Addicted to Mr Right

By mumsey123

10.1K 296 67

Do you ever get the feeling you cant take anymore? Well alex gets that feeling every time she closes her eyes... More

The Benefit Dinner
The Deal
Is love just a word?
Nannie Blakewood
The Move
The New Job
First Dates
Opening old wounds
Too Much Too Soon
Trauma And Treatments
Out In The Open
Awkward Times
Getting Blood From A Stone
Pushing To Far
Charity Ball
Special Little Lady
Sad Goodbyes
The Dreaded Morning
The Engagement Party
Nothing Stays Away
The End!!!!!!!
The next book

Going From Bad To Worse

271 11 2
By mumsey123

After breakfast Hugh decided we would have a day away from the world, he even turned off his phone which was a big deal I thought since normally it's stuck to his ear!

We sat in his bed and watched movies most of the day. it was lovely to actually see him chill out instead of being so serious.

"Hugh what did Lexi say to you?"

"Does it matter?"

"Well yeh it does"

"She wanted to know how I was doing and if I was free next week to talk things through"

"So are you going to meet her?"

"No, of course not! I told her I'm in a relationship and that I don't want her!"

"How did she take it?"

"Well not good, look do we have to do this I thought we were ok?"

"Well we are, but I wanted to know"

"Ok baby now you know, are we ok?"

"God will you stop asking me if I'm ok, I'm not going to break, your an idiot!"

"Is someone getting big for her boots!"

"My boots fit perfectly!"

We both started to laugh, I was glad as it really started to feel like we were going to have a row.

"You do realise I have to go soon!"

"Why?" he looked at me serious.

"Well we have work tomorrow!"

"And?" he leans in closer making me smile,

"Hugh I have to, remember what we said!"

"I can't remember!"


I couldn't say anything else his mouth was on mine. It felt like a thousand electric currents running up my spine, his tongue possessed my mouth, he bit my lip making me moan.

I grabbed his hair and pulled knowing it made his aroused.

He started to kiss my neck making flutters deep in my belly, I felt on fire how was it that we still have this electrifying connection. Hugh pulled downy sweats and panties, stroking and pulling my clitoris, I could feel myself building.

"Control it Alex, don't let it come!"

"What!!, I don't know how?"

I was panting, I could hardly get my breath, I tried so hard to think of other thing except this hunk of a man doing naughty things to me! it was so hard I didn't even know how to control it so I thought of work and it worked a little.

He started to lick my entrance he then moved on to my anus, I was shocked but very aroused no one had ever licked me there before and it didn't feel to bad, he was back circling my clitoris with his fingers whilst licking me there on my anus, he inserts a finger into my entrance then another. I could feel my self building again and he hadn't used nothing but his tongue and fingers he was so experienced.

I felt in heaven, swimming amongst the clouds it was pure bliss and then it crashed, I felt the pain and I knew, I knew he had done it! the pain surged through me again as he pushed his finger into my anus again, I felt the tears, I felt all the bad shit coming back every bad thing that had happened to me was circling my mind enhancing the pain even more, I just wasn't ready for that trigger to be pushed!

"ARGH!!!!, get off me , get off Hugh now!!!"

"What's wrong Alex?, why are you crying your shaking, fuck Alex what's wrong just tell me!"

I jumped up as soon as he release me, I grabbed my sweat pants and ran to the bathroom. I cried and I couldn't stop shaking, I knew I was having a panic attack I need to get out of here, I put on my pants and opened the door.

Hugh was standing waiting in the corridor I didn't look or speak to him, I knew it wasn't his fault it was mine for not being able to deal with my past, what was harder is the fact he didn't understand because he didn't know, will I ever be able to get past this!

I ran downstairs, quickly putting on my trainers I grabbed my bag and ran out the front door, leaving his house and him behind.

It broke my heart, I wanted to go back and tell him everything but I couldn't, I don't think I'm strong enough, I don't think he is strong enough, not to deal with my shit anyway!

"Hi Francis do you think you could come get me please?"

"Yeh sure, where are you?"

"I don't know, I've just ran out!"

"Right ok, put your tracker on your iPhone and I'll come find you ok!"

"Ok thank you"

"Don't worry Alex, I'm on my way!"

I texted Hugh and told him not to follow me, I need space I said which made me feel like he deserved more of an explanation but what was I suppose to say that I couldn't do it because it set off a trigger caused by joey inflicting pain on me, tying me up and making me bleed, leaving scars on me where he split me, he would never let me go, just kept probing and sticking foreign objects in me, how could I tell him that, I just don't think I could handle the reaction I know he would give me!

I just don't think I will ever be rid of this torment!!!

Francis arrived, I could tell he was frantic, he stopped the car and I felt myself falling to the floor, the panic had taken over which made my body go into shock, everything went dark......

I tried to open my eyes, bright lights beamed in them making them painful, I couldn't speak and then I could feel myself going out again!

"What the fuck did you do to her?"

I heard the anger in francis's voice,

"Nothing, we were having, then she freaked out and ran! now she's here, did you find her like this?"

"As soon as I arrived she collapsed, she hit her head on the floor!"

"Gentleman please, this is not the place to be having heated conversations, she will be fine but I need you to wait in the waiting area please!"

It went quiet, where was I? my head hurt, I was cold and drowsy, what was wrong with me?

"Francis", I whispered, I know he was here somewhere.

"Hello Alex, you hit your head, your ok though your in hospital, your friend is in the waiting room would you like them?"

"Yes!" that's all I could manage all I was thinking of was Hugh, he didn't even know I was here, I hope he's ok!

"Alex are you ok darling?" I felt Francis grab my hand.

"You need to get Hugh, you need to tell him, does he know?"

I couldn't open my eyes, my vision was out of focus and I was really drowsy from whatever they had given me.

"Don't worry baby I'm here, i'll never leave your side I promise!"

" I'm so sorry, Hugh I can't tell you, I'm sorry please don't hate me!"

"Don't be silly, I could never hate you princess, I just wish I knew what made you like this, it's killing me!"

"I'm sorry Hugh"

He knew why I was saying sorry, he knew I couldn't tell him, Francis seemed to click onto what caused this and squeezed my hand tighter.

"Alex, I'm Dr spring, can you open your eyes so I can check your pupils please?"

I opened them, they seemed to focus better, I could see the pain in Hugh's eyes and Francis was paler then I'd ever seen him.

"Right, you have a deep abrasion to your left temple, we have stopped the bleeding and dressed the wound but you will have to stay here for 24 hours for observation."

"I can't, what about work, I'm at work tomorrow!"

" Well we can contact your boss and explain, but you will not be attending!"

"No need I'm her boss, I will sort it"

" Well there you go no need to panic."

Oh god the pain hurt, how stupid was I, now everyone was going to know at work, I think I love him but how will I ever let him love me, things couldn't get any worse!!

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