Blue Wolf (A Blue Excorist Fa...

By bluelion2

95K 4.6K 774

Yuki Okumura remembers the massacre of Red Night. She was the only survivor. The beast that saved her from it... More

Chapter One: Red Night
Chapter Two : The Wish
Chapter Three : Where There's A Will There's A Way
Chapter Four : Wow.
Chapter Five : I Really Need To Shut My Mouth Sometimes
Chapter Six : Mom
Chapter Seven : Mephisto
Chapter Eight : Why Would I Lie?
Chapter Nine : Late Birthday Present
Chapter Ten : Confessional
Chapter Eleven : A Date, A Demon, A Promise
Chapter Twelve : Poison
Chapter Thirteen : Honesty Is A Virtue
Chapter Fourteen : Shura
Chapter Fifteen : Absolute Defeat
Chapter Seventeen : See Me
Chapter Eighteen : Taunting, Waiting, And Group Therapy...
Chapter Nineteen : Confronted
Chapter Twenty : The Second Chance That No One Gave
Chapter Twenty-One : Yuki Okumura Is Still Alive
Important Note!
Chapter One : Dream Contact
Chapter Two : The Story Of Meia Pt.1
Chapter Three : The Story Of Meia Pt.2
Chapter Four : Yuki's Back!!!!!?
Chapter Five : Angry Sushi People
Chapter Six : One Bullet To The Soul
Chapter Seven : I Am A Bandaid
Chapter Eight : Storybook Characters And A Daddy's Girl
Chapter Nine : Roses Are Red, Violets Are Dead
Chapter Ten : Flying Firebreathing Spatulas
Chapter Eleven : He's Dead.
Chapter Twelve : Rose AKA Moodswing Of The Year
Chapter Thirteen : I Fought The Law And The Law Didn't Even Know...
Note #2
Chapter Fourteen : Well, Let's Just Invite The Whole Neighborhood...
Christmas Special Bonus Chapter #1 : Good Memory
Christmas Special Bonus Chapter #2 : Let It Snow
Chapter Fifteen : Meia's Secret
Chapter Sixteen : Thorns
Chapter Seventeen : Closer
Chapter Eighteen : You're Going Down
Chapter Nineteen : Before I Go
Chapter Twenty : Aftermath
Chapter Twenty-One : Love
Thank You!
Soundtrack Pt. 1
Soundtrack Pt.2

Chapter Sixteen : Cell In Hell

1.7K 99 10
By bluelion2

When I woke up, the first thing I felt was the chains wrapped around my arms and legs.

What the-

"I see you're awake now. " a cold voice said.

I looked up to see Mr. Creepy aka Midamar.

"I'm so happy to see you again, darling."

I tried to lunge at him but I was held against the wall.

"I'm not your darling!"

He slapped me.

"Remember when I said, you will be?"

He put his hand on my shoulder and I spit at it.

He quickly retrieved it and frowned.

"Manners, manners...."

"Where the hell am I!"

He snickered.

"Isn't it obvious?"

I looked around.

I was in a jail cell, but it had a sort of darkness around it. There were eyes watching me from the ceiling and ground was nothing but mud and some type of slime.

I smirked. "A pigsty?"

"No, no, no. Gehenna, darling."

I froze.

Holy shit.

I'm in hell. Literally.



(Rin's pov)

Where is Yuki?

I've been looking everywhere for her.

I hope she didn't go out somewhere again without telling us.

She went out to do her chores an hour ago and still hasn't come back.

I went to the garden, the laundry room, everywhere!

I just couldn't find her.

I hope she's alright.

She doesn't understand how much I care about her. I'm her dad.

I'm supposed to watch over her and make sure she doesn't get hurt.

I ran outside and double checked the flower garden beside the dorm again.

I didn't see Yuki, but I did see...

Is that Yuki's sword!

I picked it up and checked it.

Yep, it's Yuki's sword. Why would she leave it behind? She carries this sword everywhere with her just like I do with mine.

She wouldn't leave it behind unless, someone made her leave it behind!

Oh no. I've got to go tell yukio and the others about this!

I'm coming Yuki!

Just hold on, wherever you are!


Back to Yuki.....

Hell is hell.

Time felt like an eternity here!

I've spent most of it with Mr. Creepy!

He likes to tell me all about the plans for our future wedding and about how we sure make a great couple, all the time!

If I even try to say something he doesn't want to hear, he punches me!

Great couple for sure.

"So Yuki, are you ready to accept my undying love for you?"

"How about no?"

He sighed.

"Things would be a lot more easier if you would cooperate." he said and then punched me in the gut, knocking the breath out of me.

"Why did you bring me here anyway?" I whezzed out.

"I didn't bring you here, master did. You are a very special girl, you know."

"What are you talking about!"

"Master is going to use you for his greatest plan, yet! You're the bait for the two sons of master!"

"Bait? " I asked heartbroken.

"You will be ultimately the cause of their deaths. Doesn't it made you so proud!"

And for the first time in this cell in hell, I broke down and cried.

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