Heroes of Olympus x Reader On...

By BlueIceWolf

758K 12.3K 6.2K

Heroes of Olympus x Reader fanfic that includes any one of the characters. Anyone can make requests and I'll... More

Percy Jackson x Reader (Broken Heart)
Nico Di Angelo x Reader (You're the light of my Life)
Jason Grace x Reader (I'll Always Love You)
Leo Valdez x Reader (Opposites Attract)
Percy Jackson x Reader (I'll Never Forget You)
Percy Jackson x Reader (I'll Never Forget You) Extra
Thalia Grace x Reader x Jason Grace (We Will Always Be Family)
Leo Valdez x Reader (The Fault In Our Stars)
Nico Di Angelo x Reader (Jealousy)
Percy Jackson x Reader (Jealousy in the Library)
Jason Grace x Reader (May I Have This Dance)
Nico Di Angelo x Reader (Being Different Is Unique)
Leo Valdez x Reader (Family Business)
Percy Jackson x Reader (Daughter of Ares in Love)
Luke Castellan x Reader (Join Me)
Leo Valdez x Reader (The Guardians of the Galaxy)
Connor Stoll x Reader (You Stoll My Heart)
Jason Grace x Reader (True Love's Kiss)
Jason Grace x Reader (Ex-Hunter of Artemis)
Percy Jackson x Reader (Daughter of Hades)
Nico Di Angelo x Reader (You're Not Alone)
Connor Stoll x Reader (Partners in Crime)
Jason Grace x Reader (Sleep Over)
Percy Jackson x Reader (Betrayal)
Percy Jackson x Reader (Betrayal) Part 2
Percy Jackson x Reader (Betrayal) Part 3 (Final)
Jason Grace x Reader (Siblings in Love)
Octavian x Reader (Greeks and Romans)
Nico Di Angelo x Reader x Leo Valdez (Never Offend A Goddess)
Percy Jackson x Reader (Amnesia) Part 1
Percy Jackson x Reader (Amnesia) Part 2
Percy Jackson x Reader (Amnesia) Part 3
Percy Jackson x Reader (Amnesia) Part 4 (Final Part)
A/n (Just a Quick One)
Nico Di Angelo x Reader x Jason Grace (Love Triangle)
Nico Di Angelo x Reader x Jason Grace (Love Triangle) Part 2
Nico Di Angelo x Reader x Jason Grace (Love Triangle) Part 3
Nico Di Angelo x Reader x Jason Grace (Love Triangle) Part 4 (Final)
Nico Di Angelo x Reader x Leo Valdez (In Love With A Son Of Hades)
Punk!Percy Jackson x Reader (Hate To Love)
Nico Di Angelo x Chloe Jackson (Daughter of Poseidon)
Leo Valdez x Sift Stone (The Past Is The Past) Part 1
Leo Valdez X Sift Stone (The Past Is The Past) Part 2
Leo Valdez x Sift Stone (The Past Is The Past) Part 3 (Final)
Nico Di Angelo x Reader (Apollo's Unnoticed And Bullied Daughter) Part 1
Nico Di Angelo x Reader (Apollo's Unnoticed and Bullied Daughter) Part 2
Nico Di Angelo x Reader (Apollo's Unnoticed and Bullied Daughter) Part 3 (Final)
Flirty!Nico Di Angelo x Reader (I Flirt With You Because I Love You)
Connor Stoll x Reader x Travis Stoll (Just Tell Her Already)
Travis Stoll x Reader (Please Don't Leave Me) Part 1
Travis Stoll x Reader (Please Don't Leave Me) Part 2
Travis Stoll x Reader (Please Don't Leave Me) Part 3 (Final)
Nico Di Angelo x Ela Santos x Percy Jackson (I'm Not Giving Up On You) Part 1
Nico Di Angelo x Ela Santos x Percy Jackson (I'm Not Giving Up On You) Part 2
Nico Di Angelo x Ela Santos x Percy Jackson (I'm Not Giving Up On You) Part 3
Leo Valdez x Reader (Fire And Ice) Part 1
Leo Valdez x Reader (Fire And Ice) Part 2
Leo Valdez x Reader (Fire And Ice) Part 3 (Final)
Annabeth Chase x Percy Jackson x Reader (Whose It Gonna Be) Part 1
Annabeth Chase x Percy Jackson x Reader (Whose It Gonna Be) Part 2
A/n - I'm Sorry
A/N - PureWhiteIceWolf
Annabeth Chase x Percy Jackson x Reader (Whose It Gonna Be) Part 3
Annabeth Chase x Percy Jackson x Reader (Whose It Gonna Be) Part 4 (Final)
Percy Jackson x Angelique x Acciai (Demigod or God) Part 1
Percy Jackson x Angelique x Acciai (Demigod or God) part 2
Percy Jackson x Angelique x Acciai (Demigod or God) part 3 (Final)
Ethan Nakamura x Reader (Confession in the Labyrinth)
Nico Di Angelo x Reader (One Year Anniversary)
Percy Jackson x Reader (Nothing Can Separate Us)
Nico Di Angelo x Reader x Luke Castellan (Doppelganger)
Leo Valdez x Reader (Carnival Date)
Sanny Argent x Luke Castellan (Best Friends no More)
Calypso x Leo Valdez x Reader (Leo is Mine) Part 1
Calypso x Leo Valdez x Reader (Leo is Mine) Part 2
Calypso x Leo Valdez x Reader (Leo is Mine) Part 3 (Final)
Calypso x Leo Valdez x Reader (Leo is Mine) Alternative ending
Jason Grace x Reader (Brain Tumour) Part 1
Jason Grace x Reader (Brain Tumour) Part 2 (Final)
Will Solace x Reader (Jealousy leads to a Confession)
Luke Castallen x Reader x Nico Di Angelo (Capture the Flag)
Percy Jackson x Reader (Meant to Be) Part 1
Percy Jackson x Reader (Meant to Be) Part 2 (Final)
Nico Di Angelo x Reader (In love with my Brother)
Nico Di Angelo x Reader (Save Me)
About the edited one shots...
Edited one shots
It's up
Requests are closed
I'm sorry
New story
Bad news
Something different
Final update
Face Reveal?
A little Secret
Face Reveal

Frank Zhang x Reader (I Love You Not Leo)

6.3K 113 42
By BlueIceWolf

Requested by @AinsleyTheName

Frank Zhang - Son of Mars and my best friend, but also the guy I have a crush on. When I first met him, he was with Leo and they helped me get to Camp Half-Blood when they told me I was a demigod and away from my abusive uncle.

Leo Valdez - Son of Hephaestus and also my best friend who is always there for me when I need him. I think of him more of a brother than a best friend. He knows everything about me, also my crush on Frank.

Then there's me, y/n l/n daughter of Hades and half sister to Nico Di Angelo and Hazel Lavesque. Like Nico, I can raise the dead and shadow travel, though long distances wear me out.

I've been at Camp Half-Blood for a couple of months now and I love it so much. It's so much better than where I used to leave with my abusive uncle. Yes, my uncle used to be abusive and he would always take it out on me. You see, I used to live with my mum, but then she died and my uncle took me in. Ever since he took me in, he begun to abuse me for one reason or another. Most of the time I think it was because he had nothing better to do.


I was in the car with my mum and we were on our way back to our home. All though, along the way I got a bad feeling that something was going to happen and I was fidgeting along the way.

"Y/n, are you ok? You seem to be fidgeting a lot. Is something the matter?" Mum has asked me when she noticed how I was acting. I stayed quiet because I don't want to worry mum. I know she worries about me a lot because I'm not like all the other kids. According to mum I'm special. But I don't know what's so special about a kid who has ADHD and dyslexia. I can also see things that no one else can see and if I tell anyone about it, they would think that I'm crazy and would send me to a mental hospital, taking me away from my mum.

"I'm okay mum. It's nothing to worry about." I tried my best to look mum in the eye and tell her, otherwise she would think that I would be lying. I usually tell mum what is happening, but this time I didn't and I don't know why.

"Ok honey. You do know that you can tell me anything right? I'm always here for you." I nodded my head and started looking out the window. Mum is always there for me and I know she would always be there. What I didn't know was that our time together would be short. After a while, we had stopped at the lights, but a car was driving really fast and from what I could tell, the driver was drunk. Mum was trying her best to move out of the way, but the car drove straight into us and collided with our car. It hit mums side and killed her instantly. I don't know how, but I could sense her life force and could tell that she was gone. In the collision, I was hit as well, but not as bad as mum. I got a lot of scrapes and bruises and when someone had noticed, they called the ambulance. When the ambulance arrived they took me to the hospital whereas the police dealt with my mum. I don't know what they did after because I was beginning to see black spots and I welcomed the darkness.

A few hours later

When I had awoken, I looked around and saw that I was in a white room and had an IV drip in my arm. That's when I noticed that I was in the hospital. There was a nurse who had seen me awake and walked over to me.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" The nurse had asked me.

"A bit sore, but better than before." That's when I remembered mum and how she died. I began to cry and the nurse came over to me and hugged me, calming me down.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. Is there anyone who can look after you?" I began to think and told the nurse about my uncle. I gave her the details and she left to go and give my uncle a call and tell him what had happened. After half an hour, my uncle had come to the hospital and as soon as he saw me, he ran over and hugged me but not too tightly because of my injuries. I hugged him back and cried. My uncle rubbed circles in my back and whispered soothing words into my ear, calming me down and telling me that everything is going to be ok. What I didn't know was that it was all an act. When I was realised from the hospital, uncle took me home and as soon as we entered the front door, uncle pinned me to the wall and started choking me. He looked at me with hate in his eyes.

"You stupid girl! It's all your fault your mother is dead!" He began to beat me and abuse me and all I could do was stand there and take it. After a while, uncle had stopped and left me there, lying on the ground, bruised and bloodied.

A couple months later

It's been a couple months since I have lived with my uncle and everyday he beats me until I'm left bruised and bloodied. I don't fight back each time, all I do is take it because I believed that it was my fault that mum was gone. After the first month, I began to notice my appearance change. My once bright and full of life e/c eyes were now dark and dull. My body is now skinny and you could practically see my ribs and I have so many bruises on my body that I now won't heal for a long time. I honestly don't know how much more of these beatings I can take. It's even worse when uncle comes home drunk.

I was home along after uncle left to go out drinking and I was dreading when he would be coming home. I stayed up in my room and the whole time uncle was away. After a few hours, my uncle came back and came into my room, his eyes full of hate. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes, and saw two people standing in front of me. One had black hair and brown eyes and the other one also had black hair and brown eyes. They were both standing in front of me, protecting me. When I looked behind them, I saw my uncle lying on the ground, unconscious. I looked at the boys and they said that their names are Leo Valdez and Frank Zhang. They also told me something that had changed my life forever.

End of flashback

That was the day I found out I was a demigod and that I had to come to Camp Half-Blood, which I was more than happy to because it meant that I would be leaving my abusive uncle. When I came to camp, we went straight to the infirmary so my wounds could be healed with nectar and ambrosia, for of the Gods. I was also claimed by my father, who is Hades, God of the Underworld. I met my siblings, Nico Di Angelo and Hazel Lavesque and hung out with Leo and Frank a lot.

Leo and I became best friends very easily and I see him as my brother than a best friend. He is always there for me and helped me around camp. When I don't hang out with Leo, I'm with Frank and I really enjoy my time with him. Ever since I met Frank, my heart would always skip a beat every time I saw him. His smile would always brighten up my day and I would always get lost every time I looked into his eyes. I've fallen for Frank, but I don't know what to do.

It was another day at camp and I was absolutely bored, so I decided to hang out with Leo because Frank was busy doing something else. I met up with Leo at his cabin and we walked to the beach. When we got to the beach we sat down and begun to relax.

"Leo, do you think I should tell Frank about my feelings?"

"You should y/n, Why don't you?"

"I'm scared about being rejected. What if he doesn't feel the same way about me, it would mean that I would lose him and I don't want that."

"I don't see why he wouldn't like you y/n. You're beautiful, caring and one of the most kindhearted girls I have ever met." I blushed a little at his words and kissed him on the cheek. Leo knew that I didn't mean anything romantic by it because he sees me as his sister like I see him as my brother.

"Thank you Leo." I rested my head on his shoulder and he ran his fingers through my hair. You would think we looked like a couple, but we're not. What I didn't see was that a certain guy I have a crush on saw Leo and I together, thought that we were a couple and he ran back to his cabin with tears in his eyes.

After hanging out with Leo, I made my way to Frank's cabin and knocked on the door. I was going to tell him about my feelings and I hope he would return them. When Frank answered and saw that it was me, he went to shut the door, but I stopped him by putting my foot in the way. Sure it had hurt a bit, but I wanted to know what's wrong with my best friend.

"What's wrong Frank?"

"Nothing. Why don't you go back to Leo?" He said Leo's name with a bit of venom in his voice. I looked at him with confusion and said,

"What are you talking about?"

"I saw you and Leo talking and by the looks of it, you were having a fun time. You don't need me y/n, you have Leo. But don't worry, we will always be best friends." I noticed a bit of hurt and jealousy in his voice. I can't believe he thought that Leo and I are a couple. I giggled a bit and Frank said,

"What's so funny?"

"Frank, I was talking to Leo about my feelings for you. I don't like Leo like that. I see him more like a brother like he sees me like his sister and that's all our relationship is going to be, a brother and sister relationship. I was asking Leo if I should tell you about my feelings, but I was scared that you would reject me and that meant that I would lose you. I don't want to lose you, ever." I looked into Frank's eyes the whole time.

"Really y/n because I have feelings for you to and was always scared to tell you in fear of rejection. When I saw you and Leo together, I got jealous and I let that get the best of me. I'm sorry y/n, please forgive me."

"I can never stay mad at you Frank. I love you."

"I love you to y/n."

With that, we both leaned in and kissed. The kiss was slow and full of love. We pulled away after a couple seconds and looked each other in the eyes with love. I smiled at Frank and he smiled at me.

"Y/n, will you be mine?"

"Always Frank, as long as you are mine." We kissed once more to seal the deal. I was so happy that Frank and I are together and I won't let anyone come between us and I won't ever hurt him. Little did I know that Frank made the same promise.

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