The White Lion Princess

Rubyrose645 द्वारा

187K 3.3K 1K

I was born with a destiny above all destinies. And a friend to help fulfil it. Created from the sun and moon... अधिक

The reunion
Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
Fall of the Castle of Lions.
Tears of the Balmera
Taking Flight
Return to the Blamera
Rebirth, and a secret
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Palidan
The Child of Sun and Moon
Shiro's escape.
Greening the Cube
Eye of the Storm
The Ark of Taujeer
Space Mall
The Blade of Marmora
The Belly of the Weblum
Stayin' Alive
Best Laid Plans
Changing of the Guard.
Red Palidan
The Hunted
Hole in the Sky
The Journey
Tailing a Comet
The Legend Begins
Code of Honor
Black Site
Begin the Blitz
A New Defender
The Prisoner
Blood Duel
Kral Zera
Journey to Find the Truth
The Land of Light
Omega Shield
Razor's Edge
The Colony
The Black Paladins
All good things
Defender of All Universes
The Road Home
The Way Forward
The Ruins
Battle in the ruins
The Journey Within
The Last Stand
Know Your Enemy
Heart of the Lion
Trial by Fire
Lions' Pride, Part 1
Lions' Pride PT. 2
Lions' Pride pt. 3
Launch Date
The Dark One
The Prisoner's Dilemma
Battle Scars
The Grudge
Day Forty-Seven
Clear Day
Knights of Light PT. 1
Knights of Light PT. 2
Uncharted Regions
The Zenith
The End Is the Beginning
Let the Future be bright

Return to Arisa

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Rubyrose645 द्वारा

I slept peacefully that night with my dreams showing me memories of my past.

I was standing in the flower gardens behind the castle, my own personal escape place. Papa had it made for me in hopes that it would help with my illness.

It was filled with flowers whose scents were known to have healing properties. They worked on my people, but barely worked on me.

Although the healing properties never really healed me, I still loved to walk about the beautiful gardens with my mother, father and Allura when she would visit.

I knelt on my knees and sat on my legs as I held a bouquet of my favorite flowers: Crystalias. They were white with a soft pink hue as the light of the sun shone on their petals.

I closed my eyes and breathed in their sweet scent, suddenly, their scent turned sour.

I opened my eyes to see that the flowers were no longer in my hands, instead, I was greeted by darkness and the scent of iron.

I shook violently as I turned my head to look behind me. My cheeks were covered in tears as I saw my beautiful dream, turn into a scarring nightmare.

I saw my parents on the ground, motionless and lifeless.

"A shame that your parents were the first to go, little princess." A menacing voice said behind me.

I quickly turned my head back around to see the assassin who killed my parents, then smiled at me as their blood covered their cloak.

"Are you ready to join them, Zurine?" They asked. The assassin raised the sword in their hand and prepared to swing it down to deliver a killing blow.

I screamed as the sword swung down, raising my arms to protect me and closing my eyes. I didn't want the last thing I saw to be this terrible person.
I waited for the stinging pain of the cold steel blade, but after a few ticks, I felt nothing.

I cracked open my eyes, only to close them again when a bright light engulfed me. After a few ticks, I opened my eyes again and lowered my arms.

I gasped as I saw my parents standing in front of me, smiling happily.

"Mama! Papa!" I shouted joyfully reaching up and holding them tightly.

I heard my mother sniffle as tears fell from both of their eyes.

"My little girl," my mother said weeping, "You've grown so much."

"My little princess," my father said, pushing me away so he could get a better look at me, "You're even more beautiful than I could've imagined."

"How are you here?" I asked, "You're both dead."

My father knelt down and held my hand gently and lovingly, "Indeed we are no longer here in this world to walk by your side, but our spirits are alive for a only awhile."

I frowned and looked down at my father's hands, "So... none of this is real?"

My mother knelt down onto her knees and placed her hands on top of ours.

"This is real my daughter," she said with a small smile, "Our spirits can transport into our loved one's minds and appear in their dreams. However, we do not have enough time in your dreams to explain everything to you. You must come back home, we'll explain everything to you and your friends then."

They pulled away and cried as they faded from my mind.

"Come back home, and the truth shall be revealed." They said, then I woke up.

I opened my eyes to see my white sheets and feeling the warmth of a hand on mine. Once my vision was no longer fuzzy, I saw the tanned hand flinch then take my hand in it.

"Zurine," I heard a voice filled with concern say, "Thank goodness you're awake."

I looked up from my dazed sleep to see Allura in her evening wear. I smiled and sat up, that in turn woke up Luna who was sleeping by my side.

My white lion friend sat up and licked my face with excitement. I laughed as she finally stopped licking me.

I sat up and looked at Allura, "Good morning Allura." I said, "How long have you been here?"

"I arrived in your room early this morning," Allura said, "I was about to get dressed when I heard you wimpering in your sleep. I was worried so I came in, you were crying and tossing and turning in your sleep. So I stayed by your side until you stopped a few doboshes ago."

I sighed, got up out of bed and began to change into my royal garments. I decided to change the normal way instead of just magically changing this time.

"My mother and fathet visited me in a dream not too long ago." I said shocking Allura, "They told me to return home, and that they will tell me the truth when I arrive."

Allura walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"Are you sure that you want to return?"

I nodded as I finshed placing the gold bands on my left arm.

"I need to know what happened that day and why."

Allura looked at me worryingly, she sighed, knowing that when I had a determined look in my eyes there was no way to change my mind.

"Alright Zurine," she said, "let me get dressed and I'll see if we are close to the Arisian system."

I smiled and hugged her tightly before running out of the room to wait for any news.

I slowed down near the observation deck, just watching the stars as we sped through space.

I heard the door slid open, I turned around and smiled as I saw Keith in the doorway.

"Hey," he said as we walked over to my side and sat down, "What are you doing here so early?"

I chuckled, "I could ask you the same thing."

He chuckled back, "I just came to relax for a minute. Now it's your turn, tell me why you're here."

I placed a hand on top of his, he turned his hand over and grasped mine.

"I saw my mother and father in a dream," I heard Keith gasp, "They told me that I must return to Arisa and they would tell me what had happened the day they were killed."

Keith removed his hand from mine and wrapped his arms around my shoulders in comfort.

"I wish that I could hug them in real life, but they're only spirits."

I held onto his arms as my tears fell once again.

"We'll all be there for you, Zurine," Keith said sincerely, "I'll be right there for you."

We pulled away and stared deeply into each other's eyes, smiling lovingly as we once again embraced each other.

"Everyone to the command deck, we're reaching a very special destination." Coran yelled through the speakers.

"Let's go." Keith said grabbing my hand as we walked to the command deck.

When we got to the command deck, everyone was in their palidan armor.

"Where are we heading, Allura?" Lance asked.

Allura turned around and smiled, "We're going to Arisa." She said happily.

I smiled and walked up to Allura and sropped by her side.

"Arisa?" Shiro asked, "isn't that where Zurine is from?"

"Yes," I said, "Arisa is my home, where we reunited with each other after you all became palidans. This is the place where my past shall be revealed."

"So we're gonna learn more about you Zurine?" Hunk asked.

I shook my head, "No, we're going to learn about what happened to my parents, and my people."

"Prepare to land Coran!" Allura ordered.

"Right away princess." Coran began the landing process. I marveled at the planet below us.

Arisa, a beautiful planet filled with crystals, green grassy plains and clear blue waters. People from all over the galaxy would travel far and wide to visit for the annual crystal festival.

Which so happens to be my birthday.

We landed near my castle and exited, marveling at the grand palace in front of us.

"After all this time," Allura said, "The castle of Arisa still amazes me."

"Your castle is incredible Zurine!" Pidge exclaimed, "Are we really gonna go inside?!"

I smiled and nodded, "We have to go inside to see my parents." My face fell into despair as we walked through the pristine white gates.

I walked with the others to the throne room, the memories of my father and mother standing in this room, holding meetings, planning events, and simply just playing with me.

The room was a shining blue with gold trims on the walls and rims of the corners. The large throne stood in front of us, made if pure white crystal and the symbol of my kingdom.

"This is the throne room?!" Lance exclaimed. I nodded, walking towards the throne.

I closed my eyes and placed a hand on the symbol above the throne.

"I ask for the spirits of King Arron and Queen Seline to appear before me and my friends." I said. The throne began to shine, and I suddenly felt a hand on mine.

I smiled, opening my eyes and seeing my mother and father standing before me.

"King Arron and Queen Seline," Allura gasped, "It's been so long."

My mother and father stood and walked over with me to the others.

"It has been far too long Allura," My father said, "You've grown so much. You look so much like your mother, but your eyes are just the same as your father's."

Allura smiled sadly as my mother carressed her hands.

"We've heard about your planet Allura. Please accept our deepest condolences." She said.

Allura and the others gasped in surprised, "How did you know about Altea?" Allura asked.
"Our spirits were connected to Zurine and we saw and heard everything after she awoke. But that is not why we asked Zurine to return with all of you."

"That's correct," my mother said, "We need to explain what happened to our planet. My dear, if you would like to explain."

My father nodded and began to speak about what happened to Arisa.

"We've spuspected that Zurine would become someone amazing and powerful," my father started, "Since her birth, things have happened all over Arisa. On the day she was born, the sun and moon collided and stars rained down from the heavens. We took it as a sign that our daughter would have a destiny greater than anyone else's. I plunged into my books and finally found out who she wqs destined to become: the next child of Sun and Moon. The fact that she was born with those golden streaks and her eyes being the way they were, further proved my conclusion. It wasn't long before Zurine was sought out by it her kingdoms."

"What would other kingdoms want with a baby?" Shiro asked.

"To gain power." I whispered.

"How would they do that?!" Keith growled taking a spot beside me and holding me close.

"The children of these legendary reincarnations are said to be powerful in the ways of magic and controlling quintessence," my mother said, "They only wanted Zurine to further increase their power in the eyes of the universe. Of course we've turned down every single marriage request. We wanted our child to live peacefully and find the one she truly loves, be it of any status."

"And I see that she has indeed found love," my father smiled at Keith and I, "I've heard your confession young Keith Kogane. I give my blessing to you both."

I smiled and hugged Keith tightly, my father continued, "We've lived peacefully here on Arisa for years, of course it got even better after Zurine was healed of her illness. She was such a hyperactive little girl, but she slowly grew out it and became so mature. But even after such peace, there were still those who wanted power, specifically, Zurine's power."

"Father, what happened on that day?"

He sighed, my mother's face filled with anguish and sadness, "When Zurine was ten years old, an assassin snuck into the castle and caught us by surprise. It was a man by the name of Salym. He was once a knight of the castle, but soon grew hungry for power. He thought that if he had taken down our defenses or heaven forbid take Zurine as a hostage, that I would throw away my crown and let him rule with an iron fist. He snuck into the castle in broad daylight, and cut us down. We had our backs turned, working on something for Zurine's upcoming birthday. We didn't even have any time to shout for help. We say Zurine run in and cry as we told her to be strong and live for love before we finally left her. A bright light covered the planet and took our people, I don't know how Zurine survived, but I'm glad she did."

Everyone was speechless by my father's tale. Nothing was hidden anymore, and all my questions were answered, except for what the light was.

Suddenly, my parent's spirits began to fade away and the tears fell down my cheeks once again.

My mother and father turned around and caressed my cheeks lovingly.

"We're glad to see you again Zurine," my father said, "I hope that you find happiness without us."

"Young man," my mother said to Keith, "Take care of our little princess."

Keith nodded, "I'll make sure to protect her with my life."

My parents smiled happily, then faded into nothing but memories inside my heart.

Suddenly, the room lit up, we shielded our eyes from the light. When it finally died down, a pedestal rose from the ground.

The pedestal held a diamond crown sitting on a royal purple pillow. A note was attached to the pillow.

I walked over to the pedestal and took the notecard. It was written in my father's handwriting in gold ink.

'Happy birthday to our shining light' it said in fancy calligraphy.

I gently held the crown in my hands. Keith placed a hand on my shoulder as everyone wrapped their arms around me.

"We're sorry." Pidge said.

"It's alright," I said, "I now know what happened to my parents, and that my people are just somewhere in the universe."

I turned around to face my friends, "But now I have a new path in my destiny. I have to find my people and save the universe from Zarkon."

We all returned to the ship, smiling the whole way.

I finally know what happened in my past. And now I know what to do.

I have to save the universe.

I have to find my people.

And I must fight. As a palidan of Voltron, and the future Queen of Arisa.

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