Vettel One Shots

By Vettel_Babe

75.3K 1.2K 435

Sebastian Vettel One shots, unused/abandoned chapters of Just Him ❤️, Love Always Wins & mini series from the... More

It should've been me.
The Ex.
Just Him. Meet the parents. Unused chapter.
Just Him. Norway. Unused version.
K.V. [II]
K.V. [III]
Just Him. A date in Azerbaijan. Pt 2.
Just Him. Monaco Baby. 10 weeks.
Heartbroken 1
Heartbroken 2
Heartbroken 3
Heartbroken 4
Heartbroken 5
Heartbroken 6
Could he make you feel as good as I do?
I know you're mad at me but...
Your eyes are beautiful....
The girl (1)
The hunt (2)
The Find (3)
Just Him 97. Abandoned Chapter
Just Him. Chapter 118. Unused version.
L.A.W Unused 16
L.A.W. 21 Unused version.
Danny Ric - I...uhm...can I hold your hand?
Between ice cream and...
LAW Update. The new woman
LAW update. The scan
LAW Update. The shock
LAW Update. Launch day
LAW Update. Déjà vu?
LAW Update. Bahrain breakdown
LAW update. Bahrain breakdown 2
LAW Update. Bahrain breakdown 3
Coming soon....
LAW Update. An early arrival?
LAW Update. Ectsasy & agony
LAW Update. Ectsasy & agony 2
LAW Update. Ectsasy & Agony 3
LAW Update. Ectsasy & Agony 4
LAW Update. Rekindling
LAW Update. I love you loads
Not an update but.....
In the still of the night
LAW Update. A birthday homecoming
LAW Update. Christmas shopping
LAW update. Kitchen encounter
LAW Update. It's hard to share
Not an update! I must be....
LAW Update. It's happened.....
LAW Update. Risky business
LAW Update. Monaco '22. Part 1
LAW Update. Monaco '22. Part 2
LAW Update. Canada - Pt 3 (2022 version)
LAW Update. "Dressing up."

Just Him. Pt 83A

1.7K 18 0
By Vettel_Babe

Chloe shook her head at the woman who looked back at her from the mirror. She wasn't sure she recognised herself, she couldn't believe she'd spent so much money, she couldn't believe that what amounted to two pieces of black lace and several straps of ribbon and elastic had cost fifty-nine quid. Fifty-nine quid for what was classed as a Strappy Chantilly Lace Teddy from Victoria's Secret that only just covered her modesty. Holding her phone up she took a selfie, wondering if she dare send it to Seb. Poor Seb; after finding out from her dad what her boyfriend was planning she'd been angry at her dad for ruining Seb's surprise, then stunned and ecstatic and then guilty for his lost opportunities. Thinking back over the last couple of weeks she knew there were at least three occasions where she was now sure he'd been wanting to propose. The first being at his birthday where he'd been interrupted by his siblings and Eva and Steef, the second time was just after they'd had sex on the new Ferrari and she'd been more interested in answering her phone, and the third had been at Silverstone, when they were outside and ready to leave after attending Charlie's memorial and she'd mistaken what was obviously nerves as him feeling emotional. She wanted to kick herself and it had been constantly on her mind ever since. Not only was there that on her mind, there was also an explosion of negative headlines about Seb's performance at the weekend, especially from the Italian press and some were even blaming her, saying that she was distracting Seb and that he was no longer fully focused when he was at race circuits, this had made her go quiet and become a little withdrawn, she'd got alot on her mind. Seb had been exactly the same making her think that he must have figured out that her dad had let slip about him wanting to propose and had probably also seen a few of the headlines and now she was worrying that his change in mood meant that he'd changed his mind. Deciding that they both needed a pick-me-up she'd accepted his offer of taking his credit card on a shopping spree in London yesterday and she'd come back with expensive new lingerie which she was now trying on again before packing it into her case while she was alone in their hotel suite. Removing the first piece of barely there underwear, she soon slipped on a black lace bustier that was trimmed with nude silk and the tinest excuse for a thong she'd ever seen. It kind of looked hot on her though so she snapped another photo, before changing into another set. She giggled as she stepped in front of the mirror looking at what was described on the label as a Strappy Star Bra. The burgundy garment barely covered her breasts, it was basically an open cup bra with two pieces of patterned fabric that covered her nipples. Definitely not suitable for work, but definitely suitable for Seb's bedroom floor, as was the tiny thong. She took another selfie and then sat down on the bed, ready to send them to Seb. This would cheer him up.


Seb sat in the restaurant of a hotel across the city at a large round table full of suited business people who were all eating breakfast. He was thinking that this was probably the most bizarre time of the day that he'd ever had to attend a private event for an insurance company. Usually by now he'd be back home in Switzerland or in Italy and he'd probably have only just got out of bed or he'd be out on a run with Antti. His mind drifted to Chloe, after seeing her stunned expression and her dad's guilty one he knew that David had let slip to his daughter about him wanting to propose. She'd been subdued and often seemed deep in thought ever since Sunday night and now he was worried that marriage might not be what she wanted. Maybe she was still too hung up on Michael? The thought unsettled him.
"You ok? You've barely touched your food." Antti gave him a subtle nudge.

"I'm fine." He blinked a couple of times as he brought himself back to the room.

"You sure? You've not been yourself since Sunday and neither has Chloe, have you two been arguing?" He lowered his voice knowing that Seb wouldn't want the whole table hearing his private business.

"I told you, I'm fine." He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and he pulled it out to try and look at it without anyone noticing. His heart started to beat a little bit faster when he saw her name on the screen and he unlocked it to read her message. 'Thought you might like to see some of the things I bought you yesterday xx' His eyes widened, his heart beat faster still and he could feel his body instinctively react as he looked at the photo she'd sent of herself wearing a barely there all in one, just two pieces of black lace adorned her body and the rest of it was made up from black straps. He heard Antti cough and splutter beside him and he realised that his trainer had seen the photo. "Excuse me. This is for my eyes, not yours." He rose from his seat and headed out of the restaurant and straight into the toilets, locking himself in a cubicle as soon as he got in there. He gasped and then groaned as another two images came through with another message: 'Hope you're enjoying your breakfast Mr Vettel :) xx' He leant back against the cubicle wall and looked at the images once again, thinking how insanely hot and arousing she looked. He was going to need time to calm down now, he was so hard that he ached, he licked his lips, wanting to kiss every inch of her bare skin and he was desperate touch her. His heart was just yearning to back with her. He leant his head back letting it thud against the wall as he took some breaths to try and calm himself, his phone felt as though it was burning his hand so he gave in and typed her a reply: 'Miss Houghton, you look like an angel, you're my angel. I'll be back with you as soon as I can. YOU will be my breakfast and I'm very, very hungry. Ich liebe dich xx' After hitting the send button he locked his phone and tried to concentrate on calming down, he closed his eyes and took some deep breaths and it was starting to work until his phone vibrated again and he read another message from her: 'I'm glad you're hungry, I can't wait for you to bite me. Ich liebe dich auch ;) xx' "Fuck." He groaned as her words undid any effort he'd made to calm down. He locked his phone and started to try and calm himself again. His girlfriend had certainly perked up today and had perked him up too, in more ways than one.


Returning to the hotel around lunch time Seb almost ran down the corridor, eager to get back to Chloe. He'd ordered champagne to be delivered to their room after seeing the images and messages she'd sent him and hoped she hadn't got drunk on it before the real fun began. Hearing loud music as he got to the door he rolled his eyes, obviously the champagne had proved too difficult to resist. Opening the door he stepped inside and a big grin spread across his face at what he saw. There she was, in the burgundy lingerie set he'd seen in one of her photos, dancing wildly to music that was so loud he was surprised they weren't getting complaints from the adjacent rooms. He closed the door and leant back against it, watching as she gyrated, swung and swivelled her hips, flicked her hair and practically bounced around in front of him, completely oblivious to him standing there. He noticed one of the two bottles he'd ordered was open and wondered how much she'd consumed. One track went into another and then another, still she didn't see him, or she had and liked having a spectator, and still she didn't stop. He moved from the door and suddenly she acknowledged his presence, but she still didn't stop, as he got closer he could see a sheen of sweat on her skin, telling him that she'd probably been dancing for a while. She smiled and waved a finger at him, beckoning him to come closer before pointing to the bed. His grin got wider as he sat down and she began to treat him to an impromptu lap dance, slowly swinging and gyrating her hips, sliding her hands down over breasts, bending and slowly rising, making her body move in sensuous waves, all moves that spoke straight to his cock. He quickly became hypnotised by her, his blue eyes darkened, his focus on her became intense and his expression became serious but with sexual edge to it. Apart from the fact she'd been hitting the champagne, he had no idea what had got into her to make her like this. As he forced his eyes to move from her body to her face he noticed that she was wearing makeup and her lips were painted in a glossy shade that matched her underwear, she suddenly seemed full of confidence, nothing was holding her back and it was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen, not just physically but mentally too. She was turning him on, making him want her even more than she had earlier. She stopped dancing and perched herself on his lap, holding his gaze with her eyes, telling him what she wanted without saying a word, he was suddenly lost in them, lost in a sea of green until she took his face in her hands and kissed him while moving to straddle him.


Leaning on his forearms, Seb looked down at Chloe and brushed his nose over hers before giving her a few gentle, open mouthed kisses, their tongues brushed over each others every time their lips met and she let out a soft hum as she started to relax. They were both breathing erratically but slowly catching their breath, their bodies were hot and sticky with sweat but neither of them cared. The bed sheets laid in a crumpled heap on the floor, along with his clothes as well as the new set of burgundy lingerie that Seb had taken less than five minutes to remove from the moment she'd sat on his lap and kissed him. She lay beneath him, still feeling totally lost in him, revelling in the blissful feeling of his hot skin against hers and the intimacy of him still being inside her. Neither of them had spoken for a good few minutes; with them switching between kissing and looking into each other's eyes, their communication had been wordless but said everything they wanted to say. Eventually Seb moved to lay on his back, leaving her body, and she opened her eyes wide at the sudden feeling of emptiness he left behind. She moved onto her side and nestled herself against him, laying her head on his chest and smiling as she felt his arm go around her to hold her against him.
"I should dance like that for you more often if that's the effect it has on you." She finally spoke, breaking the quietness between them, the music was still playing but the volume was lowered after Seb had grabbed the remote just before things between them had got really intense.

"Mmm." He responded, she was now stroking her fingers over his chest and the action was making him feel sleepy. "I won't ever say no if you want to do it again, for sure. Even more so if you're wearing that new underwear again." A slow smile spread across his lips as he allowed his eyes to close.

"So you approve of my choice in naughty undies then?" She raised her head to look at his sleepy face.

"Couldnt you tell?" He opened one eye to look at her and his smile got bigger.

"Well it didn't stay on for very long so I wasn't sure." She smiled back at him and laid her head back down. "I expect we'll have to move soon and vacate the room, I've no idea what the time is."

"Me neither."

"Want me to check?"

"No." He held her tighter. "Stay here."

"Ok." She closed her eyes and concentrated on listening to his heart beating in his chest, before she knew it she was fighting to stay awake herself and as his fingers started lightly trailing over her shoulder it got even harder. Right now she'd give anything to just stay holed up in this room with him. She briefly wondered what would happen if they did exactly that and missed their check out time. What if they barricaded themselves in and refused to move? They'd probably incur a late fee for missing check out first, and then maybe they'd end up in the papers; she could imagine the headline now: VETTEL REFUSES TO LEAVE HOTEL ROOM DURING ALL DAY SEX MARATHON WITH GIRLFRIEND. The thought made her smile.

"Liebe?" Seb's sleepy voice interrupted her thoughts.


"I've been thinking."

"Oh." Her eyes widened, thinking about what? Proposing? She felt a flicker of excitement and anticipation.

"About the summer break."

"Oh." She tried to hide the disappointment from her voice but failed and he was quick to pick up on it.

"Do you have plans of your own already?"

"No, not at all. You were saying?" She was glad he couldnt see her face.

"The weekend after the Hungary gp, my mother has suggested we have a big family get together. Remember when I first told you about it?"

"I do, yeah." February felt like a lifetime ago now.

"Will you come with me?" He asked, watching as she lifted her head to look at him. She looked surprised, had she not expected him to ask her?

"Seb, you don't even have to ask. I'll go anywhere with you, you know that. Of course I'll come."

"Most of the time you have no choice." He grinned. "There is something else I'd like to do, before that."

"Ok, fire away." She settled back down again.

"I'd like to take you to my place in Norway for a few days, we could go straight from Hungary?"

"Sounds good to me, I can't wait to see it. Norway always looks so beautiful in the pictures I've seen."

"Trust me, you'll love it there. It's quite remote, away from the tourists and very peaceful, it's beautiful in the summer and we can get alot of snow there in the winter." That was the first part of his question out of the way, now to put the second part to her, this had been on his mind for a few weeks. "And I was also thinking of asking Eva and Steef if they wanted to join us for a couple of nights, what do you think?"

"Sure." She replied without hesitation. "Call them." She lifted her head again to look at him, his brows were raised in surprise. "Had you been expecting me to say no?"

"I didn't expect you to say no, but I did expect that maybe you'd want to think about it before you answered."

"What is there to think about? They're your friends, our friends." She pressed a kiss to his chest before resting her head there once more. Her brows furrowed as her mind began to tick over and she began to feel a little uneasy at the prospect of spending two nights in a remote location with the woman who had previously had sex with Seb and her husband who probably wouldn't say no if Chloe offered it to him.

"I'll call them tomorrow." Seb let out a sigh of relief, that had been easy. "The rest of the month, we can do whatever you like. Anywhere you want to go, just ask."

"I'd like to go back to The Whitepod Hotel." She murmured, trying to push her unwelcome thoughts away.

"Then that's what we'll do. Anything else? Is there anywhere in the world that you haven't been, but you've always wanted to go?"

"You spend about nine or ten months of the year on planes and living out of suitcases Seb, I'm not going to make you spend your summer break doing it. Besides, I want you to be able to spend some time with your daughters."

"I'd do it for you though." He started to run his fingers through her hair, it always felt so soft and silky, as though she spent a fortune on it when in reality she was buying any old shampoo and conditioner from wherever they were at the time and then leaving it there as airports were strict when it came to taking liquids onboard.

"And I appreciate that, really, but I'll be more than happy spending time back home, in Switzerland." She knew he had the money to take her to any destination she desired, and to take her in style too, but she really was happy to stay in the country that she now considered to be her home. "I remember watching you on tv last year, you said you were just looking forward to being at home and spending time on fixing up an old bike."

"You don't need fixing up though liebe." He heard her gasp and she sat up and quickly moved to sit on top of him.

"Are you saying I'm an old bike?" She asked, pretending to look hurt, he gave her a cheeky grin in return and then burst into laughter as she started to tickle him.

"I was joking!!!" He managed to grab her wrists and stop her ticklish assault. "You're a sleek, sexy, shiny new one, ok?"

"I'd rather not be a bike at all thanks." She giggled as she tried to wrestle herself from his grip on her wrists.

"Ok, then you're simply my beautiful angel."

"That's better." She leant down and he released her wrists as she rewarded his words with a kiss. "There is one thing I'd like to do next month actually." She pulled away but kept her face close to his.

"Ok, tell me and I'll make it happen." He slid his hands down from her shoulder blades and onto her bum.

"Can we have my parents over to stay and maybe my brother with his wife and Freya?"

"Of course, call them and we'll organise a private jet for them too."

"Oh my god, they'd love that! You're the best! So that's summer break sorted then, Norway, Germany and then home to Switzerland." She smiled. "I'm on countdown already!"

"I can't wait to spend some proper time with you away from formula one, with no interruptions." He slid a hand to the back of her neck and gently pressed down until her lips were back on his and as he felt her tongue glide over his lips he felt himself beginning to harden again. The wicked smile she gave him when she broke their kiss told him that she could feel it too. Feeling ready for another round, he flipped them over so that he was now back on top of her.

"Guys?" There was a knock at the door. "Are you in there? We've got five minutes until you need to be out and I've been waiting in the foyer for you." Antti knocked on the door again.

"Shit!" Chloe looked open mouthed at Seb who just found it amusing. "Will you get off?! We've got five minutes! Just five minutes!!"

"I'm coming!" He yelled back and got off of her and he quickly began to get dressed, retrieving his clothes from the floor while she frantically grabbed hers from on a chair. Somehow they managed to be ready with a minute to spare and she headed for the door with her case and bag. "Hey." He caught hold of her arm, making her turn her head to look at him. "I love you."

"I love you too." She melted at his words and he gave her one last quick kiss before they opened the door to see Antti waiting for them.

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