw. I land in front of the ninja, my wings out and clothes transformed back into my regular ones. My cloak swirls around me and I pull my lips back in a sneer, my eyes glowing so much it would've been almost painfully to look at them.

   "Never. You can hunt me, you can give me another scar, you can give me thousands. But never, ever, will you kill them." I place my hands in front of me and a brightly glowing forcefield pushes the Grundal away. I keep my fiery glare, but feel my strength being sapped from using this much magic without my potential. 

   Suddenly the door is kicked open and there stood Nya and Wu. I switch my eyes back to the Grundal, seeing them take in the situation. Nya yells for everyone to get out and all the others rush out.

   "Lila! Use this!" Wu throws something to me and I catch it, in the process however I let down the shield and it flickers.

   "Tomorrow's tea! But Wu- AACK!" I scream as the Grundal swipes me to the side and the wall makes contact with my ribs again. The jar slips out of my hands and flies into Jay's lap. He gets up along with the other and looks at the jar.

   "It will turn forward the hands of time, turning you old and the Grundal back to bones. But be careful, there is no turning back!" Wu yells to them as they jump up on the desk. I cough and moan in pain as my ribs sent fire everywhere. That would be broken.

   "Grundal, prepare to be extinct!" Jay prepares to throw the tea but Cole stops him.

   "Wait! But what'll happen to Lloyd! He'll grow old too! " Cole shouts, brandishing his sword, and keeping the Grundal slightly at bay.

   "Just do it!" Lloyd shouts back at them as they turn around.

   "You'll miss out on the rest of your childhood dude!" Jay yells back, being continued by Kai.

   'We can't do that to you. It's not fair!" The Grundal slaps the sword away and snaps at them, causing the jar to land in Lloyd's lap. He stands.

   "Fair? Fair isn't a word from where I come from." He then throws the tea and it shatters, spraying everyone in that area. I squeeze my eyes shut as the roaring and snarling of the Grundal fades and all there is, is clattering of bones.

   "It worked!" Nya shouts and I open my eyes to see bones in the middle of the room where the alive beast used to be. I gasp and try to sit up, my clothes had turned back into my casual ones because... magic.

   "But what about Lloyd?" Wu asks and I struggle with my breathing, realizing that there may be more than broken ribs.

   "I'm... older." Lloyd suddenly stands up and I squeeze my eyes shut as he does, the pain of trying to sit up too much.

   "Ouch." I moan and I hear footsteps sprint towards me.

   "Lila!" Arms wrap around me and suddenly I'm standing. I grimace and open my eyes, realizing they're staring into green. I look up and stumble back, leaning on the wall as I look the no longer ten year old over. I let out a breath. Damn. Lloyd grown up... wow. He smiles a little at me and I give a small smile back.

   "The time for the chosen ones to face their destiny has grown nearer." Wu says and We look at each other then at Wu. I limp over and lean on the older ninja.

   "I think we'll be just fine Wu." I say and everyone smiles. I'm struck by how much their smiles look alike. I shake myself out of my thoughts and groan, oooooohhhh bricks.

   "You okay?" Lloyd asks me as he helps me limp out of the store. I look at him then at Wu.

   "Yeah, I think I will be Green Bean." He blushes and mumbles something about not calling him that. I just smirk and shake my head.

   "You may be taller, but you're DEFINETELY not older. That will follow you around forever." He groans and I huff a laugh, wincing in pain as we catch up with the others. I glance around, my eyes focusing on the green ninja.

   Well, my crush just got a LOT harder to ignore. And became a LOT more probable to happen.

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