From the Ashes

By _Amelie_and_Flare_

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"Do you know what a Bear does with its prey, President Wallace?" Bear smiled, her eyes darkening, a snarling... More

{ Cover }
{ Files: Bear and Lovota }
{ Bears Epilogue }
The Culling of Section 17
Mountain Men
Thank you
Camp Jaha
Sorry - don't worry, the book isn't ending


1.9K 55 160
By _Amelie_and_Flare_

"'Blossoming into a badass
With more faith, than fear'"

- Unknown


"Wells been found outside of camp," Kage rushed out, as he swept up the ladder, with a fear stricken expression.

"What do you mean?" Harvey questioned, as she stood up, slightly leaning onto the wall beside her.

Within her grasp was a metal rod that Kage had found within the dropship, he managed to manipulate the end bit to curse, so it could be a handle. Whilst on the sides at the bottom are sharp pieces of metal, saying that the girl needed something to help her survive that wasn't just her sharp tongue.

"He's- he's," Kage was lost for words, as Clarke turned towards him, her eyes reading him- as a single tear cascaded down her face.


Bear had never feared death, but she knew that she had sinned so much that when she would die, she'd be welcomed into hell with open arms.

She understood that death wasn't kind. Bear had seen it once before, taking people who were far too young, far to good.
All that flashed before her eyes, every time she closed her eyes, was the sweet smile of the innocent boy. He didn't deserve to die, she declared him to be the least greedy, the least rude.
Wells was comfort in a boy who got put into a mold to early in his life that he never understood how it felt to walk without the fear of not looking over your shoulder.

Death is the end of a chapter.

Listening to the rumple of metal echoing across the quiet room, she watched in solemn sadness as Clarke's blonde head popped up at the entrance to their declared level. Her face was not tear strained, her hair not ripped in areas from her hands throwing fits of anger.

No, that wasn't Clarke, she was the type of girl to hold it all on my shoulders - and no where else.

"Clarke?" Harvey's voice mumbled, an almost whisper.

"Can you help me?" The blonde ask, moving to sit infront of Bear, with her wrist propped on her knees,"I- I want to get rid of this."

Bears eyes widened,"I thought-"

"What I thought was wrong, Harvey," Clarke voice came out harsh,"get rid of it."

It was more an order, then a request, and Bear knew if she did it- there could be a possibility that Clarke would lash out on her later about letting her stupidity get rid of the one thing keeping her grounded.

Grabbing the rob, she propped one of the sharp ends underneath it, scarlet liquified around Clarke's wrist from where the spear had accidentally scratched against her skin. Putting soft pressure on it, they listened to the soft popping noise of the locking system within.

They both watched as it clunked to the floor, somehow, the bolts within where still a vibrant blue- as if it were still attached to the body. Around the spikes, clashes different shades of red from the blood that softly dropped from Clarke's wrist.

Bear tore a piece of her sleeve off, and tied it around the other girls wrist. Her skin slightly tingled, when her fingers softly grazed across the others.

"Thank you," Clarke huffed, rubbing on her wrist,"That lifted a dead weight off of me, literally."

The brunette returned the smile, but you could see the corners turn into a soft grimace, as she knew she'd regret doing that later. She watched as Clarke picked up the bracelet, and handed it towards Monty.

"How did you-" Monty questioned, watching as the soft buzz of electricity still rung out throughout the bracelet.

"A magician never reveals her secret," Harvey smirked, as she stood up to stand over the two,"You gonna try and get in contact with the ark... with that small ass thing?"

"You undermine me, Harv," Monty smirked,"if I can patch it through the dropship mainframe, I should be able to create a radio signal strong enough to contact the ark," Monty geeked out, as he made Bear hold the bracelet, as he played around with the wires he had ripped apart, and put back together again within the walls of the dropship.

"So, when do you think you can get it working?" Bear wondered, as she held a light with her other hand, slightly sitting on the bench across from her nerdy friend.

"Around nightfall- Hey, you should be resting," Monty wondered, as he went to grasp the objects in her hand, to which Bear moved out of his reach.

"Bitch, please, rest is for the weak," She smirked,"and beside, you couldn't do shit without me."

Monty quirked up an eyebrow at the brunette beside him, his eyes slightly grazing over the hole within her dress that showed an ungodly amount of plastering.

"I think I can survive just fine," Monty joked, as he went back to plucking wires from the wall.

He paused as he heard a soft snort from Harvey, as she worked to stifle a laugh, because: one, it hurt when she laughed, and two she didn't want to hurt the little boys feelings.

"So, hows the stomach?" Monty asked, as both his arms shot up inside the hole within the wall.

"Hm," Harvey hummed, her hand softly touching the spot that was still tender from the spear accident,"How do you describe feeling good after being speared not to long ago?"

"Sorry," he huffed, slightly annoyed at himself for ruining the good mood.

"Hey, Monty," Harvey smiled, placing the hand that still held the torch on his shoulder, she turned the boy around.

Kissing the side of his face, she smiled, as her lips pulled away. All it leaves is a little wet mark, a small pool of saliva on the boys cheek.
But, to Month, the warmth from that kiss spread throughout his body, filling up his head with a soft hum. His heart beat hard against his chest, his hand softly clasping over it, worried that the grounders would be able to hear it.

His face turned as red as a sunset.

"Yeah... Yeah- I, um, well you know- I should-" he stuttered, as he awkwardly spun around and pointed towards the hole,"Ark- I, uh,"

The giggle built up inside Bear like that of a water in a dam, making her shoulders shake and her belly hurt. When it finally erupted from her mouth, it sounded more like a dying donkey, as she fought to breathe and stifle the tears.

"I'm ok Moo," she reached up and softly pinched his cheeks,"you're so cute when you're flustered- you're going to make a girl real happy one day."

And like that, with the last few words leaving her lips, Monty realised he had been thrown into the hell hole called the friend zone. Though, as the girl reached behind her to put on her jacket, he briefly reached with his fingertips to the spot on his cheek where her lips were a second ago.

His heart kind of hurt, but, different then it did when she got hurt.

Turning back towards the metal bracelet hooked into the wall, he felt her gaze on him, as the tips of his ears burned with... something.

The flap of the dropship lifted, as Octavia walked in, making a direct beeline to the brunette girl,"Harvey, we need you."

"What's up?" Harvey asked, as she reached for her metal rod, giving the torch back to Monty who was still a little frazzled.

"Something came... up," Octavia mumbled, as she held out her arm for the brunette.

"No need, let's go," Harvey smiled, as Octavia rolled her eyes at the other for putting her pain behind her.

Making there way outside of the dropship, Harvey shielded her eyes from the sunlight, as it splashed down on them through the greenery.

Octavia speed up toward the biggest tent in town, aka, Bellamy's tent. Guess only the people with the biggest egos get the biggest shit on the ground.

Walking through the flap, she saw before her Clarke, Jasper, Bellamy, and of course Octavia. On the table was slammed a metal knife that had aged blood on the tip.

"What's this?" She asked, as she hobbled towards the table, awkwardly finding her spot beside Bellamy.

"This knife was found outside camp," Octavia huffed, looking towards Clarke,"Besides... two of Wells fingers."

Harvey's eyes widened, as her whole body shook, she still hadn't gotten over the death of Wells. If anyone had asked, she would've said he was the nicest one out of everyone there, and Harvey didn't spill compliments like British people did with tea.

"This... is someone's knife from our camp," she hummed, picking up the metal,"It wasn't a grounder that... killed Wells."

"It was one of us," Clarke sighed, disgust washed across her face, as she heard the voices outside the tent.

"So... there's a murderer in the camp?" Jasper wondered, his movements become rigid with fear.

"There's more than one murderer in this camp," Bellamy stated,"This isn't news. We need to keep it quiet."

"I understand," Harvey huffed, her shoulders sagging from the overload of stress that's been dropped on her,"but one of us has killed one of our people- we should be looking into it."

"And what do you suggest? Walk up to everyone and ask, 'oh hey? Have you murdered Wells?'" Bellamy growled.

Bear lifted her arm and slammed it against the table,"don't be so damn childish, Bellamy. All I say is that we should create a list and scratch off each day people, until we can find out the exact person-"

"That won't work," Bellamy cut in,"we're bound to slip up and not communicate-"

"Oh, communicate? That's funny, coming from you... 'whatever the hell we want!'" Harvey hissed.

"Look at what we've achieved, the walls, the patrols. Like it or not, thinking the grounders killed Wells is good for us," Bellamy sighed.

"Oh, good for you, you mean!" Clarke cut in,"what? Keep people afraid and they'll work for you? Is that it?"

"Yeah, that's it," Bellamy hummed.

"Egotistical bastard, soon enough that shit ain't going to work. Those people'll build a mind of their own." Harvey cusses under her breath, not caring about the deadly glare from Bellamy sent her way.

"We don't even know who's knife that is," Bellamy argued.

"Oh, really? J.M, John Murphy," Clarke hummed,"The people have a right to know."

Clarke walked around Bellamy, as she made a way towards the exit of the tent with Bear in toll.

"Wait! Clarke this isn't what I meant-" Harvey huffed, as she quickly hobbled after Clarke.

Bear turned towards Bellamy, slightly dishevelled, as her stomach clenched up in pain. She wanted to find the murderer, yes, but she didn't want to create a civil war within the camp.

Bellamy quirked his eyebrow up at her, as he pushed past her, making his way after Clarke.

"Recognise this!"

"It's my knife, where'd you find it?" Harvey heard the taunting voice of Murphy, as she made her way outside, standing slightly behind Octavia.

"Where you dropped it after you killed Wells," Clarke accused, poking him in the stomach.

"Where I what?" Murphy growled, looking at the small group that had huddled behind Clarke, making eye contact with Harvey- as a small snark found its way onto his face,"The grounders killed Wells! Not me."

"I don't know Murphy, it's part of who you are, the angel of death shit," a voice shouted out from the crowd, as Kage wondered forward.

"Your gonna pay for it," Clarke hissed.

"Really? Bellamy, you really believe this crap?" Murphy wondered, turning to see Harvey whispering into Bellamy's ear for him to try and shut this down, to which Bellamy shoved her away for.

"You hated Wells," Clarke argued, when Bellamy didn't say anything.

"Plenty of people hated Wells," Murphy snickered.

"You threatened a lot of people Murphy!" Kage hollered.

"Threatened to kill Jasper and Harvey!" Octavia called up.

Harvey moved forward slightly, with her metal stick clenched within her sweaty palm, everyone watched as she moved towards him ever so slightly.


"Shut up bitch!" Murphy hissed, pointing at her over Clarke's shoulder,"your just a two faced bitch! She probably did it, doesn't anyone remember the look she gave Wells on the first day we were down here?"

"Don't try and out the blame on someone else, just admit it!" Clarke hissed.

"This is ridiculous! I don't have to answer to you- I don't have to answer to anyone!" Murphy defended.

"Come again?" Bellamy sarcastically asked, as Murphy stepped around Clarke, standing slightly infront of a disappointed Harvey.

"Bellamy, look, I'm telling you man I didn't do this- she probably did it," Murphy ushered to Bellamy, pointing towards Harvey,"she's off! She's keeping something from us? Can't you see that."

"She's been hobling around with the help of a stick, Murphy, they found his fingers on the ground with your knife," Bellamy stated, stunning Bear that he kind of stood up for her.

"Is this the kind of society that we want? You say there should be no rules. Does that mean that we can kill each other? Without- without punishment!" Clarke questioned, Bear started to notice that everyone got closer and closer, forming a circle around Clarke and Murphy.

"I already told you, I didn't kill anyone!" Murphy hissed.

"Murphy mayb-" Bear hesitated, placing a hand on his shoulder in hopes of trying to de-heat the situation.

Instead, she got an elbow to the stomach, making her stumble backwards and hit the ground,"get off of me you snake!"

"I say we float him!" Kage shouts.

Everyone suddenly began to cheer on the idea, as voices around screamed in agreement to pursue that plan.

"That's not what I'm saying," Clarke stumbled.

"Why not? He deserves to float, it's justice!" Kage defended.

Bear felt to arms hook through hers and pull her up, straining her neck, she saw Bellamy holding her up, as he picked up her rod,"look what you two have caused," he hissed.

"I didn't want this," Bear hissed in defence,"we should've gone with my idea."

"Revenge isn't justice!" Clarke shouted, cutting Bellamy off from saying anything back to Bears response.

Looking around, and seeing from the corner of her eye Bellamy's jaw twitch, she knew then that he agreed with her. He was just to built up from his ego to admit it.

"It's justice, float him!" Kage shouted, cupping his hand over his mouth to make the last bit louder.

The crowd started to join in with Kages chant, as the group surrounding them had suddenly flamed up in what Bear viewed as toddlers screaming: Float him.

"We are no better than the bloody ark if we do that!" Harvey hissed, but to no prevail, the only person who heard her was her ex best friend with a stick up his ass.

She watched in shock as Murphy made a run from it, to which someone in the crowd tripped in. His face was met with a handful of dirt, as the circle closed in on him, kicking aggressively, probably breaking a few ribs.

"Assholes, stop it!" Bear hissed, as she somehow managed to make her way to the middle with force.

Sometimes she wished she had went through with her original name, Bear, not Harvey. People here would've probably respected Bear a lot more then they respected Harvey.
Falling to her knees, she leaned over Murphy, protecting his head with her metal rod. She felt people trying to rip her off of him, but to that she threw a tantrum, kicking outwards - probably opening up her stitches, as she saw red drip from the rip in her dress.

"If you want him, your gonna have to go through me," Bear roared, as she stuck her rod in the ground and kicked both legs outwards, making a few stubble backwards - stunned expressions on their faces.

"No! Get off of them!" Clarke could be overheard the crowd.

Suddenly, someone ripped the metal shard from Bears grasp and smacked it into her throat, making her reach for her throat as the air was suddenly pummeled from her body. Someone behind grasper her legs and pulled her backwards, making her leg slam into the dirt.
The last she saw of Murphy before she was ripped from the crowd, as someone typing a belt from the dropship around his throat,"no! Stop it you bloody animals! We are no better than Wells real murderer if we do this!"

Pulling forward, she pushed her arm back with as much strength as she could into the person who was holding her. When she felt their grasp release, and a sound of pain come from their rugged breaths. She knew she was free.

Running forward, she jumped onto the backs of the people in the crowd, reaching her hands around their faces, she clawed at their eyes,"leave him alone!"

Some people stopped in fright, as Bear seemed to practically rawr like the animal she was named after.

But, even with her threats and attacks, she could still not get through to Murphy. For once after being locked up, she couldn't help the boy she pinky promised she'd always help - no matter what happened.

He lay crumpled on the ground, covered in bruises, dirt, and leaves that would surely take a while to get out - even if he sat under a waterfall.
Someone threw a rope over a branch, as they secured the other end to the back of the belt hung around Murphy's neck.

"You can't do this!" Clarke's voice ripples throughout the roaring teenagers.

Bear, noticing that her metal rod now laid in the back where it must've been thrown after taken from her. She ran up the small slope and gripped the end with the spikes, she was willing to use this, but she wasn't willing to kill.
She took a swipe at the first persons leg and watched as they stumbled like a small twig.

"Go to hell!" The person roared, as they rolled onto their side from the impact of the metal.

"Oh honey, where do you think I came from?" Bear sneered, as she stepped over the person as if they were a piece of shit in her way to fame.

Which he kind of was, at least that's what Bear believed. She believed some of these people were mislead, and those that mislead them were little shits with daddy or mummy issues.

She slid through the crowd after that easily, as if they were all snakes just sliding across the floor looking for something better to do than try and live. As she reached the front of the crowd, she tapped the person who was making them belt was secure around Murphy's neck on the shoulder.

As they turned, she pointed her rod at their face,"at the end of this rod is an idiot," she growled, before swiping for their legs, snicking as they tumbled.

But, before she could get any closer, she felt the impact of something hit her on the shoulder, making her fall. From the ground, she turned to see a girl holding a rock and looking proud as if to say: I killed the beast.

"Your gonna regret that, bitch," she sneered, as she sent a kick for Bears forehead, which was stopped by a hand.

Looking to the side, she saw a literal angel. Squatting over her body was Clarke, who had managed to push the girl back before she knocked Bear out. Using all her strength, she helped Bear into a standing position, to which Bear thanked her for.

"Why are you thanking me? You made an easy path for me to get through," Clarke sighed.

Bellamy came to stand next to them, as they watched in horror, people pull Murphy's body up by a string as if he were a puppet to be played with,"You can stop this!" Clarke cried out to Bellamy,"They'll listen to you!"

Bear watched in horror as they placed Murphy on a block, as if his bloodied body was a prize to be shown off, someone walked towards the three,"Bellamy! You should do it!"

"Do... what?" Bear wondered in disgust.

The crowd suddenly started to chant for Bellamy, though he hid it well, Bear new - underneath - he was hiding fear, and disgust at what these teenagers had done to one of their own.

"I saw you in the woods with Atom! I know you're not a killer!" Clarke screamed, desperately trying to get Bellamy to not do what she thinks the crowd was asking him to do.

Bellamy looked to the other side of him were a endless forest stood out before him, and in slight awe, he watched as Bear walked out from behind a tree - looking like she did the day he arrested her,"don't do it Bell-Bell,"

His body was thrown back into reality when he heard that same sentence shouted beside him,"Don't do it Bell-Bell!"

Before his expression went back to being stoic, his eyes glazed over in wonder if Harvey had just said what he believed she just said - or if that was the imagination of his childhood dead friend haunting him.

Taking a step forward, Bellamy smacked his foot into the box that held Murphy up, a scream leapt from Harvey's throat - surprising her friends with how high it was,"No! Murphy!"

The crowd around the tree that was holding Murphy was cheering and dancing around each other as if it were the best celebration - a ritual almost, to say to the Ark that they were still Lunatics...
If there was radiation down there, Bear was hoping it was affecting people's thinking, she was hoping it was the radiation affecting them - not their own thinking to string someone up because they think he killed someone.

"Murphy didn't kill Wells!" A small voice screamed above all the ruckus, as Space Walker barrowled into the middle of the chaos,"I did!"

"Oh, you've got to be shitting game right now," Harvey hissed, as she stumbled forward, she swung at the rope keeping Murphy up.

His body met the floor with a thud, as Clarke went to his side to make sure nothing horrible happened to his body in the process of all the chaos. Bear stood protectively over her, as the whole crowd grew quiet from what they had just heard.

In the middle of it all stood a girl no older than twelve.


Clarke, Bellamy, Finn, Octavia, and Bear stood inside Bellamy's tent, as a nerve wrecked Charlotte. Most stood around her and looking like disappointed parents, everyone except Bear. She was pissed beyond belief.

"Why, Charlotte?" Bellamy questioned, weirdly softly.

What did he see in this little girl? Last time Bear checked he locked up young girls for murders they didn't do - but when they do do it? Doesn't seem like he has a problem.

"I was just trying to slay my demons?" Charlotte stated,"like you told me."

"What the hell is she talking about?" Clarke growled, sending a pissed of Bear a fleeting glance.

"She misunderstood me, Charlotte that is not what I meant," Bellamy explained, softly, which made Bears nails dig into her skin even more.

"Bring the girl out now!" Murphy's rusty voice yelled venomously from outside the thin walls of the tent.

"Please don't let them hurt me," Charlotte pleaded.

"If you guys have any bright ideas, speak up," Bellamy questioned.

"I saw we give the brat to Murphy," Bear sneered, to which everyone turned to her with wide eyes,"Shes old enough to now her shit! She knew what she was doing, she knew the consequences."


"No! Last time I checked Bellamy, you helped lock people up for crimes they didn't do for shit! But suddenly a girl admits she does the actual crime and you have a change of heart and you want to protect t her?" Bear growled, pointing aggressively at Charlotte who knew she had no friend now in the older girl.

"This is different Harvey! She's young, she doesn't fully understand-"

"Bullshit and you now it."

"Those are your boys out there," Finn butted in.

"This is not my fault!" Bellamy argued.

"True. It's the demon child that your protections fault!" Bear seethed.

"If you had listened to me, those idiots out there would still be building the wall," Bellamy stated, protectively putting an arm around Charlotte.

"You want to build a society, Princess? Let's build a society! Bring her out!" Murphy's voice rippled throughout everyone and made their skins crawl

"No! Please, Bellamy," Charlotte sobbed.

"Charlotte, hey, it's gonna be ok. Just, stay with them," Bellamy said, looking towards Clarke and Finn.

Bear huffed in annoyance, yeah she hated Bellamy and that kid for killing literally the nicest person in camp, but Bear from ten years ago was pleading for her to help.
To make her ex best friend proud.

"I'll... I'll look after her," Bear spoke up, somewhat soft, which made Bellamy question her motives.

Charlotte looked at Bear wide eyed, and for a second, she saw herself in those eyes. She saw herself looking at the one person she thought she could trust, betray her.

"You want to help?" Bellamy questioned,"you can help me distract Murphy."

Bear sneered, the last thing she wanted to do was come between mother Bellamy and a pissed off Murphy.


They both slipped out of the tent, Bellamy held the flap up for Bear. She knew that her whole stomach was probably my Scarlett from ripping open her wound, but not did she not look like she gave a single fuck.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to join us," Murphy sarcastically called.

"Dial it down and back off," Bellamy ordered.

"Or what? What are you gonna do about me? Hang me?" Murphy questioned.

Bear rolled her eyes in annoyance,"why don't the two of you grow a pair of balls and grow up."

"Shut it, the men are talking," Murphy growled.

"Oh, your a man? I didn't know men went after twelve year old girls, unless, you've got a fetish you want to tell us?" Bear pushed, smirking as Murphy's jaw twitched in annoyance.

"Look, all I was doing was giving the people what they wanted," Bellamy stated, resting an arm infront of Bear.

She didn't know what the arm was barricading, Murphy from getting to Bear, or Bear from getting at Murphy.

"Yeah. Yeah. That's a good idea. Why don't we do that right now?" Murphy wondered, turning to look at the camp,"so, who here wants to see the real murderer hung up, all in favour?"

Bear snickered as only a small handful had put their hands up, Kage, who was hidden behind Jasper and Octavia looked like he still wanted to get what he started over and done with.

"I see," Murphy stated,"so, it's ok to string me up for nothing, but when this little bitch confesses, you all let her walk? Cowards! All of you are cowards!"

"Murphy, Murphy!" Bellamy yelled, turning the dirty and bloodied boy around,"it's over."

Bear took a hesitant step forward, her mind seemed to instantly know what Murphy was thinking of doing. If it's one thing she remembered that doesn't seem like it's changed, is that Murphy doesn't like things to end.

"Whatever you say, Boss," Murphy replied, his voice rough.

As Bellamy turned his back to make his way back into the tent, Bear quickly lifted her rod as Murphy dove for him after picking up a small log.
The wood made a cracking noise after making contact with the metal, reaching backwards Harvey pushed Bellamy out of the way, as she felt herself being pushed down by Murphy.
Octavia and Jasper ran forward, once in fear for her brother, the other in fear for his friend.
Cooling back, Murphy slapped Bear across the face, making her tumble to the ground, as the impact spun her head to the side making her vision blurred.
From the ground she saw Murphy punch Jasper in the face, to which boiled her blood.

"Come on, let's get the girl," Murphy called to his goons.

"I think the fuck not," Bear coughed out, as she pulled herself up and shifted her rod so that the pointed end would become the weapon,"you shall not pass!"

Two of his 'friends' barrowled forward, to which she managed to stab one of them in the foot, the sound of bone being crushed made her smile.
The one who didn't get hit pulled her hair backwards, as the once who had the medal rod go through his foot slammed his fist into her face,"you bitch!"

"Leave her! Go after the girl!" Murphy hissed, as he came forward and kicked Bear in the knees, making her stumble forward.

"If you weren't such a pain in my ass, we could've been friends," Murphy hissed, before rushing through into the tent.

"Charlotte! Charlotte, I know you can hear me!" Murphy shouted, as he saw that the tent was empty,"and when I find you, you are gonna pay!"

Bear watched from her spot on the ground as a blurry version of Murphy and his goons ran off into the forest, making them look like double the amount that were there.
Stumbling forward, she learnt over Jaspers body, cupping his face softly,"J?" She called,"J, you ok?"

One of his eyes slit open, but it was almost all red, she knew then that this eye was going to blossom purple like a flower the next day,"I'm fine- just, a little bruised is all... oh, he hit my beautiful face."


It had been a few minutes after Murphy and his group had left, and the people had watched as the silhouette of Harvey had disappeared into the never ending forest.
The only thing heard was soft cries from Monty and Jasper, as the girl they grew to befriend ran to protect a murderer, from a psychopath.

Through the cracks in the trees, Bear saw the stars light the sky, the moon almost bright enough to light her path. She felt the wind blow her hair into a tousled mane, hearing the click of the beads used in her dreadlocks tossle together as if they were fighting a war.
Briefly looking up, she felt at that moment what her ancestors must've felt first arriving on the ark - as if they were a choreographed blizzard amongst the limits of their universe.
Reaching forward, she leant her weight on a tree for a moment to get control over her breathe that was running faster than she ever was.
The constellations above her watched over this tiny moment, and as if she knew where her sister stood, so did Ember.

Taking a delicate step forward, she realised that the forest 'took one to give one' as her mother would say. It blurred her vision, and made it hard to see, but it also made the other senses explode - as if something was clicking in her ear, or as if something was burning underneath her nose.
The darkness that enveloped the distance created something inside Bear that she never knew she had - claustrophobia.
Every so often, her skin would spike up, and the hairs at the back of her neck would tickle - as the wind whistled her name, beckoning her forward.


She scampered through the slender trees, stumbling ever so often over roots engulfing her path. Her shoes were no where near thick, as she felt the ground underfoot every time she trampled forward.


Looking forward, she saw glowing eyes in the distance, that seemed to move without connecting to a body.
The adrenaline flooded her system, as the eyes seemed to grow, widening. She didn't know if her body wanted to run, or fight. Gripping the metal rod between her slightly shaking hands, she begged it not to be real.
It surged forward and so did Bear, but, what she heard chilled her body to the core.

An agonising, human, scream left the mouth of one of Murphy's men. As what she believed to be eyes, was actually the lamps that they had stolen from camp.

Adrenaline flooded Bears system, as she pulled the spike back, seeing blood gush from a wound to the arm. Her eyes widened with fear, as the rest of the group turned around, letting their lights wash over her face - and what she had done.
She realised that blood had gotten onto her arm and dress from the knife, as it dripped scarlet with someone's blood.

'Oh shit, what do I do?' Bear asked herself, as she realised she caught up with Murphy and his men, and had stabbed one of them in the arm.

Without realising, her legs had moved into a fighting position, as the voice of her commander for when she was training to be a cadet raced through her,'sometimes, you just have to have some balls of steel.'
But, then, the voice of her sister rang throughout her,'two negatives may make a positive in math, but they don't in real life. Means you just have double the shit to work with.'

'What do I do?' Her mind screamed.

"I'm over here-" Charlottes voice rang throughout the eery forest.

Bear never knew who threw the first punch, but suddenly her fist was slamming into a boys stomach, watching as he coil in on himself. Blood pooled from Bears mouth as she surprisingly had someone gagged, tumbling apart, she took a moment to catch her breath - before she went back in for the hunt.
This is why her parents named her Bear, because when she was born, they saw the resemblance between her - and a creature that'll fight till the death for its territory.
Managing to dodge another's fist, she skunk to the floor and kicked her leg outwards and watched as they tumbled.
Someone grasped her hair and pulled her backwards, she made pain erupt all up her back.
Reaching backwards, she pulled the down by their legs, before connecting their forehead with her own.
She smirked when she saw the stars dancing in their eyes.
Standing up, she saw Murphy step forward, Bear spat out what she believed to be a tooth.

"Had enough, bitch?" Murphy scowls, as he watched his men pull themselves up slowly.

"If my hands shall break," Bear snarled,"I will beat you with my broken bones John."

"Don't you dare fucking call me that-"

"Murphy! I'm over here!" Charlottes screech came through the forest.

Just like that, Murphy and his men were running again, which made Bears skin boil. Looking down, she knew her hands were bound to be bruised the next back, feeling her face ever so softly- she realised how happy she was that The Ark made her wear a mouth guard - yes, she broke a tooth, but it could've been worse.

"Get back here you cowards!" She roared, picking up her weapon, she dashed after them like an animal.

"Come on out, Charlotte! Come on out!" Murphy called, completely ignoring the threat that limped after him.


Bear watched as Murphy and his goons disappeared behind a bush,"Bellamy? You cannot fight all of us. Give her up!"

"Looks like someone beat you to it," Bellamy's voice rung out, making Bear speed up.

She came through the bushes, and from the look on Bellamy and Charlottes face, she looked worse for wear.
Well, she had to admit, she felt like someone threw her off of a cliff.

"Bellamy! Harvey, stop!" Clarke called, as her and Finn appeared next to the bruised girl who still held up her baton, ready for a fight,"This has gone to far."

"Shit, you think," Bear heaved, as she put her hand to her stomach, only to pull it back and see her hand covered in blood red.

"Just- calm down. We'll talk about this," Clarke tried to negotiate, but from the look on Murphy's face, Bear did not let her baton down.

He then reached forward and twirled the blonde around, before securing a knife around her throat, as he sent a threatening look towards Bear when she went to move forward.

"I'm sick of listening to you talk," he seethed into Clarke's ear."

"Let her go-"

"Back off! Or I will slit her throat," Murphy growled, cutting Finn off.

"No, please! Don't hurt her," Charlotte begged, which made Bears heart flinch at the words she had spat at the younger girl hours ago as if she were venom.

"Don't hurt her," Murphy called in a creepy voice,"ok, I'll make you a deal. You come with me right now, I will let her go."

"John," Bear hesitated,"what- what do you think Bear would think if she saw you?"

She saw the hurt flash behind both Bellamy and Murphy's eyes as they heard the name of what they believed to be their dead, best friend.
Little did they know, the girl standing a few meters before them was her.

"Don't call me that!" He threatened,"Bears gone! She's not here!"

"But would you want her to see you this way," Bear questioned, taking a small step again,"please, put the knife down John."

"I don't give a- I don't care what a dead girl thinks!" Murphy's voice cracked, as he pressed the knife a little harder into Clarke's neck,"step back! Step back!"

Bear rose her hands and dropped the baton, she didn't want anyone's blood to be on Murphy's hand. She knew it would hurt him deep down inside,"I know you don't believe that."

"I said shut up!" He growled.

"Murphy, this is not happening," Bellamy's voice rung out, as rain started to thunder down of them.

Bear thought it was perfect timing to cover up his tears, she knew they were both hurting. She was to, but it would hurt her to much to see them look at her as if she were a dead girl walking.
A zombie, a corpse, a ghost that's taken host inside their dead best friend.

"I can't let any of you get hurt anymore," Charlotte whispered, her voice almost unclear over the rain,"not because of me. Not after what I did,"

Before they all knew it, Charlotte swiftly turned around and made a run for it for the cliff that stood only a few meters away from where they stood.
Bear, without thinking, practically leapt after the girl, just managing to grasp the back of her jacket.

"Charlotte!" Clarke's voice sounded like that of a scared mother.

As Charlotte leapt over the rocky surface, she braved her body to meet the water that crashed into the wall, but was met instead with looking up and seeing the eyes of the one girl in the tent who she thought hated her.

"Let me go," Charlotte mumbled,"Please let me go."

"I'm sorry Charlotte," Bear winced, as she felt the stones on the cliff edge dig into her already ruined stomach,"I can't let you take the easy way out."

"Please... I want to see my parents," Charlotte begged.

"Pull her up!" Bellamy yelled, as he sat beside Bear.

For a fleeting moment, Charlotte managed to witness the one thing that Bear rarely did.

"Say hi to mine for me."

Then, she let the girl fall, and with that- she lost what was left of also her pride. Because she helped a little girl who lost everything, kill herself.
In a way, she was envious of Charlottes courage.

"No!" Bellamy's voice roared.

Clarke screamed into the wind, as Bellamy kept repeating the same word, over and over again, 'no.'
But, the one person who wasn't sad was Bear, because she witness the little girl understand what she did - and with that, she welcomed the consequences with open arms.

"Goodbye, Charlotte," Bear smiled, softly, as she heard the waves crash against the rocks below in the midst of the darkness.

"Bellamy, stop! You'll kill him," Clarke's voice rang out, bringing Bear back to reality.

She turned to see that, in the fury of the moment, Bellamy had turned around and pounded on Murphy like an angered jaguar.

Walking forward, with what little strength she had left, she helped Finn pull Bellamy off of the bloodied Murphy - who knows had more battle scars to add to the count of this morning,"Get off me! He deserves to die."

"No! We don't decide who lives and dies," Clarke screamed,"not down here!"

"So help me god, if you say the people have a right to decide-"

"No I was wrong before, ok? You were right," Clarke quickly cut off Bellamy.

"Sometimes it's dangerous to tell the people the truth," Clarke mumbled.

"Telling the truth is shit," Bear heaved, leaning on the medal rod she had dropped before,"it can cause a lot of things to break."

"Yeah," Clarke sighed,"But, if we're gonna survive down here, we can't just live by 'whatever the hell we want."

"Bellamy from day one was a dick, how about we change that," Bear smirked.

"That's... surprisingly true," Clarke sighed,"but- we need rules."

"And who makes those rules? Huh? You?" Bellamy called, still getting his breath back.

"For now, we make the rules. Ok?" Clarke states.

"I declare Bellamy and Clarke the leaders!" Bear huffs, getting a thumbs up from Finn.

"So, what, then? We just take him back and pretend like it never happened?" Bellamy wondered, pointing at Murphy who looked half unconscious.

"Hell no," Bear interjects.

"We banish him," Clarke states.

Bellamy walks over to Murphy and picks up the already bloody and bruised boy who didn't seem to even know what his name was.
Easily, he plucked him up and hovered him over the cliff.

"Easy now, Bell-Bell," Bear stated, cautiously, whilst looking at Clarke in bewilderment at the boys anger.

"If we ever catch you near camp, we'll be back here," Bellamy growled,"understood?"

Murphy, through his state, manages to nod - which Bellamy surprisingly accepts as he throws the younger boy to the ground - making Bear wince in surprise, and slight fear for her friend.

Bear turns to face the other four, and smirked as they slightly shuttered when she made eye contact. Looking to Clarke for guidance, she got a nod.
She understood what Bear wanted to say.

"And the the rest of you four shits," she smirks,"I, Harvey, guard under Clarke and Bellamy hereby give you a choice."

Stepping forward, she stood infront of the first guy, stepping forwards and backwards after every word was released from her lips,"you can join our little society again, or you can become animal food - choice is yours."

As everyone made their way back to camp, one by one, all was left was Bear and Murphy. She pulled a knife from her pocket, and settled it down beside him.

"You didn't make me proud, John," she sighed, brushing the hair out of his eyes.

"Why- should I care," he coughed, still being a cocky asshole even after getting beat and banished.

"Because my real names Bear Harvey."


Authors note:
I feel like that ending would be the perfect for an actual series episode. Sorry for taking so long to update! Been busy at work.

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