All The Right Moves

By dinaAbu

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*This book is a spin off to What I Left Behind. This may be read as a stand alone but it is highly suggested... More

All The Right Moves- Chapter 1
All The Right Moves- Chapter 2
All The Right Moves- Chapter 3
All The Right Moves- Chapter 4
All The Right Moves- Chapter 5
All The Right Moves- Chapter 6
All The Right Moves- Chapter 7
All The Right Moves- Chapter 8
All The Right Moves- Chapter 9
All The Right Moves- Chapter 10
All The Right Moves- Chapter 11
All The Right Moves- Chapter 12
All The Right Moves- Chapter 13
All The Right Moves- Chapter 14
All The Right Moves- Chapter 15
All The Right Moves- Chapter 16
All The Right Moves- Chapter 18
All The Right Moves- Chapter 19
All The Right Moves- Chapter 20
All The Right Moves- Chapter 21
All The Right Moves- Chapter 22
All The Right Moves- Chapter 23
All The Right Moves- Chapter 24
All The Right Moves- Chapter 25
All The Right Moves- Chapter 26
All The Right Moves- Chapter 27
All The Right Moves- Chapter 28
All The Right Moves- Chapter 29
All The Right Moves- Chapter 30
All The Right Moves- Chapter 31
All The Right Moves- Chapter 32
All The Right Moves- Chapter 33
All The Right Moves- Chapter 34
All The Right Moves- Chapter 35
All The Right Moves- Chapter 36
All The Right Moves- Chapter 37
All The Right Moves- Chapter 38
All The Right Moves- Chapter 39
All The Right Moves- Chapter 40
All The Right Moves- Chapter 41
All The Right Moves- Chapter 42
All The Right Moves- Chapter 43
All The Right Moves- Chapter 44
All The Right Moves- Chapter 45
All The Right Moves- Chapter 46
All The Right Moves- Chapter 47
All The Right Moves- Chapter 48
All The Right Moves- Chapter 49

All The Right Moves- Chapter 17

202 5 0
By dinaAbu

Chapter 17

"Drew! Hurry that ass, we don't want to be late!" I shouted from our kitchen.

He had returned from travelling for football just two days ago and had a short 3 day weekend with no games or practices.

He was seriously lucky that his team wasn't the typical team to play on Thanksgiving so Coach decided to let everyone have some family time.

I was cherishing every minute of it.

"My sexy ass is ready. Let's go!" he said grabbing my hand and heading out the door.

"Happy Thanksgiving everyone!" I said as both Drew and I entered Blake's mother's home.

It was tradition and we managed to keep it alive by coming every year to celebrate with our families.

"Well look who decided to show up! I haven't seen this gorgeous face in months!" Blake's mother, Rachel claimed as she walked up to us.

"Thanks Rachel, but try not to hit on me. My girl is kind of standing beside me and she's a bit on the crazy side." Drew responded moving his finger in a circular motion to indicate I was a lunatic.

I nudged his ribs, "Ouch, babe." He stated fake angrily at me.

Rachel rolled her eyes and placed her arm around my shoulder.

"Although I love you two together, sometimes I question that boy." She stated in my ear as we walked in front of him.

"Heard that!" He shouted over the music causing us both to laugh.

"Let's get you situated. Food is about to be served so we will catch up after dinner. Don't you dare leave til we chat lady!" Rachel lectured just as she scurried to greet other guests.

"I'll try not to!" I replied.

That would most likely not happen as Rachel always got rowdy when her friends were here.

After joining Blake, Ethan, and Drew at our usual seats and eating dinner, we spent a little time with Drew's parents and his sister catching up.

"Charlie, you need to come back to the house! Last week wasn't enough. I need some major tips on a few things." Ellie told me before shooting me a glare.

I had visited Drew's family home just last week as I missed them and it seemed as if Ellie wanted some serious boy talk.

I shot her a knowing look and smiled.

"Oh, okay!" I said before glaring at Drew to see if he noticed.

He shot me a confused look before I spoke, "El, come with me." I said grabbing her hand and taking her to the movie room in the basement.

I sat us both on my favorite mattress, "What's going on?" I asked.

"Well you know I've had this huge crush on Scott and I can't tell my parents or they'll freak out saying I'm too young and well we are but we don't want anything more than to just hang out and we can't seem to do that without me telling Mom and Dad and well then comes that comes telling Drew and he could never find out and neither can mom and dad-"

"Breathe Ellie! Breathe girl," I responded, noticing her frustration.

She let out a big breath, "I guess I'm just saying that I really don't want to tell anyone about this. Drew will ruin it and I know Mom and Dad will hover me. Scott is really cool and we just want to hang out is all."

"Okay, well first things first. I am so happy that you've spoken up about this. You shouldn't be too worried about your parents, they love you and want you to be happy. As for Drew, he doesn't need to know right now but I promise you, he wants you to be happy." I told her reassuringly.

Her eyebrows immediately shot up, "You do realize this is the same guy that said he'd throw a weed wacker at whoever came 100 feet within our property that was anyone within 5 years of my age, right?"

I laughed, "Ellie, he's only saying those things because he's your brother. He knows your eventually going to talking to boys. He's only protective but at the end of the day, he loves you."

She looked deep in thought before responding, "Alright, I'll talk to my parents, but I want to hold off on Drew. I'm not ready for him to know just yet."

I nodded my head, "Deal."

"What did I miss?" Drew interrupted jerking us both.

"Nothing!" Ellie immediately responded.

Drew plopped besides us and his facial expression easily told us he wasn't buying it.

"Girl talk. And now that you're here, we just about finished that." I told him, hoping he wouldn't pry on behalf of Ellie.

He glared at me before smirking, "Alright. Don't tell me. But Ellie, mom and dad are looking for you. Says they want to leave soon so that they can head over to the Hanson's house on the way home."

"Perfect! See you guys later!" Ellie said jumping from her position and running upstairs.

I placed my head on his shoulder and let out a deep breath.

"This place held some of our best memories in high school," I said looking around the movie room.

We spent almost every other day in this room.

Drew laughed, "I don't think me trying to get into your pants and failing miserably is a good memory. Blue balls, for sure."

I slapped his chest playfully, "Oh shut up." I laughed.

He hugged me tightly and kissed my temple, "I knew I'd one day get you though. If I had to go back in time and do it all over again just to be here with you right now, I'd suffer all the blue balls in the world."

This time, we both laughed at his stupidity.

"If I had known any better, I would have never wasted any time. But who knows if we would have even made it had we tried this out back then. We would have ruined it." I stated.

"I don't think that would have been the case at all. If it meant you breaking my heart, I would have taken it. But I never would have broken yours." He replied ushering for me to sit in between his legs.

I rested my head on his chest as he wrapped his bear arms around my body.

I felt him rest his chin on top of my head as I spoke, "I don't remember if I ever truly thanked you for taking care of me all these years. You were my rock after Wesley, before him, and now. Why the hell do you put up with me?" I asked truly curious.

He fiddled with the ring on my necklace and teasingly placed it on my ring finger, "I knew then that you were mine all along. You just didn't know it yet. Time would tell and I had faith in us. It broke my heart to see what you had gone through with Wesley and I prayed to God every day that I could have taken all that pain away. But it made you who you are today. So as much as I hated seeing you that way, it shaped the person who you are today."

He continued after a short pause, "Just when I thought I couldn't love you more, you proved me wrong. Again and again.  There will never be enough words to describe my feelings towards you." He stated rubbing his nose softly against mine before kissing me.

My heart skipped a mile a minute.

I felt my cheeks flush at the sight of him and his vulnerability.

His words always evoked the rawest emotions in me.

I never thought that love could be so all-consuming.

I now understood the true definition of what it was supposed to feel like.

I could never imagine my life without this man.

"Come on, there's somewhere I want to take you before we go home." He said breaking apart from the kiss.

He stood up and grabbed a hold of my hands pulling me up.

After saying our goodbyes to everyone, we both hopped in his car.

Drew held my hand on the short drive and I smiled as we pulled up to the familiar body of water.

The cold, crisp autumn air hit our face as we made our way to our favorite spot to sit by the lake.

He sat down first, pulling me on top of him so that I was sitting on his lap.

After a few minutes of pure silence, I began to talk.

"You're still here right now, but I don't want you to leave." I said fiddling with his fingers that were wrapped securely around my body.

I felt his lips on the side of my head before he spoke, "You know I hate leaving you. But the season is almost done. Just a couple more season games then playoffs. Then I'm all yours, baby."

I let out a short sigh, "It doesn't get any easier when you leave, in fact, it seems to be getting more difficult."

"Just know that I feel the exact same way. But it's almost over." He responded.

After several minutes of us simply enjoying the view and holding one another, I turned around so that I was now straddling him.

Flashing me his sexy smirk, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he grabbed a hold of my waist.

"Although I'm still wearing the ring around my neck, I think you and I both know my answer. I just want your work as well as mine to settle down before that step is taken. Just know it has nothing to do with my feelings towards you. You know I love you more than life itself." I declared truthfully.

To be honest, I would get married to him tomorrow had it be my choice.

I knew he would too, but the timing was too hectic at the moment.

I had about 45 events from here until after New Years with the company, as it is one of the busiest times of the year.

"It doesn't matter whether you want to get married now, next week, or next year. You're mine now and then. I want you to be 100% sure that this is what you want Charlie. You know what I want." He said looking directly into my eyes.

His blue eyes shined even the midst of this darkness, causing me to smile at his beauty.

He knew how to light up my world, this man.

"You are what I want. Don't ever doubt that. I will never want anything else." I said smiling at him.

I kissed him hard, feeling his cold lips against mine.

He responded hungrily, wanting more of whatever I could give.

"I love moments like this with you," I told him truthfully.

"I'll forever cherish them, for years to come. Never forgetting how you make me feel." I added in between kisses.

He stood up in one swift motion with me still wrapped around him.

He placed his hands under my ass for support and began to walk.

"Where are we going?" I asked laughing as he began to jog away from the lake.

"I need you and I need you now. There's no way I'm making love to you in this cold. I'm taking your fine ass to bed," He said running to the car.

I let out a laugh.

Drew had kept his word and managed to do just that all night.

Before we knew it, it was time for him to leave a few days later.

Every goodbye was difficult, and this one was no different.

He would be gone for 3 days minimum sometimes even a week just due to traveling, games, and charity services done in between practices and games.

"I'll be back in four days this time. Open your eyes and I'll be here again." He said enveloping me in his arms.

I kissed his chest, returning the hug.

"Don't let anybody touch these goods, you hear me?"

He laughed, "Your goods now, huh?"

"All mine." I told him, pressing my lips on his.

Licking my lower lip, I pulled away before he could do any more.

Getting turned on was the last thing I needed before he left.

"I love you, be safe." I told him softly pecking his lips one last time.

"I love you. I'll see you soon, alright?" He said kissing my forehead before letting his hold of my loosen.

"Yes, sir." I responded smacking his ass as he began to walk away.

"Bye baby!" He shouted as he opened the door to his car and hopping in.

I waved at him as began to back away.

"Bye." I said, knowing he wouldn't be able to hear me.

I watched as his car left the long driveway before heading inside.

Knowing I had plenty of work that needed to be done, I went to the closet and got dressed.

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