The White Lion Princess

By Rubyrose645

187K 3.3K 1K

I was born with a destiny above all destinies. And a friend to help fulfil it. Created from the sun and moon... More

The reunion
Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
Fall of the Castle of Lions.
Tears of the Balmera
Taking Flight
Return to the Blamera
Rebirth, and a secret
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Palidan
The Child of Sun and Moon
Shiro's escape.
Eye of the Storm
The Ark of Taujeer
Return to Arisa
Space Mall
The Blade of Marmora
The Belly of the Weblum
Stayin' Alive
Best Laid Plans
Changing of the Guard.
Red Palidan
The Hunted
Hole in the Sky
The Journey
Tailing a Comet
The Legend Begins
Code of Honor
Black Site
Begin the Blitz
A New Defender
The Prisoner
Blood Duel
Kral Zera
Journey to Find the Truth
The Land of Light
Omega Shield
Razor's Edge
The Colony
The Black Paladins
All good things
Defender of All Universes
The Road Home
The Way Forward
The Ruins
Battle in the ruins
The Journey Within
The Last Stand
Know Your Enemy
Heart of the Lion
Trial by Fire
Lions' Pride, Part 1
Lions' Pride PT. 2
Lions' Pride pt. 3
Launch Date
The Dark One
The Prisoner's Dilemma
Battle Scars
The Grudge
Day Forty-Seven
Clear Day
Knights of Light PT. 1
Knights of Light PT. 2
Uncharted Regions
The Zenith
The End Is the Beginning
Let the Future be bright

Greening the Cube

3.2K 50 19
By Rubyrose645

What's up all you Votron fans out there! I'm back once again to bring you action, adventure, danger, and romance, even though i suck at romantic feelings.

I hope you guys enjoyed that extra long chapter yesterday. Yeah I know it was long, but I didn't have time to write Thursday, so I added extra details with Zurine's powers.

Anyway, let's get started.

Story start~~~~~~~

We were outside the ship, Coran said that the ship needed some repairs after the battle we had with the robeast.

"Alright, let's hurry up with these repairs. Zarkom could be here at any moment." Shiro said.

I watched with the others as Hunk opened a hatch on the side of the ship.

"Okay panel's up, now what?" Hunk asked.

Coran replied, "Very simple. Just loosen the blaxums on the somoflange."

Hunk and the others were confused when they heard the Altean language and saw the Altean writing on the panel.

"Could you be more specific?" Hunk asked.

"Sorry Hunk," Allura apologized, "he means the poklones on the argoclams."

Hunk turned his heard in slight annoyance. Lance smirked and pushed his friend out of the way.

"Easy, Hunk." He said, "I got this."

I was shocked when Lance began pressing and turning the knobs and buttons on the panel. But then I realized that the things he pressed and turned, weren't correct.

Alarms began to sound and the once blue lights around the castle blinked red.

"Uh oh!" Lance exclaimed worryingly, "That can't be good."

"No, not the smelters, the poklones!" Allura shouted.

"No, no! It's the blaxums!" Coran corrected.

"What are you talking about?" Keith asked. I pushed away from the palidans and followed Pidge to the panel.

"Pidge, can you help?" I asked. She nodded and began carefully looking at the symbols on the panel.

She quickly pressed the correct buttons, while I turned the knobs. We both twisted the handle om the top and pressed the panel down.

"There." Pidge said as the red lights faded.

"We're all fixed now Allura." I finished.

"Well done, Pidge and Zurine!" Allura said happily.

Pidge turned bacl towards the panel and gazed at it with excitement and amazement. I swear that I could see stars in her eyes.

"The tech on this ship never ceases to amaze me!" She said, "It's so mathematically elegant. Its fit is 100 times more frictionless than any exoskeleton we have on Earth. It's.... beautiful."

"It's not a sunset Pidge." Lance said, not as excited like Pidge was about the technology of the Altean castle ship.

Pidge's smiled faded as she looked at Lance for a moment and then back at the technology in front of her.

"You're right, a billion sunsets just happen everyday. Some genius engineer actually built this." Pidge pressed a button and the panel went back into the ship wall.

"Kind of looks like a big delicious curly fry." Hunk said, smiling at the descending panel.

I laughed at his comment, "You should expect Pidge to be excited about new technology like this. Back on Earth, she normally had her nose in a book, researching new technologies and making things of her own."

"Yeah!" Pidge laughed, "And you would help me every time. Even though some inventions blew right up in our faces."

Everyone laughed at our conversations, except for Keith. His arms were crossed, but he had a small smile on his face.

He must still be thinking about the knife he has. I wish I could help him, but not even I can understand what rolls into his thinking mond sometimes.

Hunk groaned as something hit him in the side of the head. He reached up and saw that a blue ball of goo had hit him.

"What the..?" He said, we all looked around and saw more of the goo balls coming towards us.

Shiro looked down at his arm and pulled up his shield.

"All right, we're prepared for this." He said as we all summoned our shields, "Remember your rogue projectile cluster training from the Garrison. First we need a temporary shelt-" Shiro was cut off by one of the balls hit him on the back of the head.

"What?" He said in surprise, turning around to see Lance with his arm stretched out and wearing a sheepish smile.

"Oh, sorry Shiro. I was trying to hit Keith." Lance was then greeted by Keith throwing a ball straight at his face.

I turned and smiled at Keith, seeing that he also had a smile on his face.

"Like that?" Keith chuckled.

Hunk raised his hands and the balls he was holding, "Squishy asteroid fight!" He shouted.

Everyone was laughing and having fun with thr flying asteroids, but Pidge and I were more focused on the asteroids themselves.

Pidge hummed as she took one into her hand.

"I don't tgink these are asteroids." She said. I looked closer at the ball and nodded in agreement.

"You're right Pidge, I can sense that something is not normal about this substance."

"Coran, I'm gonna need a containment unit." Pidge said.

"Just a tick." Coran replied, beginning to send out a containment unit.

"They appear to be some hyper-resilient spore." Allura informed us.

I looked closer at the spore, watching it pulsate in an unfamiliar pattern.

"This bioluminescent pulsing doesn't seem natural," Pidge said, grabbing the containment unit that had been launched, "It appears to be programmed. I think it's a code."

Hunk turned away from the spore fight, "A code? From who?" He asked, turning back towards the fight after he was hit with another spore.

"I don't know," Pidge answered, "I mean, it makes no sense. You can't program a spore."

"Well, if anyone can figure it out, it's you Pidge." Shiro said before getting hit again with another spore.

"Yeah, Zurine will you help me?" I nodded.

"Yes, but before that, we all need to go in for decontamination." I said. We all flew back into the castle for decontamination.

We were first showered with water. Pidge jumping around, saying that it was hot.

Keith was still holding his arms crossed over his chest, even when the soap came in and filled the room with side.

The suds were drained away and water filled the room, submerging us underwater. I was floating near Keith.

"Is something wrong Keith?" I asked him, snapping him out of his thinking trance.

"I'm okay." He replied, "I'm just thinking about some things."

I hummed and nodded as the water drained away.

I stood between him and Pidge as the fans blew us dry. Shiro took off his helmet and smiled, enjoying the wind blowing on his face.

I held onto Pidge's arm, since she was about to fly away with the harsh wind.

When we were let out, Keith went to his room, while the rest of us went with Pidge to see the results of the spore.

Pidge and I were analyzing the spore in the green lion hangar. Luna yawned at my feet when Pidge called everyone to the hangar.

Hunk and Lance looked at the spore, "Oh oh oh, I've seen this experiment. But question," Hunk said, "Why do we need to get electricity from a potato?"

Pidge looked at Hunk with confused eyes, "What? No, no I was able to crack the sporse code with Zurine." She chuckled at her own joke.

"We ran the bioluminescent pattern through a variety of code-breaking sequences, including this homemade turing machine." Pudge explained.

I typed on the computer but explained to the others as well.

"We had to make a few tweaks to the design because, there have been several advancements since he designed it."

"Although, you have to admit, Turing was a shining light in the world of science in a age, where far to many were still-"

"Pidge!" Keith said, cutting her off, "What does it say?"

Pidge snapped out of her trance and smiled, "Oh Yeah!" She turned back to the screen, "'Under attack. Galra. Help.' And then, there are coordinates."

"It's a distress signal. Good work you two." Shiro said, he turned towards Coran, "Get those coordinates in tge castle-ship navigation system."

Coran ran back to the main deck and entered the coordinates. After a while, we arrived at an orange and green planet that I recognized right away.

"This is Olkarion!" I said happily. It has been over 10,000 years since I've been to this amazing planet.

"Princess Zurine is correct," Coran said, "This is the home of the Olkari, a proud class of engineers, builders of vast cities that could change shape at the whim of their creators."

"They have a seemingly magical ability to manipulate solid metal." Allura said.

"With just a wave of their hands, rhey could build a computer inside of a block of steel!" I exclaimed, overjoyed with the sight of the towering cities, and Pidge was just as excited as I.

"How do you know this planet Zurine?" Pidge asked, "Have You been here before?"

I nodded, "Back when I was little girl, I would always enjoy coming here to find new plants, flowers and pieces of technology. I was always drawn here for some reason, and I never knew why."

Coran smiled and turned around, ahoeing off an Olkarion cube he got a long time ago.

He stood straight and said, "My name is Coran, and I'm a gorgeous man."

The cube beeped a few times before repeating what Coran had said in his voice.

I laughed as Pidge was smiling and amazed at the floating piece of technology.

"Why would a society full of literal tech wizards use spores to send a distress signal?" Keith asked.

Pidge stopped being amazed for a moment and turned towards Shiro and Allura.

"Who cares?!" She exclaimed, "When do we get to see that city?"

"Actually, Pidge," Allura said, "the distress signal isn't coming from the city."

I went over to my station anf pulled up the signal frequencies to see that the signal really wasn't coming from the city, but from the forest nearby.

"The signal is coming from the forest." I said, pulling up a picture if the forest near the city on the big screen.

Pidge's excitement died down a lot.

Suddenly, the green ribbon in my hair began to glow as we headed down to the planet's surface.

"What's up woth your ribbon, Zurine?" Lance asked.

I reached up to my ponytail and took out the ribbon, letting my hair fall down my back.

The ribbon was pulsating rapidly, changing from bright green to a dull green.

"Remember when I said that I made some tweaks to all the gifts you have given me?" Everyone nodded, "Well, this ribbon, as well as the other gifts, have been spiritually connected to all of you, as well as the secondary powers it holds. The bright green was Pidge when she was excited to see the city, but the dull gray is something else."

Well," Hunk said, "What's the extra power?"

"The ribbon has been laced and infused with communication and nature crystals. It allows me to communicate with biolife, such as trees, animals, and other things found in nature."

We flew down to Olkarion in our lions towards the forest.

"Why doesn't anyone send a distress signal from a cool place?" Pidge asked, disappointed to not see the city, "I hate the outdoors, nothing but, sunburn and poison Oak."

Keith and I on the other hand, enjoyed the peace and quiet of the outdoors.

Suddenly, a wave of arrows shot into our lions.

"What was that?" Hunk asked.

"Are.. Are we being attacked?" Keith followed the question.

I felt the subtle, yet familiar feeling of the Olkari. I smiled when I recognized the sensation.

"Do you feel it white?" I asked.

"Yes child, the Olkari are still strong, and their technology is still remarkable." White answered as she purred.

"What ever it is, it's dragging my lion down to the surface." Shiro said as our lions flew down.

"Yeah something's making blue go down too." Lance said.

As we approached the ground, several machines and people were there waiting for us.

"Are those, wooden mech suits?" Hunk asked as he saw the machines.

"Are you kidding me?!" Lance complained, "We got taken down by a bunch of tree people!"

"Shame on you Lance!" I said, "These 'tree people' are the Olkari. Show respect."

White lowered her head and let me out, my green ribbon shone brightly as I exited my lion.

I walked out and stood infront of the black lion, showing myself to the Olkari.

"We come in peace," I said, "we have found your distress signal and have come to help."

I smiled sweetly as the Olkari marveled at the lions behind me. Then, an Olkari walked up to me and lowered her hood.

"Can it be? Voltron? And the cgild of sun and moon?" She asked in disbelief.

Pidge opened up her lion and held uo the spore she collected.

They Olkari cheered at the hope of freedom, "Praise Lubos!" The Olkari shouted.

The Olkari in front of me grabbed my hand and began to lead us towards a village made in the trees of the forest.

"When the Galra attacked, only a few of us escaped the cities," The Olkari woman began, "we we're forced to flee into the forest."

"How long have you lived like this?" Shiro asked.

"Many decafeebes," she replied, "but, as you can see, our people are resilient. We never stopped evolving, instead, we've adapted our skills into the environment."

I looked over at Pidge, her face stricken with amazement at tge technology in the forest.

We followed the Olkari woman, whom introduced herself as Ryner, around the forest city. Pidge was running around trying to soak in all of the technological advancements from the forest. We watched as an Olkari created a dragonfly drone out of twigs and magic.

"Coran was right Ryner," Pidgr said, amazed at the drone that flew past her head, "Your people really are the best engineers in the universe. To be able to switch from precision machinery, to a bunch of sticks."

I chuckled at her excitement, "The Olkari are indeed engineers, but they also understand nature. I learned about nature on this very planet."

Ryner looked at me with a sweet smile, "Yes dear princess, I was told stories long ago about how the child of sun and moon can connect with nature and all its creatures."

She looked out towards her city, "Nature's designs are superior to any that we could vise."

No offense, but I'll take my computer over a tree any day." Pidge said.

Shiro's face turned from happy to serious, "You two can talk science later, let's assemble Voltron and get rid of these Galra invaders."

Ryner's face filled with sorrow, as did the surrounding Olkari, "It's not that simple I'm afraid," she said sadly, "The Galra have our leader, Lubos."

"This gives us a new problem Shiro," I said, "If we go in and attack, there's a chance that the Galra will harm Lubos. We have to be careful in this situation."

Shiro nodded, "Zurine is right, we'll have to rescue Lubos."

We walked towards a path of trees thst held pods on their branches.

"Umm, Ryner," Keith asked confusingly, "where are we?"

Pidge shifted her glasses as she crept up behind Ryner.

"This, is the armory." Ryner answered.

An Olkari placed his hand inside a flower and closed his eyes. The flower began to glow a shining green light and wrap around his arm, forming a high calculating blaster.

Everyone had their own expressions, mostly amazement and shock, but Pidge was simply happy and amazed at the technological miracle she had just witnessed.

I smiled at the stars in her eyes and the childlike smile in her face.

We watched Ryner place her hand on a tree and concentrate. Suddenly, the tree and a pod on its branch began to glow green. The pod changed form as it fell to the ground. It became a mech.

"Cool!" Lance said.

"Uh, can I, get one of those?" Keith asked.

"There is no need to be shy." I said, walking next to Ryner. She opened a flower and revealed five headbands.

"You can each have one," she said, handing the palidans a headband, "Now, the key to operating it, is understanding the nanocellulose responds to electrical impulses from the neural pathways connected through this."

"Do what now?" Lance asked, staring at his headband, not understanding what Ryner said.

"Mm. Mm! Makes my tongue itchy." Hunk said as he licked the headband.

"How come Zurine doesn't get one?" Hunk asked.

I chuckled, "I don't need one. I can communicate with nature remember?"

I placed a hand on a tree and asked it to grant me a vehicle. The tree responded, gently lowering on of its pods and shaping it into a hover cycle. It was just like when I was back on Arisa.

I hopped on and revved up the engine. I looked back at my friends, who were speechless at what I had just done.

"It's your turn." I said, as if what I had done was completely normal.

Pidge gave it a shot, placing her hand on a tree and concentrating. A pod dropped to the ground and formed a mech.

"Yes, excellent!" Ryner said happily.

"I think mine is just a tree." Lance said as everyone else tried to create a mech.

"You must have a deep connection with nature."

Pidge turned towards Ryner from inside the mech, "Not really," she said, "That's more of Zurine. My allergies and pale skin, don't mkx with outdoor living."

"Pidge is our resident tech expert with Zurine." Shiro answered.

"Well that explains it," Ryner said, "like the Olkari, you understand that, at the deepest level, trees, metal, you, me... we're all made up of the same cosmic dust, all arranged by the laws of mathematics."

"Does this mean I should start gardening?" Pidge asked.

I chuckked, "It means that we both need give our friends a ride."

Keith hopped onto my hover cycle behind me while the others loaded into Ryner and Pidge's mechs.

"This way! To the edge of the forest! To save our king!" Ryner exclaimed.

We reached the edge of the forest, I gasped as I saw a large cube in the distance.

"Their headquarters are impenetrable from the ground," Ryner informed us, "but there is one way in, a small opening in the roof. It goes all the way doen into an open courtyard."

"That's quite a drop." Keith said.

"But there you will have total access to the building. The hard part will be getting onto the roof, undetected."

"That won't be a problem." Shiro said confidently.

"Hey, hey what's that? Is that part of the building?" Hunk asked, pushing Pidge a little to see the large cube neae the tower.

"That's something terrible Hunk." I said.

"Hey!" Pidge exclaimed, grabbing Coran's cube from her pocket and showing it to Ryner, "That looks like the cube Coran gave me!"

"I haven't seen one of those in many decafeebs. We used to play with them as children. But this... only King lubos could have desined one that size."

"Why would they do that?" Keith asked.

Ryner held her head down, "They must have forced him to reveal his designs and reconstruct it as a weapon. From the looks of it, I'd say it's almost finished."

"Okay we need to act fast." Shiro said, "Everyone back to base. I have a plan."

We did as he said and went back to base. We piled into the green lion and used its cloaking ability to drop us off at the top of the tower.

Keith, Shiro, Lance, Hunk and I jumped out of the green lion and into the hole on the roof. Our jetpacks activated to slow our descent.

Once we landed, Shiro used a sensor scan to detect any Olkari biorhythms. After we got a map uploaded to us. I went invisible and took out any Galra soldiers patrolling the halls.

Soon, we came to a door with sobbing and moaning coming from the other side. We silently slipped through the door, with me still invisible.

When we got close enough, we found a scene that made my blood boil.

King Lubos wasn't in any danger. Instead, he was sitting in a chair with plenty of food and watching a soap opera with an Olkari servant beside him.

"Betrayal!" Lubos sobbed, "She loves you!"

King Lubos?" Shiro asked, grabbing thw sobbing king's attention

The king turned around and I dropped my invisibility.

"Yes? Who are you? The jesters I requested?" I growled in fury.

"Umm... we're to, like, rescue you?" Lance said, unsure about the situation we were in.

The king glared at us and slid his finger to alert the Galra. The alarm blared and several Galra soldiers came into the room.

One soldier was large and dressed in different armor.

"Looks like someone came to rescue you, Lubos." he said.

I faced Lubos and growled, "You betrayed your own people to save your own skin! How can you care about your people so little?!" I shouted angrily. Keith had to hold my arm so I wouldn't do something I would regret.

"I do care for my people!" Lubos retorted, "I'm doing this for my people. They wanted to fight the Galra, but they are too powerful! The Galra could destroy us!"

"So you helped enslave your people to build some super weapon?" Lance asked.

Lubos looked dejectedly at Lance, "Don't make me the bad guy, he made me do it." He pointed towards the Galra soldier.

I had had enough. I changed my bayard into a sharpened sword, and pointed it straight at the cowardly king in front of me.

"Did he force that food down your pathetic, cowardly throat as well?!" I shouted, making Lubos and everyone else around ne flinch.

I walked closer to this 'king' rage dancing in my eyes as I changed into my sun form.

"You are no king," I said, "All I see is a pathetic coward who thinks of his own well being than the safety of his people."

Lubos panicked, trying to run but was knocked back by the chained Olkari. Keith grabbed Lubos by the shoulder and held his bayard to his neck.

I held the point of my sword to his heart.

"Okay, we're walking out of here!" Keith demanded, "Anyone tries to stop us and Lubos gets it!"

Everyone was shocked at our actions.

"Whoa, K-Keith! Zurine!" Shiro stammered.

"That came out of nowhere! Especially from Zurine!" Lance said, mostly surprised by my actions.

"La-sai, what are you doing?" Lubos asked the Olkari man near him.

La-sai frowned at Lubos, "the girl is right. You're nothing but a coward who betrayed his people. I can't live this lie anymore."

"Take one wrong mkve and your 'genius engineer' will earn something for his acts."

Instead of being afraid of losing Lubos, the Galra smiled as if nothing was wrong.

"Oh, be my guest," he said, "His work is done. The cube is complete."

Lubos was scared, "What?" He shouted, "But-But I thought we had a deal!"

The Galra ordered the soldiers to put us all out of our misery.

Before they began to fire, I shifted into my moon form and projected a barrier to keep us safe. But not a single shot was fired.

A large blue laser shot through the wall, blowing away all the Galra.

The large hole in the wall revealed the green lion.

"Ride is here!" Pidge said. We all boarded the lion as fast as we could. But the deed was done. The cube began to float as we headed back towards the forest.

We threw Lubos to the ground, where he sat on his knees in a terrified and guilty state.

"What's going on?" Ryner asked.

Shiro stood and explained what Lubos had done, "While your countrymen starved, King Lubos was well taken care if by the Galra."

I stepped up, wanting the explain his treachery as well.

"King Lubos willingly helped him build that cube, willingly helped to enslave his own people to save himself."

Lubos turned towards me as he stood up, "What do you know abiut any of this?!" He asked me, "You're just a girl who knows nothing about the rights and wrongs of a kingdom."

I ran up to Lubos, grabbing him by the neck and looking into his fear filled eyes.

"You have not right to lecture me about the ways of a kingdom." I said, throwing him back down to the ground.

"My name is Zurine Arraine Arisa the first. Crowned princess of Arisa and soon to be queen of my planet. I am also the reincarnation of the child od sun and moon."

Lubos looked at me with even greater fear, "I may be young, but even I have more experience in running a kingdom. A ruler must have the courage to protect their people and to fight against the enemies that want to harm them. You, Lubos, are not a ruler."

I told the Olkari to stand and fight for their freedom, which they whole heartedly agreed to do.

We formed Voltron and flew into battle.

"That was amazing what you said back there." Keith said, "You really know your way around words, Zurine."

I smiled and nodded my thanks.

We found the cube hovering over the waters.

"Lets take this thing down!" Shiro shouted.

We formwd our shield and fired a shot, but it absorbed our lasers and fired it back at us.

"We need ti increase firepower! Hunk, use your blaster!" Shiro ordered.

Hunk obeyed and I provided a little extra power. Pidge objected, but it was already too let.

The blaster fired, but the cube did the same thing as before.

We were hit by the laser as we tried to escape.

"So how do we beat it?" Hunk asked.

"Well maybe if we form our sword, it will cut through the surface and hack right into the center thinking point place?" Lance suggested.

"Can't be any worse than what's happening now." Keith said.

"Lets do it! Form sword!"

Voltron held its sword tightly as it was raised into the air and sliced clean through the cube.

"It's working!" Pidge shouted, but her thoughts were wrong.

The cube split, yes, but into two separate cubes.

"It's still operational!" Re-engage!" Shiro shouted.

Once again we cut through the two cubes, but that just gave us four.

"I don't think slicing is going to work everyone!" I said. The four cubes surrounded us and began firing.

"We can't fight like this! We need to split up!" Shiro yelled. We split into our separate lions and flew away from the cubes.

"Let's see if I can freeze these guys!" Lance said, using his ice blast to freeze a cube. But the cube thawed and fired back at the blue lion, freezing its head.

"So cold! So cold!" Lance said as he froze. Keith mived in and used his fire power to melt Lance.

"Whoo, thanks Keith." Lance said.

Suddenly, I saw Pidge get shocked and knocked down.

"Pidge!" Shiro and I yelled in worry as she fell to the ground.

"Pidge are okay?" I asked, but she didn't answer.

"White I must help." I said she purred as I smiled and concentrated.

"Green lion," I said, "Please, unlock your power."

"Of course princess. Let me bond with Pidge then we'll be ready to fight."

I opened my eyes and lit up with happiness.

"Guys, hang on!" Pidge shouted from the air.

She flew the green lion with great speed.

"Woah, Pidge! What's going on? You're booking!" Hunk asked.

"I'm not sure," Pidge answered, "But I feel more connected with my lion then ever! I know what I have to do!"

Pidge flew high into the air. The green lion formed a cannon on its back and fired a laser at the cube.

For a moment, nothing happened, that is until the cube tried to fire back.

Suddenly, vines sprouted from the cube and wrapped around it. I was smiling while everyone else was speechless.

"Woah, how'd you that?" Lance exclaimed.

Pidge began firing at each of the cubes.

"That's right! Circle up everybody, get some of this!" She yelled as she fired.

Each cube went down, covered I vines.

"Ha, vines" Hunk said, "Well that is not how I'd thought a giant cube of death would go down."

"Great work Pidge!" I said.

In just a few short hours, the Olkari took back their city and the Galra evacuated the planet.

Ryner thanked us for our help and promised that when the time came to fight Zarkon, Voltron could count on the Olkari for help, now and forever.

She turned towards Pidge and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"The spirit of an Olkari resides in you," she said, "the bond between you and your lion has grown stringer than ever."

Pidge smiled, "Without you, I would never have been able to unlock my lion's hidden power."

Ryner turned towards me, taking something out of her pcket and placing it into my hands.

I opened my hands to see a beautiful green crystal shaped into a flower with five petals.

"For good luck," Ryner said, "We don't have many crystals, but we give this to you as thanks for giving us courage."

I thanked her and the rest of the Olkari for the crystal and placed the crystal on my green ribbon. It fit nicely and looked great on my ribbon.

We returned to the ship and played with the cubes we were given by the Olkari.

I held Keith's hand and smiled tenderly at our friends. Lance noticed that we were sitting pretty close.

"What's up with you two being so close all of a sudden?" He asked.

"Yes, in fact, you two have been close since last night." Allura said suspiciously, "What is up with you two?"

I chuckled as Keith's dacw turned cherry red.

"We.. Umm... We're.. kinda dating now?" Keith said.

Suddenly we were engulfed by a bonecrushing hug by Hunk.

"This is awesome news you two!" He said, "congrats!"

"Yes Zurine this is wonderful news!" Allura exclaimed in pure joy, "I'm so happy for you little sister!"

I wrapped my arms around her after Hunk released us.

Shiro walked up to Keith and patted him on the shoulder, smiling all the while.

"Congratulations Keith." He said. Keith smiled and we all celebrated through the night.

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ℓανєи∂єяѕ gяєєи ∂ιℓℓу ∂ιℓℓу ℓανєи∂єяѕ вℓυє уσυ ѕнαℓℓ ℓσνє мє ∂ιℓℓу ∂ιℓℓу fσя ι ℓσνє уσυ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧°.+ ゚✧°•°*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Lance McClain is humble, and he...
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Hi! I've decided to write some voltron oneshots as why not aha. Enjoy these little stories and don't forget to vote and comment as they're deeply ap...
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If your a Voltron legendary defender fan, you will likely find this fan fiction interesting. The main character is a eighteenth old girl named Novaia...