The Crash Into Reality (TBBT...

By chloemmal

17.6K 275 44

Natalie Goodman is a fresh out of college girl ready to go into the world of being independent. She moves to... More

!!Before You Read!!
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Nineteen
**Thanks for 1K**

Part Twenty

573 4 0
By chloemmal

As I speed-walked down the hallway I held my hand under the "fresh" cup of tea. I tried to remember which way I had come. Eventually, I figured it out and soon I was in front of the Wolowitz' room again.

Looking right from the room door I walked until a stairway laid ahead of me. It was a good length and had a landing on top of it. I could see that there was another set of stairs leading up to the next floor.

On about the 8th stair up sat a ghost-faced Natalie. She was sprawled out on the stair with her hand to her head. I saw her eyes move up to me once I approached the bottom stair. I walked up the stairs and sat on the one above her.

"Greetings," I nodded to Natalie. I gestured in a way that implied I was here to help.

"Hey Sheldon," Natalie sighed.

Leonard's words seemed to have impacted her more than I assumed. It was obvious she was crying because her eyes had black stuff under them. I didn't mind though, I wasn't here to point out her flaws.

"I brought you a hot beverage, Leonard told me you were sad."

I held the cup out to Natalie. She sat up slowly and took it.

"Thank you Sheldon," she said as she took a sip of it. A look of slight emotion crossed her face.

"How'd you know this was my favorite tea?" She asked.

"Oh, that wasn't the intention. I'm glad you like it though. That just happened to be the kind the front desk had."

"Oh," Natalie's face sank again.

What had I done now?? All I had done was to tell her the truth.

"Do you not want to talk?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, you wouldn't understand Sheldon."

"How would you know? The last time I asked about something around the perimeters of Leonard you said the same thing. Leonard is the guy I've known the longest. I understand almost everything about him. I'm sure I'll begin to understand," I tried to ensure.

It was a valid counterargument. I had been there for Pria, Penny, all Leonard's odd emo phases, his happy days, his in-between days, his geeky days, and all his smart science days. I may have complained through most of them but nonetheless, I was still there to experience them.

"Shel–" Natalie started, she sighed before continuing, "nevermind it's not worth arguing. Venting would be nice anyway."

"Alright, but if you need tissues or any emotional support that's not really my thing," I warned her.

I scooted down to the step she was on.

"Well do you remember the kiss.. oh, of course you wouldn't. You weren't even there. But anyway the kiss, I thought there was something there. I thought all the flirty conversations, him stealing glances of me, him getting all weird around me, and him being happy around me actually meant something.. I just get attached so easily and it's like one little thing like that gets me all hopeful."

I saw a single tear slip down her face. Her head was at the ground as if she didn't want to look at me.

"So what your saying is that all of Leonard's physical signs gave you the impression that he was attracted to you, as well as giving you a hope that he may have been interested in you? You enjoyed them so much that the news of his married status sent you into shock–"

Natalie cut me off. Dang, I was on a roll too.

"Shock that woke me up out of the assumption that I had a chance. Some random girl that he had met by coincidence a few days prior. It's just that you know that you shouldn't be disappointed but somehow you still are. I knew that it would never happen but there was always that hope that maybe something would work out for once. I guess I was ridiculous enough to assume that "quirky" germaphobe-nerds could have a happy ending once in a while too."

All that information began to overwhelm me, "could you give me a moment to process that?" I asked Natalie, not wanting to sound stupid.

"Sheldon it's okay, that's the point of venting. You don't always have to have a constructive response."

This had only confused me more.

"But isn't that the point of a conversation?"

"Well yes but not this one. All you have to do is listen. Have sympathy and be there to comfort me. I'm sorry if it's too much for you..."

"Oh no, not at all. As a scientist new concepts are always fun for me to explore. Please, continue."

Natalie began talking again. I tried to listen but found myself drifting off into thoughts of my own. The way Natalie's lips moved when she talked for example, and how she talked with her hands and what motions she made. Once in awhile she would get choked up and she would have to stop talking to collect herself.

What had her and Leonard's kiss been like anyway? What was any kiss like for that matter? I imagined Natalie and Leonard sitting up in Leonard's bed. Her dark figure gliding closer and closer to his. Once their lips met Natalie smiling as her head smashing against Leonard's glasses. Leonard ripping them off to dispose of the distraction...

I suddenly gasped, the picture faded. Natalie's head was on my shoulder. I felt her shaking sobs rack from her head. I slowly held a hand up to pat her on the back.

"There there, it's okay," I stammered.

I tried to think of what I could do to help her feel better so I put my arm around her.

"Is this alright for comforting?" I quietly asked.

"Y–yea," Natalie awkwardly whispered.

At least her crying had stopped. She was slowly starting to calm down.

"Can I tell you something I heard Howard tell Leonard once?"

I didn't know how I remembered it, it was years ago. A day after Penny broke up with Leonard the guys and I were on the couch playing D&D when Leonard started talking about Penny.

"Sure, why not."

I pulled my arm out from around Natalie. She sat up off my head and turned to face me.

Natalie's Point of View

I lifted my head off of Sheldon's broad shoulder and turned to hear what he had to say. I did understand all of his emotions though. It was hard to comprehend a girl's feelings, let alone have his logical understanding as well. I could tell he was doing his best, he was a really sweet guy.

" 'Do you know how many people are in this world, Leonard?" Sheldon recited, "There are 7,655,597,369 and Penny is only one of them. That leaves 7,655,597,368 more for you to look through. Yes it will be hard, yes you'll still see her every day but you pick yourself right back up off the ground and get a new girl. Then when you do see her showcase her off and let her know damn well that Hoffstaders don't give up.' That's what he said and I think it's appropriate for your situation," Sheldon finished.

I couldn't believe how true that was. It was clear that it was a fine time to get off my ass and get over it. I had only known him for a few days. It didn't matter, I didn't need him. I wiped the tears off my face, dabbed my fingers under my eyes, and stood up.

"Sheldon, you're right. It's time now to start new. Show him I will never need him. Common, let's go somewhere," I said looking down at him.

I offered him a hand to get up and he consciously took it. The me I loved was back again, and badass too.


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