The White Lion Princess

By Rubyrose645

193K 3.4K 1K

I was born with a destiny above all destinies. And a friend to help fulfil it. Created from the sun and moon... More

The reunion
Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
Fall of the Castle of Lions.
Tears of the Balmera
Taking Flight
Return to the Blamera
Rebirth, and a secret
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Palidan
The Child of Sun and Moon
Shiro's escape.
Greening the Cube
Eye of the Storm
The Ark of Taujeer
Return to Arisa
Space Mall
The Blade of Marmora
The Belly of the Weblum
Stayin' Alive
Best Laid Plans
Changing of the Guard.
Red Palidan
The Hunted
Hole in the Sky
The Journey
Tailing a Comet
The Legend Begins
Code of Honor
Black Site
Begin the Blitz
A New Defender
The Prisoner
Blood Duel
Kral Zera
Journey to Find the Truth
The Land of Light
Omega Shield
Razor's Edge
The Colony
The Black Paladins
All good things
Defender of All Universes
The Road Home
The Way Forward
The Ruins
Battle in the ruins
The Journey Within
The Last Stand
Know Your Enemy
Trial by Fire
Lions' Pride, Part 1
Lions' Pride PT. 2
Lions' Pride pt. 3
Launch Date
The Dark One
The Prisoner's Dilemma
Battle Scars
The Grudge
Day Forty-Seven
Clear Day
Knights of Light PT. 1
Knights of Light PT. 2
Uncharted Regions
The Zenith
The End Is the Beginning
Let the Future be bright

Heart of the Lion

1.4K 25 5
By Rubyrose645

We returned to the Garrison after we confirmed the location and condition of Hunk's family. He and I were very much relieved to know that his family was unharmed. Exhausted, but unharmed.

When we got back, I quickly went to Shiro and presented him with Allura his brand new arm.

He was excited and grateful to see a new arm for himself.

"Are you really sure this arm will work?" He asked.

I nodded happily, smiling brightly as I held the robotic arm.

"I promise this arm along with other mechanical limbs I'll create will be perfectly functional, easy to use and quick to get used to." I explained.

I continued explaining the source of power for the crystal. The crystal that I created for the arm is a very rare and special crystal. It uses natural energy created from the human body and transfers it to magical and mechanical energy for the arm.

Sam and the other Garrison scientists had gained Earth's most powerful energy source, that will help with the electromagnetic field fron Shiro's body.

With that source paired with mine, it should generate more than enough power to operate the arm.

The nerves will be connected to the shoulder while the arm itself will be separate from the body, giving it a wider and longer range for any reason or circumstance.

I was thanked for my work and the personal doctors of the Garrison as they took the arm, but I intervened.

I told them that this new technology paired with my crystals would be difficult for them, so they had no choice but to let me into the operation room so I could personally attach the arm.

Everyone from the team wished me luck in the operation and wished good will on Shiro.

I prepped for the operation and Sam assured me that I would be fine.

Hours passed by and the operation was complete. No signs of complications and the shoulder part of the arm was fully connected to the nerves.

A few minutes after the operation was a success, Shiro woke up, groggy and tired but otherwise healthy and okay.

"How are you feeling, Shiro?" Sam asked.

"Good." Shiro said softly, "I'm good."

I smiled gently, feeling relieved that my first ever operation went well.

"I'm happy to tell you that we've successfully attached your new prosthetic arm." Sam informed, "We just need to power it on and make any final adjustments. Zurine, this is all on you, now."

I nodded, grabbing the arm part of the prosthetic and bringing it back to Shiro.

"This arm is outfitted with the most power energy source Earth has, paired with a rare crystal I created. With these two energies combined, it should mimic a Balmera crystal's energy." I explained, "Be warned, this may feel a little strange."

Shiro smiled and nodded, "Do what you have to do, Zurine. I trust you."

I nodded, closed my eyes and concentrated on the arm.

The arm in my hands began to glow gold, light blue, then stopping on a soft pale yellow levitating in the air.

I flet Shiro's energy and connected it to the crystal. After about five or ten minutes of connecting and sewing the two energies together, I opened my eyes and sighed.

I looked up at Shiro, "Give it a try." I said.

Shiro looked down at the arm nervously and willed the arm to move. The arm spun around and the fingers curled into a fist.

The arm flew closer to Shiro as he gasped in shock and utter disbelief at his new arm.

He smiled for a moment, but it didn't last. Ahiro suddenly screamed in agony, his vitals going haywire.

"He's crashing!" Sam shouted, "We have to shut it down!"

The arm flinched and whirred out of control as Shiro lost consciousness. One of the mne in the room tried to take down the arm but was shoved away immediately.

I was in shock. This wasn't supposed to happen. The arm was supposed to work flawlessly.

As I stared in shock, Allura jumped into the room and onto the and, trapping it underneath her on the floor.

"Sam, we need to remove the power source." She said then looked over at me, "Zurine, removed the crystal, now!"

I shook my head snapping me out of ny trance and kneeling down next to Sam and Allura. Sam opened the arm and took out the Earth power chip.

I reached deeper into the arm and pulled out the crystal I created. Allura replaced the chip with the jewel from tiara, but Shiro's vitals were still too erratic.

I looked down at my crystal and closed my eyes. The crystal began to glow bright blue and I saw something within it. A black dot filled with a mixed emotion that I couldn't explain what, how and where it came from.

No matter what it was, my power got rid of it and the crystal was pure once again. I put the crystal back into the arm and Shiro's vitals quickly went back to normal.

Shiro grunted as the arm floated up next to him, resting by his side as the yellow color turned a light cyan blue.

Everyone outside rushed in to check on Shiro as he slowly woke up.

"What-- What happened?" He asked, "I feel strange."

He commanded his arm to move and he smiled.

"I feel great." I collapsed onto the floor, feeling a wave of relief wash over me. But that strange black dot in the crystal, what was it?"

"Zurine," Keith said smiling as he knelt next to me, "You did great." I smiled back and he pucked me up onto my feet.

After letting Shiro rest for a few hours, we got dressed in our uniforms and headed to the conference room for a debriefing on what Pidge and Allura found.

"We've learned so much from Sendak's memories.we discovered his methods for taking over planets like Earth." Pidge said.

"Sendak constructs armaments at key strategic points around planets." Allura said, "This gives him the ability to control enormous swaths of territory. He uses the armaments as detergents to prevent any uprisings and to control the conquered population."

Veronica pressed a key on the nearby tablet controlling the screen in front of us.

"Based on data from Commander Holt's micro-satellites, cross-referenced with resistance intel, we've ascertained that Sendak built seven massive structures on Earth. We never knew what they were being used for until now." She explained.

"They're the weapons?" Hunk asked, "So, what's stopping us from blowing them up?"

"We simply don't have enough firepower to do the job." Admiral Sanda said, "And even if we did, there's a good chance those facilities contain civilians. We can't just go in blind."

"Admiral Sanda's right." Shiro said, "That's why we should infiltrate a base and gather intelligence first."

"How far is the nearest base?" I asked.

"The nearest base ia 52 klicks south of our position." Veronica answered.

"What's the terrain like?" Shiro asked.

"The region around what we'll call 'Base One" is a complex urban environment." The screen changed to show the terrain and our entry route, "Our route will,take us through highly patrolled areas. It'll be hard to keep proper surveillance of our surroundings due to all the structural damage."

"Then I suggest we form two teams: a ground unit that will attempt to infiltrate Base One and get eyes on whatever's inside, and a sniper team that observes from a higher position, covering the ground unit and providing some visibility."

"Excellent, Shiro." I said, "I would like to request allowing me to acommpany the ground team."

"And why would you be helpful on this mission, Princess?" Sanda asked in a threatening tone.

I held up my sapphire and formed several communication crystals in my other hand.

"My sapphire has the ability to turn me and whomever I touch invisible to any type of sensors. We'll be invisible from heat, light, even electromagnetic sensors or any kind. Also with my power over crystals, I can trap enemies. I can teleport and my powers over the sun and moon are excellent in defense and offense."

Sanda stared at me for a moment, her eyes piercing my soul and glaring me down. Eventually she sighed and gave me permission to accompany team one.

I thanked her but before I could leave to prepare, she pulled me aside and told me, "You are important to a lot,of people and a hope for much more. As Admiral, I order you not to die on this mission."

I looked straight into her eyes and nodded, "I have many reasons to live, so I can't die just yet." Then I turned away and followed my assigned team.

I changed into my paladin armor, said goodbye to Luna and went with my team consisting of Pidge, Keith, Allura, Griffin and Kosmo the wolf.

The sniper team consisted of Hunk, Lance, Kinkade and Veronica would stay on higher ground to provide support.

We rode through the rough urban terrain and towards Base One. I kept a steady hand on my bayard, ready to fight at a moments notice.

"Approaching target location." Keith informed the sniper team.

"Copy that, ground unit. We've got eyes on you." Veronica responded.

We rode through an entry way in a large sewer pipe and exited the car. We soon found another tunnel and went down the steps as quietly and carefully as we could.

"Drone patrol ahead." Lance said.

We stayed hidden in the shadows until the drones passed before continuing on. We climbed ladders, ran down tunnels and eventually came up to the main entrance. We ducked down behind the scraps of broken cars ans watched the patrol.

"This is as close as we're gonna get." Keith said, "Pidge, Zurine and I are going in.

"Negative." Griffin said, "Route's obstructed. It's too well guarded."

"We'll go invisible and Kosmo can teleport us in. They won't see us unless we're careful and quiet. Lance, you ready to cover us when we get inside?"

"Ready to go." Lance replied.

I looked at both Keith and Pidge, then grabbed their hands and activated my sapphire. We turned invisible and Kosmo teleported us inside the base.

We reappeared inside the halls of the base. As soon we were inside and began running, I felt a strong dark feeling. Something in this base was causing this feeling I had. But what?

"I need a port where I can hack in. A control panel or a substation." Pidge said.

"Got it." Keith said.

We ran down the halls once again.

"Got you, Keith. Scanning for hostiles." Lance said. "Sentries on,the other side of the east wall."

Kosmo teleported us around the sentries and we continued running.


"You're clear." We ran through an open door and down the hall.

"You guys are gonna have to take the right tunnel. But wait." We stopped and hid in between the two tunnels.

"There are sentries approaching from both tunnels. Hold position. Coming up to you in three, two, one."

Once again we used Kosmo and teleported from sight, reappearing in the right hall. We didn't stop for a breath and continued running.

We kept running until we reached a door guarded by two sentries.

He crouched down and hid from their sight.

I looked over at Pidge and silently signed to her to create a distraction. She knew exactly what to do. Pidge crested a hologram qnd sent it out to the sentries. Of course, they attacked, not noticing that Keith and I had teleported with Kosmo to the other side of the door they were guarding.

We opened the door and I ran ahead to scope the scene while Keith took out the sentries. It didn't take long for Keith and Pidge to catch up with me.

We ran down the darkened hall, then teleported the rest of the way to the center of the base.

Pidge quickly linked her computer, "I'm in." She said, "Downloading intel."

While Pidge downloaded the intel we needed, Keith and I looked around. What we saw in the center was a large machine and it seemed to give off the same dark feeling I had before.

"What is this?" Keith asked.

I looked up at the machine and held myself close. It was so dark and gave a sense of dread.

"It's a Zaiforge cannon." Pidge said, scaring us both.

"What?" Keith and I asked.

"Each base must be building one." Pidge said.

Keith looked over at me, seeing my slight shivers as I stared at rhe cannon.

"Zurine, what's wrong?" He asked.

I couldn't stop staring at the weapon as I answered.

"I've had a bad feeling ever since we came close to this base. This cannon... it reeks of dread and dark destruction."

Keith frowned at my quivering tone and gently grabbed my hand.

"We'll stop this. There's no way these cannons will launch." I looked up at him and smiled softly but I still felt worried.

"Keith, Pidge, Zurine, it's tome to roll!" Lance said.

"Copy that." Keith replied. We ran back to the cruisers as Veronica set off a chaff to blind the sentries.

Once we were close enough to the exit, we teleported back outside.

"Let's move out." Keith said. We went back to our cruisers and headed back to the garrison.

The next day, we gathered the team and explained what Sendak was planning.

"Sendak is building Zaiforge cannons." Pidge said, "Our intel indicates the cannons were just completed. They could launch at any time."

"What exactly is a Zaiforge cannon." Iverson asked.

"To put it simply, Commander, this cannon is a planet killer." I said, "It launches a high density energy beam at a target with incredible force and power."

"If these cannons launch and are fully charged, Sendak will be able to destroy Earth in seconds." Keith answered.

"So, what do we do?" Veronica asked.

"Ideally, we attack all six bases at once, allowing them no time to stage a counterattack."

"That's not possible." Sanda stated.

"If we had our Lions, it could be. We'll have to find another way to retrieve then since the ship we rode in on crashed."

"Your Lions are orbiting another planet. There's no way to get you to them. Besides, there are only six lions."

"The MFEs would need to attack the seventh cannon." Shiro said.

"We'd love to, but they don't have that kind of range." Griffin said.

"There should be enough faunatonium to boost the MFEs to the seventh base and back." Coran said.

"That's great and all, but Admiral Sanda has a point. We can't get to our Lions." Pidge said. We groaned at the depressive thought.

I thought for a moment before remembering something.

"We won't have to go to our lions. They'll come to us." I said, confusing everyone.

"What do you mean, Zurine?" Shiro asked.

"As Paladins of Voltron, we are able to connect with our Lions. They'll come to us if we call out to them."

"From Saturn?" Hunk questioned.

"From anywhere."

My friends looked a little confused and nervous.

"Remeber, you guys, you've been training for this since the very beginning." Shiro said, "Each of you has forged a bond with your Lion. All you need to do is tap into it."

Lance glanced down in thought, "Our Lions did come to us when we were lost in space."

"And Red saved my life numerous times." Keith said.

"And White was born from me, giving us an unbreakable bond." I added smiling.

"It's possible." Allura said happily, "So we'll call the Lions to meet us here."

"We'll need the element of surprise." Pidge said, "The Lions will have to rendezvous with us at the bases."

"Yeah, that will really catch the Galra off guard." Hunk said nervously, "I mean, assuming our Lions respond to our calls. What if they don't come?"

"That have answered us before and they will answer us now." I reassured.

"And when they do, you will strike and destroy all seven cannons simultaneously before they can be launched. And when the job's done, you can form Voltron and finish off Sendak and the rest of his forces."

"My pilots can transport four of you to the Galra bases before heading out to the last cannon." Griffin said.

"I can bring Lance to one of the bases. It's closest so I can do it by ground." Veronica said.

"Wait, what about Zurine?" Lance asked.

"I'll be just fine. I'll teleport to the base." I said.

"It's settled then." Shiro said, "While Veronica drops Lance at Base One, the MFEs will each fly a Paladin out to a base and Zurine will teleport herself to the last one. The Paladins should reach the drop zone at exactly the same time the Lions arrive. Then the MFEs will head to the seventh base. We'll launch a coordinated attack on all seven locations at once."

We all agreed on the plan and went our separate way, gathering in our assigned groups.

I walked hand in hand with Keith as we headed to his group, smiling the entire way to the ship.

Before he got on, we said our farewells, gave each other a quick kiss and hugged each other.

"Stay safe, Zurine." He said into my hair as we hugged.

"You, too, Keith. Stay safe and return unharmed. For me, okay?"

"I promise." With one last kiss, Keith hopped into the ship and began to fly away with Griffin.

I watched the ships take off from the runways and fly high into the air.

I stayed outside waiting for the go head to teleport to my assigned base. While I waited for the go head, I closed my eyes and concentrated on my Lion out in space.

I reached all the way out to Saturn, feeling my Lion's presence. It didn't take long to hear a loud roar thundering in my head.

I also felt the other Lions, their thundering souls echoing on,the moon around Saturn. However, I felt something different in the Red Lion.

Lance was connecting, but something was wrong.

I opened my eyes and smiled, "Zurine, you have the go ahead." Shiro said.

I nodded and teleported myself into my lion. I pushed White as fast as I could, but I stopped when I heard Veronica and Lance scream then cut off from communications.

"Lance!" We shouted in worry and fear.

"White, I need to go and help. You'll have to fly on uour own for a while, okay?" I said.

"Of course, child. Help your friend. I'm capable of flying and attacking on my own."

I smiled and thanked her before teleporting to Lance's location.

When I arrived, the car they were traveling in was almost completely destroyed. And fighters abover were circling around.

"Lance! Lance, can you hear me!?" I shouted looking around.

I finally spotted him unconscious om the ground. I ran to him and immediately began to heal him. It didn't take long for him to wake up.

I breathed a sigh of relief as he groaned and opened his eyes.

"Lance, are you okay?" I asked.

Lance sighed and nodded, nto even questioning my being there. But then he panicked when he noticed his sister wasn't around him.

"Zurine, have you seen Veronica?" He asked. I shook my head and we looked around, spotting her limp on,the ground near the destroyed car.

We ran to her, flipped her on her back and tried to het her to wake up.

"Lance." She groaned relieving both of us. But our relief turned to worry and fear when the sentries found us and began shooting.

I changed into my moon form and used one hand to project a barrier while the other hand was encased in light to heal Veronica.

Lance summined his bayard and fired at the sentries, even then the fighter came he shot, but I could clearly see in his eyes that he was ready to gove up and my barrier wouldn't be able to hold off a fighter like this.

Just then, the fighter was crushed by large mechanical paws.

When the dust cleared we saw the Red Lion standing proudly and roaring fiercely.

"Lance, are you ready?" I asked.

Lance smirked and nodded and I teleported back to my lion.

The base I was assigned to was in a flat urban area, but something happened. The defenses were not normal, as if they knew we were coming.

The cannons were launching and none of us could ger near them. My anger was spiking, my frustration higher than ever.

"MFEs, return to the garrison." Keith ordered, "Paladins, we need ti cut the head off the snake. Taking out Sendak is our last option. Everyone, converge!"

We all flew up into space as the cannons launched.

"Form Voltron!" Our lions converged and firmed the warrior, but it was too late.

The cannons launched, but they didn't target the Earth.


They targeted us. The beams from the cannons converged onto us. We frunted and groaned in pain as the energy becane too much, blasting us all apart.

I felt nothing but emptiness.

Nothing was warm.

Nothing was cold.

Nothing hurt.

Everything was dark as I slipped into the bliss of dark unconsciousness.

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