All That Matters

By angelofmusic36

20.6K 1K 279

This is the sequel to Through It All. If you haven't read that yet, I suggest you do. It's one hell of a ride... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
RIH Rosey
I'm So Sorry!
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 33

300 21 0
By angelofmusic36

Namaste everyone. It's Malaika here. And I know it's been a long ass minute since we last talked so I think a recap is in good order before we begin.


Basically we started a YouTube channel, we're expecting twins and we got a beaskie named Bonnie.

Welp that's over with. Now on to the current stuff:

Mark loves school and he's in the drama department. His school is doing the Wizard of Oz as the spring musical and he has a singing role. He's going to play one of the munchkins and I'm so excited. I refuse to join the PTA because those PTA moms are stress.

Joelle joined a swim team and she is loving it.

Anjali just turned 3. She hates daycare because she thinks they're above them all, but she has a few more years before kindergarten.

Bonnie and Boo love each other. They're like sisters. If you see one, the other isn't too far behind. I think that's what Boo was missing, another dog. She's not as sad as she used to be. Now she's not home alone when we're all out of the house.

Unfortunately when we thought everything was going great, Joe's cancer came back. He told me about it early in our relationship, but we didn't think it would come back. Watching him relinquish the title was so heartbreaking and my emotions were a rollercoaster enough.

The kids, especially Mark, took it very hard. He was terrified that Joe would drop dead at any moment at any time.

BUT with great sadness, there's always light. And that light is.... JOE'S GONNA BE IN A MOVIE. Yeah. You read that right. Joe went to Hawaii to film the Fast and Furious spin off Hobbs and Shaw where he will be playing Hobbs' brother. I'm honestly so happy for him. He really deserves this. And I'm so thankful to Dwayne for reaching out.

We also decided that we're not starting the YouTube channel back up again until Joe is officially back with WWE. That is if he goes back... he may get a taste of the Hollywood life and not want to go back. And that would be fine with me. Less stress on his body.

BUT ANYWAYS now the moment you've been waiting for: Yes the babies are here. They came on February 4th, and yes they are beautiful. Of course. After I had my stomach cut open like a pig at a butcher, we finally got our babies.

Leati Joseph Anoa'i Jr. and Lilo Rani Anoa'i

We have yet to decide if we want to call Leati "Trey" because he's the third Leati or LJ for Leati Jr... Maybe we'll just do both.

On a side note: Sierra and Ferg are doing AMAZING. They didn't officially move in yet, but they have keys to each other's apartments and they tend to leave things there.

AND she doesn't know that I know this, Sierra told me of course, but her cousin Jessica has been texting Dolph. So who knows what will happen there...

So with all of that being said, let's get back to the present.

February 25, 2019
Anoa'i House
Tampa, FL

The kids are already at school and dreading it. They want to be in ATL with their daddy, but dad said "School is more important" blah, blah, blah. "You'll take off for Wrestlemania" blah, blah, blah. "The school year is almost over" blah, di, blah, blah.

"Are you all packed?" I ask Joe. "You sure you have everything?"

"I know it's been a while but I think I remember how to pack for the road." Joe laughs.

"Right. Sorry."

"I'm gonna be fine." He assures.

"I know. I know it's just..."

"Just what?" I shake my head. "Talk to me babe." I sigh.

"Just be careful."

"You worry too much. It'll be fine." I grab his face.

"Hey! You're not fucking Superman. You don't have to do everything." He sighs and takes my hands.

"I know."

"You have 5 kids now. I can't have you fall or break. They need you.... I need you." He sighs and takes my hands.

"I know. I know and I will always be here. Nothing will take me away from you. Any of you." He kisses my head. "Don't worry."

"I can't help it. It's what I do." I sigh. "You have bigger things to focus on. Now go before you miss your flight."

"Ma!" Joe calls out. "We gotta go."

"I'm coming." Patty comes down the stairs after leaving the twins' nursery. "They're just so beautiful." She gushes causing me to smile.

"Say hi to Nessa for me." I say.

"I will." He kisses me. "Love you."

"Love you. Have fun, we'll be watching." Patty hugs me.

"Bye G!" Joe calls out.

"Later!" She says from her room. The two leave and I go into Galina's room with the baby monitor. Galina flips open the covers and I get in. "You don't want him to go."

"Nope. I was hoping we'd have more time."

"He was getting antsy. It was only a matter of time."

"I know... I thought that he would get a taste of the Hollywood bug and want to move away from wrestling. At least for a year. Build his strength before throwing it away."

"He can't be away from the life as long as you can. This is in his blood."

"But with Dean leaving... me not there and all these new people coming in and out..."

"He'll adapt."

"Why are you so optimistic?" I ask.

"One of us has to do it."

"Hm." A baby starts crying on the monitor, causing the other one to cry. "Duty calls." We get out of the bed and go upstairs.


Monday Night Raw
Atlanta, GA

Joe's POV:

Mom, Nessa and I walk into the arena to be met with lots of hugs and kind greetings.

"I'm gonna put my stuff in the locker room and then I have to meet with everyone. You'll be ok?"

"We'll be fine Joe." Vanessa says. "Nia just texted me. We'll meet up with her and Ata." I nod in agreement and go into the locker room to change. When I finish, the door opens and Dean steps in.

"It's been too long bro." I say as we hug.

"Fuck yeah. Too long. How are the kids?"

"Good, good. The babies are just coming along. Anjali misses the shit out of you. I know this was a rough time but she really appreciated talking to you as much as she did. It really helped."

"Any way I can man, you know that. And Malaika?"

"Experiencing the aftermath of having a c-section."

"That must not be great."

"Well she has all the kids and Galina to distract her so she's just taking it one day at a time."

"And this is it? No more?" I shake my head.

"Nope. 5 is the limit. What about you man? Any talks of kids with you and Renee?"

"Nah man. 2 dogs are enough for now." Dean's phone rings. "Speaking of kids." Dean shows me his caller ID, it's Anjali on FaceTime.

"Dee!" Anjali screams happily.

"Hey Princess." He says happily. "I miss you."

"I miss you too Dee."

"Look who I'm here with." He puts the camera on me.

"Hi daddy." She says quickly, waving me off. "Dee, guess what?"

"I'll leave you two alone." I say, shaking my head. I leave the locker room and head to Vince's office to talk about the plan for tonight.


Sierra's POV:

So I'm sure Malaika did some kind of recap right?

Well I obviously don't have as much to recap as her but I have some pretty high points. I'm still dating Ferg and it's been going amazing. We haven't moved in with each other, but we have keys and we have clothes at each other's places.

But the real important thing: FERG IS INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION.

It feels different to date a Champion. Now I finally know how all the other women feel when their men win Championships. I feel entitled... I feel like I won the Championship too.

I'm just really glad to be with him in general. Championship or not.

I'm texting and walking, which is never a good idea, when I bump into someone.

"Be careful there darlin'." I look up and see my boyfriend.

"Ferg!" I say happily. I wrap my arms around him and kiss his cheek.

"Texting and walking. You know that's never a good thing."

"I can't help it. I'm just not that coordinated." I shrug. Ferg raises his eyebrow. "What?"

"You were very coordinated the other night." He smirks.

"Ferg!" I lightly slap his arm and he giggles. "People might hear."

"People did hear. I thought the neighbors were going to say something." I blush and cover my face.

"Was I really that loud?"

"You know I don't mind. I love every noise you make. Even the ones you think I don't hear." I furrow my eyebrows.

"Like what?"

"You make a cute little noise whenever you get sleepy."

"Really? I didn't know that. Anything else?"

"Oh yeah. There's plenty but this isn't the place to talk about it."

Ferg's brother, Ciaran and his daughter are here visiting. I met them for the first time when we were on the Europe Tour. Ciaran was the one who interrupted Ferg when he was trying to do me at his parents' house. They look alike so much I call him Flynn Balor.

As we stroll backstage, I run into Joe.

"Joe!" I say happily. He comes over and hugs me. "I'm so happy you're here."

"I'm happy to be here."

"Congrats on the twins." Ferg says.

"Thanks man. Have you talked to Malaika?" He asks me.

"I was just texting her when I ran into this one." I say pointing to Ferg.

"Literally. She literally collided into me." Ferg says.

"I thought texting and walking wasn't your strong suit." Joe reminds.

"Oh it's not but I still do it." Joe sighs.

"I gotta go find my mom. I'll see you guys later." He leaves us. Flynn and his daughter leave us to get food before the show. I look at Ferg.

"Why are you smiling so hard?" I ask with skepticism.

"What? I can't smile? I'm a smily guy."

"Oh trust me. I know. So what's the reason for this smile?" He pulls me into his arms.

"Nothing crazy. I'm just happy. I got my girl, got a Championship... life is looking pretty good right now." He kisses me. "Yeah. It's looking real good."


Tampa, FL

Malaika's POV:

The kids are all bathed and in their pj's while we sit in front of the TV and wait for Raw to start.

"I'm excited." Joelle says.

"Me too." Mark says. Raw opens up and Joe is met with thunderous applause and cheers.

"Wow." Galina says. "That's... amazing." Joe stops to take a minute to take it all in before going down the ramp to slap hands with fans. He makes his way around and hugs his cousin, Nessa and his mom before getting into the ring.

Joe makes a beautiful thank you speech before announcing that he's in remission and that he's back. Watching the genuine smiles on their faces does make me smile. Colby's music hits and he comes out to greet his friend.

"Mommy? Where's Dee?" Anjali asks.

"I don't know baby girl. He should have been out there."


Joe's POV:

I get backstage and I'm met with applause and cheers. Yeah everyone greeting me is cool and all but I look around for the one person that really matters: Dean. He didn't come out and that worried me a bit. I look around and see him huddled in a corner. I sigh, walk over to him and engulf him in the biggest hug.

"You're alright?" He asks.

"Yeah man. I'm alright." He sighs in content.

"I'm pissed that you didn't tell me before."

"I couldn't man. You know that. Besides, you finding out this way was much more dramatic."

"Fuck you." He chuckles.

"Love you too man."


Malaika's POV:

"Alright kiddos!" I announce after Joe and Colby tag team to help Dean. "Time for bed."

"Mom!" Joelle whines.

"Nope. Bed." Galina says. "We agreed. Your father's segments are over. Bed. Now." Joelle groans and gets off the couch. Mark takes Anjali's hand and they go upstairs.

"We'll be up soon to say goodnight." I say. I look over at the twins sleeping on their cot.

"You still upset?" Galina asks me.

"I shouldn't be. The kids... they were so happy to see him on the screen. And the fans... they've been wanting this for so long. I'm happy he's good enough to wrestle. I'll get over it eventually. I just need time. I don't want him doing anything heavy right now either. He needs to rest."

"That I understand. He doesn't need to fight Brock or Braun for while."

"Fingers crossed Seth swipes that Championship from him at Wrestlemania and we can rid ourselves from that brute." I say. I lean back on the couch and sigh.

"You need to rest." I snort. "It's true. You haven't rested since you got pregnant."

"I can't rest G. Everything's been happening back to back. Me getting pregnant, to Joe's diagnosis, to his treatment, then remission, filming the movie, having the twins and now he's back at work... it's been a long, exhausting ride."

"And look what came out of it." We both look at Lilo and Jr.

"Yeah. Something good did come out of it."


MAJOR TIME JUMP (because I can)

April 6, 2019
New York

"Lilo, please eat." I beg as I try to give my daughter her bottle. She looks at me blankly. "Please? Do this for mommy?" She continues to look at me. I set the bottle down and sigh. "She hates me. My daughter literally hates me."

"Don't be so dramatic." Galina says. I make a face.

"Watch this. Joe!" I call my husband over.

"Yes sweetness?" I hand him the bottle.

"Feed her." He sits down in front of her with the bottle and she happily opens her mouth.

"See? I told you. She hates me."

"She doesn't hate you." Joe says. "It's probably because she sees you more than she sees me."

"So you're basically saying that she's tired of seeing my face? Oh great! She's three months old and already sick of this face. How will she deal for the next like 60 years??"

"Laika, calm down." Joe sighs. He sets the bottle down and lightly burps Lilo before cradling her with one arm and wraps the other one around me. "She is your daughter. She lived inside you for nine months. There's nothing closer than that. She loves you." I look down at my daughter and she looks at me. She whines and sticks her arms out. I smile and pick her up. She rests her head in the crook of my neck and her other hand reaches up and plays with my earlobe. She loves touching that thing. She sighs in content. "See? She loves you. She's just moody. Just like her mom." I roll my eyes.

The hotel door swings open.

"We're baaack!" Anjali says loudly. She, Mark, Joelle and Dean all walk into the room and Dean shuts the door.

"And we have food." Mark says with bags of food.

"Thank God. I'm starving." Galina says as she takes the bags.

"I left Anji's seat in the car." Dean says. "She can ride with me tomorrow."

"What time are they picking you up?" I ask Joe.

"About 11."

"Let's eat." Galina says from the kitchen area. We all sit down and eat while watching the Hall of Fame.

"Are you upset that you're not there?" Joe asks me.

"Um no. I'm glad. Glad that I didn't have to go to the gym to work off more of this baby fat and squeeze into a dress all the while leaving G with all of the kids."

"You need to rest brother." Dean says. "You got a big day tomorrow."

"Are you nervous dad?" Joelle asks.

"A little bit. I mean, I just hope I still got it." I snort.

"Oh trust me. You still got it." I say into my water bottle. Galina snickers.

"Anyways..." Dean says. "Woah." We all watch a guy jump in the ring and tackle Bret and Nattie to the floor before the screen goes black.

"What the hell?" I say.

"Wait, is that real??" Galina asks.

"I'm about to find out." I quickly grab my phone and text Trinity.

Me: Yo what the hell is going on over there???


Holy Trinity: Some guy just jumped in the ring and attacked Bret and Nattie.

Me: Are they ok??

Holy Trinity: They look alright. Nattie's shaken.

"Dude there are videos everywhere." Dean says with his phone in hand. I tear away from my phone and we all crowd around his.

We watch as New Day, Drake Maverick and Heath run to Nattie and Bret's aid while Rhonda's husband and a few other wrestlers beat the living shit out of that guy. He's dragged out of the ring and is almost escorted out when Dash Wilder hits him dead in the face.

"Damn! Dash with the drive by!" I say.

"Why would someone do something like that?" Mark asks.

"Because not every "fan" is a good person." I snort.

"Oh yeah. And that's coming from the guy that got hit in the head with a MITB briefcase." Mark almost chokes on his juice.


"Oh yeah. When I was pregnant with Anjali a "fan" thought it would be funny to throw the briefcase at him at a live event."

"Did it hurt?" Mark asks his father.

"Like hell. But my head is hard so it wasn't too bad."

Eventually the feed comes back and the event continues.

"Alright! Party's over." Joe says when the Hall of Fame ends with DX and water guns. "Say goodnight to Uncle Dean." The kids say their goodbyes before he leaves. We tuck the kids in and say goodnight. Joe flops down on the bed and sighs.

"You ok?" I ask him.

"Yeah. I'm good I'm just..."

"Feeling weird?" He nods.

"I'm glad to be back and I've been training and working real hard but part of me just doesn't feel like I'm ready."

"That's just nerves." Galina says from the lounge chair. "You'll be great as usual."

"She's an optimist now." I say.

"Well somebody needs to be." Joe says causing me to roll my eyes.


Sierra's POV:

Ferg and I walk hand in hand back to our hotel room after AXXESS and dinner.

"I'm sorry you missed the Hall of Fame this year." Ferg says once we're inside.

"Oh please. I'm ok with it. It would have been weird to go without you. But AXXESS was pretty fun too. It's nice to do something different every once in a while."

"Speaking of change..."

"Oh boy, Fergal Devitt sounds like he has an idea. Let me sit down for this." I take a seat in one of the chairs. "Ok. I'm ready." Fergal chuckles and shakes his head.

"So I know that we've been leaving stuff at each other's places, but what if we you know..."

"Like live together?" He nods.

"I—I mean we don't have to if you don't want to. If you think I'm moving too fast."

"Your place or mine?" I say.

"That's up to you." I think about it.

"Yours. I like your place better than mine."

"So it's settled. You're moving in with me." He says happily.

"Yes we are." I smile.


April 7, 2019
MetLife Stadium
East Rutherford, NJ

Galina holds Mark and JoJo's hands while I push the stroller with the twins backstage of the stadium.

"Oo! Hot momma alert!" Xavier says. I look around.

"He's talking about you." Galina laughs.

"Oh. Hush you." I tell him.

"He's right." E says. "Any woman that can have three kids in that short amount of time and look like that... every woman should be jealous." I roll my eyes.

"Thanks guys. Speaking of my kids, have you seen Anjali?" I ask. "She came with Dean and Renee."

"Wait, she was supposed to come with them?" Big E says. "They came alone."

"Yeah. We came in with them and she wasn't with them." I immediately start to panic.

"We're just kidding Ma." X says. "She's with Renee at hair and makeup."

"You sons of bitches. That's not cool." They start laughing. "Do you mind telling me where my husband is?"

"Rehearsing his entrance at the ring." E says.

"Thank you guys."

"You're even hotter when you panic!" Xavier calls out as we walk away.

Trying to find hair and makeup was an absolute maze, but we finally got there.

"Mama!" Anjali says happily.

"Hi baby girl. Enjoying the makeup chair?" She nods happily.

"Renee look pretty." She says.

"Yes she does. Do you want to go see Daddy? You'll come see Renee later." Anjali gets off of Renee's lap and we head out to the ring to find Joe.

"Daddy!" Anjali screams. Joe's head turns as he stands on the turnbuckle. He gets off and jogs up the ramp to us.

"Hello family." He greets happily.

"How's the filming going?" I ask.

"Not bad." He shrugs. "I'm just glad to see you. Oh before I forget, Stephanie was looking for you." He says to me.

"Why...?" He shrugs.

"No idea. She just said that she wanted to see you when you got here. I have nothing to do until showtime so G and I can watch the kids."

"Are you sure?" Joe rolls his eyes.

"Yes Laika we can handle it. Go." I drop the bag and go look for Steph. I swear trying to find anything in this place is damn near impossible. I had to ask like 3 different people where she is. And at last, I finally get her.

"Sorry it took so long I couldn't find you anywhere." She laughs.

"I understand. Come with me." The two of us go into a room with Hunter.

"Hey Hunter." He greets me and we sit down.

"How are the kids?" Stephanie asks. I sigh and lean back in the chair.

"Overwhelming. But they're great. So what can I do for you both?"

"We know that you're not planning on going back on the road anytime soon with all of your kids." She begins.

"So we were thinking, when you're ready, you can be a trainer at the Performance Center." Hunter says.

"Wow. That's um... I'll have to think about it."

"Of course. Let us know when you decide." I nod.

"I will. Thank you." I leave the room and go looking for the ring.

"Malaika!" Sierra calls out.

"Hey girl." We hug. "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too. I feel like you need a girls night."

"Oh yeah. A girls night is waaay overdue." I whine. "How's Ferg?"

"He's good." She gushes. "He's getting ready to get painted."

"Any problems from Cathy?" She shakes her head.

"Not a peep. She learned. Thank goodness." Her phone makes a noise. "That's Ferg."

"Go be with your man. I gotta go find mine."

"I'll see you later!" She says as she walks away. "We'll talk about the girls night in the group chat!" I take out my phone and text my husband.

Me: Still at the ring?

Samoan Freakazoid: Nah. Catering.

"Of course." Once again, it takes me too long to find catering.

"What happened? I was about to send out a search party." Joe says.

"This place is a maze." I sit down next to Mark.

"So what did Steph want?" Galina asks. I sigh.

"They want me to be a trainer at the Performance Center."

"Wait really?" I nod. "What did you say?"

"I said that I had to think about it. I can't just pack up and go to work everyday."

"Why not?" Joe asks.

"Because there's a lot to consider."

"There's nothing to consider. The kids are away at school, Joe's on the road and I can watch the twins." Galina says.

"And what about during the summer? Cause that's coming soon."

"Your parents aren't that far away Laika." Joe points out. "We can do this. You would be a great trainer and it's a little extra money for us, not that we need it."

"You should take the job." Galina says. "It'll be good and it'll get you out of the house because you're going crazy."

"I just don't want to think I'm doing too much."

"Well it's not like you have to go in everyday. You can compromise on what days you go in." Joe suggests. The more I think about it, the more I realize that it could be fun.

"Alright. Yeah. I'll let Steph know."


After Joe finishes his match, he comes backstage to all of us smiling and cheering.

"Thanks." He blushes.

"We're so happy for you babe." I say. I wipe the sweat off his cheek and kiss it. "And you looked really hot out there."

"You did a great job dad." Joelle says, giving him a hug.

"Daddy did good." Anjali smiles.

"And the fireworks were awesome." Mark adds.

"Alright let your father get changed and we'll meet him later." I say. I watch my husband walk away and I smile to myself.

He's back.


April 12, 2019
Anoa'i House
Tampa, FL

"Anjali if you're not downstairs in 2 minutes you're not getting lunch!" I call out from downstairs. Her little feet race down the steps.

"Where's my athletic tape?" Joe asks from the upstairs balcony.

"Right here!" Galina holds it up from the living room.

"Mark did you remember to pack your homework?" I ask.

"I got it mom!" He says.

"Joelle, do you know where I put my sunglasses?"

"You left them in the car mom." She says. We're all scrambling to get out of the house. Joe has live events, Raw, Smackdown and Galina has a photo shoot in Miami this weekend.

"Lunches up!" I call out. Anjali, Mark and Joelle line up. "Ham and cheese for Mark, PB&J for Jali and turkey and cheese for JoJo." Joe is dropping off Anjali and Galina is dropping off Mark and Joelle while I stay at home with the twins.

"Alright. I'm packed." Joe says with his bags in hand. We all have this crazy goodbye circle before everyone leaves. And somehow in all the craziness, Galina and I end up kissing. Like on the lips. I mean it was a quick peck so it was nothing. But still...

"You two kissed??" Renee says on the other end of the phone.

"It was nothing. Just a quick peck in all the craziness."

"I don't know... you two have been getting pretty friendly..." Trinity says.

"She's helping me out with the kids."

"Speaking of, how are my cousin niece and nephew?"

"Sleeping thank God. I just fed them. Leati eats like his father. I swear he was on my breast every 5 minutes."

"Are we still talking about your son? Or is that the dad now?"


"And Lilo?" Renee asks.

"Stubborn as a mule. Extremely oppositional."

"Hm. I wonder where she gets it from..." Trinity says.

"Hush you."

"How are you though?" Renee asks. "I'm sure it's not easy with all the kids." I sigh.

"Nope. It's not at all. And with Joe and Galina gone this weekend... it's gonna be tough but I can do it."

"You're a strong woman Laika. I gotta give you that." Trinity says.

"You know I got a job."

"What? Where?"

"Performance Center. I'm gonna be a trainer."

"That's great. Congrats."

"Hell yeah. I'm happy for you girl." Trinity says. "But don't think that's going to distract us from the fact that you and Galina kissed." I make a face.

"I'm hanging up now. I'll talk to you guys later." We say our goodbyes and hang up. I lean back on the couch and see the twins sleeping.

The girls are overreacting. It was a harmless mistake.



Whew. I'm so sorry for the long ass delay with the update. I've been so busy with work and catching up on sleep from work, I haven't been in the right state of mind to write. But the point is I'm back!

I was really hoping that Roman would stay on Raw with Naomi and the Usos and not leave Seth behind. But I hope Smackdown does him some good. But I am so glad he's ok.

QOTC 1: Best dressed at HOF?
QOTC 2: Best WM moment?
QOTC 3: Movie or movies you're most looking forward to this year?

Until next time: Listen to the album LSD (Labrinth, Sia and Diplo) it'll bless your life.

Coming soon: I don't even know why I do this because I have nooo idea.

Gif of the Chapter:

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