Eye of the Wolf, Touch of the...

By sleepingintheforestt

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Juliette Selene Artemis was raised to fight. She's learned from a young age in order to survive you must kill... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 16

49 3 24
By sleepingintheforestt


"Elder Harriet told the Order that you are your parents biological child."

I blinked a few times as if it would make everything go away. There was no one in the world I could trust. When I was born 2 of my 3 sisters had already been killed. My parents knew the risk so they decided to fake a miscarriage. I was hid away for about three years and returned as a toddler. My parents brought me back as an adopted child. They told people that bringing me into their home filled a void that vanished when they lost their two daughters and their third ran away. They even got the approval of the Order. Nobody suspected anything because of how different I looked. I had dark hair and green eyes compared to my sisters who had beautiful red hair and blue eyes. They had very fair skin compared to my slightly darker complexion.

Looking back at pictures they looked like twins. I really did look adopted. The only person who knew the truth outside my family was Harriet and now Daemon. She delivered me alone with a little help from my dad. My parents had trusted her and she betrayed us all.

The Order came multiple times before my parents died and threatened them to never get pregnant again. They had never questioned my presence since I didn't portray any of the physical traits of the last vasílissa. My sisters did however and that led to their death. I honestly hate talking about it and just thinking about it.

It took me a few seconds to comprehend the situation, "We haven't trusted anyone with our secret in years. What makes you so different?"

He seemed to be brushing off my question, "You don't understand yet, and I don't have time to explain it. I'll tell you one day."

"I deserve to know Daemon. Why would you risk your life for me? I'm said to be just a killer after all!" I hoped my words hit him hard enough.

He sat in the chair and started talking, "Your sister Victoria... god she was so beautiful," he stopped talking and seemed to be reliving an old memory. Victoria was my second eldest sister. She would've been 19 when I was born.

He interrupted my thoughts, "The first time I saw her she was talking to your family's entire pack. She was such a leader, people seemed to listen to her," he smiled and continued. "There was a problem in your pack area with boarder control. Some vampires were called in to help. I was one of those vampires. We don't feel a mate bond, but when I saw her everything seemed to stop. It was love at first sight for sure."

He stopped and I could see his eyes well up with tears. I've never seen him like this, "I was afraid she wouldn't feel the same. You could imagine my relief when she looked at me and immediately declared me her mate."

I nodded my head and smiled. I would've never guessed that they were mated together.

He continued his story, "We were mated at 16. By the time she was 17 it was too dangerous to stay. We were on the run together for a long time. After a year of running she heard that the Order has killed your eldest sister, Margret. Margret was also hiding but she didn't hide well enough, because they found her. By this time Victoria was tired of running and believed she was really the vasílissa. I tried to stop her from returning, but it was too late. The Order was waiting when we returned to the pack. Victoria had died fighting. She wasn't as strong as she believed she was. Your parents had almost lost their lives for protecting her. I had almost died as well."

Painful memories seemed to be flooding back to him, "Anyways, I promised that when your sister Ava reached the age that I would protect her too. I did for a while, your family really trusted me. We had been on the run for about two years returning home every now and then when it was 100% safe. Her face would always light up to see you."

I would've never guessed Daemon had such a backstory with my family. It was crazy to think about how he knew them better than I ever would.

"The worst part of it all was I couldn't protect them from themselves. Just like Victoria, Ava believed she was the vasílissa. She could conjure up some basic spells and that was enough for her. She returned when she knew the Order would be at her pack. It didn't take much to kill her. She wasn't strong enough; your parents and I knew that. I barely lived once again, but your parents weren't so lucky. Your mother died fighting and your father was executed after."

"Why didn't you just tell me that Daemon? And why didn't you tell me you were a vampire?"

"To be quite honest I didn't know how you'd react. You might've blamed me for how they died," he looked so hurt. I could tell this was a painful subject for him. "The only reason Francisco was able to keep his title as Alpha and your pack didn't go extinct was because the Order was afraid of bringing attention to the matter."

"I would never blame you. You tried your best, and they were lucky to have you," I shot him the best smile I could muster up.

The lights suddenly shut off in our house, "Okay now you really need to go. Hurry up Jay," Daemon snapped out of his emotional state and started helping me pack.


Who would've known? Does that surprise you that Daemon is a vampire and was mated to Juliette's older sister!? Do you think he's telling the truth?

Much love!! Thank you for reading:) it would mean the world if you voted or left a comment

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