More Chances Than One - n.h.

By snowfluke

213K 1.7K 274

in where a girl's heart is amounted to the number of chances she gave More

More Chances Than One (Niall Horan & Harry Styles Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
~~~~~Chapter 50~~~~~
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
WANTED: Admins For A Joint Twitter Account
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 ~Part 1
Chapter 57 ~Part 2
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Short BUT IMPORTANT Announcement :)
Chapter 71
Epilogue: Tour Days

Chapter 18

2.7K 31 0
By snowfluke

Harry's P.O.V.

Studio time today. Finally we can get to record 'What Makes You Beautiful' a song which made our best friend famous. Maybe it'll work out for us. I hope.

I remembered something from last night.  Yeah it was about Dani's TwitCam. Luckily last night we were out and left Niall with Dani. And my favorite part was when Dani said her type of guy. 'I like guys with a good sense of humour and a great smile. Also I like blondes and brunettes.' That's a clue on how to make her fall for me.

I guess it's time to wake her up. At least I don't have to cook us breakfast. But I left Justin, Liam, and Louis in charge of the cooking. Maybe it wasn't the best idea but there is now looking back now. Let's just see if they improved their cooking this time.

Now it's time to wake up my sleeping beauty. I walked up to her room and saw her still asleep. She looks really peaceful when she's asleep. But she still looked a bit sick and to knackered to get up. There is only one thing left to do now. 

"Piggy back ride!!" I carried her out of bed and rn downstairs. This is definately a way to wake her up but it's not working. She can totally sleep through anything. 

"Morning Haz. Why are you carrying Dani?" Niall said, while stretching his arms. At least today he woke up early.

"Liam told me to wake her up cause Simon needs her. And it's almost time for breakfast."

"Alright but is she even awake yet?"Niall started to tap Dani. Come on, she's not being awaken by that then what will.

"Nope! I thought she would wake up if I carry her. But sadly no luck mate." I chuckled and layed Dani on the couch.

 "So what are planning to do to wake her up?" He looked at me for the moment and turned away. And then he started to play with Dani's hair.

"Don't touch my hair!!" Dani groaned and kicked Niall in the shins. Well that's very unexpected but it worked.

"Ow! I didn't mean to." Niall whinned and sat on the couch.

"Here's a lesson, never touch my hair in the morning or face the consequence." Dani hissed and gave us both a glare. 

"What did I do?"

"For starters obviously you're the one who brought me down here. And don't deny it cause it's obvious." She stood up and went back to her room. She just wasted all my effort to bring her downstairs.

"How did she know that I... never mind."

"She's magical powers." Niall laughed and turned on the t.v.

"Oh shut up Nialler." I hissed and sat down beside him.

"So what time do we have to leave?" He asked out of no where.

"I think at 10:30am it's still 8:00am so we still have time. What could be the hold up in the kitchen? Cause I'm starving."

"Cool, but who's cooking anyway?" I heard his stomach grumble. As I would expect from Niall.

"Well, I left Liam, Louis, and Justin. Is that a bad thing?"

"Oh wait! What!! You have know idea what you've done!!" He panicked all of a sudden. W

hat's wrong with that?

"Nope, I do not have a single clue."

"Ugh... here's a clue. Remember when Louis tried cooking."

"Uhm... yeah and so?"

"He almost burned everything he was cooking." He did a face palm. Now I'm worried.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes I am!! I wouldn't be tensed out by anything except food!!" He shook me again and again. Now I feel so darn sick.

"Uhm... can you please let me go?" He let go and I fell on my back. Good thing I was on the couch.

"Fine, but say that I didn't warn you..." He smirked and walked away. Now that's awkward.

Liam's P.O.V.

Right now me, Louis, and Justin are cooking breakfast, sorta. We were trying to make pancakes but it did not end well. I'll admit we're all the worst cooks in the history of forever. One reason is cause the pancake mix said add water, mix, and bake. Then we didn't understand at all.

"How do you make the powder into dough?"

"I think you have to add some orange juice." Louis passed me some orange juice. So I poured it into the mix.

"Then it says and something sweet for more flavor." Justin checked the back of the box. 

"What can we and then?"

"Maybe we can add candy since candy is sweet and all." Louis tossed dozen of candies with different brands. What can this disaster result to?

"So what is the next step?"

"Well it says that you have to mix it 20 times and then cook it." Justin showed us the box. There is no fighting with that logic.

--------------------------------- After many mixes later----------------------------------

"Done mixing, so now we have to cook it right?"

"Yep!" Justin cheered and started the stove.

"Now let's see how great these pncakes will taste." Louis started pouring the batter and flipping the pancakes.

"How many pancakes can we make with this much batter?"

"Uhm... I estimate about 30 pancakes." Justin scratched his chin trying to guess. Math is not our best specialty.

"Pretty much right I guess."

"I'm done with 5 pieces!" Louis passed us the 5 pieces. It looked bad but we didn't say anything cause mostly Louis made it.

"Sure Lou!!" We chorused and placed the 5 pieces on the table. Hope it's not poisonous.

"What do you think it would taste?" I whispered to Justin giving the pancakes a stare.

"I don't know but surely it wouldn't be that bad. I hope." He whispered back.

"Let's just see what the experts think of it."

"Yeah Niall and Dani will surely gag it in a single minute." He chuckled.

"Done with 25 pancakes!! And that's all there is!!" He placed the remaining pancakes on the table. Looking at those pancakes just spell death. 

"Let's call them in for breakfast."

Dani's P.O.V.

 I really hate being waken up by touching my hair. Now I'm super pissed off by Niall. Don't they see I'm still super tired and still have a fever. Massive headache ugh...

Not even food can make me feel better. Sometimes my apetite changes. Once I never ate a single thing and the next week I eat like a pig. I don't really understand why or how but it just happens. Well I don't want to think anymore I rather tweet it.

@DaniBunny: Morning everyone :) x 

@DaniBunny: I was rudely awaken by @Harry_Styles nd @NiallOfficial thank you for ruining my day.

@Harry_Styles: No problem :) Now get down here it's time for breakfast.

@DaniBunny: Shut up! And I don't feel like eating so no thank you :)

 @Harry_Styles: Are you sure?

@DaniBunny: Yes I'm sure so leave me in peace.

@Harry_Styles: Fine then :) I'm gonna give @NiallOffical your breakfast :)

@NiallOfficial: Awesome! More food for me then :)

@DaniBunny: Whatever, have fun eating :)

With that I just ended the convo. I don't need to hear anything that isn't may concern. My eating disorder is active again. The only thing I can do is get ready now.

I slid out of my clothes and into the shower. The best time of the day is when I get to take a shower. Let's just say I really spend most of my childhood playing with water and of course the boys. And another reason is I always joined like swimming competitions. Well something related to that is I always won 1st place and nothing lower than that.

Time to soak all my problems away. Now time to use my berry blast scented shampoo. It's my new favorite from this new line of hair products. And caramel scented soap. Then after that I got out of the shower and went to my dressing room. Yes, I have a dressing room in a closet. I really maximize my space a lot.

What to wear?

Which color should I match with my blue Converse?

What should I style my hair today?

Yep the worst part of the day is choosing what I have to wear. I don't usually pick out what I have to wear but today I have to. Match this with what? This with that. Color coding, assorting, miss match or whatever.

Finally I decided to wear my white top with my black leggings and blue Converse. But something is missing hmm... I know my blue jumper.  My favorite jumper and I don't know why.

Then I walked downstairs so we can finally leave. I think it's 10:04am so we still had a few minutes to spare. 

"Hey Dani wanna taste some pancakes?" Louis placed a plate in front of me. I looked tempting so maybe I can have just one bite.

"Uhm... sure maybe just one bite." I took a little nibble from the pancakes. "Oh gosh!!" I ran up to the bathroom and gagged everything that I tasted. That was the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted.

"Dani are you alright?" Harry's voice was what I heard. And he even tried unlocking the door. 

"No... I feel even more sick than before." I gagged and then decided to come out of the bathroom. 

"Come on we have to leave soon. So don't worry." He led me downstairs again. I can't even stand being in the same room with those evil pancakes.

"What happened here?" Looking at the massive melt down of Niall.

"A long story but Louis sorta fed Niall his pancakes and Niall almost fainted. But Niall actually threw the pancakes in the next door neighbor's pet dog. And the dog sorta also ate it and started to bark at us. So the neighbor told us to shut up or else. And that's about what happened." Justin said while laughing. It was definately funny but it seemed a tad bit annoying.

"Shut up!!" Niall bursted and walked into the sidewalk. Now who's pissed off.

"It wasn't that bad!! Was it?" Louis looked at me almost about to tear up.

"Yeah pretty much! Just being honest here. So let's go now!"

"But... never mind." Louis sighed and we all walked outside. Surprisingly Paul was already there. He used to be my body guard but Simon had bigger plans for me and him.

"How are you Dani!" Paul patted me on the head. He's like my dad.

"Great to see you again Paul."

"So this is One Direction?" He whispered pointing at the boys.

"Yeah and that's Justin." I pointed each one out. "This is Harry, that is Louis, Zayn is over there, Liam, and Niall."

"Alright so now we have to leave." Paul took us to his black van. I sat beside Justin who was on my right and Harry on my left. On the other side, in front of us was Niall, Zayn and Louis. Liam just sat in front beside Paul talking about mostly everything.

In like an hour it'll be time to record One Direction's first ever song. I'm happy for them but something is not right about this. But well I'll just have to find out anyway.


Heya! So sorry for cutting it short. I was watching Big Time Movie with One Direction :) Really getting distracted by them. I love them so much :)) So for the next update let me see at least 5 votes and comments :) Love you all :))

-Rissa :))

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