she looks so perfect // lh

By mcchickenialler

14K 157 52

the one where luke falls hopelessly in love with michael's little sister and will do anything to make sure he... More



372 3 1
By mcchickenialler

"luke, just open the door!" calum yelled as he pounded on my door. i hadn't left the room all day, just laying in bed. i was exhausted. i spend the wee hours of the morning sitting in front of katie's door when i knew everyone was asleep, trying to make sure she was okay.

"buddy, it's time to open up, yeah?" ashton this time. i continued to ignore them, strumming lightly on my guitar. i couldn't think of any lyrics, so i resorted to playing other people's songs. in the middle of an oasis medley my door magically opened to rose kneeling on the floor with a bobby pin. i stopped playing to glare at them all as i set my guitar down.

"fuck off," i mumbled, turning my back to them. i felt the bed dip down and scoffed as i turned back around. it was ashton.

"you alright, mate?" he asked me as calum and rose stood in the doorway. i ignored him and turned to rose.

"are you too busy sleeping with my mate to check on your best friend or do you just enjoy seeing me miserable?"

"shut the fuck up, luke," calum seethed, stepping into the room slightly. i rolled my eyes at him before picking my guitar up again.

"could you guys give us a second?" ashton asked, glancing towards the door.

"that was a dick move, i shouldn't have said that to her." i ran my hands across my face and leaned back on my bed. how did i fuck all of this up?

"maybe you should talk to katie," ashton suggested, his voice quiet. i rolled my eyes and didn't respond, closing my eyes. i knew she didn't want to talk to me. i fucked up. but maybe i could try.

i gave ashton a gentle pat on the back before leaving my room. rose sat on the floor in the hallway, staring at the wall.

"hey i'm sorry, that was really uncalled for," i said to her. she gave me a small smile and thanked me as i gently knocked on katie's door.

"katherine, please open up so we can talk," i said gently. i waited a few moments before i heard the door unlock. i let go of the breath i didn't know i was holding and twisted the door handle slowly. i let myself in and closed the door behind me.

"hi," i whispered as i walked over and sat next to katie on her bed. she nodded, but didn't meet my eyes.

"i should have told you about the kiss, katherine. i'm so sorry." she nodded her head again, finally looking up at me. it hurt seeing her look so hurt. i did that. i did this to her. how could i?

"i'm sorry, katie," i mumbled again before wrapping my arms around her slowly. she hugged me back and cried a little into my chest as we just sat there. i rubbed her back gently and held her for a few minutes before she sat back up and looked at me.

"why does everyone know?" she asked, her voice quiet.

"i think just calum and rose did. calum walked outside when it happened and i'm assuming he told rose." katie nodded her head before looking back up at me.

"i do remember it kind of, you know." i raised my eyebrow, waiting for her to continue talking.

"that night i went into your room, i had a dream about it happening again. i just thought it was some weird crush my mind didn't understand." i nodded again gently, keeping an arm wrapped around her shoulder.

" i should have told you as soon as we realized you didn't remember it actually happening." i squeezed her shoulder and she nodded as she turned to look at me.

"yeah, you should have." she let out a sigh before putting her head on my shoulder, her eyes closed.

"i'm sorry for overreacting last night," she whispered quietly, so quiet i could barely hear her. why was she apologizing?

"katie, you do not need to apologize for anything," i told her firmly. she just rolled her eyes a little, so i repeated myself.

"i guess," she mumbled, laying down on the bed. i slowly moved to lay next to her, wrapping my arm around her waist and holding her close to me. after a couple minutes there was a gentle knock on the door before the door handle twisted open. rose stood there, just looking at us.

"hey," katie said, sitting up slightly to look at her best friend. rose nodded a little before sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"i'm sorry, k," rose muttered quietly, wrapping katie up in a hug. their hug lasted for at least a minute, but i didn't say anything. and neither did katie, she just sat there hugging her friend. when they finally pulled away rose stood up, katie following behind. she grabbed my hand and pulled me up with her, giving me a small smile.

when we got out to the living room ashton and calum were sitting on the couch. calum glanced at katie and a look of guilt took over his face, but katie stopped him.

"it's okay, calum. no harm done," she said, causing him to let out a small sigh and nod. i dropped katie's hand and headed into the kitchen, grabbing myself a snack. as i stood there and ate, calum walked in.

"hey," he said, that guilty look back on his face.

"hi," i mumbled in response. we both just stood there, neither of us knowing what to say. what even was there to say? i knew he didn't mean to hurt me.

"it's okay, cal." he just looked at me, still not seeming satisfied.

"i shouldn't have been so against you two. she makes you happy and i'm sorry for being a dick about that." i gave him a small smile before wrapping my arms around him. he hugged me back and gave me a smile before going back out to the living room.

when i went back out everyone was watching some random movie. i sat down on the floor in front of katie's chair, nobody talking.

"what did you say to michael last night?" katie asked quietly, her voice barely audible.

"i made something up about liam calling you, i hope that's okay." that was actually a solid excuse, calum. we all agreed on a story as we continue watching the movie.

"we can still go to the beach tomorrow, right?" rose asked, so we planned out a little beach day. katie texted michael to invite him, but he said no. i invited aiden and dan and they agreed to meet us there.


katie's pov

"guys, let's go!" calum yelled at rose and i as we got ready. it was time to go to the beach and i was pretty excited, it had been a while since i'd been. rose and i gathered our things and went out into the living room to meet the boys.

"katie, will you tell luke to hurry up?" calum asked me as he tapped his foot impatiently. i nodded my head before slowly opening luke's door. he was scribbling some words down in his worn out notebook, not ready at all to leave.

"lucas!" i yelled at him, causing him to jump. i closed the door quietly and sat down on the bed next to him, trying to peak into the notebook before he shut it.

"sorry, i got an idea. i'll only be a second." although he sounded like he was going to get ready, he wrapped his arms around me and laid down on top of me. i started to laugh, trying to push him off of me with no luck.

"calum's going to yell at us if we don't hurry," i managed to say in between fits of giggles. luke sighed before standing, sliding his shorts down with no hesitation. my face went red seeing him in his tight boxers, and i quickly looked away as he saw me staring. when i looked back over he was still just standing there looking at me with a smirk. i just shook my head at him before standing up. i snuck around him and out the door, yelling for him to hurry up with a laugh.

"is he ready?" ashton asked, glancing at the door. i didn't need to answer before luke was walking out the door and putting on a pair of flip flops. we all stood up and went out to the car. luke had a text from dan saying they had already left, so we quickly made our way out to the beach. once ashton dropped us off i spotted aiden and dan, so i made my way over to them.

"there you guys are!" aidan yelled, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and waving at luke who was a couple meters behind me. luke sent a sneaky glare to aidan, who just gave my shoulder a squeeze while laughing. i saw luke roll his eyes and his jealousy made me giggle. i laid out my towel next to dan as luke told aidan to cool it.

"how's it going?" i asked dan, who nodded his head and lifted his sunglasses.

"just getting a nice tan, how're things with luke?" i could feel my face get a little red thinking about luke and i.

"things are good," i managed to say after a few seconds, coming back to real life. calum yelled at all of us to get in the water with him, so i started taking my cover up off with rose. as we started to run towards the water, luke grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

"let's jump in, lucas!" i giggled and he just smiled at me. he glanced down my body, his eyes stopping at my chest.

"pervert," i whispered jokingly. his eyes shot back up to my face as he laughed a little, glancing back down. i decided to look down at my chest, immediately noticing some fading love bites on my chest. my mouth hung open as luke started to double over in laughter. i lightly hit him across the shoulder before following rose and calum into the water.

aiden and calum were busy splashing rose as much as possible, but before i could join aiden started splashing me just as hard. rose and i laughed and screamed as we tried splashing them back, everyone growing tired eventually. luke finally joined us and wrapped his arms around me as i stood talking to aiden about school.

"how's it going, babe?" he asked, elongating the last syllable. aiden just giggled at him before pushing both of us into the water at once. we all laughed as we came back out. we spent a long time messing around until we were too tired. then we all went and laid in the sand, just hanging out in the sun. when i glanced at luke he had a smile on his face and was already looking at me.

"how's it going?" he whispered, scooting closer to me. he ran his fingertips over my arm lightly, causing my eyes to flutter shut. i just hummed in response, leaving my eyes closed. i heard giggling from my other side, causing me to slowly turn my head to see what was so funny. calum was sitting up next to rose, gently rubbing her back. it was actually incredibly adorable, but it also made my heart hurt seeing calum so infatuated.

"maybe you're wrong about this one," luke whispered, noticing my saddened expression.

"i hope so."


luke tuned his guitar slowly, not seeming in the mood to rehearse. michael and ashton were on their way from work, but they were taking longer than normal. calum was getting restless, i don't know what had gotten into him.

"where are they?" calum whined, his boredom obviously getting the best of him.

"probably had to pick up crystal," luke mumbled, earning a small swat from me. could've been true, though. a couple more minutes passed in silence before the front door swung open, banging against the wall with a loud thud.

"guys!" michael yelled, rushing into the living room. he seemed happy and also out of breath. ashton followed behind quickly, a large smile on his face.

"what's up?" rose asked, making michael's smile bigger.

"we got a gig!" he said, jumping up and down like a kid. all the boys looked around, small smiles on their faces. i wanted to kiss luke, i wanted to wrap my arms around his neck and tell him good job. i resorted to giving him a big smile, earning one in return.

"when is it?" calum asked, picking up his bass again.

"two nights. this band was supposed to do a charity event, but they canceled and it was such short notice so our boss asked us if we knew a band and well.." calum wrapped ashton in a big hug once he finished his sentence. it was really cute seeing them all this happy, i was excited to see them live.

"well i guess we should start practicing. we need a setlist," luke said, running and grabbing his notebook. ashton dragged out his box drum and michael began tuning his guitar as they all sat quietly.

"luke, what if we played that song you kept going at?" michael asked, causing calum's eyes to shoot up and look at luke.

"i'm not sure," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously.

"aw come on lukey, play us the song," rose teased, earning a tiny slap from me.

"it sounded good luke, come on!" mikey was being so persuasive and luke just sighed. i shot calum a quick text.

katie: come up with a lie NOW

calum glanced at the text and sent me a wink before turning to luke.

"yeah, mate, don't you remember?" luke's eyes went wide as he glared at calum.


"you wrote it after we watched that movie about the girl, i don't remember what it was called. great song though, mate," calum rambled before it seemed to click in luke's mind.

"erm yeah i remember," he glanced at me quickly before strumming a few things on his guitar.

"you call me up..." luke began singing, meanwhile i just tried to stop my face from going red as calum kept glancing at me. ashton quietly beat around on his drums, experimenting with different sounds. the boys continued to jam while luke sang, it seemed like they were all having a great time with it. when the song ended michael clapped.

"we definitely have to play that one, add it to the list." luke blushed a little before writing it down. they came up with a list of more covers they wanted to do and added a couple more of their own songs to the list. they had a solid setlist by the time they were done rehearsing and i was getting more and more excited to see them perform.

crystal showed up a little later, already excited about the news. we spent the rest of the night hanging out in the living room, everyone buzzing with excitement. i kept glancing at luke, seeing the smile never leave his face.

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