The White Lion Princess

Autorstwa Rubyrose645

187K 3.3K 1K

I was born with a destiny above all destinies. And a friend to help fulfil it. Created from the sun and moon... Więcej

The reunion
Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
Fall of the Castle of Lions.
Tears of the Balmera
Taking Flight
Return to the Blamera
Rebirth, and a secret
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Palidan
Shiro's escape.
Greening the Cube
Eye of the Storm
The Ark of Taujeer
Return to Arisa
Space Mall
The Blade of Marmora
The Belly of the Weblum
Stayin' Alive
Best Laid Plans
Changing of the Guard.
Red Palidan
The Hunted
Hole in the Sky
The Journey
Tailing a Comet
The Legend Begins
Code of Honor
Black Site
Begin the Blitz
A New Defender
The Prisoner
Blood Duel
Kral Zera
Journey to Find the Truth
The Land of Light
Omega Shield
Razor's Edge
The Colony
The Black Paladins
All good things
Defender of All Universes
The Road Home
The Way Forward
The Ruins
Battle in the ruins
The Journey Within
The Last Stand
Know Your Enemy
Heart of the Lion
Trial by Fire
Lions' Pride, Part 1
Lions' Pride PT. 2
Lions' Pride pt. 3
Launch Date
The Dark One
The Prisoner's Dilemma
Battle Scars
The Grudge
Day Forty-Seven
Clear Day
Knights of Light PT. 1
Knights of Light PT. 2
Uncharted Regions
The Zenith
The End Is the Beginning
Let the Future be bright

The Child of Sun and Moon

3.5K 63 31
Autorstwa Rubyrose645

What's up Voltron lovers out the red! We've made it to season 2, one of my favorite seasons by far, maybe. I'll have to make a rankong of my favorite seasons.

I've included a drawing of Zurine up top. I hope you like it, it took me forever to draw and color what with all the shading, and the eyes, not to mention the hair. If anybody knows how to color golden highlights into pure white hair, please tell me in the comments.

Anyway, enough of my babbling, let's get this chapter rolling. We're finally getting to the secrets of Zurine and her destiny.

Hope you enjoy❤☺!!!

Story start~~~~~~~~

I heard the screams of my friends as we were thrown into different parts of the wormhole walls.

I was thrown near Keith and Shiro, but I was still thrown a ways away.

"Zurine!" I heard Keith shout through the speakers, "Are you okay?!"

I barely heard anything after that, because of the interference with the connection through the wormhole.

I felt my strength leave me as I was thrown around the white lion.

"Child," White said, "I recognize this path!"

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the answers you'll need for the future."

I was confused, but my confusion turned to fear as a bright light engulfed us. Memories of that dreadful day rushed into my mind as the light engulfed us.

I held my hands over my temples and ears, blocking the memories from coming.

"No!" I screamed, "I don't want to see that day again!!!"

I screamed once more as the pain of the memories kept coming. But then, another memory replayed in my mind.


I was sitting with my father, playing with my long white and gold hair.

"Papa?" I asked, taking his attention from his notebook, "Why must I have white and golden hair?"

He smiled and pat my head affectionately, his eyes radiating love, "My dear Zurine," he said softly, "You are who you are, because of a destiny bestowed upon you."

"What kind of destiny?" I asked, excited to hear the news of my future, "Am I gonna be a tough warrior? Or maybe an amazing godess? Oh! Maybe I'll be the greatest queen in Arisian history!"

My father laughed as I rambled on about my possible future's. Once I calmed down, he sat me back down and explained something that I'm surprised that I had forgotten it.

"Your destiny is far greater than any of those futures. Your destiny is to help those in need when darkness falls upon the universe."

"Really?" I asked, thinking about the kind of destiny my father had just described, "But if I'm gonna have a destiny like that, then how will I be powerful enough to do that?"

My father smiled as he leaned over beside him, set his notebook down and picked up another book.

I leaned into his lap and took a look at the book in his hand.

'The Child of Sun and Moon' it was titled. I was omce again confused. Father turned through the pages.

I was met with pictures of people, both male and female, young and old, that all had the same characteristics as me.

The same white and gold hair, the gold and blue eyes, but they all looked different in their own way. Each one had a different style that showed off their personalities.

"Who are these people Papa?" I asked.

"These people are the most powerful people in the universe, and soon my dear, you will be added to this book."

"Why's that?"

"Because, before you were born, a prophecy was given to us. A prophecy that will bring you to your destiny."

Before I could ask another question, I heard my mother about towards us.

"The chefs have finished preparing dinner!" She said, "Please come back so we may eat."

I laughed, jumping from my spot on the soft grass and running into my mother's arms.

I didn't think much of it at the time, but I never would've thought that this time I spent with my father, would give me a step closer to the answers to the secrets of my destiny.

Flashback end~~~~~~~~

I slowly opened my eyes, no longer feeling my lion shake. I lowered my hands from my head and looked to see something incredible.

A planet was in front of us, its beautiful white surface glowing as crystals surrounded it like the rings of Saturn.

"What is this place?" I asked no one in particular.

"This is the planet of those who have been sent into legends." The white lion answered, "This is where you shall receive the answers you deserve."

I grabbed the handles of the white lion controls as we landed on the planet.

As we landed, I noticed the details of the planet. The surface was white, but the streams flowed silver. The trees were made of a type of crystal with pale green leaves and beautiful purple flowers.

"Are you here for the answers you deserve?" I heard a woman say from behind me.

I turned around, feeling no ill intent from the person behind me.

I turned around to see a woman, smiling as she walked towards me and grabbed my hands in hers.

I took in her appearance. She had long white and gold hair in a low ponytail. Her eyes were the same as mine, but more wisdom than my own.

Her face was pale, but had more color than my sickly color, and her smile was purer than any gems I have ever seen before.

"Who are you?" I asked.

She chuckled softly, "I am the one who has the answers you're searching for." She said, her voice soft and sweet like the crisp clear air flowing around us.

"Can you tell me about the child of sin and moon?" I asked, "What is this child, and why does everybody keep calling me by that title?"

The woman turned around, leading me away from my lion.

We walked for a short while, at least until my lion was completely out of sight. Finally, we reached a large castle much like my castle on Arisa. Unlike my castle, this one was a shining gold and white crystals sparkling like stars.

She opened the doors, still holding my hand. As we walked down the corridors, I noticed that the walls had paintings of people that shared the same features as the woman and me.

Some were men, some were women and others were children.

"Who are these people?" I asked the woman, "and you never told me your name."

She stopped for a moment, turning towards me and smiled again, "These people are the past children of sun and moon."

I gasped in surprise as I looked back at the paintings. There were so many of them.

We walked for a little while longer, finally, we reached a room filled with rainbow colored crystals.

She led me to the center of the room, where a pedestal was standing.

I glanced at the pedestal, there was a familiar book laying on it.

'The Child of Sun and Moon'

It was the same book my father showed me all those years ago.

"This book contains the answers to your questions." The woman said, opening the book, "The Child of Sun and Moon were children born with great power."

She flipped through the pages amd stopped at a picture to herself.

I read the page, stopping at a name written under her portrait.

"Alita," I said, "So that's your name?"

The woman, now known as Alita, nodded and flipped the pages again until she was at the back of the book.

I almost collapsed when I saw a picture of me, happily smiling at who ever would read the book.

"How can this be?" I asked Alita, "How am I in this book?"

Alita gazed at the book, "This book records the birth and growth of all the children of sun and moon." She said, "Zurine, princess of Arisa, you are the next child of sun and moon."

I couldn't believe her words. I was indeed the child of sun and moon. But it still didn't give more answers.

"Please Alita, tell me the story of the child of sun and moon. What is my destiny?"

Alita motioned for me to sit in the ground. I did as she told me and she sat right in front of me.

She placed her hands on her lap and began to tell me the answers I've been searching for.

"Many eons ago," she started, "The sun, moon and stars were created, and along with those spacial bodies, three spirits were created to move them. The sun spirit, Apollo, was a mighty warrior that shone like the sun in which he protected. The moon spirit, Yue, was as beautiful as the soft glow of the moon. Finally, the spirit of the stars, Sirius was like the stars, bringing just a little more light to the skies."

I listened intently, she flipped the pages of the book, showing me the three spirits. Apollo indeed looked like a warrior, covered in bright oranges and reds that looked like solar flares were rushing off his body.

Yue was beautiful, even in a picture I could feel the same calming effect that I get when I used to watch the moon at night. Her dress was similar to mine when I helped Shiro and Allura escape from the Galra ship.

Sirius, was a young boy covered in shining white clothes. His happy smile was just as bright as his shining eyes.

"These spirits ruled over the universe for a Millenia, until one day, Sirius paased away. Apollo and Yue were devastated, but before he passed, Sirius asked his first and final favor."

"What did he ask for?" I asked.

"He asked that they bring new life to the universe. And so, Yue and Apollo created life across the universe. Many centuries later, Apollo and Yue fell in love and created their own child. This child was deemed as the Child of Sun and Moon."

"So.." I said, "You and all the people in those paintings, including me, are the children of the spirits if the sun and moon?"

Alita sniled a little, "It is a little more than that dear Zurine." She said, "When the first child of sun and moon passed away, the spirit of the child was sent to another child. A chain of new children possessing the spirit of this child grew, one reincarnation after another."

I didn't know what to say.

"Princess Zurine of Arisa, you are the reincarnation of Apollo and Yue's child, Alita."

I gasped and lifted my gaze towards her, "You're the first child of sun and moon?!" I gasped out.

Alita nodded, "But I still don't understand, I've been sickly my entire life. There's no way that I could be as powerful as you say." I said.

"Your power is the most pure that I have ever seen, it is also more powerful than I." Alita explained, "Your body was indeed born weaker than others, but your immense power was too much for your already weak body to handle, causing your condition to worsen until you were saved with the help of the palidans."

This explained everything about my condition. The reason I was so weak and said to die at the age if four.

"Zurine," Alita said, "It is time for you to unlock your true powers, and rid yourself of your condition."

I looked at her, confused at what she had said. Suddenly, several roars ranf through the air. I recognized them right away as the lions of Voltron, including my own white lion.

I ran outside with Alita to see the castle of lions and all the lions landing in front of the white castle.

As soon as the lions landed, all of my friends ran towards me and tackled me into a group hug.

"Zurine, thank goodness you're alright!" Pidge shouted, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Are you okay, no bad feelings or coughing up blood again?" Hunk asked worryingly.

"I'm okay everyone, just overwhelmed by new information." I replied.

They all looked confused, "What do you mean, Zurine?" Allura asked.

I gestured to Alita standing behind me. She bowed at my friends.

"Palidans of Voltron," she said, everyone was still shocked by her uncanny resemblance to me, "You must help Zurine, I can see her condition and she will need to be cured as soon as possible."

"But how can we do that if we don't know how to preform the treatment?" Keith asked holding up an injured Shiro.

"I am in possession of the missing piece," Alita held out her hands. Her hands were engulfed in a pale light. Slowly the light dissipated and revealed two notebooks. One I knew for certain was my father's notebook.

"I have the two halves of the research written by King Aronn. Please, follow what I say and we shall cure Zurine of her condition for good."

Everyone didn't hesitate to listen to Alita's instructions.

"Zurine, sit down and hold your hands together," I did as she said, "Now, everyone circle around her and focus your energy, gently sneding your energy to her."

Everyone did as they were told, standing around me and focusing their energy. The lions of Voltron began to purr, their eyes glowing white and blue in my lion.

I suddenly felt the warmth of everyone and the lions. I took in deep breaths and allowed the energy to flow into me.

Suddenly, we were engulfed in a bright blue light. I felt myself grow stronger, my pain and illness fading away.

I opened my eyes a moment later, feeling even stronger than ever.

"Zurine," I heard Keith say, almost unsure about his words, "Are you okay?"

I looked at everyone, their facws showing both surprised amd confused expressions.

"Yes," I said standing up and smiling, "In fact, I feel so much stronger now. Why do you ask?"

"Well..." Lance said, "You should probably take a look for yourself."

I nodded, turning around and thanking Alita for her help. She smiled.

"There is No need ti thank me dear Zurine," she replied, "Now, you must return to your mission and save the universe from Zarkon's reign."

We all said our thanks and goodbyes and returned to the castle of lions.

Shiro was placed in a healing pod, while I was taken to a large mirror. I stumbled back as I took in my new appearance.

My hair and eyes were still the same, but my skin was now a healthy shade of peach.

My Altean marks, once a shade of purple, were now a bright gold that changed to light blue in a change of lighting.

My royal garments were now a mixture of both of Yue's dress and Apollo's robes.

"What happened to you?" Allura asked, I turned around to face my friends and sister.

"There is so much that I need to tell you." I said, and began to explain what Alita had told me.

I was still amazed at my new appearance, even after I was left to rest a little more, I was still thinking about what the future would bemring forth.

A while later, a knock came to my door. I opened the door to reveal Keith. His face was pink with blush.

"Is there something you need?" I asked.

He sighed and quickly pulled me into a tight hug.

"I was so worried about you, ya know?" He said, "Please, don't ever disappear like that again."

I was shocked by his behavior. Keith was never like this, his voice was never this emotional and his touch was never this loving.

I wrapped my arms around him, returning his hug.

"I promise Keith. I won't worry any of you like that again." I replied.

We parted just a moment later, our eyes made contact. The love in his eyes was something that I have never seen before.

I barely noticed that our faces were frowing closer, until I closed my eyes. A new feeling rushed into me as his lips touched mine.

I felt nothing but bliss, I was at peace as we stood there. Nothing else mattered at this moment.

Story end~~~~~~~~

Thanks a lot for reading, see you next time.

Bye Bye!!!!!!

Czytaj Dalej

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