Love Story With A Warbler

By Rey_Frost462

242K 2.9K 497

Lydia Hudson, younger sister of quarter back Finn Hudson and step-sister to Kurt Hummel. Like both of my brot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Exciting news!!!
Its Up!!!!

Chapter 16

4.8K 65 21
By Rey_Frost462

Author's note: No note, to the story!


Third POV

A guy in a black hood, dark blue jeans walk over to Rachel and Kurt who were talking to each other and looking through wedding maginzes. This was it.

"Umm..." he started once he apporach them. "Are you Rachel Berry and Kurt Hummel?"

They both smiled. "Yes, what can we do for you?" Rachel ask.

He held out an envolpe. "Some guy in a blazer uniform told me to hand this to you." Rachel took it from thim. "He said that it was a enganment gift for you and if you don't drop from the competition he would send it to everyone? He send you have twenty-four hours to drop. Something like that."

Rachel and Kurt look at the envelope.

He turned around and went stragiht out the door.


Lydia POV

Rachel and Kurt walk in and told us that Sebastian threaten Rachel. They gave Finn the photo and can i say, I'm scar for life. And I can't even look at my brother straight in the face right now.

"That's it." Finn said looking at it. "I'm done, I'm leaving this classroom and I'm gonna beat the Sebastian kids ass-"

"Finn chill." mr. Shue said. I sat next to kurt.

"I'm not gonna chill." Finn said. "I'm done chilling."

"The official show choir rule book states that any real or perceived threat of violence, vandalize, or humiliation, will be met with a swift and unquestioned disqualification from the threatening parties team with extreme prejudice. It's right here, page 72, bylaw 15, section 6, article 44."

"G-guys, i contacted the headmaster at Dalton." Mr. Shue said.

"Like you did when Sebastian almost blinded Blaine?" Mike complained.

"Or when Lydia almost got sick to her death?" Santana backed him up.

"What did they do then? Same thing that they're going to do now nothing." Artie continued.

"Look guys, none of this matters now anyways, okay? We're not going to beat us like this, I'm going to perform at regionals." Rachel said.

Wrong move Rachel.

"Even if he post a photo like this of me, if you do?" Finn said.

"Finn, I'm not going to negotiate with terrorist." She said.

"If someone posted a picture like that of me online, I'd probably kill myself." Sugar said.

"Twice to be sure i was dead." Roy added.

"Look you guys are just going to have to deal with things like this. The more successful you get the more garbage people are going to make up about you." Mr. Shue said. "Their going to love to tear you down."

"I can't believe you would do that to me." Finn said.

"I'm going to be married to you, don't you think i'm going to suffer the consequences as well? It just- I don't care about stuff like that, I love you and we'll manage this together. Okay? The important thing right now is that we win."

"So you wouldn't care if i photoshop a photo like this of you and post it on the internet?"

"Look our future depends on us winning regionals. It'll help me during my NYADA application." rachael said softly, but i heard it.

"Hm." Finn said. "Hope you get it in." he walk out.

"Finn." I said getting up and following him out. "Finn!" I shouted but he was gone down the hallway.

"Sebastian's going to pay." Artie said angry. 

Everyone walk out of the class as soon as the bell rang. I grab my things and thoughts began to process through my head. Once i was in my art class, i drop my things near my seat, grab my work and went back to continue finishing it up. The bell rang and school was out. I stayed back and work on my homework some more. 

It was around 5 when i check the time, i quickly put away my things, grab my stuff and rush out. I stop in my tracks when there were voices in the hall, which recognize it to be Santana's and my brother.

"What do you mean he was here?" I heard a new voice, Finn.

"Yeah Andrew Macarthy wanna be showed up at the freaking parking lot and tried to get in." Santana said. "I had to go drag his ass to him to leave."

"He wanted to see your sister." Quinn said. "But we told him that it was probably not the best idea."

"Why are you lying?" Sugar said. "We told him that he wasn't allowed anywhere near her, and he should just leave all of us alone. also that she never want to talk to him again."

"Then we confronted him about your photo." Roy spoke. "He seemed confused when we mentioned it."

"It was all an act, trust me." Santana. "Oh and he had this."

I didn't know what they were showing my brother but i couldn't exactly see, they would know instantly i was spying.

"Where did he get this?" Rachel? "Did he stole this from Lydia?"

Now i was super confused.

"Pretty sure." Artie. "Why else would he have it. Not like Lydia to just give it away, she never would."

I didn't want to heard anymore, i turned around and headed the other way decided to just walk home. My heart was racing and i felt my palms sweaty. What were they saying Sebastian stole? Why was he here at Mckinley anyways? What was going on? 

the walk didn't help but I wasn't going to ask Finn for a ride there were just things I needed to figure out on my own. I reach home and opened the door to my house when i heard someone shutting the car door.

"Lydia." i turned and saw him running up to me.

"Sebastian?" i said confused. "W-what are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you." he said panting from running across the street.

"Sebastian nows not a good time." i said looking around. "My brother-"

"I know what happened." he said looking at me as our eye contact lock. "But you have to believe me that i wouldn't do that."

"I..." my heart was torn but somehow i knew that he wouldn't.

"Please princess." he took a step towards me.

I leaned in and place a small kiss on his lips before pulling away. Something I had be carving to do.

"I believe you."


I smiled slightly and grab his hand. "I believe you." he let out a small sigh. "I sort of didn't at first. But then Kurt told me you were the one who caught me when i lost conscious...."

"Are you okay?' he place both hands on either side of my face, brush my hair back gently. "I was so worried, they took you away from me before i could check."

"I'm better now." i said smiling grabbing both his hands and bring them down. "I just need to rest at a lot more apparently. But I-"

"What do you think you're doing here?" i look behind him and saw Puck, Mike, Sam, and Finn.


"You have to go." I whispered trying to get him to leave.

He was about to, but Puck grab him so he wouldn't go anywhere. "Not so fast."

"Puck." i said pulling on his arms. "Please let him go."

"Get inside Lydia." Finn said. "Sam get her in."

"Come on." Sam said placing an arm around me.

I push him away and went to Puck. "Please he was just leaving."

"Lydia." Finn said.

"GOd damn it Finn!" i shouted making everyone freeze. "You told me you trusted me. So trust me when i say i was just telling him to leave, now can you please let him go!"

Finn look at me, Puck waited for Finn to stay something along with the other guys.

"FIne." FInn said softly.

"Under one condition." Puck said looking at me. "You cut it off right now with him."

"What?" i said softly my heart shattering.

"Lydia..." Sam said as i turned to look at him. "It's for the best."

I look at Finn and waited to say something but he just stayed quite. I glance at Sebastian who glance at me.

"Fine." i said. "But i want to say it with just me and him. Alone."

"We'll be inside." Mike said.

"With the door open." Puck added letting Sebastian go. He shoved him a little and i wanted to help him because he fell, but Puck was towering over him. "Don't get any bright ideas punk."

They went inside and i crossed my arms and walk over to the trunk of dad's car and leaned against it.

"Lydia..." Sebastian got up and walk over beside me. "You don't have to."

"I don't want to." i said softly. "But... we can't do this." i look at him. I look at the door and then back at him. "I thought I had a chance," i whispered. "That we'd slowly eased this into them, and then try after regionals. But..." deep breathe. "After all that's happened, they won't trust you anymore. Hell they're beginning to loose trust in me, I'm sure I'm going to be watch for the rest of my life. More than they already are."

"What about you?"


"I told you the truth." he lowered his voice so the guys wouldn't here it inside. "And want to know your side, you know that's the only thing i care about in all this."

"I..." i look to the door and then back at him. "I do believe you, and trust me I want to be something more with you but i can't be with you. Not after that stunt everyone assumes you did on my brother today."

"You mean Finn?"

I nodded. "He's my order brother Sebastian. He's my blood and I'm already walking a very thin ice after everything and after everyone knows that...." i lowered my voice. "After they found out i was spending time with you, it's not long before they completely have me pack my things and move back into the private art school three cities over. They don't trust me anymore, and they hate you. I just don't want anyone getting hurt, especially you, so please." i grab his hands. "Don't push this, don't come for me, until you've cleared this mess." i leaned closer and lowered my voice again. "Not until you find who actually did this. We already have less than 20 hours before that photo of Finn goes online, that and his relationship with Rachel are on the lines too, please." We were standing in front of each other, one feet apart, holding each others hands.

"Lydia." he whispered leaning in closer.

"Lydia!" i heard Finn calling me from the house.

"Please." I begged pulling away slightly. "I don't want you getting hurt. PLease just go."

"Okay time's up." Puck said coming out.


"I'm sorry." i said. "Please, please...." i look at Puck striding over with Finn standing at the door, SAm and Mike walking behind Puck. i let go of our hands and look back at him. "Understand, and go." i begged, i didn't notice that i was crying but i was. They are litterly forcing me to cut him away from my life.

Sebastian look at me but Puck was getting closer. I grab his arm and pulled him to the other side of me.

"I'm going to figure this out." he promised.

"I know you will." i said softly so he can hear.

Sebastian look behind me and then back away slowly. He went across the street and got in his car before taking off. I felt half of myself break into pieces. he drove off as the guys were now blocking my complete view. 

"Yeah, runaway." Artie said. 

Then Kurt pulled up with Blaine in his car. 

"What's going on?" Kurt said standing beside his car.

"That little jerk punk was here." Sam said.

"We had to tell him to stop seeing Lydia, and she agreed to cut him off for good." Puck said.

I crossed my arms and look down.

"Hey you ready Lydia?" Blaine spoke.

I look at him confused, then kurt jump in. "We're going to Blaine's house for a while." He told Finn. "Come on." he wrap an arm around me and we went inside Kurt's car and drove off.

Blaine was sitting in the back beside me. "What happened?"

I leaned into Blaine, as he held me while Kurt drove then we finally we reach his house. We got inside, Blaine's parents weren't home. Actually they went out for the week and Kurt would come over sometimes me but i mostly stayed home.

"What really happened lydia?" Kurt said as Blaine sat me down on the kitchen table and the two started making dinner.

I took a deep breathe and look at them, then I told them everything from beginning since his messages from Valentines, to me listening in to what was happening to the hallway, to what just happen an hour ago.

"Wait." Blaine said cutting me off. "What do you mean he wanted you to believe him, and what did you mean by figure everything out?" Blaine questioned.


"Lydia?" Kurt said looking at me.

I look down and sighed. "It wasn't him." i glance at them. "Everything from the shulshie, to me getting sick, to Finn's photo... it wasn't him, someone is trying to make look it was but he wouldn't do that." i look down. "He said he know how much you all mean to me and he wouldn't jeopardize any of that, by doing all of it. The shuslie was suppose to be a normal shuslie, Thad even had a taste of it and there wasn't any rock salt. Someone tampered with it sometimes between the time they place it there and when Sebastian threw it."

"Sebastian didn't do it?" Blaine look stunned and baffled.

I nodded. "He and Nick told me. Well Nick told me the details when Sugar did that valentines party."

"Lydia." kurt came and sat in front of me. "That means you were right." he grab my hands. "You knew that he didn't--wouldn't do all that, you believed that."

"Doesn't matter." i look back down. "Everyone hates him, Finn is forbidding me from ever seeing him again. He was the one person that just made me feel so alive, so happy, and i fell in love with him." I felt a tear come down. "Now everyone's rip that from me. Am I that selfish to want to be with him?" i look up at my brother and Blaine. "Am i twisted in some werid way, because that's what everyone is basically saying. They say I'm blind for even trying to make him change."

"No." Blaine walk over to sit in front of me. "And I don't know how to begin to say I'm sorry to you. You are a special person, Lydia. You see light and goodness in people that everyone else says there isn't any. We all believe Sebastian was just a dark and bad person but somehow he opened up to you, you saw something in him that you believe in him. We all rush to assumptions that it was him and didn't stop to think or didn't have a single doubt that it wasn't him. No it doesn't make you selfish. It makes you, you."

I smiled slightly at him.

"And..." Kurt look at me. "Now we have to figure out who got you sick. Who sent those photos and who put rock salt in that slushie."

"We can't let everyone know." i said looking back and forth between them. "If the person finds out that we didn't think it was Sebastian he and the warblers would probably never find out who it was."

"So we have to figure this out." Blaine siad. "Just the three of us, old school dective style."

"I'm in." Kurt said. 

I look at them for a moment, trying to read if they were doing it for my sake or to make me more like a fool. but they weren't. they were honest and sincere, they wanted to get to the bottom of this for everyone. for truth. 

"Just the three of us."


note: Aaaahhh! this was all over the place, I'm sorry if it was. I kinda wanted to get this over with. Also another chapter maybe later on today. 

Anyways I hope you enjoyed it. 

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