By eemmaaspotz

414 79 0


1.| The Return
| CAST I |
2.| Off Guard
3.| Back To Square One
4.| Not A "Thing"
5.| Miller's...Dead
6.| Accepting the Past
7.| Dangerous Phases
8.| Unsolved Problems I
10.|Just A Girlfriend
11.| Unsolved Problems II
12.| The Evening Stranger
13.| New Suspects
14.| Accusations
15.| Suspicions
16.| Old & New Enemies
17.| Some Stupid Stays
18.| Losing My Breath
19.| Surprise After Surprise
20.| Romantically Involved
21.| When Dreams Become Reality
22.| Power, Pain, No Mercy
23.| Accidents
24.| Once a Bully, Always a Bully
25.| Ringing Shots
26.| Faults
27.| More Fuel On the Fire
28.| Vibes of Situations
29.| Realizations
30.| Drunk Mistakes
31.| Present Nightmares
32.| "THE" Confessions
33.| The Multiplying Enemies

9.| Red Code Down

9 3 0
By eemmaaspotz

Natalia and Keith had just finished dressing up and were heading out to walk the dogs when Keith realized he had five missed calls from Angela and Natalia had been summoned by Thea. Keith gave Natalia a warning glare before heading outside as he decided to give Angela a call back and see what was wrong; leaving Natalia and Thea all alone.

Natalia tugs on the right sleeve of her jacket before shoving her hands in the pockets as Thea signals her to follow. Thea leads Natalia in her master bedroom, signals her to sit on the edge of the bed and closes the door. Natalia uncomfortably scans the room as Thea pulls the office chair after herself, faces it towards the bed and sits herself down.

"'s a very beautiful name for a...", Thea begins.

"For a killer. I know, I know. To you people, a monster like me doesn't deserve such a name. That's the reason why you all enjoy calling me a killer.", Natalia sharply cuts in as she stands and looks down at Thea.

"Natalia...please just sit down. I'm not here to nag you.", Thea says as she tries to remain calm.

Natalia slowly sits back down on the bed as Thea continues.

"This morning I got the talk I lacked for the longest of times. This 'talk'' helped me realize how much pain I was causing everyone around me. I allowed the past to form who I am now without taking to cause that there were other people in my life that were trying to cope with my ignorance and help me out.", Thea says as she takes a deep breath and continues, "What I'm trying to say is...Arthur was right. Everything I said yesterday was wrong. I'm sorry for excusing you of your duties and since I want to make things right; the whole me excusing you situation that happened yesterday will be erased from any records that were made of it happening."

Thea smiles as she finally decides to look up at Natalia who was blankly looking back at her. After a moment of tensioned silence, Natalia speaks up.

"I'd have to talk to Keith and Shack's about this.", Natalia answers as she stands and avoids eye contact with Thea.

"That wasn't a question Miss Petrova. You're joining.", Thea strictly states, pausing Natalia from opening the door.

Natalia spins around.

"I'll join; but under one condition. You stay out of my relationship with Keith.", Natalia says calmly, looking straight into Thea's hazel green eyes.

Thea didn't get a chance to recover from her shock since Natalia had already made her way out of the room in search for Keith.

She hears a familiar, accented voice outside the house just as Keith hangs up with a worried look. He spins around on his heels before suddenly realizing Natalia's presence.

"How'd it go?", he asks.

"Well...that's something we've got to talk about.", she says before Keith walks past her towards the house, "Where are you going?"

She asks as Keith opens the door to the house.

"I've got to get the car keys...we're heading to Angela's house.", Keith responds exposing his English accent once again.

"What for?", Natalia asks just after Keith had entered the house.

She quickly rushes after him; taking a pair of black converse in her left hand before finding Keith in the garage unlocking the black jaguar.

"Why are we going to her house?", Natalia asks again.

"I'll tell you in the car, just hop in.", he orders with the unchanged accent just before the door that leads to the house opens, exposing his mother.

Keith takes a sharp breath as he rolls his eyes and ducks his head into the car, attempting to hide before Thea would get the chance to lecture him, yet unfortunately, she calls out his name in a very strict tone. He sighs but doesn't respond as he lets his head fall back against the head of the seat.

"What have I told you about the accent? We're in America. Don't make me go through-", Thea begins.

"Yea, I know!", Keith cuts in annoyed with the same English accent as he turns on the car and signals Natalia to hop in.

Thea blankly stares at Keith through Natalia's open car door as Natalia nervously sinks into the leather seat.

"Let's just act like I didn't hear that.", Thea says angrily as Keith presses a button which automatically opens the large garage door.

"Hear whatever you want to hear.", Keith whispers to himself; not changing the accent, puts his arm around the passengers head and looks back as he begins reversing the car, "you can close the door."

With that whispered to Natalia, she gives Thea a worried look and slowly closes the door; secluding them from Thea's complaints and hollers. Keith quickly reverses, puts the car in drive and peels off the driveway with the garage door closing behind the car.

"First of all, why are we going know who's house?", Natalia asks annoyed as her gaze suddenly lingers out the window.

Keith gives her a side glance and one of his famous grins.


Natalia's head spins around as she shakes her head violently.

"No! Why would I be?! She's...never mind.", Natalia stops herself, realizing that she didn't want to bring up a wound of the past and instead returns to her window gazing.

Alternating his gaze from the empty road back to Natalia he suddenly realizes the cause of her frustration.

"What did she say now?"

"Everything that was said yesterday will be forgotten since I was 'never' actually released of my duties."

Keith shakes his head and takes a deep breath with hope that some sort of encouragement could find its way out of his mouth; instead all they got was an awkward silence.

"When did accents become a problem?", Natalia questions; finally breaking the tension.

Keith's face suddenly lights up as he points to a StarBucks propped up in the middle of two restaurants.

"What do you say if we stop by a cafe after Angie's house?", he questions back, quickly dodging the subject and Natalia's serious glare.

About five minutes later Keith gives in as he desperately rubs his chin and tightens the grip on the steering wheel.

"London. London, England. You know that place right?"

Natalia nods, realizing what he was getting to but not exactly sure of his full backstory.

"It was my birth place and my life. That place was filled with great memories...but like every other place it had its bad ones. After my biological father's death, Mum couldn't stand that place any longer. Too many memories. So, she took us to America where she had been assigned her first field job. Ever since we left London, she's forced us into covering up our accent thinking that it might give us away."

Natalia continues nodding as she takes in everything. For the first time in her life she could finally put a couple pieces together and understand Keith's frustration about his relationship with his mom.

"Cause you know, in a place like America you'd never find someone who once lived in England.", Keith continues in a sarcastic tone as he pulls off the main street and into a parking loft, where he quickly parked the car and ended his story, "Family relationships torn, everyone took sides, Mum got married to Arthur, family grew and so did her hate towards me."

With that said he pulls himself out of the car and slams the door, leaving Natalia deep in a thought which she hardly realized led to a flashback.

Family relationships torn, everyone took sides, hate grew towards me.

This was said before, just put in different words and in different life events.

"What do I do if other family members come looking for her?", DeVito asks the only other individual in the compact room besides Natalia; whose eyes were attempting to open.

"Like I said before. Just give them about five months and by then all family relationships with her should be torn.", the other, more confident tone responded.

"Are you sure?", DeVito asks once again, obviously very uncertain and concerned.

"You do realize who you're asking, don't you?", the same confident remarks with pride just as DeVito's phone rings and Natalia squints her eyes due to the bright light aiming in her eyes.

She pulls on her arms but when they don't budge her four year old mind races in panic as she continues tugging on her strapped arms; obviously grabbing everyone's attention.

"What?!", DeVito hollars at the guy on the other end of the phone, "Of course! You better not lose him or the last thing you'll receive is a bullet through that thick skull of yours."

With that said DeVito ends the phone call and turns to the other man in the room, just as Natalia gets injected with a sharp needle. She attempted yelling a while ago but it was as if her mouth had gone numb; with the agonizing pain in her right arm, not being able to yell made the matter even worse.

"This should strip all the memories of her past. Although I do warn will only last 18-20 years before it slowly begins to wear off. I will be returning to Italy and Russia, visiting their black market but it will take about 14 years for a new shipment of these to arrive. They go by fast so as long as you keep her away from-"

The man's voice died off as Natalia fell into a deep sleep.


The classroom fell into deep silence as everyone's attention shifted to the headmaster's son whose hand was once raised.

"What happened to the guys who didn't give Genesis the company she wanted?", Teddy questions.

"Killed.", the Ms.Stone simply states, as if it was something common.

"Jheeze Teddy get the memo already.", Natalia whispers to herself with a wide grin.

"Looks like your 'boyfriend' isn't as smart as everyone claims he is.", Adam whispers over Natalia's shoulder.

But when she decided to ignore him, he leaned across his desk and yanked Natalia's ponytail out of it's form. She whips around and grabs his hands by the wrists just before he could pull them back. But the sound of Teddy's voice paused them from continuing their violent games.

"Why kill them?"

"Teddy...sooner or later you'll have to realize that everyone picks sides. If you choose the losing side, well then at least you'll know-" , Ms.Stone's voice was cut off by a pained scream coming from none other than Natalia who returned Adam's hair yanking with a punch.

At thirteen she was known to be the best puncher, but missed somehow.

"Prince! Petrova! Corners now!", Ms.Stone yells, stopping the fight before it got out of control.

Natalia releases Adam's shirt and gives him a hard shove before spinning on her heels and heading for the front of the classroom but not before getting her hair yanked backwards. Just before she was able to grab his arm, Adam rushes forward and sticks his tongue out; playfully insulting and mocking Natalia who was fuming as she headed towards the left side of the classroom but not before giving Teddy one last glance. Teddy sadly shook his head in disappointment, already feeling the presence of DeVito upon Natalia once again today.

"No wonder everyone hates her. She never fails in causing fights.", the girl seated across from Teddy whispers out loud.

All it took was four steps and Natalia was already beating the life out of the girl, if it hadn't been for Teddy the girl would've died long before she could ever think of insulting the "queen" of The Academy.

Keith's loud knocking on the window woke Natalia out of her flashbacks striking her back into reality. He opens the door and kneels down, gently pushing Natalia's soft ombré hair behind her ear.

"Look I'm really sorry about last night and this morning...I'll make it up to you somehow-"

"No, it's not that...I just...had another flashback.", Natalia cuts in after pulling Keith's hand into hers.

He kisses the back of her hand and motions her to get out of the car which she willingly does. After Keith closes the door he pushes Natalia against the car and surprises her with a deep kiss. He cups her face before pulling out of the kiss and pressing his forehead against hers.

"How was that for a start?", he says with a mischievous grin.

Natalia grins not planning on giving him the satisfaction of knowing how much she actually enjoyed it. Just before they're lips could touch again Jasper and Felix's voices echoed throughout the parking garage.

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!", Jasper yells hopping up and down in excitement.

"WHAT THE FRICK KEITH! When'd you take on bring a full time liar as a gig?!", Felix questions in shock.

Keith and Natalia sigh in frustration.

"Code red goes dormant.", Keith whispers, earning a small laugh from Natalia.

It was until Jasper reached them and threw his arms around Natalia's neck that they separated. Felix could not stop smiling and Jasper would not let go of Natalia's neck until Keith sighed and pulled out his wallet. Before he got the chance to pull out the money Felix pushed Keith's wallet back towards its owner.

"Nah man, you keep the money. You deserve it.", Felix looks over at Natalia with a smile, "You deserve her."

Keith shakes his head with a smile and quickly puts the money back in his wallet.

"Soooo, Keith. Honestly, and out of curiosity. Who's the better kisser, Baby Angie or the Winter Fury?", Jasper asks

Natalia elbows Jasper in the ribs just as Keith walks up to her and lifts her chin.

"Without a doubt; the Winter Fury.", he states with a wide grin before planting a kiss on her lips.

"Come on Keith! Find a room before you guys begin something-", Jasper begins before Felix cuts in.

"Yes well, what are you guys doing here?", Felix questions.

Just the fact that nor Felix or Jasper were bothered by Keith's accent probably meant that they enjoyed it just as much as Natalia.

"Angela. You guys?", Keith responds after throwing his arm around Natalia.

"Angela felt like someone was stalking her so she called me over. Jasper just came along since he's head over heels for her.", Felix states calmly earning a hard shove from Jasper.

"So much for keeping secrets!", Jasper remarks embarrassed, giving everyone something to laugh about.

But the laughing didn't last for long until a loud gunshot rang from the apartment to their left. It didn't take long for Natalia to realize it wasn't just any apartment, but instead the girl Jasper was head over heels about five seconds ago.

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