Alpha and A81C7 ~COMPLETE~

By jmL936

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Nathan has been waiting for his mate for three years. He gave up on finding his perfect match after he turned... More

The Escape
Gaining Information is Hard
Shopping Is Horrible
A New Look
A Place to Live
A Good Day
Something's Wrong
She's Close
Being Followed
Interviews Are Complex
Talking With Him
Was That A Threat?
A Planned Kidnapping
Plans Change
Get Them Back!
Goodbye Prison
The Guard
All Together
You Cannot Contain Me
How Long Was I Out?
Where Are We Going To Stay?
Escaping, Again
A Home
Work is Boring
Another Cell
Mor, We Got Kidnapped Again
My Mate
Could We Stay Here?
Getting Settled
Having Fun
A Job
Another Day
A Day Off
My Only Love
Here Again?
You Cannot Fool Someone Thrice
This Time Is Different
Sleep Can Be Awful
A Mother's Love
Be More Careful!
Not Again, Never Again
How... ?
Getting Settled
Till Death
She is Back? Now?


137 6 0
By jmL936

*A81C7’s POV*

When we are almost to the pack, I begin to think about where Nathan would be. He most likely is away from his pack, and I assume he does not want them to know about his condition.

That means, the place must be separate, or have little traffic of other members.

He must not be in his house, since pack members would go to ask him about what had happened, why he was screaming. He would not be outside, or in a pack house.

He could be in a friends house, or a vacant one. I doubt that, since he must feel vulnerable

So, he would need to be somewhere protected, since he is not used to being a human.

He probably wants to figure out what happened to him, and if he is trying to do that…

“Hey, Ash!” Ryker calls, pulling me from my thoughts.

“Yes,” I say, slightly annoyed.

“You were like in lala land or something, man! I couldn't get your attention, anyways, we're here. Mind telling us who we're getting now? Or at least where from?” He questions.

“No,” I state, emotionless. They will not like who we are here for, and I would like to put off telling them for as long as possible.

Ryker rolls his eyes, and Mila huffs. They really do not like the lack of knowledge.

I begin to walk, fairly certain of where I will find Nathan.

The others follow alongside me, albeit reluctant, but unwilling to allow their friend to be alone.

“Act like you belong,” I instruct, seeing other pack members walking around, going about their lives. It would be best for us if we did not draw their attention to us, because I have had quite enough of wolves from this pack chasing me around.

They do not respond, but I see the tension leave their shoulders. I walk slightly slower, appearing more casual, and initiate a conversation.

“So, what are you going to do tomorrow?” I inquire, falsely.

Mor looks slightly apprehensive, before realising what I am doing and responding.

“I’m gonna go shoppin’ with the girls, maybe get some new clothes,” She says with a false grin.

“I’m not going this time, you guys always take forever! Shopping with you is torture,” Archer adds, as another wolf passes. He gives Archer a sympathetic grin, but does not think twice about him. It is working.

“Says you,” Mila interjects.

“No, sorry to say but he’s right. I hate shopping, I have no idea how you guys manage for so long” Axel says, fake emotions on his face as well.

As we get closer to the pack hospital, less people are visible. Almost all the wolves are quite a distance away, and we drop the false smile along with the fake conversation. With no one around, all it will do is distract us.

I walk to the back entrance of the hospital, which is locked from the outside. Walking through the front door will cause too much attention to be drawn, and someone could recognize one of us. Wearing different clothing may disguise us from a distance, but anyone who looks quickly will definitely recognize Amanda as their previous luna even if they have not seen her very much since her mate died.

Wolves often do not forget their luna, even if they retire and relinquish their duties along with their title. Younger wolves, like Archer, Ryker, and Jett do not know her, as they have not seen her since before they first shifted and got their wolves. Other wolves in the pack, however, are older and knew Amanda for longer.

We need to stay unknown.

“How’re you gonna open that?” Axel says, never having seen me pick a lock before.

“Yeah, none of us know how to pick locks, and locks on these doors are almost impossible to pick anyways,” Mila adds.

I just grin at their words, ready to show them that locks do not really matter when you are telekinetic.

“Just watch,” Archer says, a matching grin on his face.

I reach into the lock, pulling the pins and twisting the handle in one swift moment. The door springs open quickly, and I move inside.

Axel looks surprised, but quickly recovers. I guess he is getting used to me.

“Who are we getting?” he questions, not wanting to follow me inside until he knows who we are getting.

I pause, knowing that I really cannot put off telling them who we are getting any longer. I know they are not going to like it.

“We are here to get Nathan,” I inform, avoiding eye contact. I do not want to see the looks they must have on their faces.

“He kidnapped us,” Mor says in a hushed voice, trying to make sure we do not draw attention.

“He did, but he had his reasons. I was his mate,” I say.

“And why do we need to get him? Why is he even in the hospital?” Mor continues.

“I rejected him, and we fought, as you know. WHat you do not know is what I did to him. I did not mean to, I really did not even know that I could do it,” I attempt to explain, my voice wavering with emotion.

“What did you do?” Archer asks, looking concerned. I never show my emotions around others, especially while we are in the middle of an important task.

“I removed his wolf. He is human,” I say.

Ryker and Jett, who have been silent until now, take a small step back.

“I support you, I do, but I can’t help rescue him. Do you know how much he put us through, how much he did to all of us?” Ryker says.

“I’ll stay, but I’m not going in to get him,” Axel, who disliked Nathan because of what he did to us, says.

“Alright,” I say, ready to walk into the hospital alone. I cannot expect anyone to help me, or to understand. They cannot see inside people's head like I can, they have not seen what pain can do to people like i have, so how can I expect the to understand? To trust me? They have not known me long, and really do not have much of a reason to trust me. Even Mor and Archer, despite how much time I have spent with them, have not even known me a year. No one alive has known me for a year.

As the door is closing, I see a foot placed in it.

Archer, Mor, and Zac walk in and allow the door to close behind them.

“Why are you inside?” I ask, wondering why they would step inside. Maybe it was too hot outside? But wolves do not usually get too hot or cold.

“To help ya, of course,” Mor responds, to which Zac and Archer nod.

“But… why?” I question. They should not be willing to help me. They have no reason to, and I must seem crazy right now.

“Because, maybe we don’t understand everything like you do, but you saved Mor and I twice. We’ve lived with you for a few months, and we trust you,” Archer supplies.

“I trust Archer,” Zac adds.

“Okay, we have to make this quick. I do not think anyone here likes me, after what I did to their alpha, and I doubt taking him away will make them feel any better,” I state, beginning to move towards the stairs. Elevators draw more attention, and do not have any escape, so we will have to climb the stairs.

“He is probably on the top floor,” I state, know that due to his unsafe feeling he would like to be in a safe place. What dafer than the top floor of his pack hospital, where he can be treated and still in a private space?

We begin to climb the stairs, and I hope this goes well.

I have no idea what we will do if we are recognized and attacked. Unlike before when we were near the edge, we are in the center of the pack, surrounded by members. An escape would not be much harder, and along with transporting Nathan… I have no idea how we would manage that.

I hate not having a plan for every possible outcome.

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