I am Iron Man

By SolarEclipse7525

252K 5.6K 4.1K

Male Reader x Infinite Stratos As long as (Y/n) can remember he was nothing short of a genius too bad he was... More

The Escape
Class begins
Things get complicated
Unwanted Teen Drama
Vote up
Two New Students
The Truth Comes out
The Past Revealed: Part 1
The Past Revealed: Part 2
Returning In a Mess
The Mistake
The Battle
Finding a Cure
Warm Summer Days
New Semester, New Student, New Problems
Making Up For Lost Time
The Armor War Begins
Relaxing with Games and Parties
Bonding with friends
Yet Another Attack
Date with Charlotte
Dating Maya
Measuring Up & Chemical Warfare
Field Trip
The Iron War
Things get from bad to worse
Chasing a Ghost
Behind Enemy Lines
New Job
Situation Changes
World Purge
Beautiful Lies
The Beginning of the End
Assessing the Situation

Trying to Mending Old Wounds

8K 183 37
By SolarEclipse7525

(B/n)=Brother's name

(M/n)=Mother's name

(F/n)=Father's name

You left as soon as possible but you didn't want to use your iron man suit since it would shorten your life, so you take the first plane back to america.  The flight was quiet since you were too wrapped up in your own thoughts, thinking of how you will talk to your parents since you left after your brother's suicide.  Although this flight may take nearly 16 hours so you had plenty of time to think.  

Throughout the flight your thoughts were all over the place ranging from how Ichika is going to do against Laura to what to say when you get home.  It was so stressful that you couldn't sleep, awake through the entire flight. 

Once you landed you took a drive to your hometown, a place that you haven't seen in a long time, 7 years to be exact.  You start to walk down the road, a long empty road that was headed to your old house.

Once there you were met with a wave of nostalgia, when you saw your house.  Although it seemed even worse than before, to the point that it looked like it would collapse at any second.

You start to approach the old house as cautious as possible due to the tall grass all over the front yard hoping not to step onto any dangerous animals.  Then walk up the two steps before getting in front of the door, taking a breath before you enter the home that you grew up in for the first time in five years.  Opening the door with no lock, never was one in the first place, seeing the house which was even worse than it was when you left.

The wood to the stairs rotting to the point that it wouldn't be able to handle even fifteen pounds if it came to that.  With questionable stains and mold all over the furniture and the floor, being careful not to step on any of them.  In the kitchen is where there is a mountain of unwashed dishes, a part of you didn't want to check the fridge but you did.  As you opened it a wave of disgusting smell fill your nose, not even bothering to look you simply close the refrigerator door.  After that incident you go out the back door.

You take a deep breath and look up a hill with a wooden cross in the middle, you take a deep breath and start to make your way up the hill.  You took your time to walking up the hill since you were gathering your thoughts on what to say.

Once you were up the hill, you find the grave of your own brother.

(Y/n):"Hey (B/n), sorry that it has been so long, but I'm here now."

Nothing, you were talking to a grave, there was no one there to respond.

(Y/n):"So um, where do I start"




(Y/n):"I guess the beginning is fine."

So you started to tell the story of how you first invented the arc reactor to your extraordinary life in school, and finally of how stressed you are on meeting mom and dad.

(Y/n):"You know how I get with them, especially since mom is prone to violence and dad is cold man "




(Y/n):"I should have figured out that you were suffering, if I found I would have said something sooner and then you would be here to actually listen to me rant on about how stupid people could be"

You say as tears start to flow down your cheeks.

(Y/n):"Sorry about that, I just wish you were here"

You start to wipe away the tears from your face.

Soon you hear the sound of a door slam close in the house.

(Y/n):"Well someone's here, I guess this is goodbye my dear little brother (B/n)

You start to walk towards the house to hear some stumbling from inside, where this is where you deduced that it was your mother.

Opening the door to find a women who looks like she could be in her fifties but you know that she is actually in her mid-thirties, wearing a revealing outfit for her 'career' with your (E/c) eyes and blonde hair.  She's currently smoking on the kitchen table with both of your eye's meet.

(M/n):"So your back"

She says with the most disgusted tone that she could muster.

(Y/n):"Apparently so, are you drunk or stoned."

(M/n):"Yes, now why are you here"

(Y/n):"I'm here for dad"

(M/n):"Figures so are you here to give us pity."

(Y/n):"So what."

(M/n):"You know if I knew how you would have turned out, I would have gotten that abortion."

She says as she walks up towards you, trying to intimidate you.

(Y/n):"You know I'm not a child anymore"

(M/n):"You should be thankful to be in this world, because if it was my decision you would have never been here."

She says with her hand raised about to hit you but simply caught it out of the air.

(M/n):"You were nothing but an accident, a whole in the damn condom that your stupid father had."

You sigh, she has always says that to you whenever she is angry at me.

(M/n):"And your brother was only born since we needed more money from the government."

You push her back onto the seat, as you walk to the chair across from her.  

(M/n):"It was all going so well until you had to open your big fat mouth to the government taking away my money"

She says as she got up yet again to grab the filthy pot on the stove and throw it at you, but you move your head out of the way.

(Y/n):"I'm surprised that you weren't arrested for child abuse, and the reason why I said something was because of my brother"

You said with venom laced within each word.

(M/n):"I have my way's boy."

(Y/n):"By the way I'm only here to say goodbye (M/n)."

You mother didn't say anything as you started to walk away.  You didn't realize it until you were at the door when there were tears on your face from the conversation.

It was an hour after your conversation with your mother, as you walked down the road to the hospital.

You enter the front entrance of the hospital to the person in the front desk.

Receptionist:"How may I help you?"

(Y/n):"I'm here for (F/n) (L/n)"

Receptionist:"Oh he's in room 204"

(Y/n):"Thank you"

You continue to walk to the room, where you find your father in the hospital bed looking very skinny weighing about ninety pounds and very sickly, he had cold brown eyes and (H/c) hair which was missing.

(F/n):"Hello (Y/n)"

(Y/n):"Hey dad"

(F/n):"Never thought that you would come back"

(Y/n):"I'm only here to say goodbye"

(F/n):"Why because I'm dying"

You stay silent.

(F/n):"No it's more than that isn't it, let me guess you went home to meet mom"


(F/n):"Your dying aren't you, just like me"

(Y/n):"How are you feeling"

You say trying to change the subject.

(F/n):"I have cancer what do you think."

(Y/n):"Hey dad I've been wanting to ask you something , it's been bothering me a lot lately"

(F/n):"Oh, and what is your question."


It's been a few days since your dad has passed, as you are now sitting alone in his funeral that no one but you went to.  You know this is more than he deserved since he left you with the hospital bill and the funeral cost.  There you sat devastated from what he said to you in the hospital.

???:"Hey your (Y/n) right"

(Y/n):"Yeah and who's asking"

Phil:"Names Phil Coulson, from shield I'm only here to drop off this from your adopted father Eric"

He gives you a box full of stuff.  You remember Eric, he was your adopted father who was a chemist after the government took you away from your abusive parents, he was also your best friend.

(Y/n):"Thanks Phil"

Phil:"I would also say that Eric was a good man, also I'm sorry for your loss"


After that being said Phil walked away, leaving you alone again.

You started to remember the conversation that you had with your father.


(Y/n):"Dad, was there anything that I did that made you proud"

(F/n):"(Y/n) when you were first born into this world I was expecting you to be obedient since I gave you a home, a family, and I was expecting great things from you."

He started to cough violently, then took in a deep breath.

(F/n):"But you were such a disappointment, nothing but a selfish child who doesn't appreciate what I did for you.  So I have to say this there is nothing that you have done to make me proud"

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