Andi Mack Oneshots


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These are one shots of characters from Andi Mack. The couples that will be written in this book are: •Tyrus... Еще

Out At Last *Tyrus*
No Longer A Fifth Wheel *Ambi*
You Wanna Go on a Run? *Muffy*
Akward *Wonah*
Kiss Me *Tyrus*
Fall Formal? *Muffy*
Don't Touch Him *Tyrus*
Safe Space *Ambi*
Movie Night *Tyrus*
Oblivious *Wonah*
Birthday Distraction *Tyrus*
Tyrus, Texts, Titanic, and Chocolate Ice cream
I Care About You *Tyrus*
Valentines *All Ships*
I Don't Care *Tyrus*
A Truly Platonic Relationship *Ambi*
Too Young *Tyrus*
Soulmates *Wonah*
Forgiveness *Tyrus*
Juice Boxes and Graham Crackers *Muffy*
Feelings *Tyrus*
Broken *Wonah*
Betrayal *Tyrus*
Babysitter *Tyrus*
I'm Sorry Isn't Enough Pt. 1 *Tyrus*
I'm Sorry Isn't Enough Pt. 2 *Tyrus*
Jealousy *Muffy*
Blind Date *Wonah*
HP AU Prompt *Ambi*
A Hufflepuff and A Slytherin *Tyrus*
Why So Jealous *Tyrus and Wonah*
Under the Mistletoe *Tyrus*
Meteor Shower *Tyrus*
Why Buffy? *Muffy*
Disney World *All Ships*
Know-it all meet Bossy *Muffy*
Know-it-all meet Bossy Pt. 2 *Muffy*
I See the Light *Ambi*
Summer Camp *Tyrus*
Halloween *Wonah*
My Red String *Tyrus*
Anything You Want To Tell Me *Tyrus*
Ferris Wheel *Ambi*
Virtual Couple *Muffy*
The Usual *Tyrus*
It's A Song *Wonah*
Back To School Boyfriends *Tyrus*
Got The Moves Like Jagger *Tyrus*
Hurt *Wonah*
I'm Sorry *Wonah*
Star Girl *Ambi*
Fake Girlfriend *Muffy*
Believe *Tyrus*
Hurt Part 2 *Wonah*
Jealousy Runs In The Family *Tyrus*
Proud *Ambi*
Whatttttt *Wonah*
Cute Confessions *Tyrus*
The Perfect Gift *Muffy*
It's a Wonderful Life *Ambi*
Movies and Games *All Ships*
Romeo and Julien *Tyrus*
Angry Walker *Wonah*
Slayer *Muffy*
Stupid Quarentine *Tyrus*
Stupid Quarentine Pt. 2 *Tyrus*
Red Roses *Tyrus*
Quarentine Tips from the Andi Mack Ships
The Bet *Muffy*
Being A Girl Sucks Sometimes *Ambi*
Scared *Muffy*
Perfect Boyfriend *Tyrus*
It's just a sprain *Muffy*
First (and Second) Date *Tyrus*
My Prince *Wonah*
Stupid Fiance *Tyrus*
💗Thank You💗
Meet the Parents *Tyrus*
Muffins and Daisies *Tyrus*
Your Name On My Wrist *Tyrus*

Heartbeat *Tyrus*

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The heart monitor was the only sound in the room.

The beeping didn't speed up or slow down, it stayed steady.

Cyrus was trying not to have a full blown breakdown like he had when Amber had first called him.

Now the two of them comforted each other in the silence of the hospital room.

Every so often a nurse would come in, check the heart monitor, and then leave again.

Amber had cried herself out of tears and was now silent and focusing on breathing.

Cyrus knew that if he started crying again then so would Amber, so he had to be strong.

His gaze moved to the hospital bed next to them.

TJ had a cast on his leg, his arm; and his head and ribs were wrapped up.

He looked to TJ's face which was calm, his eyes closed, the color drained from his face.

It didn't look like TJ at all.

It didn't look like the smiling goofball Cyrus knew that he was on the inside.

And it didn't look like the toughest most caring person he had ever met.

It looked like another victim of a terrible accdient.

"C-Cyrus,"Amber stuttered next to him.

"Yes Amber,"Cyrus responded.

"Do-Do you think he'll be okay,"Amber asked, reaching out to squeeze TJ's unbroken, but limp, hand.

"Yes Amber, I do. He is the toughest person I've ever met,"Cyrus yes said,"And the doctors said that the small surgery they did went fine and that he'll wake up soon."

Amber nodded, resting her head on Cyrus' shoulder.

"He's the only one I can talk to Cyrus. I can't lose him,"Amber said.

"I promise you won't,"Cyrus said.

The room was silent except for the beeping of the heart monitor.

"Amber,"Cyrus said.

"Yeah Cyrus,"Amber said.

"I'm gay,"Cyrus said.

Amber lifted her head up and met Cyrus's gaze.

"I know it's really weird telling you right now with everything going on but I just couldn't wait anymore,"Cyrus said.

"Why didn't you tell me before,"Amber asked,"Does anybody else know?"

"Buffy, Andi, and Jonah,"Cyrus said,"I was scared Amber."

"Scared of what Cyrus, me not accepting you,"Amber asked,"I'm a lesbian."

"Not that,"Cyrus said.

"Then what,"Amber asked.

"I was scared that you would tell TJ,"Cyrus said.

"Why would you be scared of me telling TJ. You know that I'm out to him and he accepts me,"Amber said.

"I know Amber,"Cyrus scared,"But you tell him everything and I wasn't and am still not ready for him to know."

"Cyrus, if you told me to keep it a secret I would've, even if it was from TJ,"Amber said.

Cyrus let out a deep breath.

Beeping filled the silent room again.

The door to the room opened, the nurse came into to examine the heart monitor, and then left again.

Still, beeping was the only sound you could hear.

"Cyrus,"Amber said,"Why didn't you want TJ to know? Did it possibly have to do with feelings you may have for him?"

Cyrus blushed and said,"Fine Amber. I'm done keeping things from you. I like TJ but he'll never like me back."

"And why's that,"Amber asked.

"Because he's straight as a square. No rounded edges, just lines,"Cyrus said.

"But what if he's not,"Amber asked,"Cyrus, is it possible that you've been denying the fact that he could like you back?"

"I know he doesn't like me back,"Cyrus said,"I've seen the way he looks at me and I've seen the way he looks at girls. They're completely different looks."

"You're right Cyrus,"Amber said,"They're completely different looks. One look he gives is caring and kind eyes, one you would give a friend. And the other is a look of pure adoration for everything the person is and does."

"See,"Cyrus said.

"He looks at you with adoration Cyrus. He loves everything about you and he will never look at anyone the way he looks at you,"Amber said.

Cyrus blushed and said,"He doesn't look at me that way Amber. That's how I look at him."

"How can you be so oblivious Cyrus,"Amber asked.

The door to the room opened but this time the nurse adresssed Amber.

"Hello miss. I know alot is going on but since you are his only family present we need to talk to you about different ways we can continue from here."

Amber stood up and left the room with the nurse, leaving Cyrus alone with the beeping monitor.

Cyrus stood up and moved over to the chair that Amber had been sitting in, right next to TJ.

Cyrus took TJ's hand in his own and looked at the lifeless face.

"The doctors are saying you won't die. That since you got to the hospital and to the surgery so fast that you're going to make it. Right now I don't know if I can believe them,"Cyrus said.

Still, just beeping.

"You got so hurt TJ and I don't know what I'll do if I don't have you in my life,"Cyrus said,"You have to wake up TJ, you have to. If you don't then I don't know what I'll do."

The heart monitor continued beeping the same.

Tears were coming back to Cyrus' eyes as he continued.

"Why did you have to get hurt TJ? Everything was so good and then this happened,"Cyrus said,"Gosh, I can't live without you TJ."

He stared at the motionless face of TJ, tears still rolling down his face.

"I love you TJ,"Cyrus finally screamed,"I've loved you since the day I first met you, you know why, look at you. You're the cutest thing in the entire universe. Not to mention you're also the kindest, sweetest, smartest person I've ever met. So just wake up because I love you TJ. I hope that's enough."

Cyrus, still gripping onto TJ's hand, started sobbing in the chair.

Not evening noticing the beeping of the monitor.




*beep, beep*

*beep, beep*

*beep, beep, beep*

*beep, beep, beep*

"I love you too Cyrus,"TJ said softly.

Cyrus looked up towards TJ, seeing TJ's  eyes slowly opening and closing again.

"TJ,"Cyrus exclaimed, standing up.

TJ's hand gripped Cyrus' tightly, letting him know he was awake.

"TJ,"Cyrus said again.

Amber came running back in with the nurses.

The heart monitor was now beeping faster and TJ's eyes would open and close again.

Amber ran to Cyrus, who put his arm around her as they watched the nurses.

"Did he say anything, or did the heart rate just go up,"One of the nurses asked.

"He said something, opened his eyes, and then closed them again,"Cyrus said.

"TJ, If you can hear me, it's Amber, your sister,"Amber said,"Please TJ, just move or something."

TJ's hand tightened on Cyrus'.

"Amber, he squeezed my hand. He moved,"Cyrus said.

"His breathing and heart rate are normal now but something made his heart beat go up. He's definetly awake, maybe if we leave you can get him to open his eyes more,"Another nurse said leaving with the others.

"What did you do to make his heart rate increase. Did you say something,"Amber asked Cyrus.

"He-he said alot of things. Somewhere in there he told me he loved me,"TJ said, his eyes open.

Cyrus blushed, Amber looked at TJ.

"TJ, I'm so happy your alright. I couldn't survive without you,"Amber said.

"It hurts Amber,"TJ said gently touching his chest.

"I know it does. Don't talk TJ. Just stay awake for a while if you can,"Amber said.

TJ nodded, the nurses reentering the room.

"We need to talk about it Cyrus,"TJ said to the boy who was currently sitting on the end of his bed.

TJ had been realeased from the hospital when his ribs were mostly healed, but was put on bed rest and house arrest.

"Talk about what,"Cyrus asked playing like he didn't know what TJ was talking about.

"About the reason I woke up. The words that you said that caused my heart rate to increase,"TJ said.

Cyrus looked into TJ's eyes and then to his broken leg and arm.

"Cyrus, You told me you loved me and I told you I loved you,"TJ said,"We've gotten that far but we can't keep brushing it to the side."

Cyrus looked down and fiddled with his hands.

TJ had had enough.

He leaned forward and grabbed Cyrus' hand with his unbroken one.

"Cyrus, you have to talk to me,"TJ said,"If you don't love me then you can say that. If you don't like guys you can say that. But we have to talk."

"I love you TJ,"Cyrus said looking up,"But I'm scared."

"Scared of what, this,"TJ asked holding up their intwined hands.

"No, scared of me, messing up the best thing I've ever had. I've only been in one relationship and that was with a girl. Then I realized how much I care about you and I didn't want to mess it up."

"Cyrus, you could never,"TJ started.

"I didn't think you would hear me when I told you that day. And I assumed when you responded you were just tired and didn't know what was happening,"Cyrus said,"So I didn't want to talk about it because I was afraid you would break my heart. And that's already happened too many times."

Cyrus looked up to TJ with tears in his eyes.

TJ took his hand from Cyrus' and wiped the tears off of his cheek before resting his hand their.

"I would never break your heart Muffin,"TJ said.

Cyrus relaxed into TJ's touch.

"I love you TJ,"Cyrus said, opening his eyes to stay at TJ.

"I love you too. So how about we go on a date when I can leave the house,"TJ suggested.

Cyrus nodded.

"Okay, then it's a date,"TJ said.

"It's a date."

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