Light From the Past

By LoZ_Keyblade_Master

6.4K 61 51

(Kingdom Hearts Fanfic) Lexile was a normal girl, besides her slight obsession over video games, her favorite... More

Flowery Abduction
Buried Memories: Old Friends
Sure Thing Old Man
Buried Memories: First Keyblade War
Friends in Oblivion
Extracted Memories: Feel the Love!
Meeting Riku
Extracted Memories: Inhalence of Fresh Air
Charms, Lies, and Promises
Friends, or Enemies?
The Organization
Vexen's Elimination
Lies and Truth
The End of Sora's Journey (CoM)
The Strength in Darkness
End of a Fake
End of Riku and Lexile's Journey (CoM)
Sea-Salt Ice Cream
Hearts and Pasts
Keyblade Regained
True Agendas
Vacation Promise
The Castle
Dreams and Memories
The King's Promise
Broken Friendships
Final Battle
Author's Note

Yet Another Day...

513 4 2
By LoZ_Keyblade_Master

Lexile rubbed her eyes. Her eyelids felt heavy from staring at the bright computer screen all day. The dark room wasn't helping with that either. She looked up at the clock, ten more minutes was all that was left. She yawned.

"Are you exhausted yet?" Lexile's friend, Blaine said. 

Lexile raised a skeptical eyebrow at him, "Are you?" 

Blaine laughed, "Of course! This lesson is so boring I'm surprised I haven't already fallen asleep!"

Lexile giggled, "I agree. In fact-" She was suddenly cut off when the teacher's ruler slammed down on her desk.

"Lexile, Blaine, are you two paying attention?" the teacher demanded, squinting down at them. 

Lexile smiled sweetly, "Of course, wouldn't miss it! You were just talking about how to code the 3D ball so we can control it when we play our game." Her voice went an pitch higher, it always did when she talked to adults. She was an expert at making them like her.

The teacher smiled lightly at her before turning to Blaine, "And you?" she asked harshly. 

Blaine threw up his hands, "Alright, you caught me. I wasn't listening. What are you going to do?" He gave a small chuckle. Lexile rolled her eyes. The teacher opened her mouth but the bell rang. 

She sighed, "Fine, everyone is excused." The students quickly grabbed their bags and turned off their computers, then rushed out the door. Lexile followed them, stuffing her laptop in her backpack before saying a small thanks to the teacher and running out. 

Lexile speed-walked down the hallway, her legs barking in protest. She bit her lip and walked a little faster, her eyes wandering around the large hallway. After a minute, she found what she was searching for. She skipped up to a pair of girls sitting against a wall, their laptops out and earbuds plugged in. 

"Hewo," Lexile called in a baby-voice. (A/N I swear that is not a typo, that is just how they greet each other. Hope that doesn't bother anyone).

"Hewo!" the two girls called back. Lexile smiled and sat down against the wall next to them. 

"Hey, hey," one of the girls, Rue poked Lexile, "look at this." She held up her laptop, on the screen was a picture from Pinterest,

Lexile snickered, "His hair doesn't follow the laws of gravity."

"I know right!" the other girl, Violet yelled. All three teenagers laughed. Lexile pulled out her own laptop, bringing up her own Pinterest board. 

"How about this?" she asked, holding up her screen,

All three girls giggled.

"Wait wait, look," Violet said breathlessly, holding up her own screen,

All three girls laughed so hard Lexile got the hiccups, which only made them only laugh harder. Some of the kids nearby looked at them like they were insane, which wasn't far from the truth.

"Omg guys," Lexile gasped, "we are such nerds." 

"What's bad about that?" the other two girls giggled, cheeks red. 

"Nothing! It's great!" Lexile yelled. They all started laughing again. 

"What are you guys laughing about this time?" a different girl, Paige asked. She stood above the trio with a playful smile on her face. 

"Just some more Kingdom Hearts stuff," Lexile said, waving a hand. 

"Ah, that," Paige said, looking at Lexile's backpack and the multiple Kingdom hearts chains and pins that covered it. She shook her head in disbelief, "I don't get it. You learned about that stupid video game a few years ago, and now you're fangirling over it like you've known it all your life!" 

Lexile gave a her a grin, "It feels like I've known it forever, and I'll always want to learn more." 

Paige laughed hysterically, turning away, "Sure, you do that. Learn about some made-up place that does not even impact the real world." She walked away.

Rue stuck out her tongue, "Don't listen to her Lexile. What does she know?" 

Lexile frowned, but nodded, "Hey, are we still on tonight?" she asked, changing the subject. 

The other girls nodded, "Yeah, at the theater right?" Rue said. 

Lexile nodded, "I have something for dance tonight at the theater, so I meet up with you guys afterwards. Your guy's mom will drive you right? Since I won't be there." 

Violet gave a giant smile, "Yeah, she's annoyed that we can never pass our driving test. But she said she'll be happy to drive us. I can't wait!" 

"Yeah!" Rue said, " Wouldn't miss it!" 

The bell rang. Lexile sighed, "This is always so short..." she said as she stood up, pulling her laptop to her chest.

"Want to walk with us to class?" Rue asked, standing up beside her. 

Lexile nodded and started to walk down the hall, "Sure!" 

"Hey! Wait for me!" Violet cried, running after them. 

Lexile and Rue laughed, "You'll have to catch us!" Rue yelled back, sprinting down the hall. Lexile laughed harder and dashed after her. 

"Hey! No fair!" Violet shouted as she ran after them. All three girls laughed.

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