The White Lion Princess

By Rubyrose645

193K 3.4K 1K

I was born with a destiny above all destinies. And a friend to help fulfil it. Created from the sun and moon... More

The reunion
Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
Fall of the Castle of Lions.
Tears of the Balmera
Taking Flight
Return to the Blamera
Rebirth, and a secret
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Palidan
The Child of Sun and Moon
Shiro's escape.
Greening the Cube
Eye of the Storm
The Ark of Taujeer
Return to Arisa
Space Mall
The Blade of Marmora
The Belly of the Weblum
Stayin' Alive
Best Laid Plans
Red Palidan
The Hunted
Hole in the Sky
The Journey
Tailing a Comet
The Legend Begins
Code of Honor
Black Site
Begin the Blitz
A New Defender
The Prisoner
Blood Duel
Kral Zera
Journey to Find the Truth
The Land of Light
Omega Shield
Razor's Edge
The Colony
The Black Paladins
All good things
Defender of All Universes
The Road Home
The Way Forward
The Ruins
Battle in the ruins
The Journey Within
The Last Stand
Know Your Enemy
Heart of the Lion
Trial by Fire
Lions' Pride, Part 1
Lions' Pride PT. 2
Lions' Pride pt. 3
Launch Date
The Dark One
The Prisoner's Dilemma
Battle Scars
The Grudge
Day Forty-Seven
Clear Day
Knights of Light PT. 1
Knights of Light PT. 2
Uncharted Regions
The Zenith
The End Is the Beginning
Let the Future be bright

Changing of the Guard.

1.9K 39 0
By Rubyrose645

The days after our final battle passed like sand through a straw. And word of Zarkon's defeat by the hands of Voltron, spread like wildfire.

Unfortunately, not everyone was excited, instead some of them focused on other things.

Keith was flying the red lion around space, trying to track down Shiro in the mess of Galra ships pieces.

He hasn't found a single trace yet.

He leaned back into his chair and sighed his mind thinking back to our last fight. He remembered the screams of Zarkon as the sword struck him down. He could hear his feet stomp in a frantic run as everyone rushed into the Black Lion.

And he could still feel the sadness weighing him down as he remembered the empty seat in the lion cockpit.

...The lion cockpit... an empty one...

His mind them faded into thoughts of me. Of how pale I was when they found me unconscious in the chair. Tears threatened to prick at his eyes, but he wouldn't let them come.

"There's nothing our here, Coran." Keith said sadly.

"I'm sorry, Keith. Come back to the castle, you need a break."

"Okay, I'm coming home."

Keith turned the red lion around and flew back towards the castle.

The castle of lions was set peacefully on a dark moon. It was a good hiding place for us to recuperate from the previous battle.

Coran walked through the halls and entered Allura's room. He was shocked to see Allura standing in front of the mirror sniffing her dress.

She stopped sniffing and looked up hearing Coran's footsteps, "I'm worried it smells a bit musty." She said worried about her appearance, "It's been a while since I've had to look presentable."

"The Cubserians have just declared independence after a thousand years of oppression, so they probably won't notice." Coran tried to reassure Allura.

Allura turned and faced the mirror, "Then why am I getting all puffed up like a Trufalian meringue?" She asked before turning serious, "This is going to be a serious diplomatic meeting."

Coran bent down and helped straighten out her dress, "Remember, Princess, 70 percent of diplomacy is appearance. Then 29 percent is manners, decorum, formalities and chit-chat. It's really only one percent..." Coran thought for a moment.

"Serious business about fighting for the freedom of the universe?" Allura asked annoyed.

"Yes, that. Oh, and I forgot about hors d'oeuvres. Oh, that's at least two percent. So I'll have ti recalculate my..." Coran scrunched his face as he recalculated what ever it was he was calculating.

Allura faced Coran with a worried expression, "We just freed thses planets. Do you really think they're ready to come to together to fight the Galra?"

Coran stopped his calculating for a moment to answer, "I don't think it's a question of wanting to fight back, but of believing that it's possible. It's up to you to give them that faith."

Allura turned her gaze down in a depressed fashion, "It should be Voltron." She said.

"Well, we can't always put the fate of the universe on the shoulders of a giant weapon. At least, that's what your father believed."

Allura looked back into the mirror and frowned.

"Have there been any changes?" She asked.

"Well, the food has been prepared and the Cubserians are slowly arriving-"

"No, I mean changes in... her condition..."

Coran frowned, knowing what she was talking about. The two Alteans were just as worried as everyone else about how I was doing.


Allura, Coran and all the Palidans stood in front of my healing old, waiting for me to just walk out fully healed and awake.

"How much longer until she comes out?" Keith shouted impatiently.

"Just a few more ticks, Coran can you check her vitals please?" Allura asked.

"Of course, Princess." Coran rushed to the pod controls and pressed a few keys, "She should be out of the pod at any moment."

Hunk sighed, "I wonder if she'll really be okay."

"If course she'll be okay." Pidge said, "She's always been strong, she beat her illness which threatened to kill her at the age of four. She'll come out of that pod smiling like she always does."

Everyone sighed, their thoughts focused in only me and my wellbeing.

'Zurine, please be alright.' They all thought.

Suddenly, the soft hiss of the pod door reached everyone's ears.

The group quickly rushed in front of my pod as the door opened. Keith reached out his arms and caught me as I fell forward.

"Zurine.." He whispered, but I didn't respond. He turned me in his arms and lay me on his lap on the floor. I was still, as if I was frozen, but my chest rose up and down in soft breaths.

"Zurine!" Keith shouted shaking me softly, "Wake up, open your eyes! Come on!"

Allura collapsed onto the fllor next to Keith and the others followed suit, gathering around my still sleeping body.

"Coran, Pidge, I need you to fully scan Zurine, now!" Allura shouted. Keith carried me bridal style to my room while Pidge and Coran hurried behind him woth some equipment.

Keith lay me on my bed and waited with everyone else by the bedside for the results.

It was almost an hour later that Pidge and Coran sadly came up with the results on my condition.

Pidge and Coran looked down at the pad with my results, tears were threatening to fall.

This made everyone extremely anxious and scared, "Well, what's the results? Why wont she wake up?" Lance asked panicking a little.

Pidge took in a shaky breath, "A while back, in my free time, I asked Zurine's if I could experiment with her to find a way to measure her powers of sun and moon. After a little bit of research, we both created a program that accurately measured her powers."

"What does that have to do with why she won't wake up?" Keith asked.

"Well, it seems that her powers were pushed past their limit and that took a substantial amount of her energy and stamina."

Everyone gasped, shocked by the news, "What are telling us Coran?" Allura asked her voice shaking and tears falling down her tanned cheeks.

"Princess Zurine..... is in a coma, Princess. And we have no way of knowing when she'll wake up."

Flashback end~~~~~~~

Since then, I haven't woken up, barely even a stir. The only sign showing that I was still alive, were the movements of my chest as I breathed.

Allura and Keith stayed with me for the most time, never failing to see me everyday. They talked to me, filling me in on what was happening while I slept.

Throughout my sleep, I listened to them talking. I heard Pidge speaking to Coran about my conditions and Lance and Hunk telling me jokes and new recipes.

I was so grateful to have friends like them.

Meanwhile on another planet, the yellow and blue lions were flying away from Galra ships.

"Only 20 ticks to the drop zone. You ready, Kolivan?" Lance asked the Blade leader.

"Affirmative." The Galran replied. He stood in undercarriage of the blue lion with many more warriors. Suddenly, the blue lion began to twist and turn as more lasers were fired at them.

"Hold on, evasive action underway!" Lance warned. The lasers fired from the ground and missed the lions every time the Palidans evaded.

The two lions swooped down towards the ground and shot their own lasers, destroying the machines on the ground.

They flew around and the barren rocks and away from the galra ships.

"Lance, I think we just passed the drop zone." Hunk said as he checked their location.

"We're under heavy fire. There's no way we can stop here." Lance replied, "Kolivan, any ideas?"

"Open the hatch. We'll take it from here." The Galran said.

The hatch was opened and the Blades of Marmora jumped out. They landed and quickly ran up to the Galra guards, slicing them with their swords before any laser could hit them.

But unknown to them, a hidden laser cannon was placed under the edge of a nearby cliff.

The cannon powered up and prepared to fire.

The two lions flew off in different directions as they ran from the ship's.

"Thus you're pretty good, huh? Can you handle this?" Lance pulled back on the controls. The blue lion flipped backwards and shot its ice beam at the ship's following him.

"Didn't think so. Huh?" Kamce turned around and saw more Galra ships heading towards Hunk and the yellow lion.

"Hunk, you got a fighter right on your six!" The blue Palidan warned.

"Yeah, and I'm about to teach this sentry a lesson in tailgating." Hunk smirked as he pulled back and slammed his lion into one of the fighters.

"Palidans, can you hear me?" Kolivan radioed out.

"We hear you, what's up?" Lance asked.

"We're pinned down by heavily artillery. We need air support." The hidden laser cannon fired multiple shots at the ground without stopping to aim.

"I see it. I'll take it out." Lancr flew over to the cannon and was about to fire his own laser, when he maneuvered out of the way before he could get hit.

"I can't get a safe angle of attack."

"Maybe not fron the front." Hunk said. The yellow lion flew above the cliff where the cannon sat.

The claws on the yellow lion magically reinforced themselves then the lion spun rapidly and drilled through the rock, shattering the laser cannon and the cliff along with it.

The falling rocks made thr Blades retreat, but the loss of another planet made the Galra flee.

"It appears the Galra forces are evacuating." Kolivan said as he watched the ships disappear.

"Yeah and stay out!" Hunk yelled.

"Let's set 'em down over there and get ready for the parade." Lance smiled and relaxed in his chair.

The lions landed and the people of the planet gathered around to thank the Palidans.

Lance was being the flirty goofball that he was, taking pictures with a bunch of girls.

Hunk was sampling the planet cuisine as the the citizens gave their thanks. He stayed away from any kind of dish with legs, since one of them growled at him.

The citizens however were gasping in awe at the sight of the Voltron lions.  Their awe turned hostile as they spotted the Blade of Marmora.

The people glared at the group, for since they were Galra, they were the same race as the people who attacked their home. It was something they couldn't easily forget.

"You know," Hunk said to Kolivan as he stuffed his face with food, "Based on our recent battles, the Galra empire just seems to be falling apart."

"It's more than that. Look." Kolivan and Hunk turned around and saw an engraving of Voltron on the rocks behind them.

Lance walked up and quickly snapped a picture.

"Word of Voltron's triumph is spreading." Kolivan turned towards the picture next to it. It was a picture of me, floating majestically in between the sun and moon, with stars floating around me.

"And the Child of the Sun and Moon is no longer a legend. Princess Zurine is now a symbol of peace and hope, the sane as Voltron."

Hunk and Lance's shoulders slumped down, they frowned at the thought of me laying in a coma.

"How is the Princess? Has she progressed at all?" Kolivan asked.

The two Palidans shook their heads, "She's still sleeping. She won't even twitch." Lance said sadly.

"I see..."

"If she doesn't wake up, we won't be able to form Voltron. Without her, Voltron has no heart, not to mention that we have no pilot for the black lion." Hunk said.

"That cannot stand. The universe needs Voltron."

A man walked up to the three, smiling, "Lions of Voltron, the people of Puig thank you for delivering us from the evil hands of the Galra Empire." He said.

"Don't forget the Blade of Marmora." Lance added, "We couldn't have done it without Kolivan and his team."

"It was our honor." The Puig people scowled at the Blades, but then turned back happily towards the Palidans.

"I want to pledge to you that every able-bodied Puigian will join Voltron in the fight against Voltron." The man said.

Lance smiled, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small crystal. One of my crystals.

"Then take this, as a sign of your promise to help in this fight." He said, handing the crystal to the Puigian.

"This crystal is wonderful!" The Puigian exclaimed, "How did you come across such a magnificent crystal?"

"One of our teammates can create them. She learned a long time ago how to create them."

"Who is this friend of yours?" Lance smirked and pointed towards the picture of me on the rock, making the Puigians gasp in shock.

"Your friend is the Child of the Sun and Moon? Is it possible for us to meet her? Where is she now?"

"Sorry, but we can't tell anybody that information for her own safety." Hunk said.

"I see, that's understandable. She is a very important woman after all. But, may we at least see Voltron?"

The Puigians chanted for Voltron, while the two Palidans became anxious.

Back at the castle of lions, Pidge was overlooking some interesting tapes of a Galra prison break. In it was her older brother Matt being broken out by two strangers.

"Oh, number five, you're back! How was your mission?" Coran asked as he arrived.

Pidge explained while typing, "I spoke to some of the members of a desert tribe on Planet Kythra who have these same large feathered ears." She pulled up a picture of an alien with the description she just said.

"They're not friendly to Zarkon, but they couldn't help me identify the person in the footage. So, that's a dead-end."

She zoomed in on their attire, "Now, these fallpy, loosey, pant-thingies..."

"Are skort-pantaloons. Very breathable." Coran said as he twirled his mustache.

Pidge placed her hands under her chin, "Right. They're traditionally worn by the Tando people."

"Yes, in the Valurian quadrant."

"Right. That's on the other side of the galaxy. And what's this mask thing they have on their faces?"

She pulled a close up on the masks. Coran couldn't giver an answer.

"Okay. So my brother was either taken by intergalactic fashion pirates, or... maybe the outer reaches of these galaxies are occupied by freedom fighters that are starting to work together against the Galra Empire."

"You know, I don't mind telling you this," Coran said, "I was considered an intergalactic fashion pirate myself in ny day." He stood on top of the table and relieved his glory days.

Pidge continued her research and found out something from the sound of the explosion.

"Nanothermite titanium borone. Hey, maybe we can track that." She said.

"Good idea. While you do that, I'm going to check in on Lance and Hunk and see how things went on Planet Puig." Coran said as he walked out the room.

"Wait, Coran!" Pidge stopped him, "You did her check up, right? Have there been any changes?"

Coran slowly shook his head, "No, her vitals are stable, but she shows no signs of waking up."

"What about her sun and moon power levels?"

"Actually, I almost forgot to check those. I'll do that after I contact Lance and Hunk." Coran walked out the door.

After a while, all the Palidans gathered in the lounge.

"They haven't totally figured out their flatbread situation yet, but what they do with those centipedes is just out of this world." Hunk commented.

"And they're totally ready to join the fight against the Galra." Lance added.

"We brought back a few of their leaders to join the coalition."

"That's splendid. Excellent work!"

Lancr showed Pidge the pictures he took on Planet Puig.

"You know, I gotta say, this is what it's all about... freein' the people, lovin' the ladies, then bombin' down the road again looking for adventure, Voltron-style."

"Which brings up a little issue," Hunk said worryingly, "They all want to see Voltron, only we don't really have Voltron anymore. A couple have also been wanting to see Zurine."

Keith, who sat in the corner, closed his eyes in annoyance at the thought.

"We don't have Shiro anymore." He said, "Everyone seems to have forgotten that."

A moment was met with silence before Allura broke it.

"It may be difficult for all of us to accept, but it is time to think about finding a new pilot for the Black Lion."

Everyone was surprised by the news, Keith shot up out of his seat.

"No, I'm gonna find him. Shiro is the only one besides Zurine who never gave up on me. I won't give go on him." He declared before walking away.

Everyone looked down, because they knew that the universe needed Voltron. And Voltron needed the Black Lion.

In another place, existing beyond space and time, the lions' spirits gathered around a figure.

"Are you sure about this choice?" The Black Lion asked. The figure smiled and nodded.

"I am sure about my choice. Keith needs this, he was chosen by the red lion, but he was also a candidate for you. I'm sure Shiro would've wanted him to be leader if he should ever be unable to be so."

"If that is so, then who shall pilot the red lion?" The green lion asked.


"What? Why Lance? He's much more suited to pilot blue than me." The red lion said.

"I can sense that you and Lance may be a good match, remember that your previous Palidan, King Alfor of Altea, was a little like Lance as well. He was playful but still serious. You should give him a chance."

"Alright, but what about the blue lion? Who shall pilot him?"

The figure stared at the blue lion and smiled as a name came to their mind.

"Allura shall pilot the blue lion!"

"And what's the reason for letting the princess pilot me?" The blue lion asked.

The figure smiled, "She has always had the heart of a lion. This is a far fetched course of action, but I believe that she should fight piloting a lion of Voltron, the same way her father did all those years ago."

All the lions nodded, confirming their new placements and pilots.

The white lion lay her head down, as the other lions did the same, around the figure.

Keith sat in my room, Luna was sleeping by the edge of the bed. Since she was connected to me, she slept just a did.

"And that's everything that's been going on." He finished up the days events. He sighed and put his head in his hands.

"I know Shiro is out there somewhere, but the others think it's time to move on. But how can I move on and away from one of the only people who never gave up on me? I'm afraid I won't be good enough to the team."

I couldn't respond, I wanted to... but I just couldn't in my state. Keith looked at my sleeping face and caressed my cheek.

"I wish you would wake up soon, Zurine. I really need you right now. We all do." He leaned forward and pressed his lips against my forehead. He gave me one last smile and left the room. Although, if he had stayed a minute longer, he would've seen a ghost of a smile appear on my face.

All the Palidans were now dressed in their armor and seated at the dining table with Allura, Coran, Kolivan and the newest leaders that want to fight alongside us.

"It is our honor to have you all here together." Allura said gratefully.

"I had the biggest bunker on Puig, but it wasn't nearly this nice." The Puigian leader commented.

"Well I spent the last decade sleeping in a slimy thistle thicket." The green leader said with a gurgled voice, "You look wonderful though, Princess. I'm glad I put on my best tarp."

Allura smiled as Hunk appeared in an apron with the main course.

"Welcome everyone, welcome." He said happily, "I've prepared a few Earth canapés for our distinguished guest to enjoy while we talk galactic diplomacy." The leaders watched in great interest as the plated were set in front of them.

Kolivan stood up, "The Blade of Marmora has gathered this intelligence. As you can see," a large holodgraphic map appeared iver the table, "the Galra Empire is still the most massive ruling force the universe has ever seen. The sheer size if it is almost incomprehensible. It seems like it couod rule another 10,000 years."

One of the leaders began to shudder out of fear.

"However," Kolivan continued, "we are beginning to see signs of increased rebel activity from within the Empire."

The leaders gasped as the holographic map showed places in the Empire where rebel acitvity was seen.

Allura stood, "We have a strategy to bring these forces together, free more planets, grow our numbers, and accumulate and army that can defeat the Galra in major battles. But without your help, it will be impossible."

The leaders were under Allura's gaze, each one thinking of their answer.

"The forces will all foght behind Voltron, right?" An electronic voiced said.

"Yes, where is Voltron?" The Puigian asked.

"And the Child of the Sun and Moon?" The smallest leader added. Allura froze for a moment before gesturing towards the Palidans.

"The people you see before you are the Palidans of Voltron." She hastily said, "Together, they pilot the mighty lions that form the great warrior."

"Excellent! Can they form Voltron now?"

"Um.. Well..."

"We can't form Voltron, okay?" Keith shouted agitated by the conversation, "We can fly the lions, but Voltron is not happening."

The leaders gasped at the sudden outburst.

"What he means is that right now they can't do it, but--"

"But nothing." Keith interrupted Allura, "Shiro is gone. He was the Black Lion. And until we find him, there is no Voltron."

The leaders had nothing to say.

"The lions are still a substantial fighting force, and this castle is a considerable weapon. The Blade of Marmora can lead you." Kolivan said changing the subject.

"My people have been enslaved for centuries by soldiers who look exactly like you." The purple electronic leader said.

"Yes! Our people have heard the legend of Voltron, how he defeated Zarkon along with the Child of the Sun and Moon. That is what gave them hope. What are we supposed to thell them now?" The Puigian asked.

Keith growled, standing up and slamming his hands on the table in anger, "Tell them to stand up and fight for themselves! Voltron is gone." Keith left the table and stomped away.

Keith's stomps slowly slowed down into quiet footsteps that echoed in the empty halls.

Soon, he found himself on my room and sitting on my bed.

"I think I messed up, Zurine." He said, "The stress of finding Shiro and replacing the pilot for the Black Lion is finally getting to me." He sighed, "I know what you would say if you were awake right now. 'you'll do just fine. Everything will be okay' that's what you would tell me. But I still don't know. Everything is getting even more confusing by the day, and I'm not sure I can handle it on my own. I mean, sure i have the others, but, I need all of my friends. That means I need you and Shiro."

He gently caressed my cheek and sniffed as a single tear was shed, "Please, I need you now more than ever." He left wiping his tears away.

Keith changed into his casual wear and walked to the Black Lion hanger. The Black Lion was laying lifeless on the floor, with Shiro gone, it had no reason to stand.

Behind Keith were the others, staring at his back.

Everyone looked at each other, silently telling each other 'someone should talk to him'. It was silently decided that Lance speak to him.

Lance walked up beside him and smiled softly, "Hey man. Listen... we all miss Shiro. I remember what a thrill it was to meet him for the first time when the two of us carried him out of that garrison hospital."

One by one, the others stood by Keith.

"I grew up with my dad and Matt telling me stories about him. He was a legend at our house." Pidge said.

"The guy taught me everything I know about being a pilot. Which isn't much, but that's more on me." Hunk said.

"You're not the only one hurting, man." Lance said, "We're all right there with you. But you know that he would be the first one to tell us that we have to move on."

Keith looked at Lance, "Keith," Allura grabbed their attention, "I know exactly how you feel. But our mission is bigger than any one individual. Even those who are completely irreplaceable."

Keith blinked and looked down, "I know you're right. It's tone to figure out how to reform Voltron."

Back in my room, Luna shifted in her sleep, slowly opening her eyes, but closing them as quickly as they opened. I smiled in my sleep feeling the Black Lion purr as he told me what had happened.

I was happy. Voltron would soon be reformed, and the universe will soon have their ray of hope back again.

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