The Perfect Match

By Palabras26

17.7K 589 312

Jason West Larson is a victim of bullying ever since the beginning of middle school. He is an emotional boy... More

1. My Big Fat Crush
2. A Jock's Tale
3. The Kessler House
4. The Bullies
5. A Song And A Friend
6. The Perfect Kesslers
7. The Boys Locker Room
9. Never Enough
10. Our Place
11. Permission Slips!
12. Take Off!
13. The Plane Ride
14. Check-In / The Big City!
15. Kessler's Truth
16. Sand And The Sun
17. The Tour
18. The Mall
19. Cancerous News
20. Confrontation and depression
21. Returning Home
22. Maybe (pt 1)
23. Maybe (pt 2)
24. Hannah
25. Angels and Devils
26. The carnival
27. Friendship
28. An Unexpected Collaboration
29. The First Phase
30. The Second Phase
31. The Third Phase
32. Deception
33. Goodbye Emma
34. No More
35. My Past
36. The Truth
37. Hannah Squad Down!
38. Healing
39. Together At Last
40. The Perfect Match

8. Touchdown!

595 18 2
By Palabras26

Don't forget to comment and vote if you enjoyed! Remember, the more votes, the more chance for a second book. I upload daily!

*Pictured above: Flynn*

*Jason's POV*

I spotted Flynn outside and walked up to him. "Jesus Christ! What happened to you?" He asks with concern. I notice a small red mark on the side of his cheek where Ericka had clocked him.

"I'm fine, I'll explain on the way." I say as we both get inside his car. He has a nice car.

"Alright so what's going on?" He asks in confusion. "W-well, you see.." Shit

"You know them jocks- I mean guys that you were talking to earlier in the locker room?" I ask. "Yeah, what about them?" He responds.

"After everyone left the locker room, they all ganged up on me and I fell unconscious. I woke up at the nurses office with Ericka by my side. The nurse said I have a small concussion. I'm also assuming that Ericka went after you because she knows your friends with the joc- people that did this to me."

I look at him expecting him to shrug it off, but when I look at his eyes they fill with rage.

"How long has this been happening?" He asks very concerned. "I've been bullied since middle school up until now." I say.

"The nurse also said that I should have someone watch over me for a few days, so I'm probably going to ask Emma. Even though I don't even have to ask because I know she'll agree." I say

"No, we're going to my house. You can spend the night at my place. This is my fault after all. Plus, my mom's been bugging me about having you over again, she seems to like you. He responds.

"No, that's not necessary! You don't have to do that it's not your fault. You had no idea what was going to happe-" He cuts me off. "Too bad, your spending the night and that's final" He says. "Bu-"

I stop myself as he looks into my eyes with a ferocious and serious look. "fine." I say.

We stop at his house and he drops me off. "I have to get back to the school, I have a game tonight." He says. "Yeah, I know I'm gonna be there with Ericka, Emma and a couple others" I respond.

"Are you sure? Your not supposed to push yourself" He says. "It's fine, I'll be there with Emma after all. And I don't think that they will threaten me again as long as Ericka is with." I explain.

"They threatened you?! What did they say?" He asks with fury and rage. "T-they said that if I don't leave you alone, they will continue to torment me" I tell him, softly mumbling.

"Don't worry, it's fin-" He cuts me off. "No, it's not fine. Don't say it's fine when it's not! We both know it's not fine. I'm sorry for shouting but this pisses me off. I don't like when my friends get taken advantage of. I'll take care of everything, so please stay here just for tonight." He begs.

"Look, I promise I'll be careful but I'm not going to just stay her-" He cuts me off again with a look of guilt. "Please Larson, just for tonight" He says.

"Fine. Just for tonight. But you're going to have to break the news to Ericka and the rest of them." I respond.

After we finish our conversation, he drives off in the direction of the school. I walk up to the amazingly beautiful house and knock on the door.

Kristen opens the door and her face lights up with excitement and worry. "Jason West Larson! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" She says looking at me.

I seen you yesterday..

"Come on in hun, and tell me why you look so rough." she says while opening the door for me to walk in.

"Well you see, a few people from school ganged up on me while no one else was in the locker room.."

She interrupts me. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry hun! Here let me grab you some Advil and an ice pack." She responds before getting up and walking to the kitchen.

Flynn's POV

I can't believe this has been happening to him all this time and I never knew..

Ugh, I feel like a horrible human being. This changes everything. He said that he was being bullied in middle school but if that's the case how come he didn't tell me? We were best friends back then.

Did he even tell anyone?

If he did, Emma would know. I'll have to ask her later on. I head to the locker room to get ready, putting all my football gear on. I look around, seeing all my teammates getting ready when I spot Alex and Mark talking with a few others.

I was talking to them earlier, before gym today.. Did they?

As I finish getting my things together, I overhear their conversation. "Damn dude! I heard you beat the shit out of that nerdy kid today, serves him right for getting in the way of the team though. Alright, everyone's lining up so I'm gonna head out. See ya on the field!" One of them says before hurrying along.

"Hey Mark, you got a sec?" I ask.

"Yeah man what's up?" He says before walking towards me. "Did you beat up Larson?" I question him. He responds. "Haha yeah dude! Me, Mark, and Allan did. That's what he gets for messing with the squad." He states.

"How could you do that? He didn't do anything to you or anyone else. He didn't deserve that. Not cool." I say giving him a pressing glare of rage.

He looks back at me with a poisonous stare. "Look Kessler, you may be the QB right now, but that won't be the case forever. Keep your head up and don't forget your place." He says while walking towards the door.

What the fuck?

All of the anger and hatred suddenly resurfaces and without thinking I grab his arm and punch him in the face. He loses his balance but then tackles me to the ground. I get up, as he tries to burrow me into one of the nearby lockers.

I knee him in the face, and he flings his head upwards. I take that opportunity to punch him in the gut. He falls to the floor holding his stomach. "You're right, I may not be QB forever but I can sure as hell make sure you won't be ever." I say before walking out of the locker room putting my helmet on.

All of my emotions overflow. I'm in a pent up rage and can't calm down. Good thing I can release my anger by fucking shit up on the field.

Before the game starts, I walk up to Ericka and Emma. "Look Ericka, I'm sorry about what happened to Larson-" She interrupts me. "You mean my husband, but whatever continue" She says.

"R-right, but anyways it won't be happening again. I've dealt with it." I respond. She looks at me with a curious look before I walk away.

Game time.

we all get in formation and before I know it, I'm burrowing through bodies, not giving a shit. the coach calls out to me with an annoyed voice. "Kessler stick to the plan! they took the lead!" He shouts.

I notice everyone on my team looking irritated and pissed off at me for not following the plan. The entire game, I hear one specific spectator shouting and hollering at me. Ericka.

Jeez, that girl is really a trip.

I look up at the scoreboard and notice the difference in points. With a touchdown, we would be one point ahead of them. Everyone on my team looks like we've already lost. The clock barely has any time left.


We receive the ball and one of my teammates throws it to me. I instantly catch it and dash faster than shit. The clock counting down, I score a touchdown right before the game ends.


everyone screams. Ericka the loudest.. After the game, I head to my car and Ericka stops me. "Look, I know how I can be sometimes" She says. "S-sometimes??" I question.

"Yes hoe, SoMeTiMeS period" She responds. I can't help but smile. "Anyways, I'm sorry for punching you, but I still don't regret it" She says giving me a half smile and an apologetic look.

"All good, I respond."

"well since that's settled, we're all going to karaoke tomorrow night. You comin' hoe?" She asks. "Oh nice, but unfortunately I can't I'll forward your message to Larson though."

"Alright boo!" She says before handing me a card. "What's this?" I ask.

"Bitch why does no one know about my cards? It's a list of all my shit so you can contact me whenever" She says. "Oh and here's a few extra, hand them out to some of your hot football friends"

I reach to grab the extra cards and she pulls them back. "ONLY the hot ones." She repeats before handing them over.

She really is a trip..

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