Is It Him!

By TiffanyDivaGodsbeaut

1.9K 30 11

She eyes him at a coffee spot! Never says a word! He sees her! She wonders is this the guy for her! The conne... More

Starbucks! He is at the corner table!
Still smelling him!
Lunch at Esters on the upper east side! With Nicole!
At the Salon!
The Golden Museum: Saturday night!
Atmospheric! She came here!
After this past saturday: the art exhibit!
The illusion
He is Handsome!
Finally a lunch! I hope she dont run!
This lunch date!
At his house! I really am and not running!
Not trying to fall! But its doing it!
I can't be in love with him!
She might be the IT! The One!
I saw him before I talked to him!
Saturday morning
Getting signs of warning
Its Been!
Ready! This is for him!
For real!
She is fragile
What wasnt suppose to happen!
His swagg! Its natural! I love it!
Two days!

Its coming full!

21 0 0
By TiffanyDivaGodsbeaut

Just coming out of the shower I peak to see if Jackson is up and he isn't he got in from the restaurant about 1:30.
It's 9:30 am and I after I get dressed I will get breakfast started. I am nervous about taking Jackson to a family gathering in two days not because I am ashamed.
But because my family some are just plain harsh yet nice with it ok!
He will be grilled to the max and I am scared for him really but as he told me "" I will tell them anything they want to know cause I am in love with you.
I impress your family for you and to see your face as I do its priceless.
I put on some black tights and one of jack white t-shits and a pair of socks just to lounge around.
My vanilla oil is scenting the whole room and it will be the kitchen in a couple of seconds cooking breakfast for my baby.
We are both off today so in bed! Watching our favorite law n order marathon! Kissing! Loving on each other.
He better not pick up that computer today I will be so mad. I know I will ignore clients today.
I told them yesterday I am off tomorrow no getting in touch me please! I will ignore the phone and they laughed but I was serious.
No calls as yet! I mean I hope Jackson clients get that but they won't so I gotta chill let him work as long as I get me some time.
He is a sound to sleep he snores a bit lol! I kiss that perfect head and even his lips with the morning breath ok lol! Touch his nose.
I would touch something else to get his but then I won't get breakfast done so let him sleep Bella. He is so handsome and I see us coming into a full in our relationship.
Especially in that little difference of a disagreement I had as I was emotional and halted in a hate that he works at the restaurant and his company.
I acted like a baby but he understood and I started to think how does he feel about me on photoshoots! At the shop late three days a week.
So I had to hush and see it from both sides cause he wants time with me too and gets mad.
Like last Tuesday I got off at ten he was at the restaurant hot that I took a client that late and he told me about it too.
That is too late to be doing hair Isabella now"" you suppose to be here"" don't do that again"" that client could have waited until tomorrow.
He was cooking and talking to me at the same time. I understood and he was right I listened didn't get mad or say you don't tell me what to do.
Because we have a understanding and he my man we listen to each other. I got to the restaurant about 11:30 and his sweet kisses confirmed how much he loves me.
He saw me that night saying ""Baby" you know I love you it's just scary with you at the shop alone I want you breathing with me ok! Ok I said and he takes my hand leads me to the table I sit at as he works.

So we are coming into a full and I love laughter with him his laugh! Captures me! I just want my family to not scare him away.

I love cooking for him! So I go in the kitchen cooking turkey sausage! Eggs and harsh brown. Take it too him giving him breakfast in bed.

With juice and coffee I serve him! He deserves it being so good to me and I walk in the room he is up in bed looking amazing.

Baby here"" good morning handsome " good morning beautiful smelling like sweet vanilla I felt you kissing me come here"" but I got breakfast.

He takes the tray puts it on the dresser and says you my breakfast kissing me! Taking my shirt off and I was his breakfast.

An hour later we lay in bed and I am laying beside him watching him devour the breakfast as he devoured me and had me screaming and moans.

We talk about the family gathering of mine too. Baby you ready for my family I ask as I play on his chest.
Yes! I can handle people Bella I work in the industry of it and I know they care for you as I do they going to be hard on me I am ready!
Here eat n hush as he stuffs some turkey sausage in my mouth then kisses me saying ""you worry too much princess he says.

He knows me so well I do! Yet I am still nervous about the gathering in two days but won't let him know ok! I worry too much lol Jackson.

    I never come full with a guy after the first day of a date or the first night of a date because I run from the position of even being hurt first.

    I rather be alone than to give of me but with Jack at the restaurant I knew I had to chill it was something about his spirit his being that I had to not worry.

   I walked in and saw him and exhaled! Walked slow he saw I was nervous! He Got up and said come here why you nervous opening his arms to me as if he had loved me before in another time.

   That hug told me this might be the one to bring you to full at that moment in that tight hug! Yet! I dodged that fought off a thought cause it was just a date.

    That I knew was going to be something real! It just scared me and I worried still but he told me as he held me! I got you stop worrying.

     I did stop worrying at that moment about who he was. Cause I thought his acting was just that acting as if he only is that wonderful but it's true he is that wonderful.

  I was off my guard the whole date and sick and he took care of me I thought sick in his bed! In his house! Who is this man to take me to his house on the first date? I could hurt him or be crazy lol!

   I told him that and he said look I can spot trouble quick if I thought you were! You would have been in your own bed sick not mine.
    Plus it would not be no date either I meet you three times before I kinda knew about you pretty girl.

     So his openness to me has me kinda opening up and I am loving the coming into of a full with him.

      I am invited to a wedding next weekend and glad to add plus one. I asked him would he go with me and he looked at me like why not.

   I am with you Isabella where you go I go! Why not. I don't like to go to weddings alone I am glad Jackson is going.

    Tongues will talk and I am ready for the talking cause the way Jackson holds me! Holds my waist and my hands! Kisses me in public they will see I am loved.

The only friend that has met Jackson and knows him personally is Nikki! I choose to do it that way for her besides the women in my family to know him.

    There is no stealing with Nikki, my sisters or the females in my family so glad they don't act trifling.

Cause I don't want to see that one or two of my friends that are trifling trying to flirt with him and I am not well in my security yet with Jackson and it's the truth.

It's full circle but my self esteem was scattered years ago but I control it and Jackson has talked to me about this reassuring me it's only me.

So going to this wedding I will get questions like ""girl why you hide him he cute? and more that I am not ready for cause it's sweet with us.

Plus I will get an attitude! Cause I know some of y'all are trifling ok!

I won't let them or anybody else with questions of me and Jackson mess up our outing together with some people I hardly hang with anymore except Nikki.

It's good to have girlfriends but you gotta watch them around your man it's always one that is too flirty! Plus Jackson has a face that says everything and he will show how irritated he gets.

How irrelevant and ignorant he will see the girl if she is my friend and she does this he told me. He really is into me and it's scary but feels good.

His facial expressions have me laughing I have been with him in places and if it bothers him he will show by a certain smile, frown or those eyes.

I am learning him and it's wonderful as He learns me. He told me I am with you not your friends.

He is so cool and kind but don't cross him! That marital arts and boxing comes in handy for real he has told me stories.
Don't take his coolness and chill laid back for granted he is lethal. I have went to see him spar at the boxing ring and I was so loving seeing him in his element.

So even in my element of too many questions and more at the upcoming wedding he will be lethal and strong I know.

I don't have to worry about another woman flirting with him he will handle it with me right by him.

Showing he came with me and into me not a jerk as I experienced in the past at a wedding I went with with a guy and he was flirting with other women as I was there.

It was crazy and a horrible night that was only a year and nine months ago. So I have to remember all men are not the same and Jackson is not that guy.

As I lay with him every night I pray Jackson doesn't play me and thus far in four months he has not changed.

Many girls came forth to me about him as they knew I was dating him and I ignored the talking! The rumors! Asked him and it was a done deal!

He said Bella if I was such a playboy after we made love the first time I would said ""it was nice and fun see you the next time""! You stayed laying on my chest remember that? I said yes! Ok then!

We went two more rounds on the floor! In the shower! I sought you out you think I am sending you off so quick.

I claimed you before I had you! Saw myself with you doing things not just in the bedroom! I wanted to rock with you.

Yes I got a past but not like what you heard and I am glad you came to me before you believed them. Cause I am laid back and chill and the women in my past come to me hard I don't respond they wanna lie on me.

You are what I want I wanna be completely full with you not them. I kiss you not the naysayers Bella they gonna talk cause you with me but trust me I wont hurt you! I will show you better than tell you! And he has!

So I truly trust him and we talked about my past I was open with him especially about Malcolm and how he still scares me even protected by him.

That relationship was hell in the earth and on earth. I survived cause God wanted me to for a story to be told to other battered women.

Now I am with Jackson and scared but trying because he is a great guy whom is trying to love me in my mess.

He handles it so well loving me and he makes me laugh all the time even as he is serious I laugh! I didn't laugh with Malcolm! I laugh with Jackson.

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