More Chances Than One - n.h.

By snowfluke

213K 1.7K 274

in where a girl's heart is amounted to the number of chances she gave More

More Chances Than One (Niall Horan & Harry Styles Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
~~~~~Chapter 50~~~~~
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
WANTED: Admins For A Joint Twitter Account
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 ~Part 1
Chapter 57 ~Part 2
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Short BUT IMPORTANT Announcement :)
Chapter 71
Epilogue: Tour Days

Chapter 3

4.4K 50 8
By snowfluke

Zayn's P.O.V.

    After a week of practicing today is the day of the performance. We still had 8 hours before the time comes. I'm not a morning person because I'm always grumpy during mornings. Even today I won't wake up early cause Liam kept us up practicing all day all week. Maybe my morning will be as peaceful as I hope it is.

"Wakey wakey!!!!!! Zayny!!!!" Dani and Louis screamed into my ear. Now my day is ruined because they just made me grumpy.

"Go away!!!!" I groaned still tired.

"No we need to get ready ASAP!" Dani yeld. 

"Fine I'll do it!" I stood up only because I have a crush on Dani. That is hard to admit to her so I won't say it just to avoid losing her.

"Here Zayn" Harry passed me my breakfast. I took a seat and started eating then I felt Dani seat beside me. Need to keep calm and just eat pretend she's not here and keep eating. Man, this breakfast tastes great.

"Enjoying breakfast I see" She chuckled

"Uhm...Yeah it's really good." I answered

"Hey why don't you say that to me" Harry whined

"Don't push it Harry" I sent him a glare.

"Zayn get dressed already!" Liam yelled from the living room.

"Yeah, yeah I hear ya keep your pants on." I responded and it made Dani laugh. How adorable is she. She's completely flawless for a 13 year old.

        I ran up to the bathroom and took a shower. The water soothed my body and my stress I can relax for a bit. After the shower I got out and wore the clothes Liam told me to wear. I'll admit that he doesn't have a good taste in fashion but he chose something descent or he got help from Dani maybe.

        The clothes do look good on me. Now I just needed to fix my hair quiff and then I'm all set for the dress rehearsal. It took about 10 minutes to do it but it's all worth it.

"Zayn you ready yet?" Niall asked 

"Yeah, I'll be down soon."

     I went downstairs and we headed of to our school. Performing Arts High School is the best school in the country and also the most exclusive. Then I noticed a huge platform where we are gonna perform. Just looking at it makes me feel all sick inside. This really is the day to make a change in life and get a chance to follow our dreams.(picture of the stage on the side)

        We did a few practice runs before the show so we can picture how we're gonna do it. After that we all got into our outfits for the show. It all suited our styles and we looked all so dashing and as for Dani she was lovely and so elegant. I can't even move my eyes off her.

"Everyone looks great" She complimented

"Thanks" We all chorused. I just hope that I don't screw up the whole thing. This is the biggest most  nervous happening in my entire life.

        The show is about to begin and we were last so no problem here. But wait our group doesn't have a name? What would be great to name it though?

"Hey guys I just realized that our group has no name"

"Yeah ,I guess we don't have one" Harry sighed

"What should we name it?" Niall asked

"Aha I know what!" Dani exclaimed

"What ya have in mind?" I asked completely lost in her eyes.

"How about One Direction!" She suggested it wasn't bad at all. It kinda sums up our style, dreams and goals in life. It's perfect just like her.

"That's perfect!" Liam cheered.

Dani's P.O.V.

       Now that we have a group name there is only one more thing to do. And that is to spread it across the X Factor audience. I'm really excited right now and partially nervous in the inside. Can I even do this? Am I confident enough? Will we succeed or just fail miserably? Do we even have a chance against our competition? Would the judges like us? I need to think strait and positive from now on. Need to breath and concentrate on the present time.

"Are you alright?" Niall asked me I guess I looked white as a ghost but not that much white.

"" I mumbled

"Why is that?" He asked looking very concerned for me.

"Yes because I'm here with you guys and No because what if you guys win but I don't want to be part of the X Factor and I'm being forced just to join. What if everyone hates me and says I'm not fit to be in the spot light then I'll receive hate for everyone in the world." I sighed out

"No one will hate you. Your talented and if they can't see that then stuff them.' Niall cheered me up giving me a big hug.

"Bravo!!! Truly amazing" I heard the MC announced "Now please give it up for One Direction!!!" He sang into the microphone. Then a loud applause filled the room.

"What will you be singing today?" He asked Liam

"Today we're gonna sing Forever Young." Liam spoke into the microphone.

"Well give it up for One Direction!!" The MC shout into the microphone once again. The music stated playing and we sang along to the melody of the song.


Let's dance in style, 

Let's dance for a while, 

Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies, 

Hoping for the best but expecting the worst, 

Are you gonna drop the bomb or not? 


Let us die young or let us live forever, 

We don't have the power but we never say never, 

Sitting in a sandpit, 

Life is a short trip, 

The music's for the sad man. 


Forever young, 

I wanna be, 

Forever young, 

Do you really want to live forever, 


Forever young. 


Some are like water, some are like the heat, 

Some are like the melody of some other beat, 

But sooner or later they all will be gone, 

Why don't they stay young? 


It's hard to get old without a cause, 

I don't want to perish like a fading horse, 

Youth is like diamonds in the sun, 

And diamonds are forever. 

[ Lyrics from: ] 


Forever young, 

I wanna be, 

Forever young, 

Do you really want to live forever, 


Or never? 

Forever young, 

I wanna be, 

Forever young (forever), 

Do you really want to live forever, 


Or never? 


So many adventures couldn't happen today, 

So many songs we forgot to play, 

So many dreams are swinging out of the blue, 

We'll let'em come true. 


Forever young, 

I wanna be, 

Forever young, 

Do you really want to live forever, 


Or never? 


Forever young, 

I wanna be, 

Forever young Do you really want to live forever, 


Or never? 

Forever young, 

I wanna be, 

Forever young (forever), 

Do you really want to live forever, 


Or never? 

Forever young, 

I wanna be, 

Forever young (forever), 

Do you really want to live forever (forever), 

Forever (forever), 

Forever young

    When the song ended I felt so care free and no more worries. It felt amazing like a sensation like no other. But what will the judges say? Did they like me and the boys? What would they say about our voices and poise? I hope this turns out well.

"Wow that was amazing! This is the first time I had said this to a contestant. You guys are absolutely brilliant." Cheryl Cole complimented coming from her it was special.

"I agree with Cheryl your group brought out what fun and talent is all about. Your smiles means you have a long way to go." Gary Barlow added that's really kind of him to say.

"That performance was the best I've seen all night and you might have careers ahead of you." Sharon Osbourne praised us.

"Star quality has been inside all 6 of you. That is a gift that is rarely given to anyone so take care of it." Dannii Minouge adviced wow that is really deep.

"I'll say 6 stars have been born tonight. This is amazing to see youthful people sing with total poise." Simon Cowell commented. Awesome Simon barely gives good comments and now he gave us some. Wow just wow.

"That is amazing receiving compliments from all 5 judges. Now let's see if they say yes." The MC said into the microphone.

      The suspense is killing me. But I don't want to star on the X Factor it's just not me. I want to be known for me not my voice. I want the world to see who the real Dani is and not some singing pop star who dwells on money.

"It's a yes for me!" Cheryl applauded and giving a standing obation

"Same for me you got it!" Gary followed Cheryl and did the same.

"You deserve a big yes!" Sharon did the same.

"You got my likings so it's a big yes!" Dannii stood up and applauded and shared tears of joy.

"You all have big dreams and you'll achieve it because it's a yes for me." Simon stood up and cheered us on.

"Brilliant you all are now in the X Factor!!!." the MC exclaimed

       That felt great but I can't go I won't do it. If only I had a choice but no I have to sing. I need an excuse get away from it all. This isn't going to be easy isn't it.

"May I have a word One Direction?" Simon asked

"Oh sure" Liam agreed.

"It seems we only have 5 slots on the X Factor for single artist so one of you will have to drop out." His voice suddenly faded. It's what I've been waiting for an excuse not to join.

"I'll drop out" I raised an hand and not backing down from my decission

"Wait you can't if you do I'll drop out." Harry panicked "Me too" "Me three" Niall and Zayn agreed.

"Boys please listen this is your calling not mine. I want you all to follow your dreams and fulfill it. Don't let me stop you from achieving it. You guys worked hard just to get the oppertunity now you have it don't waste it. You guys are my whole world and you'll always be no matter what. Don't lose this chance to become what you want to be famous and well known popstars. And you guys will keep in touch through skype and calls even through mail just promise me one thing you'll never lose hope on any standard or any judgements by others you guys are special and you'll always be." I started to cry after saying this but I have to be strong.

"We'll do it but for you" They gave me a big bone crushing hug. 

"Alright then you boys leave tomorrow. A van will pick you up at 9 am so be ready by then." Simon informed. Now I only have a few hours left with them.

Harry's P.O.V.

         We leave tomorrow first thing in the morning. This will be the first time I'll be without Dani. I can't believe she said that she dropped out just for us. I'll miss her she's my best friend and she knows how I feel towards her. We went home to pack and then we were surprised to see our parents giving us hugs. I missed them but I'll miss Dani even more.

"Congratulations!!!!!!!" Our parents sang but I noticed Dani's parents was not in plain sight. Her parents never really cared for her. They thought sending her money would make her happy but it doesn't. Those people are low lifes I don't care if I lose respect for them.

"What's wrong Haz?" The boys asked

"Well ya know Dani's parents aren't here and she's left out" I stated trying to fight my feelings

"But we're her family. Her parents don't deserve a talented daughter like her." Niall explained and he's right. We're her family since the beginning we gave her love and care like no one ever did. I'll look for her then we'll cheer her up.

"Hey mom, can we stay at Dani's house?" I asked for her permission so did the other lads with their parents.

"Why? What happened?" The parents all chorused.

"Well it's about her parents not being here and she's kinda really have no one else to talk to sice we're leaving tomorrow and we'll be gone for a whole year." I explained as brief as I can.

"Oh.. We completely understand please make her happy again." The requested and of course we'll do it.

"Thanks Mom and Dad" We gave our parents big hugs and went to Dani's house.

      We knocked on her door and she answered after a while. She looked like she had cried all day and her hair was a mess but she was still beautiful. We went inside at sat on the couch and I let her cry out everything until she felt a little bit better.

"Do you feel a little better?" I asked and she nodded

"Tell us what's wrong?" Zayn begged

"Well for starters you guys are leaving tomorrow and probably be gone for a whole year or 2. Second my parents never even called to congratulate me and they never will which means I have no one. I'll be alone and forgotten when you all leave. No one will be here to say or make me laugh and smile. My whole life is now gone I lost my family and now I'm gonna probably lose my best friends and never see you again. You guys might not visit anymore or call me or even know who I am." She cried out I can't help but cry at what she said soon enough we all were crying.

"That's not true. We'll always be here for you through thick or thin." I wiped her tears with my thumb and rubbed her back so she'll calm down.

"You'll make new friends cause you're very likeable and beatiful." Liam complimented.

"We'll never forget you memories might be forgotten but not lost." Zayn comforted.

"You know what they say Friendship conquers all so just believe." Niall suggested.

"Smile or no smile you'll always look beautiful." Louis complimented.

"We'll keep in touch there's always skype and twitter." I suggested.

"Thanks for cheering me up." She gave us all a big warm hug and we all hugged back.

"No problem it's the least we can do for everything you did for us." Niall cheered.

"So what ya wanna do for the last time for a while?" Louis asked.

"Being here with you guys is all I want right now." She hugged us more.

        I will always remember this with my whole heart and memory and never forget it. If I could only stay here with her I would but can't she wants me to be happy but it only makes her upset. I'll do my best to make her proud. Right now I'll rest here with her cherishing the whole moment. I love her and that's what counts I'll tell her soon enough.

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