Lovely ||Krii7y||

By Diallina

91.7K 4.9K 1.6K

Isn't it Lovely All alone Heart made of glass My mind of stone Tear me to pieces Skin to bone Hello... welco... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57? Epilogue?!

Chapter 46

1K 74 24
By Diallina

Chapter 46

"Father," John said when he entered the library.

Their library wasn't like an of the public library's out there. There were several books passed down from generation to generation. John was pretty sure he could only sell the library and would have enough money to last him a life time. Many historians try to ask for permission to study the thousands of books were inside but his father wouldn't let them. There were many secrets he wasn't willing to share with the world just yet.

"What is it John can't you see I'm busy," his father said sharply.

"May I please head over to... my old schoolmates and tell them of the situation," John said carefully choosing his words.

"You may, this is the first step in taking over the company; cutting off all unnecessary ties to the poor," John's father said.

"Of course father I'll be back for dinner," John said bowing.

"Please do we have some business partners coming over," his father said and John left the library.

John sighed and made his way to his room. He wanted to grab a couple of things before heading to Fitz's house. He knew they were all going to be there. John  should have came to them sooner but he knew he wouldn't be allowed to leave yesterday. His father would have most likely just laugh in his face and then sent him to his room. John was completely nervous. His friends hadn't replied back to his message the day before so he's going over to see what's up.

"Cameron is going to forgive you," Sara had told him when he was telling her the plan.

"He's not the same Cam as before when he is mad at something he's mad at them for life," John told her.

But all Sara did was reassure him that Cameron would forgive him once he explained himself. John wanted to sigh but just smiled at her. She was completely naive to the outside world and to what people actually think. John realizes that she probably didn't know that Matt really hated Smii7y. She was in her own world and John would hate to be the person to break her from it.

John entered his room and grabbed his vape, wallet, his phone, and his gifts. There were still no replies making John frown. He grabbed his jacket and some gloves before making his way to his driver. He saw the car out front waiting for him and he wonder if his dad had anything to do with this.

"To Cameron's," John said as he entered the car.

John pulled his phone from his pocket and stared at it. His phone had been extremely silent since the gala. He was hoping Fitz wasn't too mad at him. He knew he should have just told Fitz about Smii7y's nights visit but knowing he had something for himself was more enticing. John looked out the window and sighed. No matter how John put everything it always lead to his fault for not doing something about it.

"We have arrived young master," the driver said and John got off.

John quickly made his way to the front door and knocked. It didn't take long before the face of Fitz's mom was in view.

"Oh John it's been a while," she said smiling at him.

"Uh Yeah is Cameron home," John asked.

"Oh he's in his room why don't you place the gifts under the tree, head over and I'll make some snacks," she said as she let him in.

The trip to Fitz's room felt like an eternity to John. Each step felt like a thousand pounds were being added to his shoulder. The guilt he was feeling only increasing as he reached the door handle. When John opened the door the guys had quieted only looking towards John with slight interest.

"What do you want," Zuckles was the first to say breaking the tension of the room.

"I... I wanted to talk," John said. Why did his lips feel so dry all of a sudden.

"You want to talk pft you're crazy," McCreamy said.

"You had all this time to talk and you chose now that we know," Swagger said.

It was strange hearing Swagger mad, but hearing his voice made John's bones freeze up.

"No guys let him talk I'm all ears," Fitz said in an eerily calm voice.

"I... I know I should have told you that Smii7y was... visiting me and I know I promised to tell you," John said.

"But you didn't," Fitz said.

"I didn't yeah....," John said.

"Why... why did you lie to me... don't you know what a terrible person he is," Fitz said.

"No I don't all you ever tell me was that he changed and that's it," John exclaimed.

"You want to know the truth? Fine let me tell you," Fitz said as he walked straight towards John.

John took a step back because undeniably Fitz was the tallest out of everyone. John felt a little small compared to him.

"I first met Smii7y when I was only 5 years old, my mum had moved from New Zealand and she got a job working as his nanny. I grew up with Smii7y and he became my best friend. We did everything with each other and soon when I was only 11 my mum explained what love is and that's when I realized I had fallen for him. It was like that for a whole year.

I blushed whenever I saw him and I acted all nervous. When he turned 12 we were on our own and that's when Smii7y asked me out. Since we were only 12 at the time we had to make it seem like we were only just really good friends. Oh how it killed me knowing the shame it would put Smii7y if his family ever found out about our relationship and yet I still continued to love him.

And then a year later his engagement with Sara was announced. At the time, Sara had no clue about us and we could tell she was excited. She was a really close friend so I felt bad when Smii7y told her. Sara was so heart broken but she wished us the best and supported us. The only person we didn't tell was Matt but that was on us.

My mum decided that we would be better off living in the states and soon enough I had to say goodbye to Smii7y. But Smii7y no that dumbass decided he didn't want to live without me and followed me to the states. I did what I can to help him survive; finding him a place to live, providing a good source of power, giving him food when he was running out... I did a lot and he was appreciated. It wasn't until a year and a half of this new arrangement when Smii7y started to become distant.

It wasn't noticeable at first as I chucked it up to Smii7y being Smii7y. Then he started to get into trouble. He made a friend in some guy named Eli and he showed him the ways of stealing. I voiced my concerns but Smii7y said he could handle it. I stayed by his side as he stole from the rich and his from the cops. And in the end he broke up with me.... I loved him with all of my heart and he just ends it like what we had didn't matter...," Fitz said explaining himself.

"Fitz...," John said.

"I'm not finished....," Fitz said making John be quiet.

"I watched this amazing person become someone I didn't recognize. I met several of his relationships always telling me that he would change for them. I laughed... if I couldn't change him then no one can... which was why I didn't want you to meet him. He could ruin you with only a couple of words and I thought as my friend you would listen to me... but I thought wrong," Fitz said.

"I'm sorry but I don't regret meeting Smii7y," was the only thing John said.

"Haha you will be," Fitz said.

"I brought snacks," Fitz's mother said as she entered the room, "oh did something happen."

"No mum John was just leaving," Fitz said looking at him.

"Uh yeah sorry I'm busy with... Christmas stuff," John said rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh no worries then sweetie follow me then," she said as John followed her.

"I don't know if you plan on coming soon but here's a gift from Cameron," she said handing him a wrapped box.

"Thanks... have a nice Christmas," John said as he left with the gift in hand.

John stood outside and looked back at his old friends. John sighed and called his driver. This Christmas might be one of the worst ones yet.

Okay so don't get mad lol I mean I updated didn't I :D ... I guess the only thing I can say is see you Friday

With lots of Please don't kill me 💛

Brofish 👊🐟

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