Not The Same (a Liam Payne fa...

By TeamElounor

173K 3K 150

I silently stared out the window. I had been here for three hours, just staring at the spot in the driveway t... More

Not The Same (a Liam Payne fan fic)
Our New York Life
The Call
A Favor From Simon
The Boys
Harry, the Cheeky One
Kiani's Return
Ice Cream Time!!!
Finding Nemo
Are you okay??
Call Me Maybe
Liam's Speech..
"I'm not the one cheating on my girlfriend"
Christmas Lights
The Immature One
Eight Year Old
The Payne Family
Famliy Drama
My Daddy Taught Me That
I Love Danielle
New Home
Getting Better
Under Contract
Hate & Love
Make Her See
Black Day
Different Dinner
Breaking Point
Crossing the Line
The End
Epilogue~Four Years Later
Go Check Out The Sequel!

My Father

4.4K 103 0
By TeamElounor

I sat on the our comfy, tan sofa in the living room with my phone pressed against my ear and hugging my legs tightly to my chest with my free arm. On the other line I heard a crash and glass breaking. I heard my baby sister take in a deep breath and I inhaled sharply as well, I closed my eyes tight and finally let out tears. I'm not a big crier. I guess you could say that I'm usually pretty tough. But I was upset because all I wanted to do right then was hold my baby sister tight and tell her that it would be okay. Even though I knew it wouldn't.

I heard screaming and cussing on the other end of the line and shuddered. My father had been drinking all night. He's an alcoholic and a horrible drunk. Not a good mix. My "baby" sister isn't exactly a baby. She's 16 and can pretty much take care of herself. But whenever my dad gets bad, almost every night, she calls me and we cry together. I think it's funny because neither of us try to calm each other down. It's way past that point. We just get comfort in hearing the other person, even if it's just crying.

"Is Danny in your room?" I ask her in a shaky voice. I hear her stop crying. Oh god.

"I forgot to go find him.. He's still downstairs." My poor brother I thought. He was a baby, only four. Just then, I heard Danny's loud scream echo through the house on the other side of this phone. Katy, my sister, gasped. My father had just hurt my brother. Physically.

"Pack a bag, I'm coming for you both." I hung up the phone and whiped my eyes as I ran out of the apartment.

>Erika's POV<

"So she wasn't here when you came in?" Kiani asked Liam for the billionth time.

"NO!" Liam yelled in frustration, "I walked in and the apartment was empty." The guys, Kiani, and I all went out earlier to a party someone was throwing down the street. It was basically just an excuse to get drunk underage. Neither Liam nor Audrey drink so niether came. Apparently Liam got bored and decided to come over here to our apartment to see if Audrey wanted to watch a few movies with him and the door was unlocked, which is defanietly not something Audrey would do. She's extremely cautious about stuff like that. Liam had walked in and Audrey was gone. Meanwhile, the party sucked, so we all had about one drink and left. We came home to find Liam frantically searching the apartment.

"She won't answer." Niall said lowering his phone. We had all tried calling her for the past hour.

"Erika, love, freaking out isn't gonna solve anything." Harry tried calming me down as he grabbed my arms and made me face him. I was pacing around the entire apartment. I looked at him in disbelief, how was he so calm right now? I ripped out of his arms and pulled out my phone, dialing Audrey's number. I was trying so hard not to cry right now. On the third ring, she answered.

"What?" She asked shakily. Was she crying.

"WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU OKAY? WHY HAVEN'T YOU ANSWERED US!" I yelled and everyone in the room stared intensly at me which made me feel uncomfrotable so I pretended to be interested in the floor. Audrey took a breath. "I'm fine-okay, chill. I'm getting Katy and Danny."

"Did he get bad again?" I asked sympathetically, knowing that her family was a touchy subject. I could hear her crying on the other line. The drove to her parents would be 3 hours there, 3 hours back. So I knew it mst be really bad if she would go through all the trouble. "Pull over, Audrey. You can't drive there like that, it's not safe. Besides, what are you gonna do once you get them." She took a breath.

"I..I don't know." I heard the car stop. At least she listened.

"Take a breath. Calm down and come back, okay." I commanded.

"Okay.. Please don't tell the guys." She said and hung up.

I looked up at the five guys and Kiani all wiating for me to speak.

"Is she okay?" Liam asked, almost shaking me. "What happened?"

"She's fine, she'll be back soon." They all stared at me like I was cazy and Kiani grabbed my arm, pulling me into the kitchen.

"What happened?!" She asked.

"Her dad." I answered and watched Kiani's face turn from confusion to understanding.

"Oh." She stated simply. She didn't press for information, Audrey's dad wasn't even worth talking about.

-An hour later-

>Audrey's POV<

I walked into the apartment to find Niall, Liam, Louis, Erika, Kiani, Harry, and Zayn all passed out around the living room. Some on the couch, some on the floor. The t.v. had some comedy playing and all the lights were turned off. Using my phone for light, I walked over to the t.v. and turned it off. I started walking down the hallway to me and Erika's room when I felt a hand grab my upper arm. I turned around and shined my phone light on the person. It was Liam.

"Hey, you okay?" He questioned, even in the dark, his worried expression was readable. I faked a smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I said, "Go back to sleep." He didn't believe me but thankfully he shrugged it off. I hated people knowing about my dad. I walked into my room and didn't even bother changing out of my clothes. I collapsed on my bed, still in skinny jeans and a halter top and fell quickly asleep.

-----Author's Note-----

Hey guys, I know I promised a long chapter but I guess I'm just better at writing really short ones.. sorry about that! But I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Much love <3

xx, Ashley

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