Superhero? •PETER PARKER•

By Lovely29

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"With great power comes great responsibility." "What if you don't want that responsibility? Or power?" Cover... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33: Epiloge

Chapter 3

123 5 8
By Lovely29

I run into the hallway and see Peter pacing back and forth. "Parker," I say.

"Tell me how you can read my mind? And why can I read yours?" He asks.

"I don't know," I say lightly. "Parker, I-

"This is crazy. You know then! You know everything," he says running a hand through his hair. 

"Parker you need to calm down," I say.

"Calm down? Calm down!" He says louder. 

"Shhh," I say looking around.

"How can I calm down when a girl I don't even know can read my mind?"

"It's not all the time," I say. "Only when I focus a lot," I add.

"She's psycho," he thinks.

"Parker I'm not crazy!" I say. He moves his arms a lot and points at me.

"See see, that's not normal," he says.

"Well I haven't been normal for awhile," I say. "Kind of like how you aren't normal either."

"I told you I'm a cos-

"Parker come on! I'm not an idiot. I can tell you are Spider-Man. You aren't a cosplayer. You swung up on that roof," I say.

"Then you are hoodie person," he says.

"I never said that," I say quickly. 

"You know I'm not stupid either, Stella," he says crossing his arms.

"Listen Parker-

"It's Peter."

"I know," I say after a slight pause. "Peter, I don't know how I can talk to you without moving my mouth. I don't want to be able to do that. I would honestly just like to be normal again," I say. I lean against a locker and sigh. "I am hoodie girl," I say looking at him.

"I knew it!" He says moving his arms again. "So you are a superhero now?" He says excitedly. I shake my head.

"No Peter, I'm not a superhero. I'm not going out to join the Avengers. I'm not going after Kingpin. And I'm not going to go out and save the world," I explain. He shakes his head and gets in his bag.

"Do you know what this is?" He asks holding up his Spider-Man mask.

"A cosplay costume," I say sarcastically.

"No, it's a-" he gets cut off by the bell and he quickly puts his mask away as people start to pour out of the classrooms. I start to walk away but he stops me. "Stella," he says grabbing my arm lightly. I see MJ right as Peter takes me outside.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"Hold on to me," he says. I look at him confused.

"What?" I ask as he grabs my waist. I suddenly feel us fly up. We are swinging! Holy shit! I wrap my arms around his neck as we swing to the top of some building. He lets me down and tries to step away from me, but I don't let go. I open my eyes and look at him. I step back quickly. "Sorry," I say. "Don't do that," I add.

"Will you listen to me now," He asks.

"Aren't you supposed to be awkward? You aren't supposed to just pick up a girl like that. You should-

"Stella!" He says loudly. I flinch, I'm still not used to overbearing loud sounds. "You have to realize the responsibility you've been given," he says. 

"Given?" I ask. "Don't you mean cursed?"


"Peter has is ever occurred to you that not everyone wants to be a superhero?" I ask. 

"But it's awesome."

"Is it? It's awesome having the entire world rely on you and a bunch of other people in tights to save the world? It's awesome to have people want to be your friend because you knew Iron Man?" I knew I struck a nerve because he suddenly looked pissed off.

"I think you should be grateful for however you got these powers and should use them for the good of humanity," he snaps.

"I think I don't want this! I'm not like you Peter. I'm selfish. I care more about myself than the rest of the world. I don't give to homeless especially now after the blip or whatever. I don't spend my days volunteering. I go to parties, I go on dates, I hang out with my friends. I don't want all that to go away because I drank something I wasn't suppose to at my dad's work," I say. Peter is silence. "I'm popular Peter. Popular enough anyway, I can't just disappear during the day and have no one notice." I wait for him to say something but he stands there awkwardly. "I mean I can't wait until people start talking about us. MJ is gonna beat the shit out of me," I say.

"She knows I wouldn't do anything to hurt her," he says lightly. 

"Then why are you dating her? Isn't having a girlfriend and being Spider-Man hurting her?" I ask.

"No one knows who I am. They can't go after my family and friends, at least they can't if my identity remains a secret. So, you can't-

"Oh my god Peter. You really think I'm gonna broadcast to the world that you are Spider-Man?" I ask. 

"I don't know you Stella," he says. 

"That's right, you don't. Let's keep it that way. Don't worry I'll try not to focus on your thoughts anymore. Leave me alone," I say going to the ledge and jumping off the building. I start running when I hit the ground and I look up. Peter is leaning over the edge watching me go. I run home shaking my head. This is why I can't be a superhero.

I was wary to go to school the next day, but I wanted to completely ignore these 'powers'. I've made up my mind, I'm not going to be a superhero. I walk out of my house after saying bye to my dad and make my way to school. When I get there I see Peter by my locker. What does he want now? I almost want to curve him completely, but I need my history book. I proceed with caution not wanting to say anything. "I thought I told you to leave me alone," I say to him wanting to open my locker that he is blocking. So much for not saying anything. Way to go Stella!

"I just want to talk," he says.

"We did that Parker," I say. I start hearing MJ's voice.

"Why is he talking to her again?" 

"Maybe he's trying to find someone else for DND night," Ned says. I zone back in to Peter who has just been waiting for me to say something else.

"You're girlfriend is getting jealous," I tell him dryly. He looks over at MJ and Ned who are chatting.

"How do you know that?" He asks.

"I can hear them talking," I state simply.

"You hear their thoughts too?" He sounds almost excited. Like he doesn't want to be the only one. I shake my head.

"No Parker, that's just you," I say moving him over to get in my locker.

"Why is it just me though? Are you going to use that all the time? I don't want you Listen-

"Parker!" I say slamming my locker. "I told you yesterday, I don't want this. I'm not going to use it. Leave me alone," I say walking away to find a friend to get away from Peter. I find Flash which I guess is the best I got.

"Hey Flash," I say. 

"The topic of the hour," he says to me as I notice a group of people around him.

"Excuse me?" I ask.

"Is it true that you got the hots for Penis Parker?" He asks me. I see he's got his phone out streaming to his Facebook live followers.

"No that's not true," I say.

"Well Brad saw the two of you leave school early yesterday," he says. 

"I heard Brad has the hots for Parker," I state emotionless. The people laugh.

"Is that true?" Flash asks. I shrug.

"That's what I heard. He was trying to make Parker jealous by trying to get with MJ during the science trip, but he was actually just seeing if Parker was into him," I can't believe what's coming out of my mouth. I hadn't heard this from anyone. I just didn't want people thinking I liked Peter since MJ would beat me in a second.

"Dude," Flash says. "Did you just out Brad?" I roll my eyes and shake my head. 

"No Flash that's just what I heard," I say.

"Who told you this," Jason asks. 

"I heard it from," I pause. "Ned," I say seeing Peter, Ned, and MJ out of the corner of my eye. Now I remember his name perfectly. "You know Peter's friend," I add.

"Peter?" Betty asks coming up. "Don't you usually call him Parker," she adds.

"Right!" I say quickly. "Just a slip. That is his name after all," I say right as the bell rings.

"Come on enough of the interview Flash. We gotta get to homeroom," Betty says. 

"Don't you have the news?" I ask her.

"It's prerecorded today." I nod not really caring as we sit down.

"Good morning Midtown!" Betty says on our tv. "In today's school news it is a reminder that our homecoming dance is coming around for this year. Please get your tickets and dates within the next two weeks."

"Yo Betty you wanna go with me?" Jason says next to her.

"No Jason, I don't," she says disgusted. Everyone in the room laughs. "In other news. Class field trips are coming up. Your homeroom teacher should be getting the slips to you. Make sure to have your parent or guardian sign it within the next week."

"MJ is mad at me," I hear Peter say. I look over at him and he shifts in his chair and glances at me. I shake my head and try to tune him out. "I thought you weren't gonna read my mind anymore," he says.

"I'm not," I say loudly out loud. Everyone turns to look at me. "I'm not excited for soap today for lunch," I say pointing to the tv. Betty raises her eyebrow. 

"Are you okay?" She asks me.

"Fine," I say softly. I look over at Peter who is smiling to himself. I put my fingers over my ears to try and not listen to him.

"Well that was a big scene," he says I look at him and see he's still using our mind powers.

"Stop it Peter," I think.

"So you can hear me," he says.

"I told you I don't want this," I say putting my head down on my desk. 

"Then stop listening to me," He says.

"I can't help it! I'm not like you I can't control my powers," I state. I feel the urge to cry but that would look ridiculous. I feel something on my shoulder and Betty is handing me a pile of field trip forms. I grab them and she gestures to pass it to Peter. I lean over and toss the papers on his desk and go to fill mine out. Field trip to the museum, that's original. Big day is Monday to kick off homecoming week. Because our last homecoming went so well. With the blip happening it made everything really foggy so our last homecoming was actually 5 years ago when this girl Liz, her dad like went to jail for something that night so she was so dramatic and made the whole night about her. I roll my eyes as I hear the bell ring. I get up quickly in order to avoid any chance that Peter might try to talk to me again.

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