REMEMBER // Calum Hood

By hoodmood

138K 3.8K 2.9K

The night she can't remember becomes a love she will never forget. / Complete / More

One // that night
Two // michael
Three // beer pong
Four // this house
Five // homework
Six // dance
Seven // breakfast
Eight // old days
Nine // under the covers
Ten // bark
Eleven // studio
Twelve // tattoos
Thirteen // restroom
Fourteen // wine
Fifteen // take things slow
Sixteen // no one
Seventeen // communication
Eighteen // magic
Nineteen // babe
Twenty // torture
Twenty one // fine
Twenty two // mission
Twenty three // ignore
Twenty four // sundays
Twenty five // truth
Twenty six // flight
Twenty seven // impressions
Twenty eight // game night
Twenty nine // surreal
Thirty // babylon
Thirty one // safe
Thirty two // coincidences
Thirty three // gold
Thirty four // company
Thirty five // couple
Thirty six // naked
Thirty seven // last day
Thirty eight // airport
Thirty nine // day off
Forty // family lunch
Forty one // normal
Forty two // last week
Forty three // realization
Forty four // 5:05
Forty five // goodbye
Forty six // absence
Forty seven // delivery
Forty eight // time
Forty nine // georgia
Fifty // christmas
Fifty one // elisabeth
Fifty two // new year
Fifty three // home
Fifty four // two
Fifty five // past
Fifty six // valentyne
Fifty seven // love
Fifty eight // stay
Fifty nine // cutie
Sixty // hate
Sixty one // ignore
Sixty three // surprise
Sixty four // pancakes
Sixty five // band trip
Sixty six // key
Sixty seven // together
Sixty eight // all about you
Sixty nine // announcement
Seventy // blink
Seventy one // frat party - Part 1
Seventy two // frat party - Part 2
Seventy three // insecurities
Seventy four // radio
Seventy five // drew
Seventy six // lies
Seventy seven // hurt
Seventy eight // nightmare
Seventy nine // empty
Author's note
/ Sequel /

Sixty two // birthday

1.5K 55 26
By hoodmood

"Hello?" I groguely say, squinting my eyes and trying to see what time it is

The minute I heard my phone ringing, I knew it was Calum. Well, at least I really hoped it was him - I was even dreaming about it. And who else could be calling me at 4 in the morning? It was a real torture to spend an entire day not talking to him but I honestly believe it was for the best. We needed this time apart to clear our heads and reconsider what was said, even though I was missing him like crazy. In just one day. One day was too much, it felt like an eternity.

"I'm sorry, baby. I know I woke you up and you have to be up early in the morning but... I miss you so much, G" Cal says, his voice slurred "I fucked up and you have every right to be mad but... I love you, I really do and you should be here"

I'm smiling just by hearing his voice. His drunk, carried and snuggly voice. I can perfectly picture Cal lazily lying on his living room couch, an arm clumsily thrown over his lil tummy while he fights to keep his eyes open.

"Hey, birthday boy" I greet him with a sweet tone "Feeling any older and wiser yet?"

"N-No, I feel moody and grumpy" He says, sounding like he has just held back a burp "Ash called some people over to celebrate and you weren't here. You should've been here"

"Sorry, I wasn't invited" I tell Calum with a giggle, feeling an imense urge to squeeze his cheeks "You can't be moody and grumpy on your birthday, it's against the law. Plus, you have guests"

I bet Calum is crashing on the couch tonight. Walking up the stairs will seem like an impossible task considering the state he is in and he'll only realize that the next morning when he wakes up with the sun shining right on his handsome face and his back hurting from the odd position he spent the night.

"They're gone now" I hear him say as I roll in bed, staring at the dark "I didn't want them here, if I'm being honest. Everyone asked about you and I... I had to tell them why you weren't here when you should be here"

"Good to know you missed me, Hood" An idiotic smile is platerred across my face

"I did, I still do, I-... I would much rather have you here over half of those people. They are my friends but you, Gia, there's no one like you. Not Rod, Ally, Jack, or Jenny, Sarah, Nia, Tim, Re-..." He starts naming his guests - the most part I've seen on his friends' Instagram Stories - but one stands out for obvious reasons

"Oh, so Nia was there. How nice" I bitterly say, regretting it the next second

I don't want to keep going with this and bringing even more grudge to the table won't help us right now. Plus, it's his birthday and the only thing we should be doing is celebrating, not arguing.

"I get it now, you know. All the shit I said about you and Ryan and now Nia was here and... I'm r-really sor-"

"Cal, let's not talk about that" I interrupt him "Not today"

"But it's true! A bunch of people that mean nothing to me came over and..."

"Hey, don't say it like that, they're your friends and I bet you had a nice time"

Of course I want Calum to celebrate his birthday and have fun with his friends. But at the same time, the selfish part of me wishes he hasn't had that much fun cause he was missing me. I know, I'm the worst.

"I had a lot of beers, that's for sure"

I knew it. His tone always gives away how drunk he is. I remember last year's Halloween party at Ashton's and how Roy had to help me carry Calum back home. He could barely walk and much less climb the steps, so we were forced to have a little sleepover in his living room. It was actually pretty fun. I brought extra pillows and blankets downstairs to find Cal trying to build a fort with the cushions. He was acting really sweet and being extra cuddly. God, I really miss him.

"And how did your first legal age beer taste like?" I make small conversation just to keep him talking

I also miss his voice.

"Like all the thousand others I've had" He tells me and I bet he's rolling his eyes right now "But you know what will taste magnificently better?"

"What?" I ask with a sly smile after hearing the smirk in his voice

"My first legal age kiss"

"Oh really?" I let out a chuckle and he joins me "Smooth, Hood. Very smooth"

"Will you open for me if I show up at your door?" Calum asks and my heart races

I wonder if he wants to see me as much as I do. Scratch that. I need to see him. But not at 4 in the morning when he can barely walk straight. I spent great part of last night wondering if I should call him. I wanted to be with him at midnight so bad but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to press the call button. Calum had been ignoring me for the last couple of days and after the little scene he pulled in front of his house, I had my reasons to stay away.

"It's late, Cal. We'll see each other tomorrow"

"We will?" He sounds happy but also very surprised

It shouldn't be such a surprise. It's his birthday, for Gods sake. Did he think I would be brushing it off and acting like it was just another day? Did he really think we wouldn't be seeing each other? Yes, we had a pretty nasty argument - and we still have a ton of things to talk about and work out - but of course I would get over it on his birthday.

"Of course. It's your birthday, Cal" I say in all honesty

"Can I go see you now? I can pick you up at th-"

"You're drunk, Hood. You're not driving tonight"

It takes me everything not to give into his plead.

"I'll call you an Uber, just come sleep with me" Calum insists making my chest tighten

"We both know you'll be out the second we hang up"

"I'll wait up for you, I promise. Come home, G"

I love how he tells me to come home referring to his house. Little does he know that he is it for me. Calum feels like home to me. Of course I have my parents house, the place I grew up in and spent most of my life. Also, I have the campus apartment. The first place I came to after moving out of my childhood home. The entire apartment doesn't have a single picture frame with familiar faces or even a plant. We don't have decent plates and at times the only thing in our fridge is water and beer. But still, Jason and Drew are like family to me, any place with these two is fine with me. But Calum's house.... I managed to feel at home in there even with him being gone. It's startling how fast I got used to living at that house, and how much I loved doing it.

"We'll see each other tomorrow, Cal. I promise"

"I don't want to spend another night without you" He sweetly says and an instant smile appears on my lips

It doesn't surprise me anymore though. The effect he has on me is something I can't comprehend but have gladly accepted. Calum had me feeling the traditional butterflies in my stomach from the other side of the world, across the city is easy for him.

"I'm here" I guarantee him "Just close your eyes and picture me lying on your chest"

"No, baby, it's not the same" He tries to protest but his voice is fading away, along with his consciousness

"It's 4 in the morning, Cal" I say with a chuckle

"We're in L.A, the city that never sleeps"

"I'm pretty sure that's New York, babe. L.A is the city of angels"

Rolling in bed, I pull the covers closer to my chest and try to imagine him lying next to me. His fingertips sending shivers all over my skin and his warm breath on my neck.

"You're damn right it is. You are an angel, Georgia"

It's the last thing he says before I hear his light snores on the other end. I wait until I'm 100% positive he's asleep to hung up.

"Happy birthday, Cal" I say even though I know he can't hear me

"What should I do know?" I ask Drew, holding my phone in the crook between my neck and shoulder while I follow his instructions

"Mix the dry flour with the buttermilk mixture" He tutors me with a chuckle "You really are useless in the kitchen, G"

"How nice of you, D. Thanks a lot" I ironically say doing as he says "This cake better taste good"

"You could just buy one. I'm sure you're not that broke" Drew teases me

I roll my eyes at him before pouring the mixture to the batter. It's not for the cake itself, it's more for the gesture. Showing up at Calum's door with a birthday cake I baked myself. It's cute, romantic even.

"I wouldn't be that broke if I didn't have to afford your indebted ass" I mock, earning a loud laugh from him

"My indebted ass is teaching you how to bake a cake. Be nice"

I could've called my mother and I'm sure she would've loved to help me bake a chocolate cake over the phone. Damn, I bet she would even turn up here to do it herself because that's the kind of mom she is. But I was afraid she would demand further explanations, since mom has always been one to ask too many questions.

"Cake is in the oven now. I don't think I need you anymore" I tell my friend in a bitchy tone "I'll call you if I have any more questions"

"Hey, G" Drew says "There's this really nice thing on your phone, it's called internet. If you have any more question, just Google it"

It's my turn to give him a loud laugh before we say our goodbyes and end the call. I find myself sitting on the cold kitchen floor while waiting for the cake to bake, thinking about what should I wear to Calum's party tonight. I check my phone to see it's now 2p.m. which means I have enough time. When I asked to take the day off, I imagined I would be spending it with Calum. I'd wake up right next to him and I'd be the first person he sees with 21 years old. I imagined I would make him some breakfast and I'm sure Calum would love it, even if it was just some scrambled eggs. We would spend the day in bed before I could come up with some excuse to get him out of the house so Ashton and Roy could prepare him the surprise. Speaking of which, my phone vibrates indicating 2 new texts from Ashton.

Ashton: Have you seen Cal?

Ashton: Is he with you?

Gia: nope

Gia: why?

Ashton: Oh fucking hell

Ashton: I lost him

"Are you cooking?" Jason enters the kitchen all sweaty, dressed in gym clothes

"Were you working out?" I ask, sounding just as surprised as he did

"I went jogging with Kiara" He explains after drinking his glass of water in two big gulps

"The yoga instructor?" I let out a chuckle "You're really gonna have to step up your game with her, Jas"

Jason walks over to where I'm seated and kneels down in front of the oven.

"Is this a cake?" He asks with a laugh "Yeah, I'm the one who is working really hard to impress a girl" Jason mocks me

"Whatever" I roll my eyes at him as I watch Jas pour himself another glass of water "Are you guys going tonight?"

"Yes, for the hundredth time, Gia. We'll be at your boyfriend's surprise party" Jason says it really slow, like I'm a kid who hasn't understood the question "Do you think Kiara would accept to go with me? As like my date?"

I crack a teasing smile at him.

"How cute. He's in love!"

Jason lets out a huff and mumbles something about me being impossible to deal with while he leaves the kitchen. I play on my phone while I wait for time to pass and my cake to bake. I text Ashton and Roy, asking if they've found Calum and asking about the party's preparations. Luke and Sierra are in charge of the beverages, Ashton said he already took care of the food and Roy guarantees me that all the important people in Calum's life have been invited.

"I'm going out again. Do you need anything?" Jason asks from the living room "Try not to set the apartment on fire"

"I'll do my best!" I tell him in a sarcastic tone before I hear the front door closing

I'm texting Sierra, who is out running errands for the party with Luke, and helping her pick the  most appropriate party hats for tonight when I hear the front door open again. Considering Drew is the only person in this house who's working this afternoon, it could only be Jason again - probably to make sure I haven't set the house on fire.

"Are you really that worried that I'll burn down the place?" I tease while typing on my phone "How cute"

"Yeah, of course I am" A much raspier and smooth voice answers, making my heart skip a beat


I look up from my phone to see Calum standing at the kitchen entrance. He's wearing a red T-shirt underneath his leather jacket with black sweatpants and his also black All Star. It's visible that he's put on the first things he saw in the closet but it's amazing how he still manages to look incredibly hot without even trying. It takes me a moment to process that he's really here while I study his features. His black hair looks incredibly soft, making me want to run my hands through his short curls, his hands are tucked in his pockets like Calum does when he's uncomfortable and his loving chocolate eyes look tired as they also study me. Before my head starts coming up with a million questions such as "What are you doing here?" or "How did you get in?", I stand up and throw myself into his arms.

"Happy birthday" I wish as we collide in a tight hug "Oh Cal, Happy 21st birthday"

It's ridiculous how it has only been one day that I haven't seen him but I miss him like it's been an entire year. I could probably say the same by the way Calum holds me firmly pressed against him for longer than usual. I peck his lips about a dozen times before he deepens the kiss and allows me get a glimpse of the taste I have missed.

"I stopped by at your work and you weren't there. You didn't go to work today?" Cal asks once we break the kiss

He holds my face with both hands while stroking my cheek with his thumb and I close my eyes for a moment to enjoy the sweet caress.

"I took the day off" I tell him with a small smile "It's your birthday"

His eyes shift for a moment and I can see the guilt printed in them.

"God, I feel like such a jerk" Calum lets out a sigh "I'm sorry for th-"

"No! No, no, no" I place my hands over his mouth, forcing him to stop talking while tickling his belly with my other hand "None of this bullshit, not today! It's your birthday and we are only celebrating today"

Calum smiles making the sides of his eyes wrinkle before he kisses me again. I don't know how long we stand in the middle of the kitchen in each other's arms, exploring and savouring the familiar feeling of simply being together but I could easily stay here for the rest of the day. Scratch that, I could stay here for the rest of the year.

"How was it?" I ask, resting my chin on his toned chest and looking up at him "Your first legal age kiss?"

From this angle, I have the privileged view of his perfectly round chin, his sharp jawline and his long lashes.

"I'm not sure" Cal says with a teasing smirk "Let me see it again"

He kisses me again and again, saying he needs just one more kiss to be really sure, and of course, I don't mind kissing him just as many times as he wants. Eventually, Calum notices a different aroma in the kitchen and his entire expression lights up when I say I'm baking him a cake.

"No way!" He chuckles "But, baby, you can't cook"

"Hey!" I exclaim in protest "I'm making an effort here. Some appreciation would be nice"

Calum skillfully laces his arms around my waist and lifts me off the floor.

"You don't need to make an effort" He pours into my ear, placing me seated on the kitchen counter "You're already perfect, just the way you are"

I crack the biggest possible smile at him while bringing my hands to play with the ends of his soft hair. It's his birthday and yet Calum is the one saying all the nice things and making me feel beyond special. I still have a hard time believing he's real.

"Lots and lots of appreciation are in order" He hums, displaying the most charming smile on that handsome face of his

"I love you" It's all I can say "I love you so much"

We crash our lips together once again, this time more forcefully. Lacing my legs around his torso, I pull Calum closer to me, eager for more contact. The warmth of his skin engulfs me in such a delicious way and I find myself moaning into the kiss.

"God, I've missed you" Calum says, moving his sweet assault to my neck "Let's never fight again"

I don't have time or the hability to answer him because next, his lips are attacking mine again and my mind is too immersed in him that I bet I wouldn't even be able to say my name. It's instantaneous how lighter I feel under his soft touch. It's like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders. It's miraculous even how much happier I am with him. Cal doesn't even need to say a word, his presence is enough to make me feel better. And it's almost pathetic how much I need him.

"I love you" I repeat for the millionth time and still, it feels like it isn't enough

Calum lifts my oversized T-shirt over my head and tosses it somewhere while I try to get rid of his leather jacket.

"I love you more" He breathes out before trailing kisses down my neck and all the way to my breasts

Cal tugs at my hair making me arch my back, both in pleasure and pain. We have a hard time taking off our pants due to our standing position, but considering the hunger in both our looks, nothing would be able to stop us now.

"The boys can come in..." I say, my voice as uneven as my breath

I help Calum slide the sweatpants down my legs before kissing him again.

"The door is locked" He manages to say and I don't argue with him, even though both Jas and Drew have keys to the apartment

I need him. I need him now and that's the only thing in my mind. The boys can come in and catch us doing it on the kitchen counter but hopefully they won't - and that's good enough for now. I watch with expectancy as Calum strips off his underwear and positions himself in between my legs.

"Fuck..." We both breathe out at the same time when he enters me

I grip on his neck, kissing the skin and press myself tightly against him, craving for as much contact as I can get. Calum grabs my ass as he pushes himself inside of me, making me bite his shoulder to supress the moan erupting from the back of my throat.

"I love you" He says, looking deep into my eyes as he fills me in more ways than one


first, im so so so sorry it took me this long to update, a few things happened and i wasn't feeling very inspired

i promise i'll try to make it up to you all lovely people with another update still this weekend

second of all, REMEMBER is number #1 in 5sosfanfic for the last 4 days and i can't thank you enough for voting, supporting the story and being patient with my writers block 

thank you again ❤❤❤

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