REMEMBER // Calum Hood

بواسطة hoodmood

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The night she can't remember becomes a love she will never forget. / Complete / المزيد

One // that night
Two // michael
Three // beer pong
Four // this house
Five // homework
Six // dance
Seven // breakfast
Eight // old days
Nine // under the covers
Ten // bark
Eleven // studio
Twelve // tattoos
Thirteen // restroom
Fourteen // wine
Fifteen // take things slow
Sixteen // no one
Seventeen // communication
Eighteen // magic
Nineteen // babe
Twenty // torture
Twenty one // fine
Twenty two // mission
Twenty three // ignore
Twenty four // sundays
Twenty five // truth
Twenty six // flight
Twenty seven // impressions
Twenty eight // game night
Twenty nine // surreal
Thirty // babylon
Thirty one // safe
Thirty two // coincidences
Thirty three // gold
Thirty four // company
Thirty five // couple
Thirty six // naked
Thirty seven // last day
Thirty eight // airport
Thirty nine // day off
Forty // family lunch
Forty one // normal
Forty two // last week
Forty three // realization
Forty four // 5:05
Forty five // goodbye
Forty six // absence
Forty seven // delivery
Forty eight // time
Forty nine // georgia
Fifty // christmas
Fifty one // elisabeth
Fifty two // new year
Fifty three // home
Fifty four // two
Fifty five // past
Fifty six // valentyne
Fifty seven // love
Fifty eight // stay
Fifty nine // cutie
Sixty // hate
Sixty one // ignore
Sixty two // birthday
Sixty three // surprise
Sixty five // band trip
Sixty six // key
Sixty seven // together
Sixty eight // all about you
Sixty nine // announcement
Seventy // blink
Seventy one // frat party - Part 1
Seventy two // frat party - Part 2
Seventy three // insecurities
Seventy four // radio
Seventy five // drew
Seventy six // lies
Seventy seven // hurt
Seventy eight // nightmare
Seventy nine // empty
Author's note
/ Sequel /

Sixty four // pancakes

1.6K 46 8
بواسطة hoodmood

*smut warning*

Thinking about it now, I should've definitely taken this day off. The day after Calum's birthday. It was an impossible job to wake up after an entire night of heavy partying and drinking but most of all, it was an absolute torture to leave Cal's bed when he was still in it, looking so peaceful and cuddly. When my alarm went off today, it felt like it had been just five minutes ago that I had closed my eyes and gotten into bed after making sure the birthday boy wouldn't get sick anymore. Calum passed out almost immediately after I got him out of the shower and the promised birthday sex was easily forgotten - thank God cause I was exhausted. Cal is an incredibly sweet drunk and he even made me promise I would wake him up so he could drive me to work this morning before passing out on the bathroom floor.

"You look better than you did on Tuesday, but it's still terrible" Liam greeted me this morning "Are you sure you're okay, Gia?"

I had to show up to work wearing my white dress from the night before - with one of Cal's buttoned shirts on top to make me look more professional - since I had no more clothes at his house. I also had no makeup there so you can only imagine how my face looked like after a 2 hour night of sleep. Although I didn't look too good, after last night's events I felt great. Liam can make fun of my appearance all he wants because I couldn't care less.

"I honestly don't know what I'm still doing here" I let out a huff, venting to Liam

"Waiting for the clock to hit 3:30 so we can leave?" Liam says with doubt in his tone when we are waiting for the elevators to go to lunch

"No, I mean... Why do I still work here? They're shutting me out of every important case since I decided to prosecute the harrassment allegations" I tell him, saying the last part in a hushed tone "I feel so useless and unwelcome here"

We interrupt our conversation to get in the elevator with another 10 people. Liam greets one of his friends of the HR department and I think to myself that it's cute how he chooses to have lunch with me everyday so I don't have to be alone. My co-workers aren't my biggest fans after what they think happened in London and I want them all to go to hell.

"Let's go to that pancake place" Liam suggests "I can't stand another day of eating salad"

We're heading towards the building's exit when I spot a very hungover but still very adorable face amongst the sea of people. Calum stands on the sidewalk with one hand tucked in his pocket while the other holds a hot drink. He's wearing a beanie and sunglasses and I bet it's a lot more out of necessity than fashion sense.

"Calum's here" I say to Liam with a small apologetic smile 

"Raincheck?" My friend asks and I give him a kiss on the cheek before walking towards the handsome boy waiting for me

It's almost 1p.m. but I most definitely didn't expect Calum to be up this early after the night he had. It was my first time actually partying with him and his friends and God... they go hard. Around 2a.m, most part of his guests started to leave and how silly of me to think that the party was dying down. Calum's favorite and closest friends stayed till very early hours - some of them were walking out of Ashton's house when I left to come to work this morning - and in fact, it was only when he was gathered with his best friends that the real party started.

"Exactly what I needed" I greet my sleepy boyfriend with a peck on the lips "What are you doing here?"

"What? You're the only one who can make surprises?" He asks me with a lazy smile on his inviting lips and I am forced to kiss him one more time "I'm taking you out to lunch"

"He showed up to feed me" I dramatically sigh "I'm the luckiest girl ever"

Calum lets out an awkward laugh and I smile proudly to myself for making him embarrassed since it's usually the other way around. His arms are quick to lace my waist and pull me closer to him. The familiar scent of Calum's cologne invades my senses and I think to myself how he reeked of alcohol and vomit last night before I forced him into the shower. I much rather this version of him, thanks for asking.

"How did you sleep?"

"I slept well but didn't wake up quite that good" He tells me, his voice as raspy as ever and breath smelling of coffee "I remember telling you to wake me up to drive you to work"

"Oh, do you?" I ask with a chuckle "You were a bit drunk, I'm not sure you remember things correctly"

Calum throws his head back in laughter making me smile wide. He places a soft kiss on my forehead when he recovers.

"I remember everything, Valentyne" He says with a coy smirk but it sounds more like a promise "Everything"

We start walking side by side towards my favorite restaurant, that happens to be a small bistro down the street, while commenting last night's events. I giggle like a five year old as we talk about people's outfits, gossiping like two best friends. We discuss the couple that had an ugly argument at the part in front of everyone and how Tara didn't let my brother drink last night.

"I like that you invited them though" Cal replies "Your brother, the boys, Lis..."

"I was more looking for people to keep me company while you had fun with your friends" I say with a teasing smile

It's kind of true. I know Calum wouldn't ignore me to be with his friends but I didn't want him to have to worry about me. I wanted him to have fun at his birthday party the way he wanted to. But also, I wanted my friends there because it was a big deal for me and I secretly love how well Calum gets along with all of them.

"You say it like I was gonna leave you aside" He sounds offended

"I didn't say that..." I stroke his hand with my thumb while we enter the bistro "But you do have a lot of friends that I don't know and I wanted to let you... in a comfortable position to enjoy your party without having to worry about me"

A very polite young man welcomes us to the place before guiding us to our table. The menu is placed in front of me right after we settle in our seats. I watch Calum take his sunglasses off - exposing his adorable hungover face - and he immediately rubs his eyes, as if the light hurts his vision.

"I worry about you regardless" He sweetly says, his beautiful chocolates eyes scanning over the menu "And you should've woken me up to drive you here, I can't believe you took the bus when I was sleeping at home with a car parked in the garage"

"I called an Uber, actually. I think I'm gonna order the Steak tartare" I purposely change the subject earning a quiet chuckle from the boy seating across from me

"I'm gonna stick to my coffee. Don't really feel like eating anything" He says, nodding to his drink "Was I too much trouble last night?"

"Not at all. You're a cute drunk, a very affectionate one" I offer him an honest smile "You threw up on the hallway rug though. We should probably have it washed soon"

"Consider it done" He says before typing something on his phone and I could bet he's setting an alarm to help him remember to do later

The waitress approaches our table and Calum makes the order, adding the orange juice he knew I'd want without even make me ask for it.

"Nice shirt" He comments once the waitress excuses herself to serve another table "Looks familiar"

"I had to find something in your closet that made me look presentable" I justify even though deep down I know he doesn't really mind and it's only teasing me

"Is 'presentable' the new stunningly hot?" Calum says with his signature smirk and my cheeks go red

Should I be used to his flatterring compliments by now? Because I don't think I'll ever be. He lets out a chuckle, obviously satisfied with my reaction and reaches for my hand over the table. He caresses my palm in a soothing way, drawing patterns on my skin while I think to myself how these strong masculine hands can have such a smooth touch.

"Where do you and Liam usually go for lunch?" I suddenly hear him ask, snapping me out of my thoughts

"It depends on what we want to eat" I shrug my shoulders "We've been going to this healthy vegan fast food place the last couple of times but today Liam wanted to have pancakes so..."

Calum nods but doesn't say anything. The waitress comes back to our table with my orange juice while I take my time to observe his reaction and the way Cal scrunches his nose tells me something isn't quite right.

"Are we back to being jealous of Liam?" I ask with a small teasing smile

Last night's party was a real test for me, my confidence and self esteem. I knew that Calum hung out with the most gorgeous women but to see it with my own eyes was... Challenging, to say the least. I can't complain one bit about him because Cal was as respectful and considerate of me as ever but I obviously didn't have the time of my life watching his deadass beautiful friends throw themselves at him to wish him a happy birthday. Didn't help that most of them had the most sculptural bodies and wore minimal clothing.

"I like to think that the only pancakes you eat are mine"

"Yours are my favorite" I sweetly say "Pinky promise"

I offer him my little finger and laugh when Calum looks too embarrassed to accept it. My food is next served and I quietly enjoy my steak as Cal sips on his coffee. It's cute how he came all the way here just to keep me company during lunch since he wasn't even gonna eat - he does steal a few spoons of the dessert I order though. Too soon for both our likings, my lunch break comes to an end and Calum accompanies me back to the building, walking camly between the people rushing by.

"I loved the surprise" I lace my arms around his neck, bringing his handsome face closer to mine "I was really in need of you here. This is place is suffocating me"

"I told you already, babe. Why don't you quit?" He holds my face with both hands and I close my eyes, enjoying the kind touch

"I can't right now" I tell him for the thousandth time "You know that"

"Alright, alright, sorry" Calum pecks my lips a few times "How about I show up more often to take you out for lunch then? Would that make work more bearable?"

"Yes! Yes, it would make it 100 times better" I excitedly reply

"It's a deal, then" He promises before pecking my lips one more time "Liam might not like it very much though"

"I can deal with Liam" I say with a chuckle "He'll get over it"

"Oh no! Hell no, Gia" Cal lets out a groan making a disgusted face and making me laugh loudly "Don't"

"You know that's not what I meant" It's my turn now to hold his face in my hands and scatter kisses all over it "Blame it on your dirty mind"

"Blame it on you for making my mind dirty" He says, coming back to his playful self

I smile shyly as our eyes meet and we just stand there for a brief moment in silence, sharing a knowing and familiar look. 

"Thanks for lunch"

"My pleasure" Cal displays a lazy smile on his handsome face "Have a nice day, princess. I'll be here at 3:30 to rescue you"

We say our goodbye with a quick kiss and I find myself going back to work with the biggest grin on my face. Liam teases me about it and I reply with a laugh. Time seems to fly after that and when the clock hits 3:30p.m., Calum is indeed waiting for me, ready to get me out of this smothery office. I'm more than quick to hop on the car, where Cal has one of my favorite songs playing through the sound system while we drive away. 

"I left the living room rug at the dry cleaner" He proudly tells me, while lacing our fingers when the car stops at a traffic light

"Did you set an alarm to remind you to do that?" 

"I might have" His cheeky answer makes me chuckle

We make small talk during the entire car ride and I'm so entertained by my handsome driver's silly story that I don't realize when he takes the wrong turn. I look around trying to decipher where we are headed but nothing comes to mind.

"Where are you going?"

Cal glances between me and the road with a cute smile before replying.

"To your apartment" He tells me "You need clothes to leave at my place"

On Friday morning, I wake up to the smell of homemade pancakes entering the bedroom. An instant smile appears on my face as I roll in bed to find Cal quietly walking inside the room, bringing me breakfast in bed. His handsome face lights up when we lock eyes and I wonder what did I ever do to deserve waking up to Calum, looking impossibly hot in only his black sweatpants and coming to me with a tray of food. Life is good.

"Good morning, beautiful" 

"A very good morning, indeed" I groguily say, kissing his plump lips "Are you trying to make me fat?"

"Nope" Calum pulls me to his chest, lacing his strong arms around me "Just keeping my girl well fed, that's all"

My smile widens at his response and I decide not to mention the whole 'eat pancakes with Liam' topic back again, even though I know Calum only cooked me pancakes this morning so I don't go out with Liam. As we have breakfast, Cal tells me his plans for the day while we watch Duke twine himself in between the bedsheets and get lost under the covers. I walk over to the bathroom once we're done with the pancake plate so I can start getting ready for work. It's only when I hear quiet grunt after taking off my shirt that I notice Calum has followed me and is shamelessly enjoying the private show I'm putting on. I slowly strip out of my pajamas, feeling unbelievable comfortable to be standing completely naked in front of him - and secretly loving the way his eyes worship me. I turn on the shower and pretend to test the temperature, before allowing the water to fully wash over my body. But instead of joining me in the shower like I expected him to, Cal leans against the bathroom door with arms crossed and a lazy grin on his face.

"Are you just gonna stand there and watch me?" I ask in a provocative tone

"Sounds good to me" Cal says, his eyes not even bothering to look up at my face "I could stand here all day"

"Or you could join me"

Before I even finish speaking, Calum is stripping out of his boxers and by the end of the sentence, he's getting in the shower with me. Next thing I know, his large figure pins me against the bathroom tiles, taking my breath away. My mouth hurriedly searches for his as his strong hands waste no time in exploring very single inch of my body. I love the way my skin responds to his touch, it's almost immediate. I slow down the kiss just to tease him, earning a loud groan from Calum when I pull his bottom lip between my teeth. 

"You're impossible" He says, trailing kisses down my neck 

With one sudden impulse, Calum effortlessly lifts me off the floor and roughly squeezes my ass, lacing my legs around his torso in the process. Pulling himself closer against me, I'm deliciously trapped between his body and the wall behind me. 

"I'm gonna be late" I breathe out, my voice failing when Calum kisses my sweet spot right below my earlobe "F-for work"

"Don't worry, babe" He pours into my ear "I won't last very long"

Without any warning Calum pulls himself inside of me, making me cry out of pleasure and dig my nails into his shoulder. My mouth finds his once again and we share a passionate yet greedy kiss as he keeps pounding mercilessly into me. I grab onto his neck, leaving moans slip out of my mouth during the kiss. My legs are wrapped tightly around his waist and pulling Calum even closer to me. Every single inch of my worked up skin is touching him but it's still not enough. I want more and I need more. Cal seems to understand what I'm trying to do as he shoves himself even deeper into me, making me almost scream as he reaches my G spot.

"Yes! Oh my God, yes" I throw my head back, hitting the tiles behind me while Cal closes his mouth around the skin of my neck "Oh, Calum"

He lets out impossibly hot throaty groans with every push, helping send me off the edge. My walls clench around Calum's throbbing member while I come undone under his touch. As promised, Cal doesn't last very long and soon his thrusts become sloppy, as he takes longer between each assault. I struggle to keep my eyes open but it's very much worth it as I witness Calum's pleasured expression right in front of me. The same one that was tattooed on my mind after our first night together, back when this handsome man was nothing but a stranger to me.

"I love you" I tell him, kissing his cheek "So much"

Calum holds me inplace while he needs another minute to steady his hectic breathing. He keeps his eyes closed and a lazy smile on his lips as I scatter kisses all over his blissful face. After a moment, Cal lets go of my ass, allowing me to unlace my legs from his torso and he puts me back on my feet with care.

"I love you more" He tells me before kissing my forehead

"I can't wait to spend an entire weekend with you. Just the two of us" The smile on my face widens at the thought "Doing it whenever we want, as many times we want"

A confused expression appears on my face as I watch Calum's expression change. I expected him to be as excited as I am, it was his idea, after all. His masculine hands run through the locks of his wet hair, something I've learnt that Cal usually does when he struggles with his words.

"About that..." He lets out an exasperated sigh "I have something to tell you"

His worried features concern me and as always, I start coming up with the worst possible reasons to why he's action like this. I try to keep calm as I wait for Calum to say something else. Has he changed his mind?

"Ash arranged a meeting for us this Saturday with a record label and it's kind of a big deal. I mean, if we..." He starts rambling but I cut him off

"Calum, fuck you" I playfully swat his arm "You scared the hell out of me"

"What?" He nervously asks

"I get it. Band stuff, it's okay" I explain "I thought you were having second thoughts about it"

This time, Calum throws his head back in laughter, relaxing his shoulders.

"The things you make up in this pretty little head of yours" He plants a kiss to my temple "Of course, I'm not having second thoughts. I want nothing more other than spending an entire weekend with you" Calum charmingly says "To start our days exactly like this, in the best way ever, by the way"

"Yeah, right" I teasingly roll my eyes at him "That explains a lot"

"What now?" Cal asks with a chuckle

"Breakfast in bed, the pancakes. You were trying to bribe me with food" I playfully accuse, pointing my index finger to his handsome face

"Just trying to keep my girl well fed" He repeats his words "So she can have enough energy to kick off her day"

"Yeah, yeah. Alright, baby. Now move" I say, pushing him off the way so I can get under the hot water "Urgh, I'm definitely going to be late"

"Totally worth it" Calum places a quick kiss on my lips before stepping out of the shower "Right?"

I smile to myself as he clears his throat, waiting for my reply.

"Yeah, Cal. 100% worth it" 

Even though he can't see me rolling my eyes, I bet Cal must've heard it in my tone, since he peeks his head in the shower back again.

"You don't think so?" He studies my expression while I offer him a reassuring smile

"Yeah, I mean... Start the day eating panckes in bed is a pretty wicked way too, in my opinion"

"You mean, eating my pancakes, right?" Calum emphasizes the pronoun, drawing a roll of eyes from me

"Of course, baby" I say with a chuckle before pecking his lips "Your pancakes. Only yours"

Calum pulls me by the hand, making me collide against his chest. Strong tattooed arms hug my waist at the same time I wrap my hands around his neck. Cal has a mischievous grin on his expression as he brings his face closer to mine.

"Only mine"

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