Be my Shining Star: Kill la K...

By __Neopolitan__

308K 4.5K 5.5K

Being an old Friend Of Isshin Matoi, Dr. L/N helped him with his Research on Life Fiber and helped him to cre... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
🍋 Chapter 28 🍋
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
!Thank You!

Chapter 30

4K 63 100
By __Neopolitan__

We are slowly closing in on the end here
Y/n p.o.v

Inumuta: <I'm getting a powerful energy signature from the Primordial Life Fibers Core. >

Satsuki: "that must be the power source, where it stored the humans it has captured. If we destroy that, we can stop it in its tracks."

Ryuko: "Good, first things first though, gotta deal with Mom."

Y/n: "Ugh, it's weird saying it like that..."

Aksis: "SIVA-dencity at 200% "

Y/n: "Hm...I don't think that's enough to open a path into that thing yet, keep it Rising Aksis."

Ryuko: "Ragyoooo! It's time for you to learn what happens when you make me wear shit I don't wanna wear!"

The Rainbow mom talked about how her daughter should learn how to respect her elders and pulled what appeared to be two blades from the primordial Life Fiber to stop the incoming Ryuko and her own blades.

Ragyo: "I'm remake the both of you, starting with the cloth patteren."

From her right, satsuki dashed at her with her two bakuzan blades, only for Ragyo to free on of her blades, to stop satsuki as well.

Satsuki: "These blades."

Ragyo: "Yes, they were fashioned from ultra hardened Life Fiber. The scissors and bakuzan were created based on the same thing. The beginning and end of all things can be found here, within the primordial Life Fiber."

I kneeled on to of my shank that was flying towards the front of it and Ragyo at full speed, with Wilt ready to pierce through Ragyo.

Y/n: "Then you don't mind if I take a look at it's and your insides while I'm at it for you?!"

Before I could impale her however, and while she was clashing blades with Ryuko and Satsuki, satsuki must have done something to tick her off, seeing as she forced Ryuko back quite a bit while kicking Satsuki towards me, forcing me to put my blade back to not impale her. I quickly caught her with my free hand before Ragyo started to...float?

Ragyo: "Your shoes aren't allowed on this sacred surface. If only you would give yourself to clothing, you'd be able to do this..."

Before I could even blink, she was flying around in the air with a cliche rainbow trail behind her. The girls fused there respective flying and blade modes and went after Ragyo. While they were flying and fighting, I closed in on the primordial life Fiber to create an entrance. But suddenly the sides of it opened and the same missiles started flying towards me just like before.

Y/n: "Fine then...Moon...."

Quickly sheathing my blade, it started glowing bright red as well as the cables at the SIVA infused Arm,

Y/n: "...SLICE!"

Before instantly unsheathing it sending forth a big energy shockwave to nullify and destroy all missiles coming at me. Sadly some however didn't target me however. They were targeting the Naked Soul.
(such a weird ship name...but hey. It's nudist beach after all)

I really hope mako and the others are holding there own. But then I say one strand of life fiber used hooked itself into the ship...and the primordial fiber headed straight for the ship.

Y/n: "Ah shit, this will be bad."

The front of the primordial life fiber opened, revealing what looked like some crazy giant mouth to swallow more people. Ragyo was touching herself and moaning about how unstoppable she is. As the ship tried to fire it's canons at it, a shield made of life fiber formed, blocking every Canon shot completely. Looking towards the ship that was invaded by covers of all sizes however, a certain 4 people had a bright light shining towards them?... Oh the elite four have there new Goku uniforms. Alright they along with mako can Definitely defend the ship seeing as all covers in that area just exploded. Meanwhile the girls and Ragyo fought there way back to the primordial life fiber.

Y/n: "Aksis, how fast can you create another shank in thin air? And how far is the SIVA dencity?"

Aksis: "If we start on this shank it's ready as soon as this one gives out. And the SIVA dencity Is at 350 by now, Why?"

Y/n: "Alright...."<Ryuko. I got an idea...>

3th. P.o.v.

Ryuko was Flying high,straight at Ragyos face prepareing her finishing move, while Satsuki and Y/n kept there distance. But in the end, the scratch ragyo recived immediately healed again. While Ryuko...was hit from ragyos blades on both sides from her waist, making her cough up blood. She forced her blades out, seperationg Ryuko into two as she fell towards the water.

Y/n: "Ragyooooooooo!!!"

Satsuki: "Damn you!!"

Y/n Jumped of the shank he was flying to clash his blade with ragyos, as the shank fell into the water below after the primordial life fiber rammed the Naked Soul.

Ragyo: "You both are waisting your time. Ryuko was fused with life fiber not you satsuki, she's the reason you came this far. Even with that make shift kumui of yours you can't slow me down."

She slashed downward, knocking The blades out of satsukis hand to turn her attention to y/n.

Ragyo: "And you...your the one with whom I'll remake the two of them. Even if I have to force you to give me what I want."

Y/n: "Ugh, hearing it like that makes me wanna vomit. I do it with the two of them again of course but not with the likes of you. Also, your next like will be: to bad it's only one remaining."

Ragyo: "To bad it's only one remaining so- what are you playing at boy?"

Y/n: "Oh you know...buying time with satsuki for my bomb to detonate, creating an entrance for Ryuko....that sort of thing.

Ragyo: "Bomb?"

Y/n and Satsuki jumped back from Ragyo, and Y/n quickly landed on a new shank that came from below. While looking behind Ragyo, another shank was latching itself into the Primordial life fiber.

Y/n: "This SIVA my father's a wonderful thing you know. If you detach a lump of it from whatever it originates from it becomes unstable. And if the SIVA density is as high as I let it climb. The explosion will be massive, and the SIVA infested life fibers can't heal. And the cables are also a nice touch."

From down below screaming was heard as a red flash quickly shot above them, and took the transformation of both fly and blade mode once again.

Y/n: "It was a risky plan. But it's gonna pay of now.


Y/n: "<it's a risky plan but if it works, the primordial life fiber will be as good as done for.>

Ryuko: <Almost letting me be killed isn't the nicest idea you know>

Y/n: < Just hear me out. You fly above Ragyo, to use your decapitation mode on her. She most likely will Parry it and somehow try to cut you in two. You block her blade but you let it look like she got you. You let yourself fall in the water and we but you time to heal. Meanwhile I attach one of my cables to my shank along with a lump of SIVA with the entire 500% dencity to give you an entrance. I jump off it to attack ragyo in a fit of rage for her killing my drifter and the cable will attach to the primordial life fiber and once you recover, I shoot it, it explodes and you have a free entry.>

There was a brief moment of Silence as the girls took in his plan before he headed two low okays from them.


*insert the von Stroheim Propaganda Themen*

Y/n: "Ragyo you utter Fooool. This German technology is ze finest in ze woooorld!"

Y/n pulled out his smaller version of his SIVA shrapnel launcher and fired a few shots at the Shank that latched itself onto the top back part of the primordial life fiber, causing it to detonate and opening up a entrance for Ryuko who dove straight in. Ragyo only looked to what had just happened before her very eyes before slowly turning to Satsuki and


suddenly her blades were both blocked by a giant arm. And it belonged to no other that Gamagoori himself.

Ragyo: "You...."

Y/n: "Thanks big guy."

Gamagoori: "My arms, are as strong as the steel of bakuzans blade...and my body. IS LADY SATSUKIS LIVING SHIELD!!!"

In an instant, ragyo was covered in smoke and explosions with Non as the cause of them.

Nonon: "Hey auntie Ragyo. Wait until you see HOW MUCH I'VE GROWN."

y/n: "Ehh, your still pretty small...."

Nonon: "WHAT WAS THAT!!!"

Y/n: "Sorry!!!!"

Out of the smoke jumped a Screaming Uzu Sanageyama, re ready to strike ragyo. She taunted him for Maybe having a boosted uniform but still being blind. Only to be brought to reality after his strike cut odf some rainbow strands from her hair. While her strike cut his blindfold in half, revealing his eyes to be open once more.

Uzu: "If I was holding back, I'd say you have a point. But my eyes are Open now! That's why it's called 'Secret unsealed'! "

Inimuta: "Heads up lady satsuki!"

With that warning, he threw Satsuki her two bakuzan blades as she transformed into her flying form once again. With that, the 5 of them headed straight for Ragyo.


Satsuki: " Do what you must but...make sure to be alright."

Y/n: "Heh, you 5 as well"



I decided this story is lacking in JoJo references. So yeah, hope you liked it, and till next time

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