Young Justice One Shots ✔

By flamingogoing

447K 9K 4.9K

(REQUESTS ARE VERY MUCH CLOSED!!) Ever wondered what it'd be like for a superhero to fall head over heels for... More

♡)Cookies||Kid Flash
♡)Mole||Red Arrow
♡)Villain||Red Robin||Part 1
♡)Pick Up Lines||Impulse
♡)Villain||Red Robin||Part 2
♡/☁)This Isn't the End||Impulse
♡)Día de Los Muertos||Blue Beetle
♡)Last Name||Kid Flash
♡)If I Could Tell Her||Robin
☁/☾)Satisfied||Nightwing||Part 1
♡)Only Us||Beast Boy
♡)Clings and Cuddles||Red Robin
♡/☾)Helpless||Nightwing||Part 2
♡)Scarab||Blue Beetle
♡)Good For You||Robin
♡)A Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into||Blue Beetle||Part 1
♡/☾)Red String||Kid Flash||Valentine's!
♡/☾)Soulmate Countdown||Impulse||Valentines!
♡)Kiss the Girl||Red Robin||Valentine's!
♡)Voices in My Head||Blue Beetle||Part 2
♡)Think About You||Robin
♡)YouTube||Beast Boy
♡)Someone You Like||Superboy
♡)Nothing Like Us||Red Arrow
☁)The Bet||Robin||Part 1
♡/☆)Truth or Dare||Impulse/Blue Beetle
♡)The Bet||Robin||Part 2
♡)Post-it Notes||Red Robin
☁)Another Time, Another Chance||Nightwing||Part 1
♡)Another Time, Another Chance||Nightwing||Part 2
☁)Just a Dream||Kid Flash
♡)Not Evil||Icicle Jr.
☆)Just Something to Keep You Guys Entertained
♡)Blind Sight||Robin
☁)First Burn||Nightwing
☆)If You Went Grocery Shopping With Young Justice
♡/☁)Cracks||Beast Boy||Part 1
♡)It's Not Like I Like You||Impulse
☁)Curse of a Mirror||Blue Beetle||Part 1
♡)Cracks||Beast Boy||Part 2
♡)Curse of a Mirror||Blue Beetle||Part 2
♡/☆)If Kid Flash/Wally Was Your Boyfriend
♡)Symbiosi||Aqualad||Part 1
☆)Texting... with Young Justice Season 1
♡/☾)A Not-So Cinderella Story||Superboy
♡/☁/☾)Life and Death||Red Robin
♡)Symbiosi||Aqualad||Part 2
☆)The Show||Young Justice||Christmas!
☁)Let Go||Robin
♡)Confessed, No Regrets||Aqualad
♡)Scared||Beast Boy
☆)A Young Justice and Avengers Crossover
♡)Rewrite The Stars||Blue Beetle
♡)Sunrises||Blue Beetle
REQUESTS ARE OPEN (along with some sad news)
☁)What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger||Nightwing
♡/☆)Fessing to the Family||Red Robin||Batfam!
♡)A Little Jealousy||Nightwing
♡)Pregnant||Young Justice||All Males! Part 1
♡)Pregnant||Beast Boy||Part 2 + I'm Sorry :,)

♡)Like You||El Dorado

2.5K 49 31
By flamingogoing

  I'm sorry for the long wait :( I've been researching Eduardo Jr. a lot 'cause I haven't watched Season 3 yet, but I think I've got something now! Hope ya like it, Komiko~

Requested by: 14KomikoChild14

Summary: When your family finds out that your neighbor, Eduardo Dorado Sr., has a son that had recently moved in with him, your mom forces you to do your best to make him feel welcome.


  "Mom, you know I'm not good with strangers!", you huffed hotly with a pot of your mom's famous veggie soup, heels digging into the floor as she propelled you towards the front door.

"So it's the perfect time to change that!", she remarked with a coy smile when you sighed, knowing that this would only go round in circles; it was a dead end.

"Fine. I don't have much of a choice here...", you muttered as your mom turned the doorknob for you, giving you one last gentle push, and closing the door behind you immediately so that you had no time for second thoughts.

"The last time I did this I ended up spilling the soup all over Mrs. Williams and broke the pot, so you're the one who should be having second thoughts.", you called out over your shoulder, knowing that your mom could hear you perfectly well yet still didn't answer.

Figures. Every time new neighbors came along, you'd be forced to make human interaction with every single one of them. You've never been good with strangers, and waltzing up to their door was the last thing you wanted to do. You just wanted to stay in your room and be alone.

Recently, your parents realized that Mr. Eduardo Dorado Sr.'s son had moved in with him out of nowhere, but to be honest your family was never close to him in the first place, so you didn't see the need to deliver a full-blown meal to the father-son duo, but your mom thought very differently.

Huffing again, you dragged your feet to the house across from yours against your will. Every nerve in your body was screaming to turn back, which might've just been you being dramatic but nevermind that.

You sucked in a tight breath and balanced the pot on one hand while pressing the doorbell with your other as your eyes glowed from the usage of your telekinesis powers. Since there wasn't anyone around at the moment, it seemed fine to use it.

Returning the pot to its original weight, the door opened after a muffled yell of an 'I'll get it' and a smiling boy who looked about the same age as you peered down at you in faint surprise, "Oh, hello. How can I help you?", he started with an Argentine accent when you made no indication of speaking up.

"Uh, right!", you spoke up a little too loudly and ended up blotching your face with red hues, only looking the boy in the eye for a split second. You were not good at eye-contact.

"M-My family thought we'd welcome y-you to the, uh, neighborhood with some of my mom's homemade veggie soup. It's really good, I promise! I'm (Y/N) (L/N) from the house across yours...", you trailed off, unable to continue when you finally looked at the boy properly.

He was handsome.

You flushed when you noticed things, like how his hair looked so fluffy that you wondered how it felt... His smile was entrancing as well, looking delighted at the sight of your mom's generosity, "Woah, thank you! I'm Eduardo Dorado Jr. My father told me about how nice his neighbors were; especially the (L/N) family was, and I see that now."

"Uh, yeah! I'm, um, glad to hear that.", you shyly grinned, tracing small circles with your thumb on the handles.

A small silence rested upon you both, "AH, I almost forgot!", you squeaked, hands fumbling as you handed him the pot of soup while your blush darkened even more at your awkwardness.

He only chuckled in return, taking the pot into his hands carefully, "I'll be sure to return the pot. It smells great."

Dazed by his chuckle, you felt your tongue twist and was unable to say anything, "Um... I'll see you again some time?", he cocked his brow in amusement.

"S-Sure, yeah, ok!", you replied, startling yourself when your voice came out too loud again.

He let out a small laugh, "You're pretty cute when you're flustered."

He flashed you another big smile and said 'goodbye', closing the door while leaving you a blushing mess at the doorstep.

And that, my dear audience, is how you two met.


"Hi, (Y/N)!"

"Uh, h-hi... Eduardo, right?", you remarked awkwardly with a nervous shuffle of your feet.

Eduardo had come to return the pot two days later, arriving at your front door with a warm smile on his face.

You, being the non-people person you were, definitely did not want to answer the door. Yet here you were anyway for some reason... why?

"Your mom's soup is super good. One spoonful and I was in love with it.", he chuckled while placing the pot into your hands.

"Oh, that's good! M-My mom would be relieved to thear hat—I mean, hear that...", you said while never looking fully into his eyes.

He noticed this and frowned slightly, ready to speak up when your mom found this as he perfect timing to show up, "Hello, dearest! Would you like to come inside? (Y/N) here needs more friends her age, and we'd be happy to have you anyway!"

"Thanks, Mrs. (L/N).", Eduardo nodded with a look of interest on his face at your mom's words, "That'd be really nice."

"Uh.", you inwardly sighed when your mom elbowed your side lightly, "C-Come on in then."

And there you were, sitting in the living room. Being teens...

Eduardo tried making small talk as your mom conveniently just as soon as she'd arrived, but your tongue was too twisted to talk normally, resulting in the inability to bond at anything with him.

Eduardo frowned, "You're not really a people person, are you."

You bit your lip and shook your head no, "N-Not really... most of the human interactions I make are forced by my mom."

He laughed at that supposedly funny reply and smiled, "I bet I can help you break out of that shell."

You cocked a brow, "Really? Convince this hermit to talk to people?"

"Well, you're not stuttering anymore for one and that's proof that it's doing something.", Eduardo said pointedly and you realized he was right. He was just so easy to talk to.

"I-I guess it's be fun to get to know someone for once...", you admitted, tracing circles on the armrest of the sofa you were sitting on.

"I know it's going to be."


  As time passed, your friendship grew and blossomed into something special. Your mom was delighted, basically telling you both to meet up every day.

In the end, as all cliche stories go, you knew that you were falling for him more and more every day. His sarcasm was hilarious, he was caring... actually, he was amazing in almost every way.

Because of the Argentine boy, you started breaking out of your shell slowly but steadily, showing your true colors. The only thing he didn't know yet was of your powers, but there was no way you could tell him that!

"She should be in her room!", your mom's voice rang through the house, causing you to yelp and fall off your bed. Why was your mom so loud?!

"Thanks, Mrs. (L/N)!", Eduardo grinned, already way too eager to see you again.

He loved your shy personality but was also extremely proud that you were evolving into a more confident version of yourself. He couldn't wait to have more fun with you.

You quickly got up and sat back down on your bed, trying to pretend like you hadn't been 'eavesdropping', grabbing your phone and acting like your eyes were glued to the thing when there was a knock on your door.

"Come in!", you called out, not taking your eyes off the screen as footsteps were heard and your phone was snatched out of your hand by Eduardo, kneeling on your bed, "Hey, is that any way to greet your best friend?"

You giggled as your face flushed because of the now close proximity between you, "I see you every day, Ed, I think you're pretty much used to this.", you purposely teased, faltering when you saw that he was staring at you with the weirdest look on his face, "What?"

"Y-Your eyes...", he furrowed his brows, "They're... glowing?"

"Glowing?!", you gasped, frantically scanning your surroundings to see that the bed was hovering inches above the ground, and apparently Eduardo hadn't noticed, which was at least a bit of a relief.

"I-I'm, uh, pretty sure you're just seeing things! It must've been because I'm cute when I'm flustered like you said.", you blurted without thinking.

Unfortunately, because of your fright of him finding out, you totally lost control and the bed fell back in place with a thud.

"Your bed was floating?!", Eduardo exclaimed as you squeaked in a high pitch, probably breaking a few windows, falling onto the floor yet again.

"Um... surprise?", a dry laugh left your mouth as you made jazz hands, not helping the situation at all.

"(Y/N)...", he started as you braced yourself for the impact, "That's awesome!"

"What?", you blinked, dumbfounded by his reaction.

"Telekinesis?! I never thought I'd find another among these areas.", Eduardo fawned over you to your surprise, "Wait, w-what? You don't find this... strange?", your voice grew quieter as if you were a stranger to Eduardo again much to his disappointment.

"No, it's not strange (Y/N).", he shook his head with a smile, "Did you think I was going to hate you because we're different from others?"

"Well... it's a bit stupid now that you say it like that--wait--"

"(Y/N). I knew there was something special between us since the first moment we met eyes. Actually, I should've guessed earlier, since your eyes were still faintly glowing when I opened the door."

Your eyes widened, "Wait, really? Oh my gosh, I must've looked so careless--"

"No no, normal people usually wouldn't notice.", Eduardo reassured you, scratching his neck, "I guess I was too entranced by your eyes that I just noticed by accident."

You felt your face heat up as your stuttering form came forward once again, "E-Eh?"

He shot you a crooked smile, "Surprise?", he mimicked you playfully with pink-tinted cheeks.

"I-Is this a confession...?", you asked slowly, nervously picking at your blanket in anticipation of his answer.

He gave a short nod, averting his gaze from you instantly after; the first time you'd ever seen him looking so shy. You took a deep breath, "Ok, before I say how I feel about you... you said 'We're'... you have powers too?"

Eduardo chuckled at your probably stupid expression, nodding patiently with a smile, "I'm just like you. Teleportation. Cool, right? Although I can only teleport to places who this my eye range..."

"And... your dad... he knows?"

"Yeah, and he loves me no matter what. Something tells me your parents with act the same way."

You inhaled deeply again and smiled bashfully as your cheeks darkened, "I like you too."

Eduardo's smile broke into a grin as his heart pounded in his chest, "For real?! Wait, did I hear that clearly? Say it again."

"I'm not repeating it again, it's too embarrassing!", you whined, grabbing a pillow and burying your face into it.

"Then I'll say it! I like you, (Y/N)", he cooed as the blood rushes from your face to the tips of your ears, now a tittering mess as Eduardo teased you more.

It was a perfect day.


Eventually Eduardo convinced you to tell you parents about your abilities and was right about how they'd accept you no matter what.

He also introduced you to many other meta humans, letting you make many friends that understood how you felt and could share your secrets.

The greatest thing of all was Eduardo himself. You were like him. He was like you.

I know... and I'm sorry :(
Here's a season 2 M'gann, please forgive me~~

Baiii~~ Stay crash~~

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