The White Lion Princess

By Rubyrose645

193K 3.4K 1K

I was born with a destiny above all destinies. And a friend to help fulfil it. Created from the sun and moon... More

The reunion
Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
Fall of the Castle of Lions.
Tears of the Balmera
Taking Flight
Return to the Blamera
Rebirth, and a secret
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Palidan
The Child of Sun and Moon
Shiro's escape.
Greening the Cube
Eye of the Storm
The Ark of Taujeer
Return to Arisa
Space Mall
The Blade of Marmora
The Belly of the Weblum
Stayin' Alive
Best Laid Plans
Changing of the Guard.
Red Palidan
The Hunted
Hole in the Sky
The Journey
Tailing a Comet
The Legend Begins
Code of Honor
Black Site
Begin the Blitz
A New Defender
The Prisoner
Blood Duel
Kral Zera
Journey to Find the Truth
The Land of Light
Omega Shield
Razor's Edge
The Colony
The Black Paladins
All good things
Defender of All Universes
The Road Home
The Way Forward
The Ruins
Battle in the ruins
The Journey Within
The Last Stand
Heart of the Lion
Trial by Fire
Lions' Pride, Part 1
Lions' Pride PT. 2
Lions' Pride pt. 3
Launch Date
The Dark One
The Prisoner's Dilemma
Battle Scars
The Grudge
Day Forty-Seven
Clear Day
Knights of Light PT. 1
Knights of Light PT. 2
Uncharted Regions
The Zenith
The End Is the Beginning
Let the Future be bright

Know Your Enemy

1.7K 26 4
By Rubyrose645

The distress signal was Earth was devestating and filled all of us with great fear. We wasted no time speeding off tiqards the Milky way in order to get to Earth as quickly as possible.

But as we drew closer to the solar system, I felt the Dark One's evil coming closer.

"Dad, please respond. Voltron is coming. Hokd on." Pidge cried, trying to reach her father as we passed Uranus.

"Are we too late?" Hunk asked.

No one dared to speak. But I knew Earth. They wouldn't go down without a fight.

We flew even faster towards Earth when I felt the crystals I had given to Mr. Holt grow strong.

"Katie? Katie is that you?" I heard Sam's voice call through the transmittion.

"Dad, it's me. I'm here." Pidge said her voice filled with happiness and relief.

"Katie, I'm so glad to hear your voice. Where are you?"

"We're within the Solar System. Heading to Earth now."

"Wait! You must stop!" Mr. Holt's warning confused us. Earth was being taken over by the Galra, to which only Voltron could defeat. So why did he want us to stop?

"Say again?" Keith asked.

"Stop. Sendak has invaded the planet. He's taken over Earth. If he finds out that Voltron and Zurine are here, he'll threaten the people of Earth in exchange for the Lions and Child of Sun and Moon."

Sendak was still out there? How many times will we have to defeat this man before he finally gives up?

"Reverse thrusters!" Keith ordered.

"Roger that. Hold on tight!" Hunk said, reversing the thrusters and stopping us in mid-flight. However, we we're stopped right in front of three Galra fighters. They flew towards us and immediately attacked.

"Paladins, we've blocked the patrol's transmissions. You're clear." Mr. Holt informed us.

"Roger that. Let's take 'em out!" Lance shouted. Voltron turned around and faced the patrol fighters head on.

The Red Lion opened its mouth and shot circular disks of energy at the fighters, destroying two of the three.

But as we sped towards the third, Pidge interrupted.

"Wait, don't destroy that ship. We might need it." She said.

"Really? For what?" Lance asked.

"I've got an idea."

True to Pidge's idea, we took out the Galra fighter without damaging it too much. We separated into our lions and flew quickly to Saturn.

"All right, Pidge, what's you plan?" Shiro asked.

"We can't fly to Earth with our Lions without being spotted, so they'll have to stay here on this moon in Saturn's rings, which should keep them hidden from Sendak's radars. We'll fly in another way." Pidge explained as we landed on the moon.

We landed our lions and gathered inside the Galra fighter. Everyone but Keith, Luna and I were sitting in the cargo hold. The three of us left were in the pilot's cockpit.

"Are you ready, Keith?" I asked. He nodded.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He said, powering up the ship and taking flight towards Earth.

"I hope the mice and Kaltenecker aren't too frightened without us there." Allura said.

"You don't have to worry about them, Allura. I'm sure they'll be just fine alone." I reassured.

We flew as fast as we could in this ship, until we finally reached Earth after an hour or so.

I glared at the Galra cruisers and fighters surrounding the beautiful blue planet. It was terrible and painful for me to see this sight. Earth is such a peaceful planet filled with beauty and amazing things.

They didn't deserve this at all.

We flew past the ships and closer to Earth's atmosphere, the ship becoming hot upon reentry.

"Hang on! We're entering Earth's atmosphere." Keith said.

"This is weird." Hunk said, "This is almost exactly how we left Earth, crammed in the cockpit of the Blue Lion."

Suddenly, the ship jumped and began falling even faster.

"We're overweight. I'm losing altitude." Keith said.

"Hold on, this is gonna be rough." I said, changing to my moon form and creating a protective shield around the ship.

We cut through the clouds as the rocky ground came into sight. Keith pulled the controls up to ease the landing, which it did, but only a little bit.

We crashed into the planet's surface, sliding down into the ground until finally stopping.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked changing back to normal.

"Yeah, we're all right." Lance said.

We all got out of the crashed and broken ship and walked up the small hill near us. What we saw, was heartbreaking.

A city, broken and destroyed to the point where it seemed like no one survived the attack.

Buildings were hanging to the side, walls were crumbling and no one could be seen.

I was shocked, speechless, just like my friends as we stared at the destruction.

"Hey, I know this place. I've been here." Hunk said, "This is Plaht City. It's about a half hour from the garrison."

"Whoa, I- I can't believe this is all that's left of it." Lance gasped his face holding sorrow and worry.

"Let's go." I said, changing into my human form and putting my helmet back on, "We need to see if there are any survivors on our way to the garrison.

"Zurine's right. Let's get going, but keep your guard." Keith said and we all went down to the destroyed city.

I kept a strong grip on my bayard as we walked through the destroyed city. It was even worse than what we had seen from the hill.

I looked around as Luna and the wolf sniffed the air for anyone, Galra or human.

Cars were destroyed, roads had large cracks and pieces missing, and the streets were littered with trash, stone and glass.

I walked over to a car and saw a small stuffed bear hanging abandoned from the broken window.

It was awful. But we had to keep going.

As we walked deeper into the city I heard something whirring in the sky. I looked up and saw small black drones flying through the air.

"Everyone were being followed!" I shouted and then we were bombarded by sudden shots from above.

"Take cover!" Lance shouted as we all scrambled to hide.

Lance and Keith hid behind a car while the rest of us hid in a partially destroyed building.

I watched as Hunk shot wildly at the small drones while Keith made a distraction for Lance by running.

Lance looked through his scope and took the shot, not missing a single drone.

"I wonder how many of these things they have around here." Keith said, "Pidge, any chance we could see those thungs before they get to us?"

"Already on it." Pidge said, pulling up an aerial map of the vicinity, "Looks like four more headed our way."

As soo as she said that, we were attacked again. We ducked out of the way and took cover.

"It's not drones. Look." Shiro said.

I looked around the rock barrier I was hiding behind and saw Galra sentries attacming us with their weapons.

I changed into my moon form and created a shield around me, Luna, Pidge, Romelle and Coran as the shots we're fired.

I looked up and saw more of those drones coming towards us and shooting at my shield.

But just then, I heard tires running across the ground and a loud thud coming from in front of us.

I looked towards the noise and saw a familiar Garrison vehicle slam into one of the sentries, destroying on impact.

The doors opened and a uniformed man came out holding a gun and taking a shot at one of the sentries.

From around the corner another armored car came rushing to the scene.

The hatch opened and a woman came out firing her gun.

"Stay down, we've got this!" She shouted shooting.

She shot down one of the drones over Keith. He turned and looked at the woman.

"I had that." He said.

"Drones send distress signals when attacked." The man said, "Our weapons neutralize those signals. So unless you wanna deal,with a swarm of those things, let us handle it. Now lets get out of here before more show up."

I changed back to my human form and followed the others into the cars and sped away to the garrison.

I sat next to Keith as we rode towards the Garrison, the large building being protected by a particle barrier.

I placed my hand on Keith's which he flipped his hand over to grasp mine gently.

"It's been a long time since I've been here." I chuckled.

"Yeah, it's been a long time for all of us." Keith said.

We watched as the cars went through the only opening in the particle barrier. The Galaxy Garrison. We had finally made it.

The place hasn't changed one bit from the inside. It still stood strong even in this war. The cars stopped in front of the main building, where seveal people were waiting.

Pidge looked over the driver's seat and smiled at the sight of her parents.  Pidge's mother, Colleen, ran up to the cars as they stopped and let us out.

Pidge wasted no time getting out.

"Mom!" She shouted happily, jumoing out of the car and into her mother's embrace as they collapsed to the ground in tears.

"Oh, Katie! I'm so glad you're home!" Colleen sighed crying and laughing at the same time.

"Lance!" Lance and I heard someone shouted. We looked over to the right and saw a large family.

"Uncle Lance!" Two children shouted happily running up to the cars.

Lance couldn't help it. He jumped out of the car, collapsed to his knees and wrapped his arms around the little boy and girl while being hugged by the rest of his family.

I smiled gently, feeling happy for everyone as they reunited with their families.

"We've missed you so much." Lance's mom said happily.

"We never gave up on you." His sister Veronica said.

"I missed you guys so much." Lance cried, loking over at his neice and nephew.

"Oh my gosh. You two are so much bigger now."

"You're the same size." The nephew said.

I looked at Hunk to see his saddened expression. I didn't see his family, so it must be hard on him to see everyone else have a lovely reunion.

"It's good to have you home." Sam said to Hunk.

"So, my family?" Hunk asked.

"We'll get them back soon." Sam reassured.

"Sam, the crystals I gave you, did you give them to families?" I asked.

Sam smiled, "Yes, and each member hasn't taken them off once. They were all relieved to what your message."

I sighed in relief, "That's good. As long as they have them on, the Galra can't touch them in any harmful way." I looked up at Hunk with a soft smile, "They won't be hurt, Hunk. I promise your family will return unharmed."

Hunk smiled sadly and nodded, trusting my words.

"Officer Shirogane." I heard someome saw to Shiro. I looked around and saw a familiar officer from the Garrison. Iverson.

"It's good to see you again. My apologies for throwing you in quarantine." He said.

Ah," Coran said leaning up against Iverson, "So you're the one who strapped Shiro to a table. I heard about that."

I chuckled and walked over to the Altean man, "Coran, that's enough, step away." I said, pulling Coran away from Iverson.

I could hear Iverson gasped when he saw my face.

"You were just following orders, as any good soldier would. It's great to see you too." Shiro said.

Iverson continued to stare at me.

Shiro chuckled sheepishly, "Sorry, you remember Aiko, right?" Iverson nodded.

"Well then, allow me to introduce you to our Altean allies. Meet Allura, Romelle, and Coran."

"The honor is mine. Your technology has been instrumental in defending this small corner of Earth" Iverson said before turning to me, "And you are really an alien?"

I nodded, "Yes sir." Just then, I felt a small hand grab mine. I looked down and saw Lance's niece holding my hand and smiling brightly.

"Hi, my name is Nadia and this is my brother Sylvio." She said cheerfully, pointing towards the little boy near his mother. "Are you Aiko?"

I nodded and looked up at Lance's family who all had surprised expressions on their faces.

"Aiko," Veronica gasped, "Is it really you?"

I nodded again before walking up to them and smiling, "It's good to see you again, Veronica." I looked over at Lance's older brothers and other older sister.

"Marco, Luis, Rachel, you've all grown. Glad to see you all healthy amd safe." I said.

"Ai--Zurine." I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around and Colleen smiling at me with her daughter wrapped in her arms.

"It's so good to see you." She said, "Thank you for keeping my daughter safe."

I shook my head and held my hand up, "It was a pleasure spending time with your daughter. Now, as I said in my message, this isn't my real form."

I snapped my fingers and changed into my true form, my royal garments adorning my body.

Everyone around me gasped in shock at the sudden change in my appearance.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all in my true form. My name is Zurine Arraine Arisa, princess of the planet Arisa, and I'm here to help end this war."

I turned away from their shocked faces and saw Iverson talking to Keith.

"Cadet..." Iverson said.

"Yes, sir." Keith said, standing tall and saluting next to Kosmo and Luna.

"I owe you an apology as well. I've heard about all you've done. I was wrong about you. It's an honor and a privilege to see you again."

"Thank you, sir." Keith said, "I guess I wasn't the best cadet back then. I probably owe you a bit of an apology too."

Keith stuck out his hand and Iverosn grabbed it, shaking it respectively.

I walked over to Keith and stood my his side, grabbing his other hand.

"I'm glad to see you make amends, Keith." I said, surprising Iverson.

"I'm still shocked by your true form Ai- I mean, Princess Zurine." Iverson said.

"There is no need for formalities, just call me Zurine, Iverson." I said.

Iverson nodded and smiled, before bending down and petting Kosmo.

"Ah, and who's this little fella?" He asked.

"Oh, Kosmo likes you." Coran said, "But be careful. If you touch it, it could zap you to a different universe. Seriously."

Iverson froze and quickly backed away fron Kosmo. He looked at Luna with a slight sense of fear.

"Is that lion gonna do anything if I touch it?" He asked.

I laughed and gently pet Luna's head, "Unfortunately, Luna doesn't have any supernatural abilities like Kosmo, but she is as strong as ten lions put together. Not to mention she's protective of me."

Iverson sighed and turned away, "Well then we should probably get you all something to eat and situated. It's must've been a long trip to Eaeth from who knows where you came from."

We all agreed and went inside the garrison to get cleaned, fed and redressed. However, I wanted to stay in my royal garments, but according to protocol I had to wear a uniform while here.

So, I made a compromise. I used my abilites to take an existing uniform and adding small touches of my garments. I still wore the jacket and pants, but I put my family's crest on the chest, along with the signs of Yue and Apollo.

After about an hour or so, we all went our separate ways for a little bit, until I heard Shiro and Iverson talking about a man named Adam.

I had only met Adam a few times during my stay with Shiro. He was a kind man with a good heart, always wanting to a good influence on the next generation.

"Shirogane, I have to show you something. It's about Adam." Iverson said.

Shiro's face turned sorrowful as Iverson led Shiro away to another room. I followed, reaching out and grabbing Iverson by the shoulder.

"May I come along?" I asked, "I would like to pay my respects to Adam."

Iverson didn't object. He led us to a room with a large wall, every inch plaster with the pictures and ranks of the fallen during the fight with the Galra.

I felt tears prick the edges of my eyes as Shiro and I found Adam's picture.

"Adam..." Shiro whispered, "I'm sorry."

"It's because of then that Earth still has a chance." Iverson said, "Its time for our debriefing."

"Just one moment, Commander." I said. I held out my hands and created a bouquet of crystal flowers, gently laying it down near the large plaque in front of the memorial.

"Your sacrifices won't be in vain. Earth will be free in your honor." I said. Shiro patted my shoulder and smiled.

"Thank you for that, Zurine." He said. I nodded and followed him and Iverson to the debriefing.

We sat with our team in the conference room as Sam Holt explained the current situation.

"Sendak's forces remain at bay, but without a meaningful supply line, we're slowly being suffocated." Sam explained.

"No one is putting up a fight against Sendak?" Shiro asked.

"Small underground pockets of resistance have attempted to do so with varying degrees of success." Veronica answered, "Eventually, all were discovered and systematically wiped out. Earth's offensive capabilities simply don't stand a chance against the Galra."

"Why don't we bring more people into this base?" Hunk asked.

"We've had to out a halt in our extraction ops as they were proving to be too risky." Sam said.

"But there are good peoope out there. They could be protected. My family's out there." I frowned at Hunk's words, he so desperately wanted his family back, but in this case, there was no way to get them.

"I'm sorry, Hunk."

"But if we have an opportunity now--"

"Hey, do Paladins not understand the chain of command?" One of the young pilots, Griffin I believe was his name, interrupted, "Your CO said that it was too dangerous."

"Officer Griffin, that's enough." Sam silenced, "Believe me, I understand what you're going through, Hunk. We all have family out there, but we have to weigh our options. We can't lose ten people to save twelve. I'm sorry."

I sighed and stood up with Allura.

"Well, then let's see what we can do." Allura said, "You said you've integratef Altean tech with Earth weaponry?"

Sam nodded.

"May we see it, Mr. Holt?" I asked.

"Of course. Follow me." Sam led us to an elevator that led us down to the lowest level of the garrison.

There in a large hangar were multiple ships similar to Alteam fighter ships.

"The Mecha-Flex-Exo fighters, or MFEs, are extremely agile with advanced weaponry, but are only valable of short-range attacks." Sam explained, "Sustaining power eith Altean-infused weaponry is an issue were trying to overcome."

"Maybe I can help you out with that." Coran said, "I do still have some leftover Faunatonium. It's an Altean fuel additive, but also has some unexpected side effects, so don't get any on you."

We exited the elevator and Sam led us to a seoarate hangar. Inside was a ship as big as the Castle of Lions. It was amazing to see.

"And this is our battleship. It's large eniugh to house all of the Lions and an entire command unit."

"It's built, but it can't fly." We turned to the side and saw an Admiral we were introduced to as Admiral Sanda.

"Everyone, there's a subject we can't avoid any longer. Sendak attacked Earth because he wanted the Lions someone known as the Child of Sun and Moon, and now they're here. It seems that we need to at least discuss our options."

Everyone was surprised by Sanda's plan of action.

"Are you suggesting that we willingly hand over the Lions and Zurine to the Galra?" Shiro asked. I felt Keith's hand tightly grasp mine as his anger rose.

"Our supplies are gone. We spent all our resources on a ship that doesn't fly. The weapons we do have are not enough to mount an attack. All we can do is protect a small pocket of Earth. But for how much longer?"

"The universe needs the Lions and Zurine." Sam said.

"So does Earth. They're our only bargaining chip."

"I agreed with the Admiral." One of the commaders said, "Earth had been nearly destroyed. Countless citizens have been lost. But it could all be over if we give up the girl and the Lions."

"We have a fighting chance now that the Lions have returned. We need to take it." Iverson tried to reason.

"I'll settle this argument right now." Allura said, "We're not giving up the Lions and Zurine inder any circumstances. There is no negotiating with Sendak."

"Maybe you should leave the matters of Earth to the people who live here." Sanda said.

"Enough!" I shouted, changing into my sun from for a tick beofre returning to normal.

"This bickering isn't getting us anywhere."

"Zurine is right." Shiro said, "Admiral, I respect that you'll do anything you can to protect Earth. But trust us, we've been through more than you could ever imagine. We have fought the Galra om the fringes of the universe and in their very home. Zurine has been captured, tortured and targeted for the powers she was born with. I know there's a way to defeat Sendak."

"How? We barely knwo what we're up against. We need intelligence, and we just don't have it."

"Maybe we do." Allura said, "The information from the Castle of Lions." My eyes widened seeing what she was thinking.

"You're right, Allura." I turned to Mr. Holt, "That information you downloaded contains Sendak's memories."

"How does that help?" Sam asked
"It might give us some insight into Sendak's plan." Pidge said, "Allura, Zurine you two are geniuses."

I looked back at Sanda. She had a disappointed yet determined look on her face as Officer Sablan led me, Pidge, Allura and Pidge's mom to another room.

He swiped his card in the access slot and the door opened, revealing a large room filled with computer hard drives a small table in the center.

"Everything from the Castle is stored here." Sablan said, "Processing the massive amount of complex Altean data takes nearly every node we have. Sifting through that information is like trying to find a needle in a haystack."

Pidge smiled and sat down in one of the chairs, beginning to sift through the information.

I walked around the room with Allura, we stopped next to a wall with prototype mechanical limbs.

"Those are Commander Holt's designs for some of the injured soldiers." Sablan said, "They're extremely advanced, but like everything else, we don't have an adequate power source to make them viable."

I smiled, gently holding one of the fingers on the arm prototype.

"I might be able to find a power source for it. Just give me some tine to make an appropraite crystal for them." I said.

"Here they are-- Sendak's memories." Pidge said. We walked up behind her and looked at the screen full of code.

"It's just code until we find a way to interpret it."

"I might now a way." Allura said.

"You two work on that. I'm going to find the others." I said, waving goodbye and running off to to find everyone else.

As I walked dowm the halls, I was interrupted by a shouting angry voice.

"This situation stinks!" I headed to where the voice was coming from and saw Keith and Hunk talking in a separate room.

"I can't believe we finally get back to Earth and it's taken over by Galra." Hunk shouted.

"I guess there is something on your mind." Keith said.

"I--I- I know it's stupid, but I used to daydream about coming home to a peaceful Earth. And that would've been great. But I realized nothing... Nothing would have been greater than seeing my family. But I can't. And all I keep thinking about is that I wasn't there for them. I don't even know if they're okay."

"Hunk." I said, grabbing theeir attention, "Your family will be just fine."

"How do you know, Zurine?" Hunk asked.

"Remember that box I have to Sam Holt?" They nodded, "It was filled with crystals that I designed and created to protect your family and Lance's family from,being harmed in any way by the Galra. The Galra can't touch those crystals and they can't touch your family, as long as they keep those crystals on."

"So, they're gonna be okay?" Hunk asked.

I nodded, walking up to the yellow Paladin and gently taking his hand in mine.

"I swear on everything in the universe, that your family will be returned to you safe and sound. I'll make sure of it."

Keith sighed and stood next to me, "I never told you this, but of all the Paladins, you're the one in most impressed by."

Hunk looked up at Keith as he continued, "It's no secret that you've been the most scared, but... you've never backed down. Never. And to be brave is to go on in spite of fear. And that's who you are, Hunk. I know you're scared, but your family... they need you to be strong right now."

In an instant, Hunk rushed up to Keith and squeezed him in a tight hug. Keith was surprised, but he eventually returned the hug.

"Thank you, Keith." He said, then turned to me and hugged me.

"And thanks a lot for protecting my family, Zurine. Even if you weren't there to do so yourself." I smiled and hugged him back before he broke it and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Keith asked.

"I'm going to get my family." Hunk replied.

"Not without us." Keith said.

While we waited for night to fall, I worked on a power source for new mechanical limbs. Mostly, I thought about Shiro and designed a new arm just for him. It would be the first mechanical limb I've ever created with a crystal power source like this.

Before it was time to go, I gave the completed arm to Allura, telling her to wait to the give it Shiro until I returned. There were things I needed to do myself to attach the arm.

Later in the night, Keith and Hunk changed into their armor while I changed into my normal clothes.

We snuck into the garage and were about to take a car, when a bright light suddenly shined on us.

"Going somewhere?" Someone said. We looked up at the light and saw Officer Griffin and Lance's older sister, Veronica.

"This doesn't concern either of you." Keith said.

"No, but you'll probably be concerned with the patrol drones that will spot you within seconds." Veronica said.

"And you might be concerned with the blast from Sendak's automated low-orbit long-range blaster satellite that takes you out." Griffin added with an attitude.

"Zurine has the ability to turn herself, anything and anyone she touches invisible. Plus she can teleport. We'll be fine." Keith said.

"What's your problem?" Hunk asked.

"My problem is I don't wanna see our only hope for saving Earth get hurt." Griffin said, but smiled, "That's why we're coming with you."

We smiled and nodded in thanks then quickly headed out to find Hunk's family. Veronica snuck down to the streets, placing singal sensors around the area, while we watched from higher ground.

"She did it. The signal's sent." Griffin said.

"Okay, now what?" Hunk asked.

"Now we wait."

While we waited, I sat down and concentrated on the crystals Hunk's family were wearing. But for some reason, everytime I tried to connect with them, by connection was interrupted by the same dark feeling I had since we came to Earth's Solar System.

"What's she doing?" Griffin asked as he looked at me.

"She must be concentrating." Keith said.

"On what?"

"Zurine gave my family crystals to keep them safe. And since those crystals are connected to her, she can connect to anyone who has them." Hunk explained.

Once Veronica returned, we quickly went to the pipes and waited underground for an opening.

A few Galra sentries passed us but didn't notice us. Sudden, after a while longer of waiting, a bright light flashed in our eyes.

We gasped in surprise when a man appeared above.

"Come with me, quickly." He said. We climbed out of the pipes and followed the man to an old abandoned skyscraper.

When he turned on the lights, we saw the walls and table covered in maps and data.

"Amazing." He said, "The rumors are true. Word of the Paladins' return has inspired the resistance."

"Thank you for your help." Hunk said, "Tell the resistance we're gonna get rid of the Galra."

"Words we've waited a long time to hear." The man said. He turned to me and smiled, "And this must be the famous Child of the Sun and Moon. It's an honor to meet you."

I smiled back, "The honor is all mine."

"Is this where they've taken all the prisoners?" Veronica asked looking out the window.

We all rushed to the window and saw a massive Galra mining work camp. The lighrs signaled that it was still operating.

"What are they doing down there?" Keith asked.

"They have work camps operating day and night mining ore for Sendak. It's been nonstop for months. He's building something, but no one is sure what." The man answered.

"I thought the labor force was outsdie the encampment." Veronica said.

"They were, but they've been moved in."

"What does that mean?" Hunk asked hastily.

"It means we can't get you to your parents."

Hunk shut his eyes and silently begged that this wasn't the end for his family.

I gently rubbed his back soothingly.

"Believe me, if there was a way, we would do it." Veronica said.

"Can I at least see them from here?" Hunk asked.

The man took a pair of binoculars and gave them to Keith first.

"I see movememt." He said, "It looks like the workers are exiting."

Keith gave Hunk the binoculars and he searched for his family, gasping when he finally saw his mom and dad.

"That's them." He said, "My mom, my dad. Don't worry. You just need to hang on a little longer. We're going to get you out."

Tears ran down Hunk's face as he put down the binoculars.

"I'm going to get you out."

"Zurine, we're closer now. You think you can find them with your powers and the crystals?" Keith asked.

I nodded, sitting on the floor, closing my eyes and concentrating on the crystals Hunk's family had.

The connection was better and I was able to feel every member of Hunk's family.

Hunk's mother and father were tired and weak, but not harmed in any way. His uncle was more exhausted, but otherwise unharmed.

As for Hunk's niece, nephew and his older sister, they were placed in a separate section of the work camp for the weaker workers.

I opened my eyes and sighed, smiling at Hunk with relief.

"They're all okay. Exhausted but all right." I said.

Hunk sighed, hugged me and thanked me over and over.

It was the best kind of news Hunk had received since we came back to Earth. But the sick dark feeling I had wouldn't go away.

It was something I needed to find.

Or else...

...It could be the end of Earth.

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