Snipers Of Chicago Season 2 (...

By RonnaSweeney51317

73.8K 1.3K 543

Make sure to read Snipers Of Chicago Season 1 before this one. You can find Shaylynn & Jay over on Instagram... More

Coming Very Soon...
Chapter 1 "Look At Me"
Chapter 2 "Take Out the BAD To Protect The INNOCENT"
Chapter 3 "Not A Chance"
Chapter 4 "That's My Job"
Chapter 5 "Back In Chicago"
Your Invitation
Chapter 6 " How Big Is It"
Chapter 7 "Dunkin Donuts vs Krispy Kreme"
Chapter 8 "Stay Calm"
Chapter 9 "You Can't Do This"
Chapter 10 "I've Got This"
Chapter 11 "New Toy"
Chapter 12 "Face The Wrath"
Chapter 13 "Crushed"
Chapter 14 "You Need An Assassin"
Chapter 15 "Spidey Sense Is Tingling"
Chapter 16 "You're Messy"
Chapter 17 "What Are You Up To"
Chapter 18 "You're Amazing At What You Do"
Chapter 19 "Home Invasion"
Chapter 20 "Puppet Master"
Chapter 21 "Be Careful With That One"
Chapter 22 "I Almost Lost You"
Chapter 23 "Very Impressive"
Chapter 24 "Bye, Beth"
Chapter 24 1/2 "What Happens Now"
Chapter 25 "Deeply In Love"
Chapter 26 "Always Thinking About You"
Chapter 27 "One Lucky Son Of A B*tch"
Chapter 28 "I'm Not James Bond"
Chapter 29 "I Need Your Help"
Chapter 30 "Double Homicide"
Chapter 31 "Not Messing Around"
Chapter 32 "The Satisfaction"
Chapter 33 "Riverwalk"
Chapter 34 "Ouch! That's Abuse!"
Chapter 35 "Hasn't Been Anyone After You"
To Be Continued......

Chapter 36 "Not A Chance"

1.7K 29 15
By RonnaSweeney51317

After buzzing Beth in, Shaylynn watches as she drives up the driveway with a black Camaro following her.

A few minutes later Shaylynn hears Beth and Reneé talking. She walks around the couch and to the foyer, surprised by who she sees standing beside Beth.
"What the fuck are you doing in my house you little prick!" Shaylynn shouts at him making Reneé jump.
"Sorry, Reneé! Can you please go into the living room for now?" Shaylynn asks her.
"Sure, will you be alright?" Reneé asks her.
Shaylynn nods to her then Reneé walks to the living room.
"Why Shaylynn?" Beth asks her.
"I don't want Kelly hurt!" Shaylynn tells Beth as she glares at Mark.
"He's not gonna get hurt!" Beth says shouting, "You made me think Mark died! You might be used to blood and gore but I'm not!" she says not trying to cry, "But paying him to stay away from me!"
"He took the money!" Shaylynn reminds Beth.
"Only because you had a gun pointed at my head! I transferred the money back to you!" Mark tells her.
Shaylynn glares at him more intensely, "You've been after Beth for weeks! I had to try and get rid of you!"
"You didn't need to pretend to shoot him and have him die on me like that"! Beth tells her.
"And what a great performance that was!" Shaylynn says giving Mark the golf clap, "Makes you think if he has an ulterior motive with you!"
"Why the fuck would he? It's certainly not money, his family has more money than me!" Beth tells her.
Shaylynn looks at Mark, "Then why was Christian after my money for?"
He shrugs his shoulders, "I like Beth, a lot! But I know deep down that nothing will come of it. But that doesn't mean me and her can't be friends," Mark tells her.
"You sound like Buck," Shaylynn says.
"Who?" Beth asks her.
"Never mind," Shaylynn tells her.
"You can't wrap Kelly and me up in cotton wool, Shaylynn! But we're solid, we've been through to much!" Beth says.
"That prick was going to kiss you!" Shaylynn says as she puts her hand on her stomach.
"I am standing right here!" Mark says.
Shaylynn glares at him once again, "Then I would have slapped him!" Beth tells her.
"Thanks!" Mark says looking at Beth.
"You saw the state I was in. How could you put me through that? For all I know that's why I could've lost my son," Beth says crying.
Shaylynn felt the tears making their way down her cheeks, "Who else knew about it? Butch? Rob?" Beth asks.
"Just Butch. Rob doesn't know!" Shaylynn tells her.
"Good!" Where's your phone?" Beth asks her.
Shaylynn reaches into her pocket and takes out her phone, "Give it me!" Beth says holding out her hand.
"Why? Where's yours?" Shaylynn asks giving Beth a confused look.
"I dropped it in the parking lot at Mariano's," Beth tells her.
Shaylynn unlocks her phone and hands it over to Beth. Once Beth has the phone, Shaylynn wipes her eyes.
"I'm phoning Kelly," Beth tells them.
"What! Just read me my last rites now why don't you!" Mark says looking worried, Shaylynn looking at him with a shitty grin.
"Oh shut up and don't be stupid!" Beh tells him.
Shaylynn watched as Beth pressed the home button and told the phone to call Severide, "Beth!"
Beth looks at her, "I'm not talking to you," she says as Severide answers, Beth putting him on speaker.
"Hello," Severide says.
"Kelly, can you come over to Shaylynn's?" Beth asks him.
"Is she alright?" Severide asks her.
"Yeah, we need to talk to you," she tells him.
"What?" Severide says with confusion in his tone.
"Please, just come over. Shaylynn needs to tell you something!" Beth says looking at Shaylynn.
"Can't she just tell me over the phone?" Severide asks.
"No," Beth tells him.
"Okay, I'll be there in ten!" Severide says and hangs up.
Beth hands Shaylynn her phone, "Come on, let's go into the kitchen, I need to sit down," Shaylynn says.

Walking into the kitchen, Beth and Mark sit at the island, "You want coffee?" Shaylynn asks.
"You might try and poison us!" Beth tells her.
Shaylynn wrinkles her nose at Beth, "Very funny you little shit!" she says seeing Beth fidget, "What's wrong with you?"
"I feel like my right arm has been cut off!" Beth tells her.
"Your phone?" Shaylynn asks.
"Yeah," Beth says.
"That was my fault! I'll get you a new one," Mark tells Beth.
"I have spare ones at the house," Beth tells him.
"You do know the shit's going to hit the fan when Kelly sees him!" Shaylynn tells Beth as she looks at Mark.
"We can't not tell him! You do know Mark's a record producer?" Beth asks her.
"Yeah, so?" Shaylynn questions.
"At RCA," Beth tells.
Shaylynn stands there as she looks at Mark than to Beth, she starts shaking her, "Yeah, Kelly is going to have a shit fit!"
"What does that have to do with anything?" Mark asks.
"I had a meeting at RCA yesterday in New York. They want to sign me but I need to do a few tracks first," Beth tells him.
"Really? I haven't been told of anyone new being signed. Good for you!" Mark tells her.
"It was all because of you!" Beth says.
"Why was that?" Mark questions.
"If Kelly hadn't thrown you out of Molly's I wouldn't have sang that night and the video wouldn't be on Youtube," Beth tells him.
Mark takes his phone out of his pocket, "What do I search for?" he asks.
"Search for little shit!" Shaylynn tells him, Beth giving her a glare.
"Oh don't! That's well embarrassing!" Beth says.
Mark laughs, "I want to know what I have to work with!"
Shaylynn watches the exchange between the both of them and shakes her head.
"Beth Severide," she says.
Mark finally found it when Jacquelyn runs into the kitchen, "Mommy, drink please," she tells Shaylynn when she spots Beth.
"Auntie Beth!" Jacquelyn squeals as she runs to her.
"Hey!" Beth says smiling, "Give me a hug!"
Shaylynn watches as Jacquelyn climbs up onto Beth's knee giving her a hug as Mark looks at them and smiles.
Jacquelyn hears what Marks's watching, "Auntie Beth, you sing that song!"
"I know! I love you!" Beth tells Jacquelyn.
"Love you too!" Jacquelyn says as Beth kisses her.
Jacquelyn gets down and walks around the island over to Shaylynn who was getting a juice box out of the refrigerator for her, "Here you go. Remember to put the empty box in the trash when you're finished with it!" Shaylynn reminds her.
"Tank you!" Jacquelyn says as she takes it, she turns and runs out of the kitchen.
"I love her so much!" Beth says as Shaylynn smiles.
"Wow, Beth! You have some voice! And you can play the piano!" Mark tells her.
"Thank you! I'm going to the bathroom before Kelly gets here," Beth tells them as she stands up, "And you leave Mark alone while I'm gone!" she says looking at Shaylynn.
Beth walks out of the kitchen and disappears around the corner.
Shaylynn walks around the island right over to Mark, Mark backing up, "You just can't stay away from her, can you?" she questions him in a little growl.
"Shaylynn, we're just friends!" Mark tells her.
"You love her! I can tell by the way you look at her!" Shaylynn says.
"She knows I love her. I've already told her already," he tells her.
"Please leave her alone! Promise me!" Shaylynn says to him as she grabs her stomach.
"Are you alright?" Mark asks her as the buzzer for the gate sounds.
Shaylynn walks over and buzzes Severide in, "I'm fine but you need to go now! Before he sees you! Go out the kitchen door and get into your car when Kelly comes into the house," Shaylynn tells him.
"I'm not hiding from him!" Mark expresses to her.
"He just got off shift with hardly any sleep. He'll be like a bear with a sore head! Just fucking go!" Shaylynn shouts at him.
"Okay!" Mark says standing up and quickly makes his way out the kitchen door.
As soon as Mark was out the door, Beth walks back into the kitchen, "Where's Mark?" Beth questions with a worried tone in her voice but what she didn't know was Severide was behind her.
"What do you mean where's Mark?" Severide questions pissed off, "What the fuck is going on? Who's Camaro is that out front?"
"Tell Kelly all about it Shaylynn!" Beth tells her.
Shaylynn sighs and tells Severide everything, she could see on his face he wasn't happy, "Damn it, Shaylynn! How could you make Beth think that he was dead? Is he here?" Severide asks.
"Yeah, he was," Shaylynn tells him.
"Couldn't you have just scared him off?" he questions.
"I thought the money would do it," she tells him.
"I'm sure his family is loaded," he says looking at Shaylynn.
"What?" she asks him.
"Are you alright?" Severide asks.
"Yeah," Shaylynn says but Severide could tell differently.
"What's wrong?" he asks her.
"I'm having sharp pains. I need to sit down," she tells him walking over to the kitchen table.
"You need to go to Med! Beth, phone Jay!" Severide tells her.
"I can't my phone was smashed," she tells him.
"Fuck! Is that why I couldn't get through to you?" he questions as he takes out his phone.
He called Halstead when he didn't answer he left a message for him saying he was taking Shaylynn to Med.
"We can't be losing any more babies! I don't think my heart can take it!" Severide says as Reneé walks into the kitchen.
"Is it safe to come in now?" she asks then notices Shaylynn in pain, "Shaylynn!"
"I'm fine now! The pains are away," Shaylynn says.
"You're still going to Med!" Beth tells her.


Walking into Med, Beth and Reneé stay out in the waiting area as Severide walks in with Shaylynn, Dr. Choi seeing them.
He walks over, "What's going on?" Dr. Choi asks.
"Pains in her stomach," Severide tells him with Shaylynn looking at Severide terrified.
"Everything's going to be fine!" Severide tells her then kisses her on the cheek, "I'll make sure Jay knows where you are as soon as he shows up," he tells her.
"She'll be in Treatment 2," Dr. Choi tells Severide.
Severide nods then walks out to the waiting area.
"Let's get you checked out," Dr. Choi tells Shaylynn helping her over to Treatment 2.
Dr. Choi helps her up onto the bed and gets her hooked up to the machines.
As soon as the fetal monitors are put on her stomach, the boy's heartbeats fill the room.
That's when Halstead barges in, he rushes over to Shaylynn grabbing her hand, "You sure know how to give me a fright!" he says kissing her, "Is everything alright?" he asks Dr. Choi.
"It seems to be her ligaments stretching that's causing her the pain. As you can hear the boy's heartbeats are strong," Dr. Choi tells him.
Halstead feels like he can finally breathe, "I'm going to go and tell the gang what's going on," he tells Shaylynn.
"Alright," she says watching him walk out.
Five minutes later, Halstead walks back in with Reneé and Severide following him but no Beth.
"Beth didn't want to come in?" Shaylynn asks Severide.
"Oh, she's with Dr. Manning," Severide tells her, "Something about a checkup with her."
Shaylynn nods at him.

Half an hour later, Beth's walking into Treatment 2.
Severide looks at her, "What happened to your arm?" he asks her.
"Natalie just fitted a contraceptive implant. They last for three years. It's genius!" Beth tells him.
"It can be taken out whenever you want, right?" Severide asks her.
"Yeah, whenever I want," Beth says.
Severide just stares at her, "What's that supposed to mean?"
"When I'm ready to have it removed then I will!" she tries to get her point across.
"We'll talk when we get home!" Severide tells her.
"Can you guys leave Beth and me for five minutes?" Shaylynn asks.
"Gladly!" Severide says in an angered tone.
Reneé, followed by Severide, and then Halstead walk out of the room, Halstead pulling the door closed behind him.
"Beth," Shaylynn says.
"I'm sorry!" Beth says to her.
"No, I'm sorry!" Shaylynn tells her.
Beth walks over and lays on the bed next to Shaylynn, "I won't annoy you again about Mark," Shaylynn tells her.
"Thank you," Beth tells her, "I'm glad you and the babies are alright."
"Kelly looks like he's in a bad mood!" Shaylynn says.
"I'll sort him out later," Beth tells her.
"Be nice to him," Shaylynn pleads with her.
"I'm always nice to him. You'll need to tell Jay about Mark," Beth mentions to her.
"I already did. He said that was the dumbest idea I had ever come up with!" Shaylynn tells her.
Beth smiles, "Well if he never turned up, you would've got away with it."
"Yeah, until he turned up at the studio to produce one of your songs! Sending you into cardiac arrest!" Shaylynn says with Beth half laughing, "Just don't lose what you have with Kelly. He loves you so much!"
"I know he does," Beth says to Shaylynn then kisses her on the cheek before she gets up, "I need to get back to the girls. I might take them to the zoo later."
"The zoo! Remember the last time we went there?" Shaylynn asks Beth.
"Don't repeat that story to anyone, ever!" Beth tells her.
"Oh, God! I won't!" Shaylynn says laughing.
"If we go, do you think Jacquelyn might like to go?" Beth asks.
"She would love it!" Shaylynn tells her, "Let me know so I can get her ready."
Beth walks out of the room, Halstead walking in a few seconds later.
"Ethan said you can leave in an hour," he tells her sitting down on the bed by her.
Shaylynn can see a tear on his cheek, "What's wrong?" she asks him.
"I keep having dreams that I'm going to lose you and these babies," he tells her with more tears joining the first one.
Shaylynn gets a frown on her face and holds her hands out to him.
Halstead moves closer to her, she wraps her hands around the back of his neck pulling him to her laying his head on her chest.
After five minutes, Halstead speaks up, "This really isn't a good place for my head to be."
Shaylynn starts laughing.


An hour and a half later, Halstead's pulling up their driveway to see two trucks, "I wonder what Dan and Dave are doing here?" Shaylynn asks.
Halstead parks and hurries over to Shaylynn's side to help her out.

They walk inside and hear a lot of noise coming from the living room.
Walking in they see Dan and Dave on the floor on their hands and knees growling and roaring.
"What are you guys doing?" Shaylynn asks.
Jacquelyn smiles seeing her parents and runs over to them, Halstead picking her up as Dan and Dave stand up.
"We're Dragons," Dave tells Shaylynn, "And Jacquelyn is the Princess who slays them."
"Where's Wendy?" Shaylynn asks.
"She quit!" Dan tells Shaylynn.
"She what?" Halstead asks.
"She done up and quit!" Dave tells him, "At least she was smart enough to call us. If she would have called Butch, I don't think she would have liked what he would say to her."
Shaylynn can't believe what she's hearing, "I'll have to call the agency and tell them to only send women who are serious!"
Shaylynn's phone goes off, she looks at it to see it's a text from Beth about them going to the zoo.
She looks at Halstead, "Beth, Kelly, and the girls are going to the zoo. They want to take Jacquelyn with them," she says seeing a huge smile go across Jacquelyn's face.
Halstead looks at Jacquelyn, "She doesn't want to go! She wants to stay with Daddy!"
"No, I want to go," Jacquelyn tells him.
Halstead starts laughing and puts her down, "Go get your hoodie out of the coat closet," Shaylynn tells her, "They should be here soon."
Beth and Kelly stopped by and picked up Jacquelyn with Dan and Dave leaving at the same time.
With them gone, Shaylynn and Halstead head upstairs.
Talking for a little while, Halstead falls asleep with his head leaning against Shaylynn's stomach.
Whatever twin is there, he doesn't like the snoring sounds Halstead's making because he keeps kicking or punching in that spot.
Having time on her hands is dangerous!
Looking up in the corner of the room at the camera, Shaylynn starts to feel creeped out, 'What if Christian isn't dead. What if Jay did the same thing I did' she thinks to herself.
So she gets on Zillow and starts looking.

An hour later Halstead's waking up, "I'm surprised you didn't sleep longer," Shaylynn tells him.
"After that good kick to the forehead, I got the hint," Halstead tells her sitting up as he rubs his head.
Shaylynn starts laughing when her phone goes off. She picks it up to see it's a text message from Beth.
She opens it to see it's a picture of Jacquelyn holding a stuffed seal.


Shaylynn starts laughing, "What is it?" Halstead asks her.
"Jacquelyn got another stuffed animal," Shaylynn tells him turning her phone around to show him.
"I didn't give her any money," Halstead tells Shaylynn.
Shaylynn looks at Halstead with a glare, "Seriously?!" she says to him as she stands up.
She starts walking toward the bathroom, "Oh yeah, by the way, I bought a house," she tells him, "The movers will be here tomorrow to start packing things up."
Shaylynn walks into the bathroom, closing the door behind her leaving Halstead sitting on the bed dumbfounded when his phone rings.
"Hey, Jay! How's Shaylynn doing?" Severide asks him.
"She's doing good," Halstead tells him hearing weird noises in the background, "I know the zoo is loud but those sounds don't sound like the zoo!"
"We're not at the zoo," Severide tells him, "Beth saw the mall and wanted to stop. She and the girls are in a little girls boutique that just opened."
"Tell her not to buy Jacquelyn anything!" Halstead tells Severide.
Severide starts laughing, "You tell her not to buy Jacquelyn anything!"
"I guess I shouldn't be surprised! Shopping runs in the family!" Halstead tells Severide.
"Meaning?" Severide asks.
"Shaylynn just bought another house!" Halstead tells him when he hears Jacquelyn in the background..."Uncle Kelly! Look at the pretty dresses Auntie Beth bought me!"
"Oh, God!" Halstead says as Severide starts laughing.
"Who are you talking to?" Halstead hears Beth ask Severide.
"I called Jay to see how Shaylynn's doing. He said you're not to buy Jacquelyn anything!" Severide tells her.
"Not a chance, Jay!" he hears Beth yell.


The character Beth belongs to Paulinemartin100

The character Reneé belongs to ChloeOgradyXo

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