The White Lion Princess

By Rubyrose645

187K 3.3K 1K

I was born with a destiny above all destinies. And a friend to help fulfil it. Created from the sun and moon... More

The reunion
Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
Fall of the Castle of Lions.
Tears of the Balmera
Taking Flight
Return to the Blamera
Rebirth, and a secret
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Palidan
The Child of Sun and Moon
Shiro's escape.
Greening the Cube
Eye of the Storm
The Ark of Taujeer
Return to Arisa
Space Mall
The Blade of Marmora
The Belly of the Weblum
Stayin' Alive
Best Laid Plans
Changing of the Guard.
Red Palidan
The Hunted
Hole in the Sky
The Journey
Tailing a Comet
The Legend Begins
Code of Honor
Black Site
Begin the Blitz
A New Defender
The Prisoner
Blood Duel
Kral Zera
Journey to Find the Truth
The Land of Light
Omega Shield
Razor's Edge
The Black Paladins
All good things
Defender of All Universes
The Road Home
The Way Forward
The Ruins
Battle in the ruins
The Journey Within
The Last Stand
Know Your Enemy
Heart of the Lion
Trial by Fire
Lions' Pride, Part 1
Lions' Pride PT. 2
Lions' Pride pt. 3
Launch Date
The Dark One
The Prisoner's Dilemma
Battle Scars
The Grudge
Day Forty-Seven
Clear Day
Knights of Light PT. 1
Knights of Light PT. 2
Uncharted Regions
The Zenith
The End Is the Beginning
Let the Future be bright

The Colony

1.6K 23 4
By Rubyrose645

Allura had finished the ship with Lotor. She had also asked me to come with her as the ship headed for the ruins of Daibazaal.

I didn't like the idea of going back to Daibazaal, but Allura was so trusting in Lotor, that i couldn't say anything against him without her denying every bad thing I said about him.

I stood with Lotor and Allura in front of the finished ship. I almost trembled at the power it possessed, this truly was a ship that could cross through realities.

"I've waited an eternity for this." Lotor said.

"We've done everything we can to prepare us fir this moment. We're ready." Allura said.

I turned towards her, a worried expression on my face.

"Allura, are you absolutely certain you want to do this?" I asked, "What are the chances that this trip could lead to something bad? I'm not willing to risk that chance."

"Zurine, please. We've had this discussion before. This ship is perfectly capable for our journey. Trust me this time." Allura said, smiling at me.

Lotor and Allura faced each other, Allura's face turning slightly pink as she stared at the Galra Prince.

"It means so much to me to share this with you." He said, then he turned to me, "Princess Zurine, if you would."

I looked away and up at the ship. There was still one thing Lotor needed to get this ship fully capable of transcending space-time: he needed a amall fraction of my powers.

I placed my hand on the metal of the ship and let a warm glow cover it. When the glow faded, I stepped back and watched as Allura and Lotor boarded the ship.

"Beginning system check. Front and rear stabilizers." Lotor checked off.

"Front and rear stabalizers are go." Allura confirmed.

"Quintessence collection array."

"Quintessence collection array is go."


"Infracells up."


"Dynotherms connected."

"Switching on mega-thrusters."

"Mega-thrusters are go."

I watched the ship light up as it prepared for take off. I turned around and walked away before the bay doors opened.

As I walked down the halls, I felt my head beginning to bang against my skull. I held my hand to my temple in am attempt to relieve the pain. It worked for a little bit until I reached the bridge and Allura and Lotor had taken off in the new ship.

Luna, who was with the others, quickly rushed to my side and licked my hand. She could always tell when I was in pain, and she knew now. I smiled and walked towards the group.

Everyone looked at me as I walked up to the window.

"So, this is goodbye... for now." Coran said.

"Allura doesn't see what I see inside of Lotor." I said, "Something's not right with him, his intentions are not fully clear."

"What do you mean, Zurine?" Shiro asked. I turned around and faced my friends.

"I'm saying that Lotor has been hiding something from all of us since the beginning. I know you all have suspected that, too."

"Yeah, he's always given me that creeped out feeling." Lance pondered.

"But what else could he be planning?" Pidge asked.

"Something bad that will affect us all. And I believe that it would have something to do with why he wanted some of my power implemented into the ship."

We watched the positioning system as the ship came closer to the gate on Daibazaal.

"T-minus ten ticks to gate entry." Coran counted down.

"Nine... Eight..."

The gate began to glow, as my headache worsened.

"Seven.... Six..."

The ship began to glow with my power over the moon.

"Five... Four... Three.. Two... One."

The ship went straight through the portal and disappeared in a flash of white.

My head felt like it was going to burst open, I stumbled down to my knees and collapsed next to Luna, the thud of my fall alerting everyone.

"Zurine!" They cried rushing to my side.

"Are you okay? Hunk asked, I groaned and held my head to relieve the pain. I concentrated on my hand, forcing my moon powers to heal whatever was causing the pain.

After a couple of minutes, the pain had become bearable.

"I'm okay now." I said, forcing myself back up to my feet and sitting on Luna's back.

"Are you sure? You look a little pale." Coran said worryingly.

I simply smiled, "I'm fine, Coran. Just a headache."

All of a sudden, the red lights flashed through the bridge, warning us of something heading our way.

Pidge and coran rushed to the scanners and spotted something coming towards us.

"I'm detecting an incoming craft." Coran informed us.

"Shields up. And pull it up on-screen." Shiro ordered.

Coran did as he was told, but when the picture became clear, Coran and I were surprised to see that it was an Altean craft.

"That... That can't be." Coran gasped.

"It's am Altean pod! A really old model!" I continued for him, "But it's in perfect condition."

"What's it doin' out here?" Lance wondered aloud.

"Let's find out." Shiro said, opening a link to the Altean pod, "Attention, Altean pod, identify yourself."

The screen flipped amd revealed a very familiar face.

"Shiro, it's Keith." Keith said. I smiled brightly at the sight of our teammate. It felt so good to see him again.

"Keith!" Shiro stammered, "Are you okay?"

"Where have you been?" Pidge asked.

"And how did you get your hands on that pod?" Coran asked.

"Does he look bigger to you guys?" Lance asked, "He's bigger, right?"

As I looked closer at Keith, I found that Lance was right.

Keith's hair was a little longer and he had grown a few inches since we last saw him.

"Where's Lotor?" Keith asked making it sound urgent.

"He's in the quintessence field." Hunk answered.

"Oh, no." Keith mumbled. I winced as the headache came rushing back. I held my head again, but even with my powers to heal, it didn't go away.

The pain kept pounding against my skull like a hammer on a nail. Even so, with me on Luna, we rushed to the bay to meet Keith as he landed.

The pod landed and the doors opened, amd Keith jumped out of the pod. I was elated to see him again, and he did look taller. He also seemed more mature.

"Keith, it's so good to see you." Shiro said, surprised like the rest of us.

"Wait a minute," Lance said, "How do we know you're the real Keith and not his bigger, cooler, grizzled older brother?"

"I don't have time for this, Lance!" Keith shoved past him.

"Hey everybody, Keith's back!"

"We need to stop Lotor. He's been lying to all of us!" Keith said.

"Wh-- Lying about what?" Shiro asked.

"Everything!" A woman shouted from the pod.

We all gasped in shock as three figures were standing next to the pod.

One was a Galra woman. Another was a cosmic wolf. And the last....

Was an Altean woman with bright blonde hair and a glare in her eyes.

"You're... You're Altean." Coran gasped.

"And who's the Galran?" Lance asked.

"Is that a wolf?" Hunk asked.

"Where did you come from?" Coran asked.

"I promise I'll explain everything ince we get to Lotor." Keith said.

"We can't get to him." Pidge said, "He just entered the quintessence field with Allura."

"We traveled through realities before. Can't we fly in there and attack?"

"Not possible." I said, "With Allira on board that ship, we can't risk her getting hurt with an attack."

"Why are we even attacking?" Hunk asked.

"Look, Keith-- Everyone, calm down." Shiro said, "When they return, we'll get this all sorted out."

Just then, the wolf spotted me on Luna. He disappeared in a puff of blue smoke and reappeared next to me.

The wolf smiled in its owm way and snuggled its head onto my lap.

I giggled as its soft fur tickled my hands, but he was very soft.

"What's your name?" I asked. The wolf whined, giving me its answer.

"I see. What a perfect name for a cosmic wolf."

Keith smiled at me gently, seeing my smile and hearing my laugh was hearing a beautiful melody to him.

He walked to me and stood in front of me, minding the wolf who sat in front of me.

"It's good to see you again, Zurine." Hr said, kneeling down and wrapping his arms around me. I raised my arms and wrapped them around him, returning the hug.

After a few ticks, we pulled apart, smiling all the while. We walked back to the bridge and waited for Allura and Lotor to return.

"Ha, Lance was right, you have changed." Shiro said.

"Time is different where I've been." Keith replied.

The Galran woman turned towards Shiro and walked over to him.

"Shiro, I am Krolia." She said, holding out her hand which Shiro took.

"Keith has told me all about you. Thank you for raising him to be the man he is today."

"Krolia is with the Blade of Marmora. Also... she's my mother."

I gasped, taking a double glance at both Keith and Krolia. I had to admit, he had some features similar to Krolia.

Shiro smiled politely, "It's an honor to meet you." Lance suddenly appeared in front of him.

"What?!" He shouted, "Okay, this is nuts! You come back with your Galra mom, a wolf, and an Altean?"

"Yes, I'm still waiting to hear the story of how you found this Altean." Coran said.

"And why we're supposed to be attacking Lotor." Hunk added.

Keith gestured the newly found Altean, "This is Romelle, and I think she should tell her own story."

Romelle took a deep breath and began her story, "I come from a planet where there are thousands of Alteans. We have lived there since the war with Zarkon began."

Coran and I were the most shocked by this news. Thousands of Alteans were still alive out there? Hiw could it be possible.

"That's impossible. Altea was destroyed. Allura and I were the only survivors." Coran denied.

"Every Altean child knkws the story of how Lotor saved us from destruction." Romelle continued, "When Zarkon attacked, many were off-planet om trading expeditions. When news spread about the destruction of our home, those of us who remained went into hiding more deca-phoebs. But Lotor, with hid deep knowledge of Altean culture, managed the track some of them down. To keep the Alteans secure, Lotor hid them on a remote planet beyond the quantum abyss."

"So, Lotor saved Alteans?" Coran asked in disbelief.

"Man, Lotor is even nicer than we thought." Hunk said.

I looked at Romelle and saw her hands shaking in anger at Hunk's comment.

"Don't think that just yet, Hunk. Anyone can hide under a mask." I told Luna to walk me over to Romelle, where I held her hand in comfort.

She looked down at me and straight inti my eyes as I smiled softly at her.

"I understand your story is painful to repeat, but any information you give us could help us defeat Lotor." I said. Romelle smiled at me and nodded.

"Thank you." She said before continuing her story, "Over time, the Alteans came to worship Lotor as their savior. Generations ago, in an effort to increase our odds of survival, Lotor announced that he was creating another colony far from our own. But in order to do so, he needed to assess which Alteans were viable candidates to survive the journey. One by one, every Altean in the colony was guven a series of tests. Those deemed fit for the journey were loaded onto a cargo ship and taken to the second colony. It was considered the highest honor."

"Has anyone contqcted you to report that they made it to the second colony?" I asked, sensing a bad ending to this story.

Romelle shook her head, "No, any communication between the colonies was strictly prohibited for fear that it would compromise the other's location. This was the world I was born into, one of unquestioning devotion to a supposed messiah. My brother Bandor was always faithful, but I had questions. I always asked why we couldn't talk to our friends and family on the other colony. None of my questions were answered. And eventually, Bandor grew old enough to be assessed for the journey to the other colony, and he was selected to leave immediately."

"I begged him not to go, but he smiled and assured me that I would soon follow him. Then he gave me a communicator so I could speak to him on the other colony. It wasn't tested but I put all my hope in being able to speak to my brother. When Bandor left, I felt completely alone. I tried to use the communicator he had given me, but it never worked."

I looked down, knowing what it feels like to feel alone. I clutched Romelle's hand tighter.

"I understand what you felt." I said, she looked at me in surprise, "I lost my mother, my father, and my entire civilization. I was alone for centuries before I met the paladins and Allura again."

Romelle frowned and placed her other hand on mine, "I'm sorry for your loss." She said.

I shook my head, "Don't be. Please, continue your story."

"Of course. Months after Bandor left for the other colony, his communicator activated. I rushed to it and he said that I was right. He sounded so weak. He told me that he was in the forest outside town, so I rushed out to find him, but what I found was traumatizing. Bandor lay in a crashed Altean pod. He was weak, his skin hugging his bones as if he was malnourished. He told me the truth about the promised colony, before he died in my arms. Lotor cane ans destroyed the wreckage moments later."

I was beyond furious. I knew that Lotor was a bad man, but this was beyond what I could have ever imagined.

"My brother was dead. I knew the truth, or at least part of it, but I also knew that no one would believe me without proof. A couple days after that incident, Lotor came back to our planet smiling like nothing had happened days prior. He was welcomed warmly. He announced that there was someone who could help bring us to peace and end the war with Zarkon. A person who controlled the moon and sun."

I gasped, as well as everyone else.

"Lotor was talking about the Child of Sun and Moon." Lance said.

"He was talking about Zurine." Keoth said walking over to my side and placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Why would he speak about me?" I asked.

"Lotor said that this person, Princess Zurine, would be powerful enough to help him end the Galra reign. That was only thing I believed from Lotor. And when Keith and Krolia arrived, rhey were my last chance at finding the colony and the Child of Sun and Moon. I told them what had happened to my brother, and as it turned out, so many Alteans that had been taken before him. As they explained their mission ti me, we knew there must have been a connection between the missing Alteans and the pure strain of quintessence."

"What did you find out?" Coran asked.

"We figured that a neighboring moon orbiting the planet could house a colony." Krolia explained, "Romelle led us to the pod we arrived here in."

"We flew off the planet to the moon and saw a strange base." Romelle explained, "We broke in and saw hundreds of capsules, each one held an Altean connected to tubes. They were being harvested for their quintessence. Lotor was taking our people, my brother, my friends, my parents and slowly killing them for their quintessence. Our promised life of peacr and freedom was nothung but a lie."

"That's horrifying." Coran gasped

"All this time..." Pidge trailed off.

"I can't believe he fooled us." Lance said.

"Everyone but Zurine." Hunk added, "I'm sorry we doubted you, Zurine."

"It's fine. I noticed his dark aura ever since we first met him. None of you could've known about what I felt." I said.

Just then, the computer beeped, signalling that Allura and Lotor were coming back.

"What are you waiting for? Open fire!" Romelle said.

"No!" Lance shouted, "Princess Allura is with him."

"We're gonna let him back on board?" Hunk asked.

"We must." Coran said, "As long as the princess is with him, we can't risk any sort of attack."

"Coran and Lance are right. We can't do anything until the princess is safe. Once Allura is secure, we will take Lotor down." Shiro agreed.

I groaned and held my head as it began to hurt again.

"Are you okay, Zurine?" Keith asked.

"I'm okay, just a headache that I can't seem to get rid of." I replied, "Lance, keep your blaster at the ready."

"Got it." Lance grabbed his bayard and turned it into his blaster, holding it towards the door and ready to fire.

I got off of Luna and changed into my sun form, Keith stood by my side as the doors began to slide open and revealing Lotor and Allura.

"What's going on?" Allura asked. Keith let go of my hand, rushing behind the two with his sword in hand and Krolia with a loaded gun.

"Allura, step away from Lotor." Lance said.

Allura spread her arms out in a defensive position in front of Lotor.

"I will do no such thing. Tell me what's happening here." Allura demanded.

"Lotor is a monster and has been harvesting Altean quintessence for generations!" Romelle yelled. Lotor stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the Altean girl.

"An Altean!" Allura gasped, looking back towards Lotor in confusion.

"You killed my brother and thousands of others."

"Lotor has been lying to us the whole time." Pidge said in rage, "He's nothing but a murderer, just like his father!"

"Allura, I beg of you to step away from him, now!" I said, Luna growling by my side.

"You know nothing about what you speak." Lotor defended.

"What are they talking about?" Allura asked.

"Allura, listen to me. I've dedicated my life to preserving Altean culture. Now that we have unlocked the quinteseence field, all of your people, who would have been hunted down long ago had it not been for my intervention, can live in peace. Were some lives lost in the process? Yes. But they were martyrs to a noble cause. I sacrificed a few to preserve the future for millions. Allura, do not let this ruin everything we've worked for. Think of what we experience in the quintessence field."

Lotor tried to grab Allura's hand, but Allura, being filled with rage, grabbed his hand and flipped him over her shoulder, slamming him to the ground.

I thrust my hand forward and covered him in flames. They wouldn't hurt him, but he was unconscious.

Allura's eyws pricked with tears as she turned towards me, "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, Zurine."

I walked iver to her when hugged her, "It's all right."

But everything wasn't all right. My head was pounding even harder now, and the blaring alarms weren't helping at all.

"The hangar's been breached!" Coran yelled as he ran to console.

"It's Lotor's troops. They're stealing the ships!" Hunk shouted.

Suddenly, the pain became too much as a sharp piercing pain shot through my head.

I collpased onto the ground, holding my head and curling up into a ball, my sun form fading away. I head someone else cry out in pain and saw Shiro on his knees as well, holding his head in pain.

"Shiro? Zurine?" Keith said.

But we couldn't hear him.

Visions of Haggar floodded into my mind and Shiro's.

"Guve in. You cannot resist." She coaxed Shiro.

Keith ran to my side and held me in his arms, "What's happening to them?" Coran asked as he ran to Shiro.

Allura slid onto her knees and tried to speak to me, but all her words were muffled.

"Shiro! Don't give in!" I silently screamed.

"Allura and I will secure Lotor. Hunk, help Shiro and Zurine. Everyone else, get down to the hangar and stop those guys." Lance ordered.

Keith gave me one last hug before laying me down and running to help stop the intruders.

"Shiro?" Hunk asked before Shiro went out of control. His eyes had a purple glint to them as he hit Hunk hard enough to send him flying into Coran.

"Shiro, what are you--" Lance was interrupted by a harsh punch to the face.

I struggled to stand on my feet, but I managed and changed into my sun form.

"Lance!" Allura shouted. Shiro, using his mechanical arm, created a strange ball of light, and it revealed to be his bayard.

He threw it at Allura, who dodged it, but she too was knocked unconscious by Shiro's punch. He even took out Romelle.

This clone had shown his true colors.

He then turned towards me, but in my weakened state, I couldn't do anything. I shot a few balls of fire at him, but it didn't affect him at all.

He hit with just enough force to make me go back to normal. I fell to the floor, but he caught me before I could touch the metal floor.

He carefully picked me up bridal style, then went over and hefted Lotor over his shoulder.

I leaned my head backwards towards my unconscious friends. Allura slowly regained consciousness, watching as Shiro took Lotor and me away.

A few tears fell from my eyes, as they left my cheeks, they turned to crystal and lay there for Allura.

Shiro quickly headed towards the hangar.

He ran past the damaged hangar and towatds a ship.

"Shiro's gone mad!" Allura shouted through the speakers, "He's escaping with Lotor and Zurine! Stop him before he leaves the ship!"

Pidge ran up to the pod and held out her bayard, but as she stared at Shiro, she couldn't see an evil man. She could only see the man she grew to see as a comrade and friend.

I struggled to sit up and looked up at Pidge's worried face.

"It's... not... him. He's not... our Shiro." I said before the pod closed and Shiro flew us away.

"What do we do?" Pidge asked, helping the others up.

"We need to stay focused." Keith said, "Lance, Hunk, can you still pilot your lions?"

"Yeah, I'll manage." Hunk said.

"We've got this." Lance answered.

"Then let's go! If we're gonna fight Lotor's ships, we'll need Voltron."

"Shiro and Zurine are gone. Who's gonna pilot the White and Black Lions?" Pidge asked.

"I'll pilot the Black Lion." Keith said.

Suddenly, another lion roared, it was White.

Keith ran to the Black Lion and flew out of the castke with the others. It wasn't long before they caught up the ships.

I could hear everyone fighting outside.

"Shiro, it's me, Keith." Keith said through the comm links, "Shiro, it's gonna be okay. We just have to-" Shiro severed the call.

I cried then and there, thinking the worst of my friends. They didn't know what I knew. They didn't know that this Shiro, was not our Shiro.

They didn't know that Shiro was nothing more than a spirit within the Black Lion.

I wanted to tell them so badly, but I was afraid.

I could feel my lion connect with Voltron and was relieved to feel my friends gear up for the fight to come.

I had just hoped that we would make it out of this.

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