Eye of the Wolf, Touch of the...

By sleepingintheforestt

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Juliette Selene Artemis was raised to fight. She's learned from a young age in order to survive you must kill... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 10

65 4 71
By sleepingintheforestt


I had no idea what I was going to do. I didn't want to go back home and face Daemon. He lied to my face without thinking twice about it. I don't care if it's because he wants to protect me, this is my life too.

What would happen if I ran away? I have no idea where I would go, but all I know is I would be free. There wouldn't be anyone to make decisions for me, or choose whether or not I can or can not do something. My actions would be strictly me, and the consequences, good or bad, would be because of me.

I sat feeling empowered by the thought of being in control of my life until I was shot down by reality. This isn't my life; it's selfish of me to even think about such a thought. I sound naïve talking about making my own decisions.

I slumped back in my chair, and continued to sip my milkshake. I could just sleep out in the forest tonight, but if anyone were to find remnants of the dead men I'd look extremely suspicious camped out in the middle of the woods.

I spent time carelessly debating with myself until I heard a man say, "Megan." It took me a few seconds to remember I was Megan. I whipped my head around and there Adonis stood. His perfect dark hair was tossed around and sweat clung to his forehead. He was wearing a white shirt that exposed his arm muscles in ways I hadn't been able to admire before.

Before being able to think I started speed walking to the back door. I exited into the cool night and started running. "Stop!" Adonis yelled, "You can't outrun me!"

Little did he know I actually could, but I was in no mood to reveal my true identity at the moment. I could hear Adonis running after me, and I knew I had only seconds to think of something. I ran towards the darkest part of the street and stopped. Sure enough Adonis was right behind me.

He unexpectedly grabbed my waist and whipped me around to face him. "Why did you run from me? I was worried about you!" I could hear the anger in his voice. This isn't the guy I met at school today; this was a stranger with massive anger issues.

"What's your problem?" I yelled as I tried to throw his hands off of me. He was much stronger than I had intended. Having a body and strength like that must mean he had a high position in his pack.

He grabbed my flailing arms and pinned them to my side completely ignoring my question. "What happened to you? Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you Megan?!"

"I'm fine Adonis! Can you please give me some personal space though? I don't even know you and you think it's okay to chase me down the street and hold me against my will!"

My words seemed to hurt him on a personal level. That's when my insensitive ass remembered what Daemon said- Adonis was my mate... or so he thought. Now that I think about it he only thought he was my mate from what I told him. I didn't know anything for sure. He was sure acting like I was his mate, but why didn't I feel anything?

When I first saw him my wolf wanted to be with him. It must have been a temporary thing, because I no longer have that feeling and she isn't begging me to get close to him anymore.

All I know for sure is that if Adonis is really my mate then he needed to be dealt with. If he interfered with my protection spell then I was toast. Burnt toast with a low chance of survival.

He slowly let go of me, but didn't bother to move away, "How did you know I was here?" I asked changing the subject.

"Just a feeling," he responded in a much softer voice. I could still feel his eyes staring at me.

I never made complete eye contact with him in fear he might see my real eyes. Although we were in a darker part of the street I didn't want to take chances by looking at him.

At this point I had no idea what else to say,"I need to go home Adonis."

"I can walk you home!" Adonis said with eagerness in his voice.

"It's really okay. I have some things to think about."

I should've known that Adonis wouldn't take no for an answer no matter what I said, "It's dangerous out here alone. There are some bad people in Lost Hills."

The irony in his statement made it hard not to laugh, "Oh really? And you think you'll protect me?" I'm sure the humor in my voice was apparent.

He suddenly grabbed my face and tilted my chin up to face him, "I would never let anything happen to you. I promise I will protect you with every last part of me."

I almost felt myself give in. He sounded so sure, and being so close to him gave me a sense of safety that I haven't felt in a long time. I wanted to believe him, but in reality there is no one in this world who can truly protect me.

Instead of responding to his kind words with something appropriate I resorted back to my sarcasm, "That's cute, but I prefer personal space." I yanked my face out of his grasp and started to walk.

"So you really don't feel anything for me?" Adonis asked unexpectedly.

"No I don't. Why would I?" I asked him as I started to skip.

"There's so much you don't know Megan," Adonis mumbled under his breath as he jogged to catch up to me.

"Like what? Educate me Adonis," I said in all seriousness.

I continued to stare at the ground as I tried to tap into his mind. I had a pretty hard time listening to his thoughts. I couldn't make out a single thing.

"What are you doing!?" Adonis asked aggressively as he grabbed his temple.

My face grew red. I had no idea what to say.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me Megan. I just got the worst pain in my head. I know it's not your fault."

"No worries," I replied relieved as ever. I guess I can't do that again.

We walked for about 15 minutes making small talk. I couldn't remember exactly where I lived but I think I was walking in the right direction.

I stopped completely unsure of where we were.

"You don't know where you're going, do you?" Adonis asked on the brink of laughter.

"Well I knew where we were going, but I'm not sure anymore."

"So what you're saying is you're lost?" Adonis asked me. "Well what's your address?"

"I'm not lost, but I don't remember my address."

For some reason this situation made him laugh uncontrollably. I'd be lying to say he didn't look extremely attractive. He threw his head back and continued to laugh unable to talk. His shirt revealed part of his stomach in response to his chest moving up and down. I've never seen someone with a nicer body. I wanted to reach out and touch his waist, but I controlled myself before a fantasy became a reality. I swear the Gods must've hand carved him because there wasn't one part of him that wasn't perfect.

"I think this is the first time I've caught you staring at me," Adonis said obviously very pleased with himself.

I rolled my eyes at him, and continued to walk aimlessly.

"I don't know if you can tell, but I'm pretty lost. If you want to just go home, then I can call a taxi or something."

"And where would you tell that taxi to take you if you don't know where you're going?" He questioned and waited for a response that never came. "That's why I won't leave you alone. Can you call your mom or dad to pick you up?"

"Uh yeah, I can call... them."

"Great!" Adonis replied and handed me his phone.

The only reason I had Daemon's number memorized was because he was the only number in my phone.

After the first ring he picked up the phone, "Hello?" He sounded distraught and anxious.

"Hey it's me. What's our address again?" I tried to sounds as monotone and annoyed as possible.

"Don't worry about it! I'm coming to pick you up Jay!" I could hear his voice come back to life.

"It's okay! Don't worry about-"

"I'm picking you up Juliette," he interrupted me with his stern voice. "Where are you at?"

I was hesitant but eventually gave in. I looked to Adonis for help and he mouthed me our coordinates. "I'm at the corner of Chestnut and Cotton Willow. Thanks Daemon."

I hung up the phone and handed it back to Adonis. We sat on the side of the curb and I asked him questions about his life and friends. He said his father recently died, and he's had to step up ever since.

Adonis said he grew up a lot of responsibilities, but now must take on more. I didn't want to prod too much in fear he might reveal everything to me. That would mean I would then be allowed at his pack, and you can only imagine what would happen if I crossed pack boarders.

His best friends are Henson, Claire, Brianna, and Kaden. He said he's the closest with Henson since they grew up in training together.

I tried to brush off the questions he asked me by asking more questions about him. He started telling me about how he was quite rule breaker in elementary school and his stories had me laughing.

In the middle of his story his phone rang. He reluctantly picked it up and his face dropped, "I'll meet you there soon. Don't let anyone besides Claire touch anything!" His voice had totally changed. He went from laughing and smiling to stern and serious.

He hung up the phone and looked down at his feet, "Is everything okay?" I asked unsure of how he'd respond.

"It's fine! Are you always this nosey?" His mood had completely altered. "You can't handle to stay out of other people's business for a second, can you?!"

Without thinking I stood up and started walking away. I didn't like the idea of him yelling at me; it felt belittling. "Talk to me when you have your anger issues sorted out," I told him calmly and walked over to the street corner to lean on a tree.

I chose to look away from him, but I could hear him walking over, "You don't need to stay," I said. "You have other issues to sort out and they sound time sensitive."

"I'm not going to leave you! Do you really think I would leave someone like you to fend for themselves with a murder on the loose?"

I didn't know which of his statements to question first, "Someone like me?" I asked quietly.

He inched closer and I put my back to the large tree, "Yes someone like you! Someone who can't protect themselves!" He stopped and breathed. "Four men were found dead today! Do you know how they died?"

Unfortunately I did, but I shook my head no and gulped, "Their heads were cut off. Do you have any idea the type of strength that takes?"

His body was now only inches from mine, and his two arms were now on the tree behind my shoulders, so I had no where to go. I looked at the ground refusing to say anything to him.

I could feel his breath. He banged his hand on the tree behind me yelling at me to answer. For some reason when he touched my skin it felt so different. It wasn't that I necessarily felt a connection, but I could feel his worry extend from his body to mine.

My eyes finally met his and he stopped yelling. I could feel the heat radiating off his body as he breathed down my neck. I reached for his face and all I could see was someone who was broken.

I rested my hand on his hot cheek and held his stare. He immediately broke into apologies, "I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. I can't explain it and I know you don't understand. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry."

He pulled me away from the tree into a bear hug. I rested my head against his chest as my body pushed against his solid abdomen, "I'm just so worried about something happening to you."

I didn't know what to say. He was worried about a "rampage killer" (me) hurting me or other people. I'm a good person who was born into a shit life. I've never hurt someone who didn't try to hurt or kill me or someone else first.

Instead of just nodding my head, my dumb ass had to say something, "Maybe whoever cut off the four heads had to defend themselves. Maybe they had to to protect themselves."

He started laughing but I didn't find this funny. "Your naivety humors me," he told me. "You try to see the best in people, but whoever made the killings doesn't have a good side to see. Let's just drop it, your ride should be here soon."

It took everything in me not to say something defensive again, but I reminded myself not to put a target on my back. Almost on cue Daemon's car pulled up. Adonis walked me over to the car and opened the door for me. Adonis and Daemon were eyeing each other, "Who's this?" Daemon asked.

"Adonis," he confidently said and put out his hand to shake Daemon's, but Daemon never returned the gesture. "Who are you?"

"Well this has been fun! See you tomorrow Adonis!" I interrupted while climbing into the car.

"Take care of yourself kid," was the last thing Daemon said before speeding off.


We finally got to see just Adonis and Megan (Juliette) together! Hope you guys are enjoying!

Thank you for reading:) much love <3

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