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1.| The Return
| CAST I |
2.| Off Guard
3.| Back To Square One
4.| Not A "Thing"
5.| Miller's...Dead
6.| Accepting the Past
7.| Dangerous Phases
8.| Unsolved Problems I
9.| Red Code Down
10.|Just A Girlfriend
12.| The Evening Stranger
13.| New Suspects
14.| Accusations
15.| Suspicions
16.| Old & New Enemies
17.| Some Stupid Stays
18.| Losing My Breath
19.| Surprise After Surprise
20.| Romantically Involved
21.| When Dreams Become Reality
22.| Power, Pain, No Mercy
23.| Accidents
24.| Once a Bully, Always a Bully
25.| Ringing Shots
26.| Faults
27.| More Fuel On the Fire
28.| Vibes of Situations
29.| Realizations
30.| Drunk Mistakes
31.| Present Nightmares
32.| "THE" Confessions
33.| The Multiplying Enemies

11.| Unsolved Problems II

8 3 0

Noah had just walked into the waiting room when he spots Keith further down the room, in a corner, on the phone. He walks up to him and taps his shoulder, surprising Keith from the call.

"The tests are in. When you have a chance we can talk."

Keith nods and quickly tries to wrap up his call.

"Dad, I have to go. Nat's results are in."

With that said Arthur quickly agrees to hang up and Keith finds himself following Noah outside the waiting room. Keith reached for the door; wanting to open it up further but Noah stops him with a silent head shake.

"I need to talk to you alone.", he says seriously.

Keith looks at him a bit confused but backs away from the door, allowing Noah to block the door's pathway.

"I know she won't take this very well, but not so sure you will either...", Noah says nervously looking down at his clipboard before meeting Keith's anxious glare, "How should I word it...Agent 387178's arm can't be saved due to the poisonous substance injected in the subject's arm three years ago."

"So, you're saying the stuff DeVito injected in Nat's arm three years ago turns out to actually be poison and now she's gonna lose her arm?", Keith exclaims as he looks down at Noah.  

"A slight correction; she could not only lose her arm but her life's on the line. And there's-"

"Shacks stop telling me things I already know! How do we fix this!", Keith says angerly as he begins towering over Noah, clearly exposing the height difference.

"Keith, calm down! The only solution is to cut off her arm before it gets worse than it already is."

Keith looks at him disturbed and bewildered. It had somehow felt as if the hall of once passing nurses had gone silent with the saying of that sentence.

"Cut off her arm?"

"It's the only solution so far, but if she agrees with my solution then there is a possibility I could get her a robotic arm ten times stronger than her actual arm.", Noah states, hoping to lift up Keith's spirit.

"How exactly did it get this bad again?", Keith asks as he tries to remain calm for Noah's sake.

"We ran many tests and as you know, every week she would come in for a test. The only thing I don't understand is how DeVito got a hold of this chemical."

"What'd you mean?"

"This chemical input in her bloodstream was something that could only have been made with supplies off the black market, this concluding that the mystery expert couldn't have been DeVito, it had to be a very highly educated scientist who might've been forced or bribed by DeVito."

"Wonderful! Another villain set out for us...unless...they're the same perso-", Keith begins concluding before quickly shaking his head and getting back to the point, " can't just cut off her arm, there has to be a better solution."

"Keith there isn't! That's why I'm telling you this. If there was then we wouldn't be having this conversation."

Keith backs away frustrated as his hands cross behind his head, providing a cushion for it.

" have to be in on me with this. If your not your gonna end up losing her too."

"I know, I know. Just...just give me some time with her...I'll try to convince her somehow.", Keith says frustrated as he rubs his temples.

Noah nods pleased before stepping away from the door, giving Keith access to the room. Keith walks in and looks at the bed to find the white covers thrown to the right side of the bed with the hospital gown Natalia once was in topping the mess. Panicked, he looks over to his right to see Natalia's back facing them as she struggled with his prized possession.

"I overheard the's gonna be a no.", Natalia says frustrated as she fails in every attempt to connect the two parts of the necklace.

Keith looks at Noah and nods, giving him the cue to leave before slowly approaching her from the back. He towers above her with his warm breath flowing down the back of her shirt, causing all the little hairs across her spine to rise.

"Mind if I help?", he says with a small grin.

Natalia's elbows and shoulders drop in an exhausted sigh before she gives the control of the two parts to Keith.

"How exactly are you planning on helping me?", Natalia asks sarcastically.

Within a few seconds, Keith managed to quickly get the tiny hook through the tiny hole and released the necklace, allowing it to droop down Natalia's neck.

"How much of the conversation did you overhear?", he asks seriously with his grin faded as he turns Natalia around.

"Everything...From the moment Noah left the room to when he came back to you."

Keith sighs and retracts his arms as he lets them fix his hair nervously before he motions Natalia over to the couch in front of the large window. They both get seated on the couch and Keith begins to look around the room in search of words.

"There's no other way Nat, even Shacks said so-"

"There is! Leaving my arm right where it was intended to be.", Natalia cuts in stubbornly.

"Do you enjoy all the weekly tests Shacks would run on you? Do you enjoy the pain?"

"I've felt worse pain, Keith. This isn't that bad."

"Your complaining doesn't think so. Your tears don't think so. Your body itself doesn't agree. Nat, WAKE UP! This is dangerous! I don't want to lose you again!"

Natalia sighs before digging her elbows into her knees and cupping her hands over her face. While Keith leans back into the couch and crosses his hands over his chest disappointed. After a tensed moment of silence, Natalia speaks up.

"I'm not getting my arm cut off. And that's my final answer.", she says before standing, suddenly noticing her phone on the table near the hospital bed, and giving Keith a questioning look, "Weren't we supposed to be at Carson's house by 7 pm?"

"You already heard?!", he asks shocked.

Keith leans his elbows against his knees as he rubs his head irritated.

"Sit. Down. Now!", he orders.

Natalia looks at him in disbelief before crossing her arms over her chest with a challenging glare. 

"Nat, I'm not leaving until you agree.", Keith says deeply, making direct eye contact with Natalia. 

"Your sibling's lives are on the lin-"

"And so is yours!", with that said Keith stands up and pushes Natalia towards the couch a bit too rough causing her to whiplash back at him with an incoming fist.

Keith quickly dodged it and twisted his arm around her right arm which resulted in a painful hiss from Natalia's behalf. As his grip pressured her injured; and now sore, arm he pulled both arms back where he settled himself with his mouth just above her right ear.

Natalia struggled under his clutch but the pain was something she never witnessed before, it began to corrupt her whole body. Every limb fell weak to the presence of it and she couldn't do anything about it but hiss and attempt to wiggle away from Keith.

"Nat, knock off the sass or it's gonna get you killed!", Keith whispers in her ears sternly as Natalia calms down.

In her stubborn state of mind, there was no possible way she was going to admit Keith and Shacks were right or that the poison was wasting all her life energy.

"What are you going to do in a situation such as this?"

After two seconds of Natalia straining with her arms twisted backwards she finally begins to give in. Although she knew she could easily fight Keith off, right now was not the right time. She was still under the drowsy dose of medicine that weakened her muscles to the point where it made her feel useless.

"Fine!", Natalia spits before Keith releases her arms and allows her to step away from him.

She rubs her aching arms angerly when Noah enters the room, disturbing her thoughts. Noah called Keith over before he began with his surgery-related topic. Keith almost seemed fazed out by guilt as his gaze remained peeled to Natalia who was obviously avoiding eye contact with him; sitting herself back down on the green couch.

"Do I still have enough strength to knock out someone with just my right hand?", Natalia asks Noah without looking up.

Noah and Keith exchange glances, Keith quickly shakes his head but Noah goes against Keith's advice and responds. 

"Yes, until a limit."

After a moment of silence, Natalia looks away from her arm and alternates her gaze from Noah to Keith.

"I'm not getting my arm removed now."

"Excuse me-", Keith begins furiously before Noah puts a hand on his chest, giving him a hint to stay out of the situation for now.

"Not until it gets injured to the point where we can't fix it.", Natalia states as she stands and begins walking towards the table on the other side of the bed with her phone.

Noah retracts his arms as he turns around with a pondering face. Natalia grabs her phone and walks up to the riled up Keith with a mischievous grin as she holds up her aching right arm with the visible black veins. With a slight move, she softly punches Keith in the gut. The blow was enough to cause him to take a couple of steps backward and later lean against the wall in order to regain his balance.

"That's for an attempted torture.", Natalia says with a grin before Keith intimately stands with his back straight and begins walking towards Natalia with a grin of his own.

Noah on the other hand completely fazed out on the two adults acting like foolish kids. Instead, he seemed to be one of the only people who was doing something useful. He overlooks the results on the computer before nodding with a small smile and turning around to catch Natalia jumping off the bed with Keith sliding right onto it.

"What in the name of heaven is going on here?", he almost screams.

Natalia and Keith look at him dumbfounded, acting as if the chaos that had just occurred in the room wasn't their fault.

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