Seems Like Forever

By Miss_May_

13.5K 519 75

20 year old Amanda Tyler is going through a bad break up, then she meets Chris Motionless and finds herself f... More

Seems Like Forever
Is This A Dream?
The Truth
No Way Out
Only Time Will Tell
Big Misconception
It's All Up Hill From Here
If I Leave
All I Want
Now Your Hold On Me's Broken
Watching Angels Cry
Say That Everything Is Over
You're Invited To A Graveyard Party Tonight
Just When You Think All Hope Is Gone
The Waiting Game
You Already Know What You Are
Your Betrayal
Heaven Is Hell
Bruise My Bones
Sick Like Me
She Never Made It To The Emergency Room
All That I'm Living For
The Love We Have
The Only Hope For Me Is You
New story

Will I Ever See You Again?

363 16 4
By Miss_May_


Me and Chris walk into Starbucks and he orders a pumpkin spice latte and I order a green tea frapuccino. When we get our drinks we sit at a table and Chris takes a sip of his coffee and smiles at me.

"You're so beautiful, I love you"

I smile back at him "I love you too"  

When we finish our drinks at Starbucks  me and Chris walk to his car and he starts driving. 

"Do you want to go to the mall?" 


He drives me to the mall and we walk inside and we walk around for a little bit. 

"Lets go to Hot Topic" I say and look at him.

He looks back at me and smiles "okay" we walk to the Hot Topic and  I look around at a few band shirts and Chris looks at Misfits shirts. A few of Chris's fans ask him to sign things and ask things like,  

"Is that your girlfriend?" 

"You two are soooo cute together!"

One girl says "I ship it!" and Chris looks at her confused and laughs a bit. I get a Bring Me The Horizon Shirt and half red half black pants. Chris gets two Misfit tees. After we pay for what we picked out at Hot Topic we walk around the mall a bit more and we get tired of just walking so he drives me home. 

-Next day-

I lay in my bed watching American Horror Story. 

"I'm going out with Jordan again today." Rose says standing in my doorway. 

"Okay, have fun." I say as she leaves the room. I turn music on so the house doesn't seem so quiet. I lay around in my room and watch tv until I get a text from Sarah.

Sarah: Hey do you want to hang out?

Me: Yeah, where do you want to go?

Sarah: You want to get lunch?

Me: Okay, where do you want to meet at?

Sarah: Lets go to that Chinese restaurant  in town.

Me: Sounds great, I'll be there around 12:30.

Sarah: Okay see you then.

I walk to my room and change out of my pajamas and into a MCR shirt and black jeans. As I'm getting ready I hear someone knock on my door. When I walk to the door and open it and before I can say anything or get a good look  at the person, they grab me and put a rag over my face. I struggle to get free but before I can get free I black out. 

I wake up and sit up not remembering all what happened. I look around the room I'm in, it's dark and there isn't many things in it. I get up and walk around looking at what's in the room when I hear someones footsteps outside of the door that I just realized was there and I hear the door creek open and I start to panic.


I wait in the restaurant waiting for Amanda to show up. I get tired of waiting so I text her.

Me: Where are you?

No answer.

Me: If you didn't want to come you could have just told me...

After ten minutes still no answer I decide to call her and she doesn't answer.

"What the hell? She's not like this." I mumble to myself. 

After about five minutes I call Chris to see if she knows where she went and he says he hasn't talked to her all day. I leave the restaurant and start to drive to Amanda's house. When I get there her front door is open and her car is  still there. I get out of my car and walk to her door, I look inside her house and walk inside, her phone is on the counter playing music but I don't see her anywhere. There is a noise coming from her room. I walk into her room, her tv is on but she isn't there either. I walk around her house more looking for her but she is no where to be found. I hear someone come into the house  I turn to see who it is and it's Rose. 

"Have you seen Amanda?"

She looks at me "I saw her earlier this morning. Why?"

"She's not answering my text and she isn't out with Chris. Her car is still here also."

"Have you tried calling her?"

"Yeah, she didn't answer."

"Shit" I hear Rose say under her breath and she walks around the house frantically. I call Chris and tell him what happened and he's over here in a few minutes. After about 30 minutes or so Balz, Ricky, Devin, and Ryan show up and we look around town to see if we can find Amanda anywhere. There is no sign of her anywhere. When we're done searching town we call the police and they say they will help look for her.

It starts to get dark and we all go home. I hear Chris walking around the house all night, apparently he can't sleep and neither can I, I lay in bed but can't sleep. All night I stare at my ceiling wondering if I will ever see my friend again.  

-Couple days later-

"Have you herd anything about Amanda?" I ask Chris.

"No" he says in disappointment. "The guys are out looking for Amanda right now, I'm going to drive around town and look for her again soon."

"Okay I'll come with you." 

We get in Chris's car and drive around town, still no sign of Amanda anywhere. I know Chris won't give up looking for her, he loves her so much. 

"I bet she's fine" I say trying to reassure him.

"I hope she is."  

We drive around town a bit longer before we go back home.

Rose comes over because she says she doesn't feel safe at her house right now, I wouldn't blame her after what has happened. I just wish something would give us a clue to where Amanda is.

I spend the rest of the day watching tv with Rose. Chris keeps himself isolated in his room the rest of the day and when it becomes night time Rose sleeps in our spare room and I walk into my room and fall onto my bed and start to cry. Why did this have to happen? Why Amanda?  I ask myself. I fall asleep eventually for the first time since Amanda went missing. 

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