Bughead Oneshots

By dance_skater

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Oneshots book for Bughead. Please comment any suggestions xxx Character credits go to Riverdale's writers and... More

Not okay
Come home
Go back to him
Come home Pt2
Go back to him pt2
All night
SOQM pt2
Only thing
New start
My boss
Video games
Pool party
Not okay pt 2
Scavenger hunt
New look
Roomates Pt2
Forgotten pt2
Right now
Dear Juggie
Sent away
Sent away Pt2
Sent away Pt3
Exposed Pt2
Treehouse Pt2
Altar Pt2
I'll be waiting
New guy
New guy Pt2
Let her go
Let her go Pt2
Safe at last (Collab with @bettsandjug4ever)
Good enough
My girl
Right guy
So wrong
To the end of the world and back
You are weird!
Proper kiss
You are weird! Pt2
Complicated Pt2
Favourite girls
First day
"Sorry snakes"
"Sorry Snakes" Pt2
Brothers best friend
Different Pt2
Different Pt3
Jones Family
Move in?
Move in? Pt 2
Time for you
Sleepless nights
Break in
New oneshots book


5.8K 126 32
By dance_skater

A/N so many people asked for this and I loved the scene with Betty at her dad's grave and I am truly hoping that they take the time to address it and show how it is affecting her. So hopefully she confides in Jughead during this along with her friends. They could really bring forward a powerful storyline on the continuation of Betty's struggles with her mental health. I also have to say how much I admire the first episode of the season. It was presented so well and really proved that both the character and the actor were at the heart of the show. Such a beautiful tribute, RIP Luke❤ 🙏

What is a dad suppose to be? Your guide in life, the person you go to for advice. The figure in your life giving you constant support and encouraging you all the way. What happens when you lose that? Or maybe you never even had it. You lose control, you feel lost and abandoned, the only thing you feel is an empty gap in your life where that figure should be. This...this is how Betty Cooper felt.

A big parade. Signs printed with "We miss you" and "rest in peace" surrounded the streets of Riverdale. All for the dad with one son, but really he was a dad to everyone. Perhaps he was the only proper father figure Betty ever had. Her own dad never had time for her, he resented her. As long as she kept up her reputation to benefit his social image, she was invisible. She had always turned to her best friend's dad. It became natural to tell him her worries, problems and anxieties. He listened, he would listen to her for hours if he had to and he genuinely cared. She needed that back bone in her life and now it was gone. Fred Andrews was gone.

Bettys POV

I couldn't help but miss my dad. Whilst everyone cheered Fred's name, they spat my own dad's. They hated him, resented him. I wasn't allowed to grieve, I couldn't grieve for my own dad because who grieves over a serial killer? Who the hell does that? I want to grieve the very few times that he did care. When I was his little girl, when he saw me as his daughter...not just someone to manipulate. 

I left the ceremony quickly and trailed to my dads grave. Cans and beer bottles littered the ground and across the grave spray painted was the message "The black hood burns in hell". No one cared, no one wanted to know if I was okay. They were to busy hating Hal Cooper that they didn't think about his daughter. No one cared.

Jughead's POV

"Dad, have you seen Betty?" I asked.

"Sorry son, last time I saw her was when she placed her rose down" he spoke, wiping his tears. I nodded and walked around, trying to ask people who weren't complete wrecks...which was difficult to do.

"I think I saw her walk off further into the graveyard" Toni informed as she hugged Cheryl. I nodded and made my way through, wondering where she would go. I walked on until I saw her knelt down in front of someone's grave. 

"Betts? Why did you walk off? I was-" I started to complain but froze when I saw her hunched over in tears. My eyes flickered to the grave and who it belonged to.

"Oh Betts..." I sighed, kneeling down next to her and placing my arms around her. I helped her into my lap sideways and held her close as she cried. "You should've come to me baby" I whispered, stroking her hair and resting my lips against her cheek, leaving my face their afterwards. 

"We can clean it up. I'm sure we can try and remove the spray paint. Get rid of the glass-" I tried but was stopped by her voice. 

"No. No, I don't want to. He deserves this...he does" she choked out. 

"Then what's wrong?" I asked worriedly. 

"I shouldn't be grieving him Jug. He's a bad person. I'm...I..Im a bad person" she sobbed.

"Betty, listen to me. You are in no way a bad person. You're allowed to miss him, you're allowed to miss the old version of him. You have as much right as anyone else. He's still your dad" I assured but she just shook her head in protest.

"No. No. No, I cant. You can see what people think of him...what they think of me. I'm just a killers daughter" she argued.

"No Betty, you are so much more than that. Please believe me. Please let yourself grieve, you're going to make yourself ill" I begged. The conversation ended like that before I took her back to her old house...my new one. She'd lost everything, even her home. I helped her get into bed before pressing a kiss to her forehead, leaving so she could get some rest. I slumped on the couch and rested my head back in frustration. She was slowly losing everyone and everything and there's nothing I could do. Nothing.

Betty's POV

I had pretty much ignored Jughead the next day and the Monday morning before school. He finally paused me outside of the school gates.

"I know you're not up for talking, but come find me if you need anything okay?" he spoke and I just nodded in response.

"Betts..at least say something" he pleaded. I shrugged, not knowing what to do or say. He sighed and finally gave up, walking to his locker. I walked to mine and opened it up to an array of pictures on the inside door. Photos of me and Jughead, me and my family, me and Veronica, me with Archie, Veronica and Jughead and a few with Kevin. All of those pictures holding happy memories in their contents. I smiled at the sight but my frown dropped as the whispers began. Phrases like "she has the nerve to show her face" and "she's just like him" echoed throughout the halls. Every word began to overlap and close in on me just as the walls did. I began to space out as I saw the scowls and looks of disgust everyone gave me. No one cared. I called out Jughead's name, not actually knowing whether the words came out of my mouth before I dropped to the floor. 

Jughead's POV

I grabbed my text books out of my locker before slamming it in frustration. I started to walk towards English, not waiting for Betty cause she clearly didn't want me around. 

"Jug!" I heard someone call. I turned around and saw Archie running after me. 

"I'm not in the mood for talking Arch" I sighed.

"No, its Betty. She collapsed to the floor and she cant breathe properly" he revealed and my eyes widened. Shit. We rushed through the halls together until we made it to where the school nurse was sat with Betty by her locker.

"Betts, hey listen to me" I rushed my words after pushing past the nurse.

"Baby, just take it slow yeah? Just let it happen, breathe through it" I whispered, holding her loosely. 

"Get me out of here" she whispered, choking on her words. I looked up at Archie worriedly.

"I'll go talk to the receptionist. I will get her to sign you both out" he spoke. The nurse had left to get her some water so it was just us sat in the empty halls. 

"I wish you wouldn't let it get this bad" I sighed, disappointed that she couldn't talk to me. I got no response. Once she had calmed down a bit I took her home and she sat on the couch. 

"I'll make a drink or something" I spoke bluntly. I made us both a hot chocolate and sat down next to her in silence. 

"Please don't be mad at me" she begged after a few minutes. 

"I'm..I'm not mad. I'm just upset that you can't talk to me. You wait until something like this happens and then it all comes out" I explained.

"Because I don't want your pity and I definitely don't want you picking up the pieces. People in that school, my best friend, have got more to be upset about than I do" I argued.

"Betts, I keep saying this to you. You have lost your dad too"

"There's a difference. Mine's not a hero, he's a villain" I fought back. 

"But he's family. He's part of you, he always will be. I want you to grieve for him before you make yourself ill from this" I explained. 

"I'm sorry" she mumbled as she lay against my chest. 

"There's nothing to be sorry for baby. Just talk to me about these things okay?" I asked.

"Okay. I love you" she smiled. I wiped her stray tears away and pressed a kiss to her hair.

"I love you too gorgeous" I replied. She's on a slippery slope and I'm hoping she doesn't tumble down it...

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