Honey Trap

By F0xyAngel

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Part 2
Part 16
Part 17


31 0 0
By F0xyAngel

TWENTY-TWO – Hit Two (No end in sight)

Tony was round at his friends Shabba’s house with a couple of other people in a homemade studio that was put together quite nicely. He was sat on a swivel chair trying his best to involve himself into the heated conversation that was being debated but for the life of him he just couldn’t seem to grasp anything that was an normality ever since finding Marcus and the boys. He hadn’t had a good nights sleep since and whenever he did manage to close his eyes he fell into a nightmare that never changed. Then looking up as Sonya entered the room he saw her greet everyone with a big hello and a wave of her hand and then she clocked him sitting by himself. Giving him a big grin she headed on over to him and sat down on his lap, wrapping both arms around his neck before smacking a big kiss on his left cheek. Then staring into his eyes she saw that he was hurting deep down and she felt so sorry for him.

“How you hanging in there Tony?” she asked as she rubbed his back tenderly.

“You know...life carries on init!” he answered not wanting to reveal his true feeling to her and especially not in front of all these people, so he carried on acting the hard man.

“Sadly that is true Tony, but I can see in your eyes that all isn’t great, should you even be here...maybe you should go home and get some rest babes!” she advised as she moved her hand from his back to stroke his neck instead as softly as she could.

“No I’m cool baby girl, trust me...needed to get out de yard anyway still...been coup inside de yard and it was doing my head in!” he sighed heavily as he enjoyed her tender touch.

“I hear that...well do you wanna get outta here and go back to my place? Or we can go and get something to eat still...” she asked as she leaned forward onto his knee to get a better look at his face.

“You know what Sonya, that aint such a bad idea but I will warn you from now that I am not in the greatest moods...we could get some food from Mr Jerk and carry it round to yours!” Tony said as he held her round her waist.

“Yep that sounds good Tony...come on let’s get outta ere...come!” she said jumping off his lap and grabbing hold of his hand trying to pull him up of the chair. Giving her a helping hand he raised up of the chair and stood beside her as he bent down and gently kissed her on the forehead. Even though she wasn’t his girlfriend he had known her for over a decade since they were kids. They had ran in the same circles and as they got older they decided mutually to take their relationship to another level with becoming friends with benefits. It worked extremely well and even though she had another significant that she had been dating for over a year they didn’t flaunt the fact that they were sleeping together. All their peers knew about them but luckily for Sonya her boyfriend had no clue and as long as he was kept in the dark it suited her and Tony just fine. Then as he was putting his jacket on Diamond, Shabba girlfriend came over to where they were standing and said to Sonya in her squeaky high pitched voice “Hey girl, you off so quickly?” 

“Yes Diamond Hun...it was just a quick flying visit really...but I will drop round tomorrow about sixish...” Sonya said smiling at her good friend as she patted down her skirt fixing the pleats back into place.

“Okay fine, but you know what I want my hair done girl...so can you do it tomorrow for me?”

“Ooh I was coming round to sort out my demo still Diamond...Shabba promised me studio time tomorrow and I’ve been waiting all week Hun!” Sonya said as she placed her hand onto Diamonds shoulder.

“Ooh please Sonya...he’s taking me out tomorrow night and there is no way I am going anywhere with my head piece stand suh...why don’t you come round earlier say bout...three or three-thirty Sonya?” Diamond pleaded with her friend as she leaned her head to one side.

“Okay Diamond...shit anything for you but make sure your up because I know you girl...your one lazy cow when it suits you...don’t let me come round and you’re not out of your bed cah I won’t be happy!” Sonya warned her friend, laughing Diamond said “Listen Sonya, I promise that I will be wide awake...what you off too Tony?”

“Yeah Di...gonna head on out but I may pass by later tonight!” Tony answered giving Diamond a weak smile and then turning to go and speak with Shabba. Bending down and interrupting the conversation Shabba was having with some guy he said into Shabba’s ears “Listen up Shabba, mans stepping out now...but I’m ah call you later or may even pop back still!”

“Sure Tony, but you cool though?” Shabba asked knowing full well that his friend was far from alright but he was glad that Tony was holding up well.

“Yeah man...anyway laters!”

“Later!” Shabba replied then carried on speaking with the guy he was first talking to. Straightening up Tony said his goodbyes to a couple of people but not everyone that was in the studio and then walked back over to where Sonya was still chatting away with Diamond. Upon seeing him approaching Sonya kissed Diamond goodbye on both her cheeks and then followed Tony out of the room. As they made their way out of the house that Shabba shared with his parents he was stopped by Mrs Watson, Shabba’s mother who was quite young and trendy.

“Hello momma...you cool?” Tony asked as he always did when he saw her, showing respect to his friends mother who had no problem accommodating her sons many of friends into her home.

“Yes Tony I am fine, how are you holding up since that messy business with Marcus?” she asked as she stepped forward and rubbed his arm.

“Just taking each day as it comes Mrs W...but I’m okay really!” he lied again, he found himself lying about his feelings a lot lately.

“Well have you spoken to Tash recently Tony? Because I have heard that she aint doing too well...they had to send for the ambulance to come for her yesterday day, she collapsed I hear...”

“No Mrs W, I cannot manage to bring myself  to call her yet...I know I should but I don’t really know what to say to her...what can anyone say to her?” he asked shaking his head as the images of Mark and Mike bloodied bodies made their way into his head again.

“I can understand you feeling that way Tony but I hear that she aint talking with nobody at all...nobody Tony, maybe she’ll talk to you...I think under the circumstances you owe it to Marcus to at least try Tony, don’t you think?” Mrs Watson asked softly as she tried to persuade him to go and see Tash. Nodding his head only as he didn’t even reply because he didn’t want to make any promises that he knew he couldn’t keep but he didn’t want to show any disrespect to Mrs Watson. Then when Sonya broke the silence by gently edging him forward and saying to Mrs Watson “Well Mrs W...were gonna be off now, so I will see you tomorrow when I come back okay!”

“Okay Sonya...but Tony, I have just finished cooking a pot of goat, why not stop and have something to eat nuh!” Mrs Watson asked as she pointed back toward her kitchen where you could see the pot on the stove through the opened door.

“Were actually in a rush Mrs W...” Sonya answered for Tony as she knew that if she didn’t they would never get out of the house for now.

“Well in that case, let me put some food in a container for you to take then...it won’t take me no time at all!” Mrs Watson said as she turned and went into the kitchen to prepare the food for them to take with them. Smiling Sonya turned to Tony and said quietly so that only he could hear her “You go and wait in the car while I’ll get the food otherwise Mrs W will have us here talking all night bless her soul!”

“Okay...see you in a minute...my car is park across the road!” Tony answered as he headed for the front door and then opening it while she went to sit at the kitchen table. Then shutting the front door, Tony walked outside and waited to cross the road to get to his car. Finally when all the cars had passed by he walked across the road and jumped into his car and waited for Sonya to arrive.  Turning on his stereo he listened as the music started playing and as he leaned back into his seat and closed his eyes. As he lay there thinking of Sonya instead of the horrors that had consumed him he didn’t see or hear the man that had crept up to the car with the gun in his hand. So when the bullet pierced the window and glass splattered everywhere, he didn’t see it coming as the bullet had penetrated his head and he died instantly.

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