Who to choose? *Beau/Luke Bro...

By littlebitofjanos

4.5K 170 5


Who to choose? *Beau/Luke Brooks - Janoskians - Fanfiction*
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twentyone
Chapter twentytwo
Chapter twentythree
Chapter twentyfour
Chapter twentyfive
Chapter twentysix
Chapter twentyseven
Chapter twentyeight
Chapter twentynine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine
Chapter fourty
Chapter fourty one

Chapter eight

107 7 0
By littlebitofjanos

I woke up from my phone vibrating like mad next to my face. I had loads of twitternotifications and a text from Luke.

Lukeey: I'm so sorry, if you need anything you can talk to me xx

Livy: you better be sorry for wakening me up

Lukeey: wait what?

Livy: you woke me up? what are you sorry about

Lukeey: that I have a idiotic brother with no heart

Livy: I'm lost..

Lukeey: Beau didn't tell you?

Livy: tell me fucking what luke

Lukeey: I'll be over in 5

Livy: whatever

Since I was now awake I decided to see what happened on twitter. I opened up twitter and saw a picture of Beau. A picture of Beau and a halv naked girl making out on a table at a party.

Before I could even process anything tears were streaming down my face and I was shaking. About 10 seconds later Luke stormed in to my room and I started to cry even more. He wraped his arms around me and I cried in to his shoulder, huging him tighter then I ever have before. I didn't know what to do or how to feel. I feelt broken but my heart didn't.

When I calmed down abit I let go of Luke and sat up resting my back against the wall.

" I'm so sorry " Luke said and satt beside me.

" Can you ask Jai to come over " I asked nearly whispering.

" He's at Daniels but I'll text him " He said and got his phone out from his pocket.


" Livy are you okay? " Jai said running in to my room and giving me a huge hug.

" I don't know " I said bluntly

" He is such a dick " Jai said. I didnt say anything I just huged him. I knew Jai had been through this to and knew how I felt.

" It's gonna be okay, I promise " He said trying to comfort me.

" Beau keeps calling me cause you won't answer your phone " Luke said, sitting over at my desk.

" Here " I said and stretched my arm out. Luke came over with his phone and gave it to me. I took a deep breath in before answering.

" Hello? " I could hear his voice. I couldn't hear any pain in it.

" Luke? Are you there? " He said.

" It's me " I said trying not to cry.

" Livy I'm so so so so so so sorry! I didn't mean for it to happen it just happened. I was really drunk and and... " He stoped talking.

" Beau when you come home tomorrow we will only be friends. Nothing else. Lets be honest, I wasn't happy for the two weeks we dated. We just faught over stupid thing. I didnt leave bacause I thought it would get better but you cheating on me just made it official " I said being completly honest.

" Okay. I'll see you tomorrow " He nearly whispered out.

" Yeah, have a safe flight " I said before hanging up and giving Luke his phone back.

My room was quiet for about 5 minutes before Jai decided to break that silence.

" Was everything you said true? " He asked and I just nodded.

" Lets get some frozen yoghurt, I need to get out of here " I said gettig of my bed and opening my wardrobe. I picked out a pair of black skinny jeans and a black dirty pig hoody. The twins waited downstairs for me as I quickly got dressed, brushed my hair out and applied some mascara and powder. I grabbed my phone and keys and jogged down stairs in to the kitchen where the twins where sitting waiting for me.

" Ready? " Luke asked and gave me a smile.

" Yep " I said and we walked out of my house.

" Walk or drive? " I asked.

" Walk? " Luke said and I nodded.

" I just have to shower and change clothes and I'll drive up incase you don't wanna walk home later " Jai said.

" Okay see you soon " I said and gave him a quick hug before me and Luke started to walk out of the neighborhood.

We ended up talking about the Janoskians while we were walking.

" Will you film for us next week? " Luke asked me. I usally help them film and I thought it was fun.

" Sure! You guys are getting real popular now " I said, happy for the boys.

" Yeah I know. The meeting Beau went to in Sydney was with Ronnie and Beau said he wants us to move out to LA, for the publicity or some shit like that. We are actuallt concidering moving out there " Luke said with joy filling his voice.

" All of you are moving to LA? " I asked slowing down my pace

" Yeah, isn't it great? " He said turninig around and looking at me.

" I guess " I said looking down at the grownd trying to keep the tears in.

" Livy what's wrong? " Luke asked and walked over to me and gave me a hug.

" I'm gonna miss you guys and I'll barley have any friends to talk to " I said pulling away from his hug and walking away. Luke started to walk beside me and took my hand.

" Don't worry! We're probably moving the summer before you go away to collage and that's in a year " He said swinging our hands back and forth.

" So it's not happening to soon? " I asked

" Nope, not that we know of anyway " Luke said and gave me a smile. I smiled back and soon we arrived at the frozen yoghurt place and 5 minutes later Jai came and got some yoghurt before we walked arround the city, just looking arround and enjoying each other company.

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