More Chances Than One - n.h.

By snowfluke

213K 1.7K 274

in where a girl's heart is amounted to the number of chances she gave More

More Chances Than One (Niall Horan & Harry Styles Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
~~~~~Chapter 50~~~~~
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
WANTED: Admins For A Joint Twitter Account
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 ~Part 1
Chapter 57 ~Part 2
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Short BUT IMPORTANT Announcement :)
Chapter 71
Epilogue: Tour Days

Chapter 10

3.4K 35 8
By snowfluke

Niall's P.O.V.

       When someone who's special to you leaves, it really feels....well complicated. I need space right now, so I can gain my strength to even sing for the last time. 

         I went upstairs and dressed in to my red polo shirt and wore a jumper. Since it was already autumn and nealy winter, the breaze of the wind can be so cold. Mostly now, cause Dani left and I have no one. I also wore my peach slacks and white converse.

"I'm going out for a while." I told them and headed for the door. 

Where will I go, anyway?

"Don't take to long!" Louis chirped. 

"Alright see ya!"

      Maybe I'll go to my favorite thinking spot. The Park where me and Dani first met. 

**********FLASHBACK********** (4 years ago)

    When I first moved to England, I was friendless. At least I can be a new person oh well.

I walked down the road and noticed a group of people. There were 4 lads and 1 girl. Practically the boys were about or near my age. Good. But the girl was like 9 or 10 I think. I'll have to admit she was beautiful.

Stop it Niall you cannot have a crush on a girl you barely even met and who's to young for you. I need friends so they can be friend material. Let me see if I can befriend them.

"Hey! I'm Dani! Who are you? Haven't seen you around here before. Where are you from? Where is your house?" She asked me in one breath. Wow! She really is something.

"Excuse our friend I'm Liam, that's Harry, this is Louis and over there is Zayn. And you've met little Dani here." He pointed to everyone. They waved back at me. At least it's a start.

"Nice to meet ya! What's your name mate?" Louis asked me and shook my hand.

"Well... I'm Niall. Niall James Horan. I just moved from Mullingar, Ireland and I live in that White and blue house over there." I answered every question Dani asked.

"Wow! Wait?! Your name is Niall James?" Zayn asked and he smirked. What's wrong with my name?

"Yeah! Why?" I scratched my head with confusion. I really didn't know what's going on.

"You have the same second name as Liam." He chuckled and then followed by the others. But Liam sent a I'm-going-to-kill-you glare at Zayn.

"Shut up!! Zayn! It's not funny!" Liam shouted all frustrated but Zayn just ignored.

"Yeah it is!!" Louis responded trying to stop laughing. But well he didn't stop.

"Whatever. You guys always do that when we meet someone with the same name as me. That's why we can't make new friends." Liam sighed.

"Alright we'll stop now." They finally stopped laughing and regained their poise.

"Finally, so tell us something about yourself, Niall." Dani asked. Her eyes are so beautiful. It was Purple and her hair was blond with brown strikes.

"Well, I'm 13 and I love football. I like the color blue. Especially I love Food!"

"Awesome! What's your favorite restaurant or fast food?" She smiled cheekily at me.

"My favorite is Nandos" I chuckled. Mostly I eat there everyday but I try not making it an habit.

"OMG!! I love that place too!!" She cheered. A fellow Nandos lover.

"Great!" I gave her a big Horan Hug. "You guys are officially my new friends."

"We accept!" They chuckled and joined the hug. And made it a big warm group hug. New friends and a great start. Now I can check socializing off my list.

***********END OF FLASHBACK**************

Good times :)

      From that day on I had new friends and a new crush. So the park is my favorite place to go when I'm really depressed.

At least I've arrived at the park. It's really peaceful here and yet so beautiful. This place really reminds me of Dani a lot.

We always played tag or even push each other off into the pond. Sometimes she even plays football with me. I can't take her out of my mind, not even for a single second.

Why can't I forget about her?

Do my feelings affect my life so much?

Whatever I know I can get through this.

Right I'm humming the tune off U smile by Justin Bieber. And yes I'm a Belieber. It's not weird to be a boy Belieber, maybe it is. His songs are just so inspiring and incredible. When I have my moody days I usually burry myself with all JB songs.

"Sh*t!" I blurted out because someone spilled some soda all over me. Maybe I'm just a waste of time.

"Oh my! Sorry sir! I'm Madeline. Are you Niall Horan? OMG! I'm a big fan!" A little girl shrieked. She was about 8 years old.

"Yes I am. How adorable are you!" I pinched her cute little cheeks.

"Thanks! I love how sweet you and Dani are!!! You two make a great couple!" She cheered. giving me a hug.

"Aww! Sorry love we're not a couple. But thanks for that." I chuckled at that thought. But it was awkward saying me and Dani are a couple. Still I wish we are but it can't be.

"Oh...sorry but still you two will make a great couple." She complimented. That is one sweet little girl.


"Well, I have to go now. Mommy is gonna be worried. Thanks for the nice conversation." She waved a good bye and walked away going to her mother.

That little girl just brought me hope. Now I won't stop believing until I can make Dani mine to keep. My heart is set on one goal and that's to make Dani mine. When she comes home I'll tell her how I feel about her.

Liam's P.O.V.

It's like  4:17 in the afternoon and where could Niall be?  We still need to get preped for the show tonight. I'm really worried about him. He's a little not Niall as usual.

"Where could Niall be?" I kept walking in circles around the lounge.

"Come mate, he'll come through for us." Harry reassured me.

"Yeah! It's Niall we're talking about. He's not gonna fail us anytime soon." Zayn patted me on the back.

"Chill a bit Liam. He's going to come, so don't worry." Louis sent me a small smile.

"I hope you lads are right about that." I sighed a bit.

"I'm home!!! Oh wait am I interrupting something?" Niall walked in in to living room. H e looked confused at the moment.

Damn this boy really worries me.


"Well sorry I didn't mean to.... I was just out in the park." He sighed while his smile faded.

"It's alright mate, now please get dressed. You feel so sticky. Bleh." Louis complained while wiping his finger on the couch.

"Whatever. I'll be back in 10 minutes." He ran up to his room and got dressed.

"What's up with him?" Zayn asked out of no where. Then Louis smacked Zayn's arm playfully. "Ouch!! What did I do?" He rubbed his arm trying to soothe the pain.

"Don't you remember..." 

"Oh yeah now I remember. You could've just told me." Zayn pouted.

"Ready!!!" Niall shouted, coming down from the stairs.

"Come on then. We still have last minute prepping."

Dani's P.O.V.

I'm at the airport at the moment. I still can't get over the boys especially Niall and Harry. They both really light up my world like nobody else. 

I know, what I said. "I hate Harry" but I really don't. Maybe just a bit I don't know. I like them both a lot but I have mixed feelings for them. When I'm with Harry I feel like butterflies in my stomach. And while I'm with Niall I feel so safe and protected in his arms.

I'm just so confused at the moment. Right now I'm falling for both of them. It's like choosing between friends and family. This might be the hardest decision of my life.

"Dani, are you alright?" Jasmine waved a hand over my eyes. Well back to reality now.

"Yeah I'm fine..." I sighed. I lied. Actually I'm not, not a single bit.

"Come on I'll hear you out." Jasmine kept insisting. We were walking to the plane. First class of course.

"When we get to the plane, I'll tell you." She nodded and we passed by that luggage thing. I don't get how it does that and where the luggage goes.


"We're on the plane so spill it." Jasmine ordered. She acts like me when I want something and I'm just 14 years old.

"You remember when you picked me up?" She nodded. "Well you know Niall and Harry. I think I"ve fallen for them. And I'm having mixed emotions right now. It's like I love them both more than just friends and I don't have the guts to say it. The feeling is hard to explain cause it's complicated. Before remember I told you that I hated Harry, when I called you 2 days ago. But actually I don't but I hate him a little. Then there's Niall, he's just so sweet and understanding. He's like bloody perfect and at the moment I'm not. I'm just so confused at the moment." I confessed. I told her everything I could possibly say.

"Come on Dani, I know how it feels alright. So don't stress about them. Just think about all the fans that love you for you. And I'll know you'll choose the right one for you. Just remember somewhere out there someone loves you for you." Jasmine kissed me on my forehead making me smile.

"Thanks Jasmine. You always know what to say." I gave her a hug. And she hugged back.

"Go on now and take a little nap before your little show." She snickered and I just dozed off into dreamland.


"Wake up!!" I heard Jasmine shout. She shook me so I would wake up.

"Ugh.... wah fime iz id?" I said all jibberish. That's what you get for waking me up.

"It's 7:30 PM and you'll be awarding in 30 minutes. You need to get ready right now!!" She demanded.

"Yeah, yeah." I said clearly pissed off but it'll ware off eventually. "It's just some show anyway....."

"No it's not so just please get dressed." She calmed down a bit.



"Are you ready yet?" She knocked on the cubicle. At least this was a private jet.

"Yes!!! Just hold on a second."

"I'll set the camera up. You still have 10 minutes before we have to go live." She went off and got the camera and booted it up to the laptop.

"Ready!!!" I walked out of the cubicle. I wore and dress which reached above my thighs. Half of it was red which is the top and white on the bottom. And everyone knows no make up just my natural looks.

"Wow! You look amazing. Now stand right there." She directed me to stand in front of the camera.

"Thanks so this is where I stand?"

"Yep, so get ready." She chuckled.

Harry's P.O.V.

We just arrived at the set and getting prepped for the show. But first we need to get suited up for the most impotant show of our lives. Luckily our stylist is my girlfriend, yes Stella. I'm happy to see her but it doesn't feel like I love her.

"Hey Harry!!!" Stella greeted giving me a little peck on the lips.

"Hi Stella!!!!" We all greeted.

"So what do you need today?" She asked looking at the wrack of clothes.

"Well they said we need some hot clothes so have anything in mind?" 

"Here, catch!" She threw us some clothes. She is a good stylist if I have to say.

"Thanks Stella!!" We all cheered and started dressing up.

After a few minutes we were ready. But our make up artist still added foundation so we would look a bit more better. I hate wearing make up. Oh wait did I say make up I mean face support. Well we still needed it or else we would look terrible in front of the camera.

"Ugh.... I hate wearing foundation on my face."

"Well we can't disobey orders so live with it." Liam snickered. Daddy Direction is still in him.

"But we still look amazing." Zayn looked in the mirror and winked at himself. Self-conceited Zayn as always.

"I suppose." Niall didn't look happy.

"Cheer up mate. We made it this far so be happy." Louis comforted Niall. Those two have been so close lately. What's up with them?

"2 minutes till show time!" The director or a.k.a. Michael walked to the camera crew.

"Come on lads we can do this!" 



After all the contestant performed which only 3 did. Then for the finale we all did a free performance to showcase our talents. Now the last thing we need to do now is to wait for the awarding. Since Dani isn't here she can't award us anything.

We don't care if we lose as long as we stick together. Best mates till the end of time.

 "Alright everyone it's time to find out who is the best among the top 3!!" The MC shouted into the microphone. And the crowd goes wild. "Tonight we have a special guest!"

Well we know it won't be Dani cause she's heading to New York. This is such a bring downer. I miss her so much.

Then a guy came running to the stage and whispered something to the MC. "Oh wait change of plans please direct all attention to the screen please!!!" He directed to the monitor up above our heads.

"Hello people of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!" A famaliar voice beamed throughout the stage. It was Dani."Dani here. Sorry I can't be there today. Getting pumped up for my American tour. Right now I'm live on TwitCam and am going to award the contestants. They are truly deserving to be here today because of their talent and hardwork the put."

Everyone began to shout and cheer her name. Some were even crying because of how proud they were of Dani for her effort.

"Come on everyone you know I can see you all right now. Please stop crying I'm all happy to see you all today so put on your best smiles. Now let the horror ride begin. And what you've all been waiting for........ the winner of the X-Factor season 10 is............ Matt Cardle!!! Cogratulations and first runner-up is Rebecca Ferguson and second runner-up One Direction. You all were amazing if it was up to me all of you would've won. Congratulations once again and Good night!" She waved a good bye to us and signed off.

We didn't win but at least we made it this far after all the trials we've been through. I'm proud to be part of One Direction. The experience really taught me or us that through thick or thin believing is being reality.


After the show ended we went back to the X-Factor house and laid on our beds. Thinking of what happened this night.

"That was amazing of Dani to do. She took time for the show. And she was on a plane that time."

"Yeah she is!" Louis shouted from the bottom bunk. Yes we share beds Me and Louis, Niall and Liam and Zayn gets one for himself. Lucky retard.

"I miss her. I'm gonna her." Niall stood up and reached for his phone. How unfortunate he got her number. Then they're gonna tell their dating.

He put the call on loud speaker. RING!..RING!..RING!..RING! After the fourth ring the call was disconnected. I thought she wanted us to call. What's going on?

"Why didn't she answer?" Niall started to cry on Louis' shoulder. And me I did the same but I went to my bed so no one could see me. At least we were going home tomorrow.

"Maybe she's busy mate so don't cry." Louis patted Niall on the back.

"I hope." Niall sniffled and they gave him a group hug. 

I'm not angry at Niall it's just ughhh..... never mind. I just need to rest for a while. Sweet dreams to me and hope to dream about Dani.



Vas Happenin!?! Me here :) Tell me who want team DaNiall or team Hani. Comment below who you want. I'll update soon love ya all. So for the cliffhanger :D Thanks for all my fans I'll dedicate every chapter to my fans :) GOOD NIGHT FOR NOW #1Dland :) Vote please :) 

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