Eye of the Wolf, Touch of the...

By sleepingintheforestt

1.4K 116 766

Juliette Selene Artemis was raised to fight. She's learned from a young age in order to survive you must kill... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 20

40 3 24
By sleepingintheforestt


67 people were documented leaving Lost Hills two nights ago. There was no one out of the ordinary either. I was never able to show our warriors the picture of Juliette Artemis before they left either. When they finally returned in the morning and the power was back up, including cell phone towers, I showed everyone who had gone out that night her picture. Much to my dismay no one recognized her.

I had gone to the pack house and issued new rules. Anyone who enters MY pack territory will be killed on sight. Did that raise some questions? Yeah it did, but everyone knew better than to ask them. I had people to protect and no one was going to touch them. Henson had sent out a warning to our surrounding packs, so they knew I meant it.

If Alpha's of neighboring packs were to question my rules off all pack territory I would be completely honest and tell them to fuck off. If they were to annoy me too much I might just rip their head off right there.

Maybe it wasn't protecting I was looking for; it was blood. Either way, I get what I want.

It was Tuesday morning which meant school. The only reason I even go to that shit hole is because my dad told me to finish high school. If he didn't I probably would of dropped out last year.

I climbed in my car and took off. Normally I would wait for my friends, but they can find their own ride.

I wasn't able to go to school yesterday because of the incident, so I prayed my gorgeous little mate would show up today.

I had gotten to school early, and she was no where in sight. I went to her locker and it was clean. This couldn't be true.

I practically ran to the front office, "What happened to Megan?" I yelled at the secretary.

"Megan," she seemed to be retracing her memories. "Megan, Megan, Megan..."

"Megan Samuels!" I yelled. How the fuck do you forget a girl like that?!

"Oh yes!" She said unfazed by my outburst. She grabbed a file and flipped through it. "Honey, she transferred out two weeks ago."

Everything went silent from there. I yanked her file out of the women's hand and walked out. I shuffled through the halls right out the front doors.

I felt like I barely had the energy to make it to my car. I practically fell in the front seat and started crying. Yes, Adonis, feared Alpha sat in his car crying.

My emotions were running wild and I needed to control myself. I put my hands on the steering wheel and closed my eyes. It was too late for me. The wheel practically melted in my hands.

I threw my sunglasses on and walked/limped out of the car. I could feel my body changing and there was nothing I could do about it.

I could hear people calling my name as I neared the forest's edge. I started running. I felt claustrophobic as I tried to pry off my clothes.

I could feel the heat emerging from my body. From there my wolf took over. I transformed into my wolf or my demon whatever you want to call it.

All I could see was fire around me. I ran through the forest not looking back. I could feel my wolf erupt in pure rage and sadness.

From a young age I've had an extremely difficult time controlling my emotions... like really difficult. For most werewolves it takes a year or two until they're completely in control.

For me, I'm still battling my emotions. Many years ago my grandpa was mated with... a very special women. She was a hellhound. Hellhounds were believed to be extinct, but apparently they weren't.

Anyways, so when they had my dad nothing happened. He was a normal werewolf who didn't catch on fire when he was mad.

But then they had me. For the first few years they weren't sure if I would exhibit the hellhound gene. I was unnaturally larger then the other kids, but they just thought that was due to my alpha genes.

I was about 7 or 8 and I got into a fight with another kid. At that age you're just starting to shift into your wolf. Instead of changing into a normal wolf, I changed into a demon creature that was literally on fire.

The thing about hellhounds is that they don't age after they reach about 18. They stay young forever. That means that when everyone I love dies, I'll still be young and alive.

It took me years to wrap my head around. When I was about eleven, Theon and his posse came to threaten me into joining the Order. My dad stood his ground and told them no. I always planned on doing the same, but sometimes you have no control over what happens.

After finally getting my anger under control the fire started to die. I was finally my plain, flame-retardant wolf.

I tracked back to my clothes and shifted out of my wolf. I needed to learn to control my damn emotions! I was mad at Megan for putting me through this, but I knew by my wolf's pleading that I could not deny the love I had for her.


I hope you're enjoying! Do you think the Juliette and Adonis will ever see each other again?

Much love! It would mean the world if you voted or left some recommendations<3

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