Swiftstar's Prophecy - Unoffi...

By AmbiguousPierogi

14.3K 713 970

Swiftpaw is prophecied to be the "peacemaker" between the clans and the rogues that threaten the clan territo... More

Important Information Before you Read
Allegiances 0
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-one *SPECIAL*
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-six
Chapter Forty-seven
Chapter Forty-eight *SPECIAL*
Chapter Forty-nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-one
Chapter Fifty-two
Chapter Fifty-three
(Q&A) Chapter Fifty-four
Q&A + Facts + HINTS
Allegiances 1
Chapter Fifty-five
Chapter Fifty-six
Chapter Fifty-seven
Chapter Fifty-eight
Chapter Fifty-nine
Facts + Hints 2
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-one
Chapter Sixty-two
Chapter Sixty-three
Chapter Sixty-four
Chapter Sixty-five
Chapter Sixty-six
Chapter Sixty-seven
Chapter Sixty-eight
Chapter Sixty-nine
Chapter Seventy
Hi guys!

Chapter Thirty-four

177 10 8
By AmbiguousPierogi

The wind from Fallowpaw's paw brushed up against Swiftpaw's face as the calico apprentice dodged her attack. Letting out a quiet growl, Swiftpaw bunched her hind legs and leaped at the older she-cat, Swiftpaw's eyes narrowed. Fallowpaw was much bigger and older than Swiftpaw, almost by a three kit-paws. The pretty but dour brown tabby she-cat was trying to mock the younger apprentice, making short but heavy swings and trying to imitate Swiftpaw's high jumps. The two she-cats never really got along. 

It was now close to sunset, and the air was cool and dry. The mid leaf-fall days were much shorter, but the cold nights prospered bitterly. Today was Acornpaw and Fallowpaw's Warrior Assessment, the test to see if they would be warriors or not. And for a sparring partner, Fallowpaw picked Swiftpaw.

"Good morning, Wormpaw," Fallowpaw slightly snickered over at Swiftpaw. The morning light filtered through the reed den of the apprentices', and some shone on Swiftpaw's face. The calico apprentice had just woken up, her bones sore from racing Stonepaw last night. "What now?" The younger apprentice inquired, rolling her amber eyes. Fallowpaw's tail lashed, and she meowed confidentially, "I picked you to be my sparring partner today. After all, today is my warrior assessment. If Blizzardtail says you're so good at combat, then I'll test it."

The calico apprentice was about to collide with Fallowpaw. Because of how much smaller Swiftpaw was, she learned from Blizzardtail that she could easily churn herself in mid-air to deliver a deadly kick. Swiftpaw now turned her body, so that her hind legs also faced Fallowpaw. When they came in contact, Swiftpaw pushed; she kicked her hind legs and pushed her front paws into her flank, sending the tabby staggering back. The calico apprentice then landed on her paws, panting only slightly at what she'd done. Your challenge has been accepted, Fallowpaw. Swiftpaw narrowed her eyes, and lowered her head slightly, ready to defend. 

Throughout the past ten days ever since Snaketail left the clan, Blizzardtail has taught her a myriad of battle moves that he made up himself. 

"Because of your powerful legs and your speed, I'll balance them both out to make sure you're one of the most dangerous warriors in the clans." Blizzardtail meowed to her, his blue eyes watching her. Swiftpaw tilted her head, "The most dangerous? But I'm so small," she countered. Her mentor lifted his muzzle to the bright, blue sky. The sun was high-- Swiftpaw had more time to practice and ready herself before Fallowpaw's brawl. "Don't ever think you can't do something because of your size. I've seen deadly warriors the size of young apprentices. I'll make sure you're strong enough to defend yourself, but maybe in the future--" His blue eyes clouded with an emotion Swiftpaw couldn't read, "--You'll use it for the sake of the clans."

The sake of the clans, huh? Swiftpaw thought as she watched Fallowpaw charge at her. It bothers me that the prophecy came into my mind once he said that. What am I destined to do? I fear that I'll become a killer. As if she saw Fallowpaw's future moves, Swiftpaw side-stepped and dodged each one, lowering her head and raising her chin calmly. 

The calico apprentice remembered vividly what Blizzardtail had told her. "Always observe around you and your opponent. It is easy to read their body and their movements depending on how hard they step." Swiftpaw blanked out, her eyes focusing on Fallowpaw's foot-steps. "Why are you looking down, Wormpaw?" Fallowpaw teased. This clouded Swiftpaw's mind slightly, and she opened her mouth to come up with a smart remark when a powerful blow hit her head. 

Her mind spun as the younger apprentice staggered back, her eyes closed. Fish-guts! She caught me off guard! Fallowpaw now struck Swiftpaw's exposed chest, but the calico apprentice felt the light scratch of claws. What? Why is she using her claws discreetly? Swiftpaw now opened her eyes, and swiftly, she dove underneath the brown tabby and slid behind her. Lightly but forcefully, she snapped at the top hairs of her tail-tip, making the older apprentice yelp and jump away. Don't test me, Fallowpaw. She thought, her tail lashing angrily. 

Swiftpaw nearly forgot that Mothnose and Blizzardtail were watching. I hope I'm not bleeding, she glanced down at her chest and found no scent of blood. Once she did that, both apprentices charged at each other. Fallowpaw now leaped up high, letting out a snarl mockingly. "You're like a small rabbit. Useless to your clan. Even Redstar says so!" she yapped to Swiftpaw, only loud enough for the calico. 

I must control my anger... Swiftpaw thought as she moved out of her way before a right paw swept to Fallowpaw's face, hitting the tabby's muzzle harshly. Swiftpaw's heart was beating quickly as her anger rose like the cold tides of the river. Blizzardtail has told me to control my anger... and I will. Swiftpaw let out a calming breath before she dove to Fallowpaw's side.

Her teeth sank into Fallowpaw's scruff, and Swiftpaw dragged her to the side. But Fallowpaw didn't give up so easily. "You're not a TideClan cat! Blizzardtail taught you to fight like a kit!" Fallowpaw then bit into Swiftpaw's scruff. Because Fallowpaw was much bigger and stronger, the older apprentice heaved off Swiftpaw and threw her like a moss ball into the sand of the Training Clearing. 

Tumbling and swallowing sand, Swiftpaw coughed as she quickly got onto her paws once again. Shaking her long fur loose of sand, she could only open one eye, thanks to the other having some sand in it. "I'm not a kit!" Swiftpaw growled through gritted teeth. Control your anger, Swiftpaw... 

Fallowpaw tilted her head, her tail lashing persuasively. "You have been ever since you began to prey on my brother! For help, of course!" she spat. Preyed on him? I've barely talked to him! The two she-cats circled, their eyes on each other. They shared a deadly glare. "Excuse me?" Swiftpaw countered.

"You think you're so pretty, hm? Think you're so special just because the clan treats you well after Echoflower's death?" Swiftpaw's anger was overflowing, but the calico she-cat stopped in her tracks. Her amber eyes flooded in red, as her body shook. Swiftpaw didn't feel like herself, but she also felt as if something else awoken inside of her. 

"The clan doesn't even acknowledge you. Your siblings are more impressive, anyway. You're just for show!" Why is she attacking me like this? Swiftpaw thought as she stared at her paws. How much does Fallowpaw not like me? Is she jealous? 

"Your father hates you, and I bet your mentor thinks you're a drag," Fallowpaw whispered venomously into her ears as she passed by her, their pelts brushing harshly. It sent a chill down Swiftpaw's spine. I can't move. Her words...they have me entangled. I feel so lost...so angry. 

As Fallowpaw was across from Swiftpaw in the imaginary circle that they've traced, Fallowpaw said something that made Swiftpaw snap. The lips of a deceiving, venomous she-cat made Swiftpaw turn into a different cat than she was before. The once closed in, nervous Swiftpaw she was before now disappeared. The shell of shyness broke away, and a bolder Swiftpaw emerged.

"I bet your mother is disappointed in you!" Fallowpaw screeched as she flew at Swiftpaw. But even though the calico's eyes were focused on the sand, Swiftpaw's mind and body moved without her full spirit's control. Just as Fallowpaw came close, Swiftpaw's eyes narrowed. She whipped around, and with her right claw unsheathed, she drew it over deeply into Fallowpaw's shoulder. It drew a lot of blood, but none of it fazed the fiery gaze in Swiftpaw's amber eyes as she stared down at the struggling Fallowpaw. The new feeling was swelling in her chest; this was confidence. 

Before her was a squirming and whimpering Fallowpaw, the apprentice struggling to stand from the deep hit on her shoulder. Swiftpaw's right paw was touched slightly by blood, but the calico she-cat didn't feel any remorse at all. A shadow was cast unto the pretty calico she-cat's face, and she hissed,

"Your dirty mouth doesn't deserve to speak the name of my mother."


Don't mess with Swiftpaw.


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