Snipers Of Chicago Season 2 (...

By RonnaSweeney51317

74.7K 1.4K 543

Make sure to read Snipers Of Chicago Season 1 before this one. You can find Shaylynn & Jay over on Instagram... More

Coming Very Soon...
Chapter 1 "Look At Me"
Chapter 2 "Take Out the BAD To Protect The INNOCENT"
Chapter 3 "Not A Chance"
Chapter 4 "That's My Job"
Chapter 5 "Back In Chicago"
Your Invitation
Chapter 6 " How Big Is It"
Chapter 7 "Dunkin Donuts vs Krispy Kreme"
Chapter 8 "Stay Calm"
Chapter 9 "You Can't Do This"
Chapter 10 "I've Got This"
Chapter 11 "New Toy"
Chapter 12 "Face The Wrath"
Chapter 13 "Crushed"
Chapter 14 "You Need An Assassin"
Chapter 15 "Spidey Sense Is Tingling"
Chapter 16 "You're Messy"
Chapter 17 "What Are You Up To"
Chapter 18 "You're Amazing At What You Do"
Chapter 19 "Home Invasion"
Chapter 20 "Puppet Master"
Chapter 21 "Be Careful With That One"
Chapter 22 "I Almost Lost You"
Chapter 23 "Very Impressive"
Chapter 24 "Bye, Beth"
Chapter 24 1/2 "What Happens Now"
Chapter 25 "Deeply In Love"
Chapter 27 "One Lucky Son Of A B*tch"
Chapter 28 "I'm Not James Bond"
Chapter 29 "I Need Your Help"
Chapter 30 "Double Homicide"
Chapter 31 "Not Messing Around"
Chapter 32 "The Satisfaction"
Chapter 33 "Riverwalk"
Chapter 34 "Ouch! That's Abuse!"
Chapter 35 "Hasn't Been Anyone After You"
Chapter 36 "Not A Chance"
To Be Continued......

Chapter 26 "Always Thinking About You"

1.4K 30 13
By RonnaSweeney51317

Halstead returns home to hear music on very loud coming from upstairs.
Walking up the stairs and to the master bedroom, Halstead opens the door and has Pitbull blasting right at him.

He walks into the room but doesn't see Shaylynn. Looking over at the closet he sees the door's open.
Halstead walks into the closet to see Shaylynn dancing while picking out clothes.
After a minute she turns around and is startled by him, "Shit! You scared me!" she tells him.
He starts laughing, "You don't have to stop dancing," he tells her.
"We have to be getting ready in a little while," Shaylynn tells him as she takes her clothes and walks past him out to the bedroom.
"Why's that?" Halstead asks.
She lays her clothes down on the bed then turns around to look at him, "To go to Molly's. Herrmann's having a singer tonight," she tells him.
"How do you know about that?" he asks.
"I stopped in when I saw Kelly's and Beth's cars there. I had already thanked Beth for what they did but wanted to thank Kelly. That's when I found out," she tells him as she walks over to her vanity.
Halstead walks up behind her and puts his arms around her, "That was nice of you," he says looking in the mirror.
Shaylynn turns around and puts her arms around his neck, "I'm so happy you got over whatever it was of you thinking Kelly and I had a thing for each other," she tells him.
"Yeah, that was silly of me," he tells her, "Kelly made it very clear you two were just friends when he told me that with you around was like having Shay back for him. That's what he's been needing."
Shaylynn looks at Halstead funny, "What do you mean by that?" she asks him.
"He's been so lost without Shay. Their friendship was something special. Once she was gone Kelly changed.  I never noticed until later that with you in his life, it's like seeing him with Shay again. Then Beth came along. For as long as I've known him, I've never seen him so happy," Halstead tells her looking over at the bed.
"What are you looking at?" she asks him.
He looks back at her with a shitty grin on his face, "Quicky?"
Shaylynn starts laughing, "I don't do anything quick according to you earlier today."
"I think I can manage," Halstead tells her as he works on taking her pants off.

They finish just as Shaylynn's phone starts ringing.
Rolling off Halstead, Shaylynn grabs for her phone on the bedside table, "Yeah?" she says.
"Are you and Jay going to Molly's later?" she hears Beth ask her.
"Yeah, are you and Kelly?" Shaylynn asks.
"We are. What are you wearing?" Beth asks.
"Nothing from Forever 21 that's for sure!" Shaylynn tells her laughing.
"I'm pretty sure I have a Prada dress I can still fit into! You're a nasty piece of work by the way!" Beth tells her.
Shaylynn starts laughing, "Bitch!"
"Shut up! I'll see you and my boyfriend at Molly's. Tell him I can't wait to see his cheesy grin!" Beth says.
Shaylynn narrows her eyes, "Cousin or not I will slap you bitch!" she says laughing, "You little shit!"
"Love you!" Beth tells her.
"Love you too! I'll see you later at Molly's," Shaylynn tells her.
"Sure!" Beth says.
They both hang up.
"By that conversation, I take it was Beth?" Halstead asks her as he puts on the pants he'll be wearing to Molly's tonight.
"Yes," she tells him, "She said she can't wait to see her boyfriend and his cheesy grin at Molly's."
Halstead looks at Shaylynn, "And who would that be?" he asks her.
"You," she tells him.
Halstead gets a scared look on his face, Shaylynn starts laughing as she gets up out of bed.
Grabbing her clothes, she heads to the bathroom as Halstead finishes getting dressed. 

Thirty minutes later Shaylynn comes out of the bathroom dressed.


Arriving at Molly's, Shaylynn and Halstead see most everyone is already here.
They see Beth and Severide over by the bar and walk over.
"Hey!" Shaylynn says smiling.
"Congratulations Daddy!" Beth says to Halstead smiling at him.
"I can't believe it!" he tells her, "I'm so happy!" he says looking at Beth's baby bump as Shaylynn walks over to Severide and stands by him.
"Wow! Where did that spring from?" Halstead asks Beth.
"Jay! Can't you remember what happened in that elevator!?" Beth says to him.
Halstead's eyes get huge as he looks over at Shaylynn and Severide not knowing to laugh or not at what Beth said.
Shaylynn narrows her eyes at Halstead, "Have you got something to tell me Jay?" she asks him.
Halstead looks at Shaylynn like a deer caught in headlights, that's until she starts laughing.
"Behave you!" Severide tells Beth laughing.
"Ha! Ha! Aren't you funny!" Halstead says then looks for a chair for Shaylynn.
"I'll stand for now," she tells him.
"No, I'll get you one!" Halstead says as he walks away spotting a patrol officer sitting on one.
While Halstead is getting a chair, Shaylynn looks at Beth, "You're huge already!" she tells her.
"I'm twenty weeks. The baby is bigger than average though," Beth tells her.
"I hope you go a little bit early then!" Shaylynn says.
"Don't scare me!" Beth says.
Twenty seconds later, Halstead returns to get Shaylynn to let her know he has a chair waiting for her.
"DRINKS ARE ON SEVERIDE TONIGHT!" Herrmann shouts with cheers following.
"Of course drinks would be on them when I can't drink," Shaylynn says looking at Halstead as they walk over to the table the chairs at.
He laughs, "I'll drink for you."
"I bet you will," she tells him as she sits down pulling him toward her for a kiss.
While looking around, Shaylynn and Halstead see Severide and Beth kiss, "I'm so glad they're back to normal," she says.
Halstead gives her a look, "Normal? She isn't normal. She's from another planet!" he tells her laughing.
Shaylynn starts laughing at him.
A few minutes later, Shaylynn hears a lot of commotion going on behind her. She turns around to see Severide looking at Mark on the floor.
"Oh my god!" Shaylynn says.
"Who is that?" Halstead asks her.
"That's Mark! Christian's brother!" she tells him.
"Brother?" Halstead questions as Shaylynn stands up.
"The guy who tried to break up Beth and Kelly," she tells him then starts walking over to Severide.
As she walks over, Mark gets up off the floor and walks up on Severide, "I had no idea you two would be here!" Mark tells him then sees Shaylynn standing by Severide, "Where's my brother, Shaylynn? He's been missing since the fire. So has my cousin Brianna!" he tells her.
"I don't know! I would leave if I were you! Half of the Chicago PD is in the bar tonight!" she tells him.
"It's a bit of a coincidence don't you think? You just happen to show up at our local bar!" Severide says to Mark.
"I saw the job online!" Mark tells him as he rubs his jaw, "You have a strong punch for an old guy!" he tells Severide.
Hearing that pisses Shaylynn off. She lays back and punches Mark on the other side of his jaw, "Get the fuck out of here now!" she yells at him.
Halstead quickly walks over to her, "Shaylynn! What the fuck?!"
Mark stands up again, "I think you need to leave!" Herrmann tells Mark.
"Don't ever let me see you in Chicago again!" Severide tells him.
Severide and Casey escort Mark out of Molly's as Beth starts crying.
Shaylynn looks at Beth confused, "Hey! Who are the tears for?" she asks her.
"What?" Beth asks her.
"You better not still have a thing for him! Ouch! I think I broke my hand!" Shaylynn says.
Dawson walks over to her, "Let me see it," she tells Shaylynn, "Herrmann, get me a bucket of ice," she tells him.
"I don't have a thing for him!" Beth tells Shaylynn.
Shaylynn shakes her head at Beth as Halstead walks over, "You crazy bitch!" he says to Shaylynn, "Is it broke?" he asks Dawson.
"I don't think so," she tells him, "Stick it in ice for now. I'll check it again in a while," she tells Shaylynn.
"Thanks, Gabby," Shaylynn tells her.
Dawson smiles and walks away, "What the hell were you thinking?" Halstead asks her.
"I was thinking I needed to punch him!" she says, "As you said, I'm hundred more times deadly when pregnant."
Severide and Casey walk back into Molly's, Severide walks over to where Shaylynn is, "Where's Beth?" he asks her.
"Restroom I think," Shaylynn tells him as Dawson overhears them.
"Do you want me to see if she's okay?" Dawson asks him.
"Yeah, tell her to come on out," Severide tells her.
Dawson walks away toward the restrooms.
Severide looks at Shaylynn, "Are you alright?" he asks her.
"Yeah, I'm fine," she tells him.
"Were you defending my honor when he called me an old man?" Severide asks her laughing.
Halstead gives Severide a look, "Please don't encourage her!" he tells Severide.
Both Shaylynn and Severide start laughing, "I'm going to go and wait for Beth outside the door," he tells Shaylynn kissing her on top of the head.
As Severide walks away Halstead looks at her, "You need to slow down, She-Ra!"
Shaylynn starts laughing, "I like that!"
Halstead smiles, "I figured you would!"
"Here you go," Herrmann says sitting a bucket full of ice on the table for Shaylynn.
She starts putting her hand in the ice and flinches, "Deal with it," Halstead tells her.
Shaylynn sticks her tongue out at him.

Shortly after Shaylynn's hand is in the bucket, Beth and Severide walk up to the table, "Is it broke?" Beth asks.
"I don't think so. It will be sore for a few days," Dawson says.
"Great! It's my special hand!" Shaylynn says smiling.
Halstead starts laughing as does Severide with Beth getting a disgusted look on her face.
"You have another hand!" Halstead says winking at Shaylynn.
"EEEWWWW! You two are disgusting!" Beth says getting Halstead and Severide to laugh more as Shaylynn looks at her with a huge smile on her face.
"Ladies and gentlemen! Give it up for Beth!" Herrmann shouts out.
"Your audience awaits," Shaylynn tells Beth.

After the mini performance, Halstead and Shaylynn say goodbye to everyone and head out of Molly's.
Walking to the truck, Shaylynn can't stop yawning, "Baby making is tough work," she tells Halstead.
He starts laughing as he opens the door for her then helps her in.
After he gets in the truck, he drives off.
Watching them from across the street is the same patrol officer that was watching Halstead at the District.


The next day Shaylynn goes to the District with Halstead.
As soon as they get there, they leave for a case.

Returning a couple of hours later, Upton walks over to her desk to see a huge bouquet of roses sitting there.
She takes the card and opens it, "Wow Hailey! Who sent those?" Burgess asks as she walks over to smell them, "This has to be two dozen roses," she tells Upton.
"The roses aren't for me," Upton says, "They're for Shaylynn," she says looking over at Shaylynn who's standing beside Halstead's desk.
Shaylynn walks over to Upton's desk, Upton hands her the card.
Opening it, Shaylynn reads the message.


You're mine! I'm always thinking about you!

Shaylynn looks over at Halstead, "Thank you for the roses!" she tells him.
He looks at her with a confused look and walks over to her, "I swear to God I didn't send these," he tells her.

"Damn sure gonna find out who did though," Halstead tells her as he turns to walk back over to his desk.

"If you didn't send them, then who?" Shaylynn questions, "I only decided this morning to come here," she reminds Halstead.
Just then Shaylynn gets a surprised look on her face, "What's wrong?" Upton asks her.
"It's Christian!" she says, Halstead, looking at her with a pissed off look.
"Can I talk to you," Halstead says to Shaylynn and starts walking toward the back.
Shaylynn follows him back to the locker room. They both walk in with Halstead shutting the door behind him.
"I thought you said you handed him over to the guys?!" he says to her.
"I did! Something must have happened and he got away!" she tells him.
"How do you know it's him?" Halstead asks.
"The 'I'm always thinking about you' he's said that to me before," she tells him.
Halstead gets a pissed off look on his face, "I'm going to kill him!" he tells her.
"I think we need to take a trip and get out of Chicago for a while," Shaylynn tells him, "I need to call Butch and find out what happened, then we need to leave!"
"Alright, you do all of that and I'll talk to Hank about putting in for furlough early," Halstead tells her.
"Okay," she tells him, "I'm going to go and get a hold of Butch."
"Be careful!" Halstead says then kisses her.
Shaylynn smiles at him and walks out of the locker room.

Making her way outside, Shaylynn walks over to her Charger, gets in, and drives off down the street with a Patrol Officer watching her.
"Hey, are you a new transfer?" another Officer asks him.
"Yeah," he says.
"Welcome to the 21st District Officer Hunter," the Officer says.


The character Beth belongs to Paulinemartin100 

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